tv [untitled] June 19, 2014 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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>>hearing to consider that the transfer of a type 21 off-sale general license from 424 hayes street to 559 hayes steet (district 5), to ramiz yousef for nabila's naturals, inc., will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco. >> thank you very much, if we could actually now hear from the applicant. >> hello. >> for this license. >> go ahead, sir. >> how are you? >> if you could introduce yourself in >> my name is ron and i am the owner of nalib's naturals. >> if you could speak into the mic. >> thank you, much better. >> i have been opened for business and serving my neighborhood in the community in the haze valley for the past 18 years.
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as the neighborhood continues to grow. >> if you could speak into the mic. >> as the neighborhood continues to grow, and my customers continue to request for variety of spirits, i saw an opportunity to upgrade my license from type 20 to type 21 and i found out that the market is going to be closing down the street from me i decided to try to purchase the license and have it transferred over to my location and i went ahead and applied for it and i sell some conventional products and a variety of organic beer and wine. and i would like to continue in the same tradition by offering some of the same specialty items to my customer base in the greater haze valley, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> colleagues, do we have any questions for the applicant? >> okay. why don't we hear now from officer dwarte.
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>> thank you, sir. >> good morning, again, with the abc liaison unit. he has filed an application with the california department of alcoholic beverage control, seeking a type 21, which will be an off sale package for his location at 559 haze street, and he has been operating at this location, with a type 20, and what would be a beer and witness and so if you don't understand it is a transfer or a new license, and enhancing the current license. and in regards to the location itself. and the, the city has a deemed approval and it is very protective of the community and when it comes to having the performance standards and when it comes in regards to abc and we don't see a problem with this transfer and we go ahead and recommend that you approve it. >> thank you, very much
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officers and, colleagues any questions for the officer. and i don't see any speaker cards and if there is any member of the public that would like to speak on this item please come on up. >> good morning, i say that i am released from the county jail this early morning, just kidding. (inaudible) i am just trying to say something and i do have a chance to speak allowed and so if it is to this side and say... >> and i just realized that. and it is something and external, and external (inaudible) >> thank you, very much. any other member of the public that would like to speak? >> seeing none, public comment is closed.
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colleagues? >> we have an item before us. we have got a motion. >> so i will move the recommendation of the alu and so we have a motion to approve this motion and move this forward and could we take this without objection? >> thank you, congratulations. >> could you please call the next item, >> item three is a hearing to assess the issues posed by closing, of the san francisco community recycling centers and discuss what the city's collective strategies should be in light of these closures. >> if you could make an announcement of the overflow room. >> yes. >> there is an overflow room in the north court and which is on the first floor and if you were standing make your way to the north court. >> thank you. >> and so the next item has been introduced by supervisor mar and we want to thank you supervisor mar for raising this important issue and bringing it forward. and so the floor is yours. >> and thank you, chair campos. >> i am here with a coalition of community, recyclers and
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environmental advocates and residents from the communities all over the city that are seriously concerned about another crisis facing the elimination of the recycling centers and it is part of the over all displacement of the eviction center that they are facing and also threatens our city's aggressive zero waste policies and we are hoping to achieve the zero waste by 2020 and with the recent evictions of the neighborhood recycling centers it really threatens our efforts for the stronger environmental policies that we have set for ourselves and the recycling centers as many have said are an important part of the city's recycling system and necessary for us to maintain as the city pushes towards the goal of zero waste by 2020, and they are the only way that thousands of san franciscans can get their california redemption value back and so really it is an economic justice issue for many people in our neighborhoods as well.
