tv [untitled] June 21, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> [speaker not understood] till we reduce bike theft to the point we don't have bikes to pass out. >> my bike is in the mix there somewhere. >> we're still looking for it, supervisor. >> i don't even think i reported it. so, also want to concur with supervisor mar on overtime and how that's been kept down. when i first was on the board, i think it was, you know, significantly high. not as high as it was in 2008, but that's been brought down. [speaker not understood] about making your department more efficient. i just want to acknowledge that. i want to talk about briefly what's been going on in my district and ingleside station that's been actively involved in the relationships that have been coming together around the phenomenon of our gambling corridor along mission street. and i met about two weeks ago with the district attorney, with mr. gas cone and his staff, london ~ lonnie doing work in the enforcement office.
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we thought about having a new structure there where she would be the project manager, but overseeing the systemic approach of how we're going to be able to do the enforcement, the policing and community building effort to create safety in the corridor. there are a number of like empty store fronts that have been taken over by places where there seems to be gambling going on. it's been hard to investigate and detect and to actually find. so, if he we could have a [speaker not understood], database. your department is involved in that, but i want to make sure we actually do make -- we create a real systemic approach for this part of san francisco that can really lead to real strong outcomes. it's a really difficult problem. seems almost intractable we're going to be able to up root the issue going on. i know working collaboratively under kind of a project manager type of structure under this
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case ronnie singh [speaker not understood], community organizations as well, if we can actually make headway. so, i just wanted to inform you about efforts going forward and i look forward to seeing really strong results and helping to bring safety to the corridor. >> not wanting to reinvent the wheel or take anything away from the district attorney singh who is terrific, she's fantastic. the mod toll do which you're suggesting is the code enforcement model that actually comes out of the city attorney's office and the da's office traditionally is a piece for that. it's been very effective. we used it when i was in the mission as a captain and in the bayview. so, i'm happy to work with captain falvey and make sure roni is a critical piece to -- >> [speaker not understood] the city attorney's office, involved in that, too. >> that's the code enforcement model is what you're speaking of. i think if we reinvent the wheel we're going to divide our efforts and be less successful. >> okay.
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i do think there needs to be something reinvented there in terms of who is actually in charge of that. it is not as important to me as a real strong structure in place. it seems like the way the problem has been attacked is just like, you know, this store front and this store front, but not necessarily connecting the dots and thinking about a real systemic approach to uproot this issue. that's what i want to see happen. i think there's been some headway toward that end, and i hope we can continue that, that collaboration. >> okay. >> so, i actually asked the budget analyst who i think will be giving his report to do more formal work to look at vehicle purchases in your department. i guess we'll be hearing a report [speaker not understood]. there seems to be some progress around [speaker not understood] which i'm excited about seeing because it's been a long time coming to actually have, you know, [speaker not understood] actually happen in the department. but i expect that we'll be getting more information next week around vehicle purchases. i want to make sure that we are able to maximize the life-span
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of our vehicles and look at the costs -- >> we do have a one vehicle from 1985. so, we've maximized at least one car. >> that's great to hear. it's probably in the movie starsky and hutch. [speaker not understood]. >> any other questions for the chief? okay, mr. rose, can we move to your report, please? >> mr. chairman, members of the committee, on page 61 of our report, recommended reductions to the proposed budget total 296,4 36 n. 14-15 of that amount 1 million 850 and $10 dollars ongoing savings 246,000 for 26 or one-time savings. these reductions would still allow an increase of 9 46,335 or 2/10 of a percent in the department's working 15-16 budget. i recommended reductions to the proposed budget for 1 million
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727,154 in 15-16. that of amount 1 million 586,652 are ongoing savings and 146,5 02 are ongoing saving. [speaker not understood] 4/10 of a percent in the department's 15-16 budget. as the chief has indicated, we are still working with the department and we will report back next week to the committee. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. colleagues, any further questions for mr. rose, chief at this point? anything else? >> no, just -- i would agree with the budget analyst. we appreciate spirit of cooperation. we'll figure it out. >> okay, see you back next week. >> thank you. >> all right. at this point we're going to finish up the city administrator. apologies for not calling this before. we'll call items from the recessed calendar, items 3, 4 and 6, please. madam clerk, if you could call those.
