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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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our children and families commission. madam clerk, can you call items 10 and 11, please. city clerk: item 10: [approving expenditure plan - san francisco children and families commission - public education enrichment fund - fy2014-2015] 10. 140636 sponsor: mayor resolution approving the san francisco children and families commission expenditure plan for the public education enrichment fund for fy2014-2015. 6/3/14; received and assigned to the budget and city clerk: sf 101234 item 1: 14069: [proposed annual budget and appropriation ordinance for selected departments - fys 2014-2015 and 2015-2016] 1. 140619 sponsor: mayor proposed annual budget and appropriation ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for selected departments of the city and county of san francisco as of june 2, 2014, for the fys ending june 30, 2015, and june 30, 2016. city clerk: sf 101234 item 11: [approving expenditure plan - san francisco unified school district - public education enrichment fund - fy2014-2015] 11. 140637 sponsor: mayor resolution approving the san francisco unified school district expenditure plan for the public education enrichment fund city clerk: sf 101234 sf 111234 >> okay. thank you. >> good morning. supervisors
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and colleagues. i'm going to present the first san francisco and children's families budget for fiscal year 15-16. you can see on our first slide the allocation for 14-15 is $27.4 million. we have some in interest and using about $4.7 million out of our reserve. making our total revenue $35 million. with prop 10, the tobacco allocation from first five california. we'll have about a $5.5 million. we have a special project called the signature program which is additional $6 million. this money is targeted to the bayview mission and the valley for programs to enhance the quality of their preschools
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and infant toddler classrooms. we have the race for the top dollars from the state down to us. it's to develop a quality rating and improvement system for early childhood programs. we have interest and mous 1.2 $1.2 million of of our reserves. you can see the major expenditure categories, most of it's goes into programs and program infrastructure and evaluation. again we have a comparison of our programs from 2013-2014 and we are increasing all of our money and you can see by the percentages. you see a pretty significant increase in the program infrastructure. this is about the training and professional development and capacity we are doing. these are major investments.
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preschool enrollment and subsidies about $13 million from prop h and $1 million from prop n. this is from operating grants and reimburse a. and from the capital line for technical stants -- assistance for prefa and competition and wages and some money for higher education for early childhood teachers and family support and curriculum enhancement. that's in child development. in child health we have consultation and children with special needs and healthy kids and fund a multidisciplinary and san francisco general and health
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screening and all are in partnership with dcyf. for family support, we partner with dcyf to fund 25 family resource centers. and then we also have a capacity building line for family resource centers to bridge the work of family support to early childhood education center. this is just a little snapshot of what we've been doing around children and bfa. we are funding about 3280 children in part day or full day presooner or later -- preschool. and the vouchers because they are no longer eligible and we guarantee them a full preschool experience and taking them off the
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waiting list and placing them in some of our pfa classrooms. we are funding preschool phases. this is a pipeline of preschool children that will come into mpa families. this will be about 5.8. next year is $23.2 million. we have invested a million dollars last year and the next year and after for the facilities. we are using our $7 million of prop h reserve for the restoration of the cuts. that's $1.8 million annually. we have our preschool plus money which is about 2.6 million, and a long term investment in family resource centers mental health
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screening and special needs. here is an outlook for prop h, it sunsets as you know next year and will be using our reserve pretty much totally by the time the sunset ends. a little different picture for prop 10. we are making substantial investment using our sustainability fund over the next few years and then in fiscal year 19, we are going flat with the basic tobacco tax allocation. and that's only if we don't get any of the matching fund programs. usually we get an additional $6-7 million. so that's us. >> supervisor avalos? >> >>supervisor john avalos: thank you for your presentation. just a question, a couple questions i had. you have, what is your reserve?
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how much is that amount there. you have user reserve. current year and next year and down to 2.4. if you can explain what the overall reserve is and what is the reason for the big decrease between fiscal year 15 and 16? >> we are using our reserve now. we've been accumulating a reserve over the last 9 years. some of it was slow start up with prop h money, but some we had to use our additional prop 10 $10 to cover it. we grew a reserve. we intentionally, the other thing is we saved money when our, when we were supposed to get a $20 million allocation and reduced because of the budget short falls to 15. we had to keep going. the trigger was pulled for the number of years. this year we have a lot more money, maybe
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$10 million additional dollars. so we have money from our savings. we decided we needed to use that reserve to serve additional children. that's why we did the back fill, the bridge money and the voucher, the preschool plus to drive down. we are just spending it and when it gets reauthorized hopefully we'll continue to cover the cost of providing. >> then, this current fiscal year you have $6.1 million. that's the entire reserve or it gets replenished every year? >> it's 16.5. that's their beginning fund balance. this year, last year we used 6.12, next year for the reserve went down at 210 and next year we are using 7.51. we just keep drawing it down.
