tv [untitled] June 22, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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the most reliable sources has been development and has been the development of market rate units, which help to offset the cost of affordable housing. this proposal, i think, will reroute all of the potential affordable housing funds to new development and i also have an issue with the fact that we have developments in my district in particular that need to be rehabilitated. there are a lot of different layers to affordable housing. specifically, there's public housing, yes, and there's san francisco housing authority. there is also housing that's under hud directly that exists as a result of redevelopment. and specifically a number of those developments are past their life-span and need to be rehabilitated. and i know we're going to be working on looking at this legislation to determine how those can be included in the number of affordable housing
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units portfolio as it relates to construction, but i'm just not convinced that we're there yet. imposing a ratio on construction solely on new construction of market rate and affordable housing means we will be ignoring the needs of already built affordable housing. in order to meet the ratio, all of the available funding in the voter approved housing trust fund will have to go towards new construction with nothing left for the preservation of existing affordable housing development and public housing developments. the housing authority and other hud housing developments will remain as neglected as they have for years, with no hope in sight for thousands of people who may lose their homes if the conditions persist. it is worth pointing out that 30% ratio in question is not even accurate now that the state has dissolved the san francisco redevelopment agency, meaning these consequences could be even worse especially in district 5 where the need is great for rehabilitation of
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existing affordable housing units. so, i have real concerns. just today, colleagues, you supported an issue of a sale of revenue bonds for buchanan park apartments for $15 million. and there are more to come, especially in my district. they're not moving quickly enough and they should, but this could be a devastating blow. i have always said that improving public housing is one of my top priorities. there are so many layers to public housing and affordable housing and they all need our support. and i want to help ensure that san franciscans, regardless of income or background, have access to affordable and safe housing. yes, we can and we must do both. these goals are not in conflict. in fact, providing funds for existing public and affordable housing is one of the most effective thing that we can do to make the city affordable. but the other challenge that we're not talking about is the lottery system. we talk about the fact that we
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want to help homeless families, we want to help teachers, we want to help doctors. we have a lottery system that doesn't lend itself to be supportive of housing those folks who needed affordable housing the most. so, maintaining public and affordable housing is an efficient and effective part of my overall housing goal. it is not a diversion from those efforts. if our overall goal is to find housing for people in need, we need to do something about these crises as it relates to not only building more but also supporting those who we know need this housing most. i support both existing and new affordable housing developments and today along with the mayor will be supporting an initiative that protects funding for both new and existing affordable housing units, creates more affordable housing funds, and reflects neighborhood plans as well as helps every san francisco find an affordable safe place to live. i hope that we can come to a
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resolution. i do not want to see dividing or two measures on the ballot that are in conflict with one another as we're working together. and working together, we can develop a system by which we can support affordable housing and we can support the preservation of affordable housing. and, again, those two are not in conflict with one another. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor breed. mr. president, seeing no other names on the roster that concludes roll call for introduction of business. >> let's go to general public comment, madam clerk. >> at this time the public may comment generally for up to two minutes on item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. please note that public comment is not allowed on items which have already been subject to public comment by a board committee. pursuant to board rule 4.22, please direct your remarks to the board as a whole, not to individual supervisors nor to the audience.
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speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify and if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please clearly state such to sfgov-tv and remove the document when you would like to screen to return to live coverage of the meeting. >> first speaker, please. thank you, mr. president and members of the [speaker not understood]. my name is christopher doll and i live at sixth and howard, 13 meters above sea level. i raised a comment on my motivations for being so rude so occasionally. as at months fear warms from climate change, climate regions that are now hospitable to our food relocation -- to our food production will relocate. food production rates will fall drastically in major populations will starve. ~ and major populations will starve. planet systems that hold back ecosystems that [speaker not understood] will be disrupt and had will release those plagues upon us. major populations will cough or
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bleed or sweat and die. violent political upheaval will overtake many regions. major populations will die in the conflicts. economic upheaval will lock down production and distribution systems throughout the globe. major populations will die for lack of care and infrastructure. all of these things will happen at the same time. it is possible that billions of people will die because of these changes if nothing else changes. remember, free energy for freshwater to grow new trees. at g-4 bond on twitter and hash tag carbon balance, [speaker not understood] is the youtube channel. christopher doll, sfc on facebook, and no excuse for ignoring this. thank you, mr. president. >> next speaker.