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and historically the most acceptable recycling centers have been located in the parking lots, and the recycling center and it is a real tragedy that it happened several years ago and located behind the stadium in golden gate park and the eviction of the hafrng recycling center has led to a wave of recycling center evictions in our city. and in 2012, we had up to 21 recycling center and today we are down to 7 to 9 and the trend is not looking good. and also, in recent years, 7 super market recycling center and reverse spending machines have been evicted and the end state of this trend will be the remaining few recycling centers will never and they will be in, only in concentrated in districts ten and districts 6. and i should announce that well i should say also, that a question how can we as a city
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meet our zero waste goals if we are allowing this to happen? >> the market street, safeway is schedule to be evicted by june 30th, and it is closing as part of this trend and it is the elimination of the recyclers from san francisco and i just heard this morning and the ocean beach has just closed and even though i have received an e-mail from the rep a few weeks ago. and the market closure has been agreed upon already, and she said that the ocean has a kiosk and although it is considered a nuisance by some of the neighbors that they were not planning to close it and no decision has been made about what would happen after they redeveloped the safeway. and they would evaluate the ab2020, and the construction and review the option and no
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noise, even though my office reached out to safeway and it is so a serious issue and i know that we have to get the answers from not only our department of the environment and i am glad that deborah is here. and this is a serious threat to our goals and the zero waste by 2020 and since the closing of the center and the recycling center last year, five of san francisco's recycling center have been closed down. and that is also, i would say now, it is six and it is ocean as well, and my office has heard from the numerous residents that this has had a severe impact on their lives and an economic impact for many people who rely on these community recycling centers for a small and inconsistent stream that they need to survive in the city and the prices and the rents go up in the city, also the small businesses fear that this will have a horrible
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impact on them. and the convenience store owners will be impacted if the state enforces laws that require them to face a 100 per day fine, and so we will hear from some of the office of the small business, and regina and the voices of some small businesses that fear, this issue. we are also curious how these closures will effect our city's ability again, to meet our aggressive zero waste goals. in the near future, san francisco may be left with as few as i guess now it is 6 recycling centers making it the most under served city in the state, so let me repeat that, a city that brags about being such an environmental leader, we may be the least or making us the most under served city in the state, and the coalition to protect the recycling centers has created a number of maps that show all of the closures and i think that for the press and anyone who is interested, it is really
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telling sign that many neighborhoods are pushing them out, the city is doing, nowhere near enough to address this to the district ten and i am worried that it is lost and that they will get in only a few specific neighborhoods in the city and we need them from every district in my opinion and lastly, for these reasons this hearing is important, from our community community coalition and the advocates in the neighborhoods to assess the concerns and develop a collective strategy to address this serious issue, so with have a number of city departments today, and also others that will be presenting and first i am going to read the list and i will ask the department and reps to come up one by one, and the first is cal recycle, and michael who the associate programmer analyst and then from the department of the environment, gearm o rodreguz who is the
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director and i want to thank the director of the environment and also from the san francisco police department, officer, ivan sekera and the department of public works, and darish and the superintendent of environmental services and urban forestry, and paul, and our office of small business, regina, the director, and cecelia who has been taking strong leadership and developing the community coalition as well, and lastly, from our department of public health, lucille prato a senior enexpecter, if my colleagues don't have any comments, i would like to know if michael could come forward. and he may be in the overflow room and so maybe as he comes here, he could ask the
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attend. >> okay. >> and now, good morning, i am jose, the deputy director of the division of recycling and the cal recycle and i am here on behalf of our director, carroll, and we are going to make a brief presentation on what our program is about. and we are about 27 years, into the history of the program, itself. and so if you want to maybe help with the presentation, itself. >> and so, we will start with it was established with the legislation passed in 1984 and was called the california, beverage reduction act and while the legislation itself was passed in 1986, the program did not become operational until 1987. and then there were three broad goals that were established for the program, number one, was to obtain a 80 percent beverage container recycling rate and number two, we are quoting
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literally from the act itself and because we think that it is important and we think that the words are important and we think that there is an important message in the convenience of the words of the act and so, make redemption and the recycling convenient to the consumers by establishing and maintaining a market place, where it is profitable to establish the sufficient recycling centers and i stress recycling centers to provide the consumers with convenient recycling opportunities and finally the reduction is an out come of the act itself. and i think that, those of us who have been around long enough have witnessed in california that there is a substantial reduction over time and the streets are cleaner, and the parks are cleaner and more attractive and it becomes more available public resource. and then in addition to the goals of the beverage container recycling act, and the cal recycle must also implement the waste and deversion goals of the ab, land and 39 and so we