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>> okay. then after fiscal year 16 how much do you expect to have left in it? >> i hope to use a couple of million dollars and use in that transition period. >> then after the funds in your slide in 2.5 and 7.4, that's on the base side of the reserve? >> exactly. >> all right. thank you. >> colleagues, any further questions at this point? okay. thank you for being in front of us. >> thank you. okay. next up, dcyf.
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>> good morning, chair farrell and other members of the committee. i'm actually using the projector here. my name is maria sue. the director for derpt of children and youth and families. i would like to thank the mayor's budget analyst as well as the staff. so just a brief background.
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san francisco has a deep and very long commitment to families. in 1991 san francisco became the first city in the country to guarantee funding for children and youth services in voting the amendment in this city charter. every year since then the city has set a portion of property tax revenue to create what is known as the children's fund. the department is the city agency responsible for ensuring that the children's fund dollars as well as the additional resources allocated from the city's general fund and through state and federal grants are invested for direct services and impact for our children's and families in the city. this past fiscal year 13, 14, dcy f invested over $180 million to over 185
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services. our supported programs serve one out of 3 san francisco children and youth plus their parents and extended families including students at every public school and families living in every neighborhood. annual dcyf investment reach more than 56,000 children and youth up to 24. we invest in things such as quality, early care and education, making it available for more than 3,000 children in our city. bringing comprehensive after school programs to more than 10,000 elementary and middle school youth. funding programs serving more than 13,000 children and youth. connecting over 9,000 teens with skill building opportunities, paid jobs and internships that builds real world skills and bringing counseling to 5,000
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teens at public high schools and helping nearly 10,000 parents and caregivers in support programs and providing thousands upon thousands of meals every single summer for our children and families. so during the 2010, 2013 funding cycle you see the base approach on focus on tracking the goals of children are ready to learn and succeeding in schools. we continued this approach for the 2013-2014 grant cycle which includes the dcyf partners. we maintain the outcome on learning and
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success and focusing on wide range of support outcomes are preconditioned to make this impossible. we increase to our summer employment. the mayor has challenged the city department as well as the private sector partners to hire more 81 -- young people from 18-24 to provide meaningful skills and we also increase programming for our younger residents to have meaningful opportunities at camps and other fund programming throughout the city. i invite all of you and other members of the board of supervisors as well as the rest of our city to join us on the steps of city hall this friday at 11:30 as we celebrate the national learning day with the rest of the country. we continuously strive to improve our accountability and quality of services through professional
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development for our cbo partners and having robust evaluations and assessment of our services and working with partners throughout the city to ensure we are leveraging out the resources. so this is our departmental budget. the department's budget is made of four funding sources. children's fund, general fund, grants and the school district fund. the children's fund continues to increase due to the improved economy. about $3.8 millionch additional funds has been added to the funds this year. general fund remains at 3 $31 million due to our very low general fund reduction and violence and it intervention service area as
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well as our nutrition at work. so the department's budget is allocated into four categories. operations, work orders, grants to cbo's and school district. the department operations include dcyf staff, administrative work orders, materials and supplies and rents. it includes our capacity for contracts and provides healthy meals and snacks to programs. this makes up 6 percent of our total budget. do dcyf collaborates with departments and we fund variety of children and youth family programming including early education and wellness
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centers. dcyf provides $24 million in work orders to fund these programs and services. the proposed 14-15 and 15-16 budget includes over $54 million in funding to our community based partners. funding to our partners is the department's second largest expenditure in the 34th expenditure in the budget. the school transfer due to peace and rainy day, the school district transfer is over $70 million and comprises 45 percent of our budget. a couple of our highlights. so i said earlier over 90 percent of the department's budget fund direct children youth and families services. the school
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district transfer funds pass through our budget makes up 45 percent of our budget. with the increase in the children's fund, we hope to be able to use that to continue to support grants that will increase summer services and programs as well as workforce development and opportunities to our young people. we allocate $24 million of funds to other city departments to provide direct services such as mental health services for children on school site, all the high schools, partnering with the human services agency as well as first five to fund the family resource centers which we have 25 throughout the city and then partnering with the office of early care and education to fund and support the early care and education service area for the city. the department continues to of course focus on improving quality and
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providing professional development for non-profit agencies. and building a more robust evaluation and assessment portfolio. and with that, i conclude my presentation. i do want to take a moment to recognize the great work of our cfo, madison who has worked with me at dcyf over the past 5 years. this will be her last year at working at the budget at dcyf. she's going to the department of building inspection. i would like to thank her for being such a great worker and supporter of our department. i'm very thankful that she's