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good afternoon. my name is don maxwell. i'm a transit operator at the sfmta. i wanted to present to you a proposal draft of a charter amendment that would reform muni and take the power away from the mayor to appoint the staff as well the mta board. plus allocate funding towards adequate transit services for the people. i have some pictures that i wanted to show some of the working conditions that i have encountered in my 11 years working with the sfmta. some of them are too graphic for tv so i can't ~ so i don't want to put it out there. so, they're going to be published in the newspaper. i want to talk about this initiative. we're trying to get the
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signatures together we want to get the board support on this. we know the mta needs to be reformed in its entirety. some of you have received this and some of you have gotten this today. i dropped it off at your office. right now it's going to be called proposition s until we get the necessary signatures together to make this happen. one of the [speaker not understood] but the potential campaign they were supposed to meet with me and talk about some of the working conditions and that meeting, here it is four years later five years later and that meeting still hasn't taken place yet. so, muni needs to really be reformed in its entirety from ed reiskin all the way down to
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sharita britt. you guys need to [speaker not understood] and support this measure and make sure that [inaudible]. >> are there any members of the public who wish to speak in public comment? seeing none general public comment is closed. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you go to the adoption calendar? >> items 72 through 74 are being considered for immediate adoption without committee reference. a single roll call vote may enact these item. if a member objects a matter can be removed and considered separately. >> colleagues would anyone like to remove any item? roll call vote on the adoption calendar. >> supervisor campos. campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye.
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supervisor breed? breed aye. there are 11 ayes. >> those items are passed. [gavel] >> and, madam clerk, could you read the in memoriams? >> yes, today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individual. at the suggestion of supervisor kim and supervisor breed, on behalf of the full board of supervisors for the late mr. kevin weston. >> madam clerk, do we have any more business in front of the board? >> that concludes our business today, mr. president. >> i want to thank sfgov-tv brought to us today by nona melkonian and jim smith. streaming live into your homes. with that, ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. [gavel]
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>> present. >> commissioner yee? >> i am here. >> present. >> thank you. >> you have a quorum. >> i would like to thank sfgtv for broadcasting us today, and could you call the next item. >> item number two, citizens advisory committee report. and this is an information item. >> good morning, we have four action items that were also four action items that were of yours, specifically 4, 5, 7, 8 and we passed them all unanimously and item four was 2 million in proposition kfunds for the bay shore caltrain pedestrian connections project, and i asked the question as to why the developer was not going to pay for this and the answer that i got was that this was that they could maintain the pedestrian access to the train,
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during the length of the project and the development/construction of the project and item number five is the balboa station, and took the time to address its issues, and your item number 7 was 53 and a half million dollars in prop k, funds, as well as 1.8 million dollars for 7 requests, peter asked about the glen park community plan, and whether or not it included bicycle item and they will follow up on that and number 8, and that was the prop k programs and our chair, glen davis asked whether or
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not, those programs will be affected by it and they may have to be reprioritizeds and that is it. >> have you for being specific. >> i am happy to do that and usually i see him here and he has comments on several of our items and i was going to defer to him to talk about that, but i don't see him here today, maybe next month. >> i see no questions from colleagues, but thank you so much, mr. larkin. >> we need to open this up for public comment is there anyone else that would like to speak? >> public comment is closed. >> could you call the consent calendar? items 3 through 5, considering routine, prepared to present if
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desired if a member objects, and any of the content calendar may be removed and considered separately. >> thank you. would anyone like to pull any item? >> seeing none, let's open it up for public comment, is there anyone from the public that would like to speak i see none. >> roll call. >> breed. >> absent. >> campos. >> absent. >> kim. >> aye. >> mar. >> aye. >> yee. >> aye. >> and consent calendar is approved. >> thank you. >> and now we are joined by our colleague, commissioner cohen. could you call item 6? >> recommend the appointment of one member to the citizen's advisory committee and, this is an action item. >> we have courtney presenting. good morning, and by way of
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background, the transportation authority has the citizen committee and each member serve as a two-year term for the administrative code, the plans and program, committee recommends and the transportation authority boards presents the members, and neither the staff or the citizen's make me recommendation on the appointment and you can see a list of folks who submitted applications to be considered for appointment to the citizen's advisory committee, and you can see it with information, regarding the current committee members and to qualify for the appointment, someone must appear once before the committee to speak to his or her interest in qualifications. and we currently have one vacancy verying your committee action and it is the result of the passing of flanagan of district six and there is 6 to consider, we understand that there may be candidates in the audience interested in speaking
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to their interests and qualifications and with that we can take any questions that you may have. >> thank you. >> so i see no questions. i believe that we have some of the applicants, or we have some of the applicants here. if you would like to speak, come forward. >> good moerpg, i am captain of the basketball coalition, recommended and applied to serve on the cac. and as a san francisco resident, i am extremely interested in improving mobility through transit and infrastructure projects and as a former cross cultural trainer
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commitment and organization. i will consider the impact of changes to the transit or the infrastructure projects upon on the under served citizens. and above all, in any group, i serve the strengths involve listening, and conflict emerge and how the solutions and compromises that may not be readily apparent. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> is there no one else that would like to speak that is an applicant? our office received one letter from an ap mri indicate and so i encourage you to reach out to our office and although i want
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to make it clear that we are looking for a resident of the district to represent the district and i know that mr. commiting, called this morning and he is not feeling well. and he is quite sick and so i am just going to ask to continue this item so that we can hear from him at a committee meeting and to reach out as well to our office. >> thank you for taking the time to apply. thank you very much. >> let's open up from the for the public comment, is there anyone else from the public that would like to speak? >> seeing none, comment is closed. >> we have a motion to continue this item to the next meeting. can we do that without objection? thank you. >> we are joined by commissioner breed as well. >> next item?