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>> item number 3, resolution approving the interim budget at the treasure island development for fiscal years 2014-2015 and 2015 to 2016. item number 4, resolution approving the budget at treasure island development authority [speaker not understood] 2014-15 and 2015 to 2016. item number 5, [speaker not understood]. planning department department asian under the [speaker not understood] environmental quality act. >> thanks. i'm going to call occ up next. sorry about that. >> good morning, supervisors. chairman farrell. [speaker not understood], director of operations. as you know, the mission of tida is to develop and form a navy base and integrate it [speaker not understood] with the city. in the development process we create new housing and job opportunities for san franciscans including opportunities for the homeless
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and economically disadvantaged. as we wait for development to occur, tida continues to be responsible for property management and the provision of municipal services. to pay for the costs associated with these and development, tida donates money for housing, commercial space and special events. over the years tida's primary source of income had been derived from [speaker not understood] housing. with the successful rate of our commercial leasing program, revenue generated from commercial lease is now on par with housing income. the success indeed considering that since in [speaker not understood] the commission revenue has grown from 350,000 to nearly 4 million projected for next year. now total 90 business he that start ups, entrepreneurs, small businesses including mbes and wbes. along with our signature events like the treasure island music festival, the treasure island dragon day festival and
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treasure island flea market, thousands more people are drawn to treasure island annually as a recreation destination. visitors come from italy, football, rug by, soccer, [speaker not understood] tournaments as well as anchor and sail along clipper cove. when they come they patronize our restaurants and food trucks. you recall, supervisor breed, treasure island is indeed a food desert. now visitors and residents alike can enjoy dinner out on the island and purchase their groceries, too. the increase in commercial revenue has allowed tida to maintain its overall revenue constant over the years. in turn, we can continue to deliver services to the residents. in the past -- this past year we opened up a nurse intervention clinic. we improved our emergency program plans and we improved the viability of other utilities. the immediate focus of staff is the board of supervisors approval of the economic
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development conveyance agreement with the navy and also to oversee the navy remediation effort. my colleague [speaker not understood] could not be here this morning to speak about the future of navy related issues. in fact, he's with the navy discussing aviation matters as we speak. but on monday, the land use committee where supervisor wiener and mar will forward to the full board, recommendation to authorize the transport agreement. this will allow the development to begin. so, in the operation side, managing through the [speaker not understood] and planning for the relocations and major challenges for next year, but expenditures associated with operations are flat and administrative costs remain low. however, on the development side, as development activities progress, so, too, will expenditures. the budget reflects increases to facilitate the start of development and those include
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work orders to support the major phase applications, relocation costs for [speaker not understood] tenants to [speaker not understood], and environmental consultation services to monitor navy remediation program. tida will also continue to focus delivery serve isx for traveling, community based service contract include funding for operating the [speaker not understood] by the embarcadaro, ymca for after school programs and summer youth programs to the boys and girls club for camp [speaker not understood], catholic charities to manage our child care center, and support the treasure island homeless development initiative. on the facility side, our expenses are contractually and work order driven. our contracts include long-standing agreements for professional services [speaker not understood] for landscaping services. [speaker not understood] for janitorial services. the balance of [speaker not
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understood] for work orders for city departments for admin, public works, and bayview service contracts. so, improving the quality of life of our residents and the public safety of our community is our goal to these expenditures. as we wait for the future tida is providing for our residents today and we seek your approval on that budget. thank you. >> thank you. clerk, can you call item 6 with this, please? >> item number 6, resolution determining and declaring that the public interest and necessity demand the construction, acquisition, improvement, and retrofitting of transportation and transit related improvements, and other critical infrastructure and facilities for transportation system improvements and safety and related costs necessary or convenient for the foregoing purposes; authorizing landlords to pass-through 50% of the resulting property tax increase to residential tenants under administrative code, chapter 37; providing for the levy and collection of taxes to pay both principal and interest on such bonds; incorporating the provisions of administrative code, sections 5.30-5.36; setting certain procedures and requirements for the election; finding that a portion of the proposed bond is not a project under the california environmental quality act and adopting findings under c-e-q-a, c-e-q-a guidelines, and san francisco administrative code, chapter 31, for the remaining portion of the bond; and finding that the proposed bond is in conformity with the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1(b), and with the general plan consistency requirement of charter section 4.105, and administrative code, section 2a.53. ~ >> thank you. colleagues, any questions? >> good morning, supervisors. members of the mayor's office,