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still staying with us in the city, but it's a huge loss to our department. >> are you in agreement at this time with our budget analyst or still working it out? >> we are in agreement with the budget analyst. >> with the revised. before we go to your report, mr. avalos? >> i would like to thank sue for your work and this will be before the rules committee later on. i know we are trying to create some change in the program an i know it's hard to work for change and we have to understand that things also don't to have stay the way they are when we do that. i appreciate your flexibility. >> thank you. >> mr. rose, can we go to your report? >> yes, mr. chairman and members of the committee. on page 42 of our report, i just handed out some revised recommendations so that our recommended reductions to the
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proposed budget total 446947 instead of the 44207. a slight increase in 14-15. and of that amount, 350,000, they are all on going savings and 350,000 would be general fund savings and for 15-16, instead of 342837, it's now 437777, again which is on going and 350,000 would be general fund savings. as i understand it the department does concur with our revised recommendations. >> okay colleagues, any questions? we don't need to see you next week. before we break for lunch for an hour,
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we are going over 10 and 11. >> good morning, members of the committee, mow unique -- monique from the controllers ochlts the plan submitted by both commissions by the san francisco unified school district on how to piepho allocation is to be be spent. there is a community process that is conducted and the plan is delivered to the controllers office along with the prior year's actual expenses and the performance measures. we do a review of that. this year marks almost the 10 years of the program. so as required by charter, we did a very extensive evaluation of each of the two programs to inform the board of supervisors about the possibility of extending the public education and enrichment fund and that was released to the mayor's and the board of supervisors last
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may. in fact, we did suggest that there have been many improvements. a lot of the performance measures that epa -- each of the two departments attempted to achieve did achieve many of the outcomes that were proposed. for this particular fiscal year, the san francisco unified school district's allocation within the piepho is $15.29 million and plus includes services of $4.22 million for this coming fiscal year. for the first five that you heard, 25.72 million would be allocated for preschool for all. each of the two departments are intending to spend the money for the purposes for which the
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charter school intend. preschool for all is including 100 slots for their program and the school district continues to focus on general education as well as the athletics physical education and libraries and so forth. in our 10 -year report we did identify a number of the key performance issues for both of the divisions and again the schools has improved or increased in a number of areas including the number of officials, athletics contest and number of children that are involved in athletics. it has been tracking the attendance of athletes within the schools and that continues to increase over time. the number of middle school participating in athletics has increased as intended.
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physical education, there are more specialist that are trained than ever before. the percentage of seventh grade students passed the physical test has been approved. and there were many library schools and marked improvement of participation and visual and performing arts over the last 10 years ten years 10 years at the school district. most of their performance measures were to increase each year the number of slots of preschool for all for 4-year-olds. the number of spots included 537 and is a 3225. so that has been a very marked increase. beyond that, the first five commission put a significant amount of money in increasing the credentialing of teachers as well as improving the quality
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of the education for 4-year-olds. so, with that, we are recommending that the allocations be approved in the budget and the board of supervisors as does each year during the budget process approve a resolution and approving the plans for each of the 2 units. >> great. thank you. colleagues, any questions? okay. and my understanding, this is part of our budget so there is no approving anything separate at this time. okay. at this point, we'll go into recess for an hour and we'll be back to start with dph >
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>> >> all right, everyone. we are back with our meeting. we have two departments to go through. the department of public health and health and human service agency. i'm going to ask for the report first so he can leave. madam clerk, please call items 4, and 7-9. city clerk: item 4, ordinance amending the health code to set patient rates and other
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services provided by department of public health effective july 1, 2014 , and making environment am findings. accept and expend grants reoccurring state grant funds department of public health. item no. 9. issuance of tax exempt and taxable lease revenue commercial paper notes, san francisco again hospital and trauma project. no to exceed $41 million. item no. 9. approving expenditure plans human services care fund. >> regarding item 4, on the patient rates and fees we recommend you approve the proposed ordinance. on item 8
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we are covering page 49 and 50 of our report. i would note the $41 million principal amount will require total debt serves services in the full term of the notes. the first payment including interest fees and principal on the commercial paper of $3 million $281, 000 is including in the budget. i recommend on the budget on page 56 total for the department of public health, $3, 862, 049. for 14-15. $1, 896 and one time
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savings. this will allow a $69 million or 3 .6 percent in the 15 budget. in addition we also recommend placing $8, 477, in salary and fringe benefits for committee reserves until such time as the department can provide more detail about increased enrollment in the san francisco health network and the cost of expanded service in increased capacity. on 15-16, a recommended reduction for the budget proposal $2, 491. million. on going savings and