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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PDT

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the initiative and be the central point of contact for nonprofit organizations in need of assistance, helping them navigate city government, technical solutions, [speaker not understood] to keep ask grow important nonprofit sector in san francisco. our budget also includes funding to development a bilocal initiative which is focused on connecting local manufacturers, local companies and events for local manufacturers and services. in terms of development our budget includes an fte to track and monitor development agreements or project like park merced and cpfc to ensure developers follow through on commitments to the city. [speaker not understood] real estate projects in the neighborhoods. we work closely with the voters in the community, board of supervisors, and other stakeholder to identify projects that are important in the neighborhoods and the staffer would lead the effort in the city in an inter agency way to make sure those projects
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move forward and advance. we also have an fte to support the implementation of the 7 point housing plan and [speaker not understood] 2020. we additionally have funding in our budget through dt work order for the next phase of the online business portal. as i mentioned, the first phase of the business portal which was launched this fall is capturing the world as it is today. as we all know that's not good enough. we need to take the next step and begin the hard work of streamlining the process and making it easier for business, small businesses to navigate the process. [speaker not understood] to streamline the process and begin the process of mapping, what it takes to go through that process. and then begin the hard work of submitting some of those firm online to integrate into the business portal. our budget also includes the film rebate program and fte focused on the workforce alignment committee which was approved earlier this year. i'm going to close with just
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sort of a summation of the initiatives related to invested neighborhoods program. we will expand our popular a-d-a program city-wide and funding to help 750 small business get into a-d-a compliance. our budget includes s.f. shine funding to support capital improvements that participants in the a-d-a program as well as our business strengthening program identify. our budget also includes continued funding for the healthy retail s.f. program. we will continue to [speaker not understood] and add two new stores in that program as well. our budget includes funding to bring wi-fi [speaker not understood] collaboration with the department of technology. as you know, strengthening and supporting [speaker not understood] is a critical part of what our invested neighborhood strategy is all about. oewd's budget includes $1 million for community and cultural facilities fund to make targeted capital investments with the goal of improving facilities, supporting revenue creation and driving the long-term economic
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sustainability of these important neighborhood institutions. this would be a collaboration between oewd, ocd as well as the arts commission. finally with community benefit districts our budget also includes one fte to support and meet the demand for cbd formation in the city. and as a point that supervisor avalos made last year, we remain very, very focused on continually refining the invested neighborhood strategy to be customized to the needs of the neighborhood and to be driven by the needs of the community and the stakeholders there. and we are constantly in iterative to make sure we're refining the programs for our purpose. i do want to say as i close we are in agreement with the budget analyst recommendation and that we'd like to particularly thank katy short, our budget analyst and i'd like to thank [speaker not understood] for his work on this budget. thank you. >> thank you, [speaker not understood]. colleagues, any questions, comments? okay, mr. rose, can we go to your report, please? >> yes, mr. chairman, and members of the committee. on page 29 of our report i
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recommended reduction to the proposed budget total $234,6 49. in 2014-2015 ongoing saving. [speaker not understood] 240,7 34 in 15-16, all of which are ongoing saving ~. and as i understand it, the department concurs with our recommended reductions. >> thank you very much, colleague, any questions for mr. rose or mr. ruffo? okay, thanks so much. see you next week. >> chair farrell, i wanted to thank supervisor mar for especially the invested neighborhood programs and honing it down for each of the different unique neighborhoods you serve. i wanted to thank holley long, [speaker not understood] jordan kline and the great staff you have as well. thank you so much for the healthy retail s.f. program. it really helped so many small businesses transform into healthier businesses and especially in lower income neighborhoods. and we've seen a tremendous demand.