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controller's office, and budget analyst's office. karen [speaker not understood] office of the county clerk. for your consideration today is legislation to update administrative code section 8.33.1 to bring these current to fiscal year 14-15. this code section has not been updated in more than 10 years. so, that is one of the goals of this legislation. additionally, we are adding the municipal id card fees to this code section. and also there will be municipal code fees will be subject to cpi beginning fiscal year 16-17. >> ms. [speaker not understood], i just had a question about municipal id cards that i know are utilized by many immigrants, some homeless and others. so, it's currently $15 per person and $5 for low-income, is that right? >> it is $15 for applicants who are 14 and older, $5 for applicants who are under 13, and seniors 62 and older. and we also have a fee waiver
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program for homeless residents. >> and i know mayor in new york city and many of their city councilmembers are looking closely at our city administrators, naomi kelly and others to set our system up. so, i think they greatly benefited by our several years of work, but how many homeless people also have the fee waived? i guess that came up when i was conversing with some of the new york city councilmembers. >> let's see. from july 1st, 2013 to the end of may 31st, 2014, we have waived the fee for 125 applicants. >> okay, that's great. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> colleagues, if no other questions for mr. rose, why don't we move to your report on item 6. >> mr. chairman and members of the committee, this is in the
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separate report on the city administrator's office. it's on pages -- we reported on this on pages 6 and 7. and the bottom line is our recommendation. we say approval of the proposed fee adjustments is on the top of page , is a policy matter for the board of supervisors. however, the budget and legislative analyst notes that the proposed [speaker not understood] based on the assumption that the proposed fee adjustments in the county clerk shown on page 6 of our report on the table will be approved. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. colleagues, any questions? comments? okay. at this point in time -- so, items 4 and 6 are part of the budget item number 3, we do have to pass out the tida budget to the full board. at this point we'll take public comment on item number 3. is there anybody in the public that wishes to comment on number 3 before we recess the meeting? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, can i have a motion to put forward item
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number 3 to the full board? >> so moved. >> we have a motion. we can take that without objection. [gavel] >> okay, thank you very much. thanks, at this point we'll go back to occ. >> good morning, supervisor farrell and members of the budget and finance committee. i am joyce hicks, from the office of citizen complaints. our budget is included in the police department's budget, although we are a separate department. i'd first like to thank mayor lee, budget director kate howard, and analyst jason [speaker not understood] for the proposed occ budget. and also mr. rose and budget analyst [speaker not understood] for their analysis
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of the proposed budget as well as the board of supervisors. i concur with the recommendations and i am available for any questions you may have. >> okay. colleagues, any questions? okay. thanks very much. >> you're welcome, supervisor farrell. >> for being here. mr. rose, no separate comment, [speaker not understood]? thanks very much. okay. up next we have our treasurer/tax collector, mr. cisneros. thank you for being here. >> good morning, supervisors, jose cisneros, san francisco treasurer. we are still working with the budget analyst's office so, with respect to that i'll just express my gratitude to the office. the mayor's budget office and before coming back to you with hopefully a resolution next week. in recognition of your busy
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schedule today i'll not present a full presentation, but i would like to use the overhead projector if i could to give you an update on how we're doing with gross receipts, implementation. as you know, in november of 2012, the voters of san francisco passed a significant change, the largest change of the generation to the city's taxes. we are responsible for implementing those changes. i am pleased to be able to tell you we are already implementing a number of changes that have taken effect during this calendar year. quarterly installments, payments are being made right now for gross receipt taxes and payroll taxes. registration renewalses were changed, particularly the rates were significantly changed. ~ in the legislation. and those have been implemented this year.