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have the goal after goal, and after goal that we have to abide by and with the recent introductions of ab 31 and 32, we need to adjust the operations and that is just a matter of changes and law that it will have additional goals that it will be looking at and now the california model itself is very significant and it is something that we need to spend a little bit of time on because, it convenience is very important to this other, element of the program, most programs nationwide, they focus on many of them focus on in-store redem son. and the stores will accumulate the materials and whether they go to a landfill or whether they are actually recycled and reused in some way and that is something that is broadly developed in those programs and
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if it happens at all, it is because there is a circumstances that are right for that to occur and the particular community so the california program. and the current recycling rate is that it has been successful in getting to a recycling gels, and also the reuse of materials both. and the act created well first of all, and the way that the california model is different and it is not a matter of nickels and dime upon the sale, but then paying that back upon refund, and redemption and it is also a matter of and that the manufacturers pay in order to cover whatever the cost of the recycling is. and some types of aluminum and a high scrap value and there is
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a profit to be made and the people will recycle that on his own, and currently with both class and with the plastic and this is lower than the cost of recycling and so for it to make it economically attractive and make attainment and nobody is losing money in that process and helping to avoid the further waste in the state and the landfill materials. and we are avoiding maybe most importantly the clean house gas and emissions. so the important. we have not thought about 28 years ago, but it is worth noting for the body, and in addition to that, and we have created an industry in california that did not exist, 28 years ago, and so the impression that the only employment that is created is that recycling not true.
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and and also, plastic market development program. and we have glass cleaning operations that exist throughout the state. we have got other investments that we make to make sure that including grant programs to make sure that we are actually achieving the goals and thinking about the future and making sure that it is achieved. and i point that as well. and make that the curb side operations achieve the same goal on collecting the materials and insuring that they get recycled. and the reality state wide is that the 90 percent of the volume is collected through recycling centers, or handling fee locations, as opposed to the curb side programs themselves. so, we need to have the healthy infrastructure of the recycling centers in the state if we are going to achieve the continuing 85 percent and the 80 percent goal of the current 5 percent level of recycling. and then finally, i just point
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out that in terms of the recycling rate and what we process through curb side operations and state wide and 8.4 and san francisco has done a good job with the curb side operation and so i don't want to give you the impression that san francisco has not done other than the communities state wide and we think that the cleanliness of the material and the value of the glass in particular and we are much better serviced of having the recycling centers in place. >> and even though it was a curb side rye cycling has expanded and can you explain, why we need the community recycling centers or why do we need the deputies on bottles in cans if we have the curb side recycling, two essentials there. >> there is a place where they can get the nickels and dimes back and you could put them in a dark place in the community,
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and it is a matter of justice in many ways and making sure that the people who paid money, get it back. the other part of that is recycling is good at sorting and making sure that the materials in the program remain clean, the cleaner and the more that they are sorted and so the glass, for example, you have the three basic colors, the greer and the amber and the green, the clear is valuable and we call it and and the glass ultimately, becomes valuable. and and td vast, and and, and they purchase, all of the used glass. and the courage, and in the recycling center it was tremendous efficient and it was a tragedy that it was
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eliminated. >> it was the recycling that we were looking at and all of the environmental benefits that we are coming at it as well, but in the next slide we are demonstrating, thank you. >> we are demonstrating some of the direct economic benefits to the community itself. and so we pay back annually to the residents of san francisco, a bit over 18 million dollars in refund value payments. and some people may consider that to be an insignificant amount but compare that anywhere across the country to a similar sized community with a substantial and that is when it gets recrculated. >> it peaks to the benefit of the program because the legislature asked at a point in time is this program still
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valuable. and it still to achieving the environmental and recycling bills and think that you can see in 2003 and that there is significant value to the program. and still the case and even more so in 2014, and in addition to the refund payments of 18 million, the strap payments of 4 million and that is the value of alum mun and we also paid the administrative fees to the recycling centers so that they can continue to report to us, and as to what is going on, so that we can determine from a policy perspective whether we need to make any adjustments in our operations and the processing payments that i mentioned to cover the cost of recycling that is another 2 million dollars, we put into the local economy and 287,000 dollars and that is associated with the convenience and so if there is a retailer, and a super market that is located in the