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we really appreciate that program as well, so, thank you. >> thank you, supervisor. >> okay, thanks, mr. ruffo. up next we have our department of public works. [speaker not understood], thank you for being here and for sticking around. >> good morning, and thank you for having us present our budget. i'd like to first of all start by thanking the mayor's budget office, [speaker not understood], controller's office, and also harvey rose. for working with us to have a budget to present. we have a few slides. first slide talks about our mission, vision, and goals. and something new, core values for our organization. respect, integrity and responsiveness. [speaker not understood] of our
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budget, to align [speaker not understood] with our department three-year strategic goals and objectives, to restore services to street cleaning and landscape maintenance [speaker not understood], and to provide san francisco residents with opportunities [speaker not understood] to programs that we had just started. and finally, deliver outstanding capital projects to clients and to the residents and visitors of san francisco. first slide is our budget overview. you can see the 2013-2014 budget approval and we have the 14, 15, 16. the 14-15 budget is a $23.2 million [speaker not understood] than the previously approved amount, funding new
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initiatives and supporting capital projects and renewal programs. are there any major changes in the budget, is $19 million salary and benefits for positions that are supported by capital projects and the [speaker not understood] programs and work orders. $2 million for two new initiatives. one, a landscape maintenance and arborist apprentice program. and the other enhanced cleaning services. there's also a $72 million increase in training. 72,000, sorry, increase in training budget to [speaker not understood] and support ongoing professional development for effective delivery. and 1.6 million for new and
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replacement equipment. we also added here new 3,100 dollar development construction fee for the preservation of [speaker not understood] which is outdated and we're having to go and renew that. on our capital project there is quite a bit of increase. as you can see from both charts, both 14 and 15, and those increases for a couple of new projects, 3 million, of that is for vision zero projects, another 2.7 million for our two bridge projects, both islis creek and first street bridge. and then the main chunk of it is to sustain our street resurfacing projects. >> can you just repeat, what
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was the amount for the vision zero support within the capital budget? >> so, in the -- $3 million is the amount to support the vision zero projects and we are working closely with mta similar to the way the projects were initiated, we're working with them to work out implementation plan. >> thank you. >> okay. major capital projects and programs our agency is involved in, we're actively managing the isa bob both in 2010 , and the one that passed in 2014. ~ bond and we're actively managing the 2011 road and repaving street safety bond. in terms of major projects, working with the general hospital which is coming along
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really well. the veterans memorial building, moscone expansion center which is in its design phase and we're starting to wrap up design and beginning to talk about construction. and then, of course, the better market street improvements that several agencies have been working under the lead of dpw. in right-of-way street resurfacing is an area that we've been working on quite a bit, vision zero, a-d-a transition plan for [speaker not understood] and sidewalks. many of our street structures and plazas. planning for future bonds, we very much involved with mta on the 2014 transportation bundle that will be going before the voters.
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some of the challenges and opportunities that the agency is working to overcome, there are many construction projects all over the city and while these projects are going on, we definitely are working closely to ensure that contractors and utility companies are following the city's rules. we are committed to improving through investment efforts and ensuring that while these projects are happening, that the path of travel for pedestrians is safe and that the sites are clean and well maintained. [speaker not understood] projects, many of these projects, communicating with the public, our office receives a huge number of calls and as a result of those calls you can see the ratio of one public
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information officer to about 30 projects regardless of the size. and we're having to respond to the public on the 24/7 basis and trying to make sure that that many of the communities around these projects really under that the scope of the project isn't exactly when a project is starting, when it's finishing and having information available to them. we've had to go out there quite a number of times to several sites to make the neighbors happy. other challenges, in this one particular area in our agency -- >> supervisor mar. >> chair farrell, i wanted to ask mr. nuru i know within the mta, director reiskin and the capital project director [speaker not understood] recently within our mta have mentioned they are making major efforts to try to improve their sensitivity to communities and community engagement before projects move forward or to
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have more buy-in and input before hand. and even having more of a culture change within their large department, i'm just wondering if as you talk about challenges and opportunities, are you trying to make any major changes to reach out more to communities before projects move forward so that people aren't opposing them after you start to hit the ground with the shovels and that there's more of a built-in input before hand and just more of a culture shift in your department. i'm just curious. >> very good question. we have actually -- are working within the organization and putting together, if you would call it, a checklist of when you are going to do a project in a certain neighborhood, certain thing that must happen. one of them is obviously know the community around you and make sure that the community understands the scope of the project.