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we also have a new combined group fire tax structure which folk are complying with beginning this year and they'll be used in their filings early next year for this tax year. we've developed requirements and tested and are going live with the new business tax system which will not only handle all of our current business taxes, but, of course, is being built now to collect the gross receipts tax. >> supervisor? >> thank you. yes, appreciate you being here, your presentation. just on the gross receipts roll out, we're now collecting information about gross receipts and people are actually paying a portion of their taxes in gross receipts for the business tax. that's correct, right? >> businesses are making quarterly payments on both payroll tax and gross receipts tax. however, you did say we're collecting data on gross receipts. that's not quite accurate. when they make those quarterly payments to us, they basically send in the amount.
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they're not filing a tax return yet. they'll do that at the end of the tax year which means january/february of next year. >> i guess my question he was, you know, ~ one issue that came forward as we were crafting the gross receipts tax was how businesses were going to be able to report gross receipts and whether it would actually have an accuracy about that, were we able to collect that data. and you feel that, you know, that part of the question for businesses is actually being fulfilled with the relationship to the tax collector? >> yes. the information that businesses need to file their gross receipts tax is definitely a different piece of information than overhead used to pay the city's payroll business tax when it's based on payroll. however, the information that they'll need to fill out their gross receipts tax return and pay based on that is very similar to much of the information they already use to
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compile their federal irs tax return because that looks at both gross receipts and then net income and a variety of other things. much of that directly relates to the information they use for buying the san francisco gross receipts. one key difference, though, is that where the irs looks at a business's entire sale of receipts, here in san francisco gross receipts tax by law and correctly only applies to san francisco gross receipts. so, there will be a level of complexity that's added if a business does have gross receipts both inside of san francisco, attributed to san francisco as well as not. so, one of the things we're doing is we're doing a lot of outreach to educate folks how the law has been written and how they can start to work to be able to fulfill -- fill out the forms and comply with the tax and probably work with our tax preparer to help do that. >> great. and what is your department learning in that process? >> in terms of? >> in terms of the outreach?
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>> with the actual -- what are you finding? are you finding that it's complicated for businesses to understand or it's going pretty smoothly? how is that -- >> sure, it runs again -- let me actually go on to this slide that starts to talk about the outreach we've been doing. we've actually created a unique website called sfbiz, that actually gives businesses all the information that we've been able to put together so they can start to learn about how they compile their gross receipts. you'll see on this chart that we've actually partnered with oewd to do a number of outreach efforts to let folks know that this tax is coming, that they have to start paying the quarterly payments on it, and that they need to prepare their information for the filing that will come due at the end of the tax year in january and
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february of next year. our only feedback is certainly across the board. there are plenty of folks who are, are challenged by the complexity of the tax, but we're working with a lot of tax professionals who are working very closely with us in terms of giving us feedback on the law itself. the tax preparers, i honestly believe, understand the law, recognize its complexity and are working hard to be able to help the businesses in this city. but we're going to have tens of thousands of businesses that will be filing this gross receipts tax return so it's a big challenge and we're working very hard with those preparers and others to get the word out. >> thanks for your inquiry. i really wanted to use this time to know about our website so businesses could have the opportunity to go on there and learn ~ there's a number of different documents, presentations and there's a lot of outreach we're doing in the community. we're doing meetings, public
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meetings, meetings with different groups of businesses. we have a presence on the web and in social media and we're trying to make sure people know how they can get information on the gross receipts tax, the new gross receipts tax. i also want to mention if anybody has questions they can't find answers to on our website or anywhere else, they can call 311, the city's customer caroline and we'll work to get them answers if we can. with that i'll conclude my talk. ~ care line. >> thank you, mr. cisneros. now we have a budget analyst report. mr. rose? >> yes, mr. chairman and members of the committee. on page 23 of our report, our recommended reductions to the proposed budget total 302,973 dollars in 14-15. all of that amount are ongoing savings. these reductions would still allow an increase of 4 million 6 23,245 dollars or 13.2% in
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the department's fiscal year 14-15 budget. we also recommend closing our prior year unexpended general fund encumbrances which would allow [speaker not understood]. together those recommendations will result in $392,9 23 saving to the city's general fund in 14-15 ~. i recommend reduction to the proposed budget total 341 18 in 14, 15 all that of are ongoing saving. these reduction would decrease the department's 15-16 budget by 2 million 578,6 14 or 6.4%. we're still working with the department and will report back to the committee next week. >> thank you, mr. cisneros. the next department is economic development and workforce development. oewd. and we have todd ruffo.