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particular sight, and we could not locate a convenience, and convenient center nearby without the incentive and we offer the handling fees and the 30,000 in payments in 2013. and and we have ten million dollars annually on a state wide basis, and san francisco received 217,000 and curb side, 548,000. >> and quality incentive payments and that is what we paid in order to clean up glass, and san francisco benefited to the tune of $15,000 but maybe those payments are high if we have more recycling centers that made sure that the material was as clean as possible and we finally fund and we fund to 1.2 million annually to make sure that we continue to encourage the recycling as a value for all citizens in the industry. and i am going to ask mr. don
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core to speak more about where san francisco is or will convenient in its own and the recycling centers and what the trend over time indicates for the future. and so if you want, i will handle the computer. n*e. i have been involved for 26 years and i have been in the program for the education and registration branch. and one of the uniques within my branch is responsible for convenient zones and you are going to hear a lot about that in this presentation, and as you can tell from the slide that the legislature is clear about the cities and counties and everyone working together to make sure that we have convenient recycling opportunities in the state. and like jose mentioned, san francisco is doing well with k5 program and i believe that
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there is a area where the city can do better. next slide? >> so, when it comes to providing convenience, who is responsible for it? >> the law requires that beverage manufacturers drikers and processors and the department of resources recycling which just to recycle are the responsible parties, beverage manufacturers are involved because they have to label the beverage containers with the crv message, if it does not have the crv message it is not eligible for the redemption value. >> the distributingers pay the nickel and dimes to the program and dealers are the beverage retailers. and we would talk a lot about the beverage retailers today, because ultimately they have to sell the beverages, and they may be required to redeem and
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install or pay 100 dollars a day, recyclers and processors handle the material that are recycled, and the department curb cycle, we have a responsibility to continuously assist the dealers and recyclers to sfaish the recyclers within the state and within the convenient zones, and the convenient zones, as most of you are aware, are half of my radius, are around the super markets. it carries a line of merchandise and the dry fruits and the fruits and the groceries. and so, there are several of these, and to assist these dealers to establish recycling within a convenient zones. and i believe that we do a great job because we have a unique that is handles the convenient zones, and we notify the source when they are required to redeem containers
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and so forth. and so, this is doing our job and saying that it is a cooperation of the cities, counties, recyclers, and to get this done. >> could i just ask you a question, how many recycling centers are there in the state of california and what percentage are located on super market parking lots? >> so, we have about 2700 recycling centers in the state, and 32 of them are in convenient zones and that is about 1400 or so of them. >> so this slide gives you an idea of what is happening in san francisco, and someone mentioned haight ash bury and this is before they came into effect and it has been recycling in the state. and as you can tell from this
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map, san francisco is doing really well, in 1990, they have more recycling centers than convenient zones, it should be in each zone and that is not always possible and we will talk about that later. >> sorry, may i ask just a quick question, what is the difference between a recycling center and a convenient zone? >> okay, so convenient zone is just an area, around a super market. recycling center is the actual company that purchases the containers that the customers return. >> okay. >> so what happened in the 2000, probably right hand 2003 was that we had other stores coming in and selling groceries like the super wal-mart, and trader joes and those were define as super markets and so you notice that the number of
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super markets that created the convenience and the number goes up and the number of convenience zones created will go up. unfortunately the number of recycling centers did not take that train. if you take a look at what is happening in the stay, san francisco does not look good in this report. >> could i just go back to that last slide, so it looks like san francisco probably at its height in 1990, had about, or at least that is the highest that we can see in 1990, there were about 35 recycling centers and about 28 grocery store convenience zones. >> so that is a total of about 35 plus 28. 60 some odd centers.
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>> no the convenient zones are not recycling centers it is just an area designated to have the recycling center it does not mean that they have one. >> it looks about 35 recycling centers in 1990. >> correct. >> okay. >> so, state wide, what the director of the... i could do to give the assumptions based on the convenience in the recycling centers in that area, and so the director can give up to 35 percent for the convenient zones she kind of up to 35 percent. well we based those exemptions are for the convenience for the consumers to recycling. and they have to go far, and it is do they have the volume to support the recycling? and based on that, we can grant an exemption if you notice state wide, it is
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