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and then working with members of the community in terms of what they would like to see through a design charet or process to actually begin to get the ideas. and then through several different meetings, first, second, maybe third meeting, reaching some type of consensus of a project that the project that will be built. and then making sure everyone understands why those decisions were made. in many cases we never had the full resources where people want more than we have the resources for, but making sure that we communicate that. and then during the process itself, engineers that are working on the projects are being able to update the community what stage the project is in, and making sure it's on time. >> i just wanted to thank you personally for intervening in a couple of challenging projects
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in the richmond district, mobile streetscape and recent outer balboa area. i know you and your staff had to intervene, but i just think having more of a front-end community process could have helped prevent some potential conflicts that arose, but i appreciated the flexibility that you and your staff showed in making sure the neighborhood was respected as those projects moved forward, but thank you. >> thank you. >> supervisor avalos? >> [speaker not understood]. >> we're almost there. other challenges, we've seen a huge increase in request of [speaker not understood]. this shows you month by month where the increase is. we're happy at least one of the alley crews has been funded so we'll be able to meet that request. and on the site that is two charts, one showing the amount
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of tonnage of what we're picking up in many of our alleys, and then the other chart on the top [speaker not understood] showing the number of needles that the agency is picking up to make sure that our alleys are safe for many of which have been become residential areas for people who live in them. so, also in terms of when -- as we build, many of the new projects especially many of the streetscapes, the challenge with the increase in the amount of greenery that the department is being asked to look after, the city has about 7 to 9 acres of landscaped areas that are public right-of-ways or streets that never got built or vacant lots or medians or just areas. and as we do more pedestrian friendly projects and do more
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improvements to many of our neighborhoods, the number of acreage is actually increasing. so, we're very grateful of the recommendation for us to get some positions to help maintain many of the city's landscapes. finally, an area our department has been working hard on is working closely with the unions to create apprentice programs for many of our residents. we have a very great labor apprentice program. we he started our cement apprentice program with this year's funding. we'll start another apprentice program. now we'd like to build on with some of the other unions, carpenters, electiontritions, painters and others. ~ electiontritions we'll continue to provide those
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opportunities as we [speaker not understood] challenges that we face. in terms of harvey's report, i think we're pretty much almost there. i think we we're just discussing one position and that position is a communications position ~. and we desperately need it because of meeting many of the needs of the community on request as it relates to many of these construction projects. otherwise i believe we're settled. >> got it, okay. supervisor avalos, do you want to comment now or wait till mr. rose's report? >> i'd like to comment now, please. thanks for your work and your presentation, mr. nuru. really appreciate the relationships you built in district 11 and [speaker not understood] across the city. so, thank you. my question is around street resurfacing and it's with the dpw, i don't see a slide here about that, but i know we had funded our street work over the
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past couple budget cycleses through the bond, but i'm trying to figure out when the bond is going to end. is there going to be a gap between when the bond funds are done and when the next -- refunding we're trying to get from the vlf kicks in? ting was like $42 million being planned for resurfacing. ~ >> please stand by; change of captioners...
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>> work to a line with the mta and others to increase bicycle and pedestrian projects kind of as the repaving is going on so really the good communication between departments and i am appreciative of the $3 million of the capital budget going towards vision zero priorities as well, and i guess i just wanted to acknowledge the work that you're doing to coordinate better so that the repaving is coordinated with street safety as well but thank you. >> okay. mr. rose can we go to your report? >> yes mr. chairman and
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members of the committee. mr. mayor man should i comment on item five? >> yeah, why don't we do both together. thanks. >> on item five which is page 15 of our report we -- our recommendation is that we consider proposal of the fee resolution for a policy matter for the board of supervisors. however, we know that the proposed budget is balanced on the assumption that the fee legislation shown on page 15 will be approved. our recommended reductions to the proposed budget total 536056 in 13-15 and we have ongoing savings and we have one time savings. these reductions would allow increase of of 36-point 7% in the budget. we also recommend closing out prior year expended
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encumbrances and those recommendations in 14-15 would result in general fund savings of 363,746. our recommended reduction to the proposed budget total listed in that amount and we have ongoing amounts and savings of one time savings. these would allow an increase as listed or 5.5% in departments 15-16 budget. these recommendations are a result in, and there say typo on the bottom of page 15, the last three digits should be eliminated. 647,868 savings to the general fund. we are working with the department and will report back to the committee next week. >> those would have been some savings to the general fund. >> yeah, that would be great