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thank you, mr. ruffo. whenever you're ready, mr. ruffo, go ahead. >> thank you, supervisors, chair farrell, members of the committee. thanks to the mayor's budget office as well as harvey rose's office for this year's budget. i'll provide a brief overview of our budget and discuss the current year outcome and our new initiative related to the year ahead. our fiscal 14-15 budget is 36.1 million dollars. that's down from a 13-14 budget of 39.2, a decrease of about 3.1 million dollars. decrease hees principally resulted in removal of one-time sources. in our 13-14 budget.
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total fte, we have 6ftes in this year's budget to bring total count to 92.5. in terms of highlights for the current year, as you all know, our unemployment rate today stands at 4.4%. this is down from 9.5% in 2011. that said, 21,000 residents remain unemployed and that remains a focus, [speaker not understood]. that's why we continue to implement "er manufacturing factor initiative which is focused on key manufacturing sectors, spreading the growthedthv we've [speaker not understood]. food and beverage as well as other sectors within apparel and other sector. this year we've also worked closely with supervisor wiener's office to launch administrative focus on nightlife and entertainment sector, [speaker not understood]. in small businesses our small business served 125 small businesses out of city hall. that's complemented by the fact
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we have two job squads throughout the city providing direct business assistance to more than 5400 businesses so far this year. over the past year our office has been working closely with the office of small business as well as the department of technology to deploy and implement the online business portal first phase of the online business portal which is scheduled to be launched later this fall. in addition as the treasurer just mentioned oewd is work, closely with dtx to do business outreach around the change to the gross receipts tax in addition to the website and outreach to business groups and mailings to businesses. in film we continue to see a surge in film in san francisco increasing the number of permits issued and increasing the number of permits obviously and the number of shoot days in san francisco. [speaker not understood] oewd continues to work on development projects such as roadblock and [speaker not understood] program. oewd is working with sister departments in ocd and planning and dbi to implement the mayor's 7-point housing plan. in workforce we continue to
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implement our sector aloe ms. unction c, health care, technology, as well as our access points across the city. our workforce program we served more than 4,000 residents and placed more than 1500 in jobs. we continue to implement the mayor's invested mayor's initiative to support [speaker not understood] across the city. that includes our mini gram program which provided $850,000 in grants to [speaker not understood] in 23 different neighborhoods. that includes the japantown task force [speaker not understood] geary as well as the bayview opera house's [speaker not understood] event. this year we launched our a-d-a perm which provides des ~ desperately needed assistance to help them understand a-d-a issues. in 13-14 we completed [speaker not understood] projects for small businesses. with the support of supervisor mar we've launched healthy s.f. -- healthy retail s.f. which encourages small businesses in areas under served by healthy food to help most small
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businesses carry and stock and provide fresh produce in those neighborhoods. the tenderloin, bayview and the omi. we launched a small business program [speaker not understood] for 20 small businesses and six neighborhoods across the city. it is a key nowctiontion us for us in the upcoming year. i'll talk about that more in a moment. access to capital and land use issue for small businesses. that's why we continue to do loans through our through loan programs that includes 139 loans totaling $4 million through our loan program. s.f. shines provides facade and ten amount improve projects. we've done 13 so far this year. and finally, the community benefit districts, there's 13 cbds in san francisco. [speaker not understood]. that's going to be another topic for initiatives. in terms of business attraction and retention, we are in the process of -- we have funding in our budget to launch a
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nonprofit initiative to focus on many of the recommendations of the workforce -- working group nonprofit displacement. this was a recommendation of our working group. the sector manager would build the initiative and be the central point of contact for nonprofit organizations in need of assistance, helping them navigate city government, technical solutions, [speaker not understood] to keep ask grow important nonprofit sector in san francisco. our budget also includes funding to development a bilocal initiative which is focused on connecting local manufacturers, local companies and events for local manufacturers and services. in terms of development our budget includes an fte to track and monitor development agreements or project like park merced and cpfc to ensure developers follow through on commitments to the city. [speaker not understood] real estate projects in the neighborhoods. we work closely with the
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