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if we could maintain that typo. >> terrific. supervisor breed. >> i know that they're still working out the details. first i want to start by commending the director for his work, especially the work with some of the training programs that exist and i am just wondering would any of these changes impact the budget to those particular programs? >> at this time i think are in agreement. i mean we're doing -- we're living with what we have gotten and we're fine. i think we just have that one communications position. >> but it won't impact the programs that you have now, the ones that work some of our very challenging populations? >> we're very fortunate. i mean they are -- there's a $2 million funding for the group that gives opportunities to the trainees and $1.1 million for
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the operation and maintenance so there is an opportunity to increase trainees to participate in those programs. >> and the last question i guess i would ask is one of the -- because i have informally talked to some of the individuals who were participating in the program and what has been great before they worked some of the jobs they didn't have access to employment for years in some instances, and one of the things that they're hoping to get out of participating in some of these opportunities would be training, would be case management support, and i just wanted to mention that because i don't know if you're completely aware but i would like to make chief suhr that we are supportive. >> >> of enhancing the services for the programs especially because many of the individuals are the most challenging individuals to actually get employed in the city and i think this is the best resource we
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have in the city to enchief suhr not and work with them on support to get to the next level working with dpw or any job opportunity in the city so if there is a need there i would like to understand the need and make sure we're supportive of that need in this particular budget cycle. thank you. >> colleagues any further questions? okay. we will see you next week. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. at this point we will call our planning department director. madam clerk can you call item three with this department please? >> item number three ordinance amending the planning code to
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eliminate the installation agreement processing fee, refunds processing fee, fee for information analysis request, information technology and fee for closed cases. >> thank you madam clerk. >> good morning supervisors. thank you for having us here today. we will quickly go over some of the major accomplishments for this year and next year as soon as we have the powerpoint up i think, and we will look particularly at case and permanent trends that are increasing we think at an unprecedented rate in the city and we will look at the budget and position changes so moving forward to some of the accomplishments of this fiscal year we completed the retail study as you know and presented our recommendations to the commission and everyone is in unanimously agreement with that and land use in san francisco
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-- that's a joke. >> [inaudible] >> we have done a tremendous amount of hiring the lasted two years and hired more than 50 staff and driven by the extraordinary increase in volumes related to the development climate right now. we have continuing work and with dpi with the mayor's director on housing and the goal that you're aware of. we completed the eir for the transit projects with mta and that is moving forward and approved. as was just said the director said the hearing for the moscone center and last week and we completed the environmental review for the housing element and we thank you for the vote on that yesterday and completed
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the glade development and that can move forward. in the coming we're we will be spending a lot of time on housing policy. obviously as of yesterday there are several ballot initiatives moving forward on housing issues. we have been working with the mayor's office, supervisor kim's office and many of you on housing policy and how we can improve our processes for all housing projects but particularly for affordable housing projects, and we are moving forward on the next required housing element, which is due in january, and by your action last night that will help move forward with that housing element and that allows to move forward with other housing initiatives in the coming year. we are heavily invested so to speak in the neighborhoods initiative. we are working with our colleagues and many of you and your wentds and
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neighborhoods and we are very gratified with the direction of that project. we think it's working out l we have a defined well in that project and we are working on improvement and tweaks where it makes sense doing a lot of community outreach and looking at where we might strategically look at intervention in a surgical way in those neighborhoods. we continue to work on general plan updates. we have been starting work with mta and the ta on the transportation element of the gym plan which is long over due and several aspects of the general plan and potentially the urban design element. our community efforts are focus on the completion of the soma plan and under way for three years and hope to bring to you for adoption about a year. we are heavily involved in transportation than ever been. as you know we are the lead agency in looking at this very
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broad study at the cal train yard at fourth and cane, the alignment of high speed rail and how the land use and transportation efforts can come together and you have probably heard this that the permit and tracking system is finally on schedule to be -- to go live in september and we're very pleased that long last that system will be in place and greatly help our ability to track projects to keep track of our work and allow much more robust access for the public to see how we're doing on development so moving on to case and permit volume trends. we are continuing to experience unprecedented volume growth both in terms and various planning cases. we have seen this growth over four years and case volume is projected to double with the year to year growth. by increasing more than 1100 permitan