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>>recommend allocation of $53,539,150 in prop k funds, with conditions, appropriation of $39,000 in prop k funds, and allocation of $1,804,206 in prop aa funds, with conditions, for seven requests, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules , this is an action item. >> and thank you, and we have mr. chad rapman a transportation planner, and i would like to reference larkin's comments about the questions about the glen park station as well that came up earlier in this meeting. thank you. >> a request for, and they are kind of the projects and we will go through them with a brief overview. >> and based on this public sidewalk repair, and the request for the prop k funds are for the construction of
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sidewalk replacements around the city streets at approximately 210 locations and the funds leverage in addition to the state funds that will be used to repair the additional 95 locations. the locations to be repaired are picked from a list of requests that have been inspected by the staff and prioritized higher if the location has been a sight of an accident. and maybe the dpw also looks at area of high sidewalk lift and locations with existing extensive damage and this is a recurring annual request for prop k and conditioned upon approval of the five year priority, which is the subject of agenda item 8. this is 39,000 dollars to
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conduct the follow up planning to that effort and the funs from this project will be used for the development of the scopes of work and funding plans and the rfp for the next phase of the project related to the realignment of the southbound off-ramp and the closure of the northbound i280 on-ramp as well as from the funding for the inner agency staffing and i want to note that the transportation authority staff received the supportive action from the balboa park on this item. >> these are included in the plan to increase the safety. and this is the subject of this specific request and implementation and for a total of 4 intersections by the
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community and intersections in priority order, and arlington and wilder and the funds that will be used for the construction, and repaving and lecturn pockets and upgrading signals and street lighting and restriping and landscaping and does eliminate the five parking spaces. and the prop k, request it here is lefage as a 1.2 million dollar federal ear mark. and the next project shown is the comments and i think that the cac questions the plan and larkin raised is what improvement to viking and to the pedestrian safety and it sounds like those and that intersection will make it much safer for the biking and the pedestrian an safety. >> that is right, arial is following up as the project manager but the traffic calming
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impacts will effect both bicyclists and pedestrian ans but as far as having specific bicycle infrastructure and that might be a typo but we will confirm. >> thank you. >> and the street scape and it applies for the project that the committee saw in april and the initial funds in 2012 were for the first block of the construction and the design and the projects gave the project the vision of funding for the second block. and the project includes, traffic calming and traffic islands a bus bulb out, and pedestrian. and on the second we have for the month is the field and loop pedestrian requestor and requesting 240,000 for the
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design phase of this project, and the sfmta and the city college have been working to to be sure that the project continues to move forward for the construction, and sfmta will be designing and constructing the project on behalf of the city college and in coordination of the new pedestrian plaza located between the actual loop where the buses will turn around and a new housing development. and the it will design a new pedestrian connection between the city college and the loop and the kstop on, on shen avenue and the design on the construction to be completed by the fall of 2015 and the winter of 2016. 21 million is the over all cost. and that goes towards the contract and prokuring the
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managing the subcontract and administering the client, eligiblebility. all of the work funded will be completed by june the 15th and i want to know that on time performance is up and, and the requests are done and accounting for more new accurate we are forming and over the past three years, the debit card system is allowed better enforcement of the program rules and includes the program for the ramp taxi drivers. okay and the final request is for the transbay transit center, the joint power authority is requesting 43 million for the construction phase of a transbay transit center. it will support the san francisco bus ramps and program and project management and construction management and other services and of the
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construction of super construction concrete. and the system and it looks like a really big request and it is, and i want to point out that a large portion of the funds were deobligated from the older grant when they received stimulus funds, and they had strict timely requirements and bumping up the prop k funds. and these next few slides have given an idea of the work that is happening over the next few months and years and i want to note that the revised budget for the project of 1.899 building for the phase one of an increase of 310 million over the may deadline, it has identified, 110 million for the funding to fill a portion of that gap, including 41 million in prop k, and 61 million in the bay funds. and the cjpa board developed a strategy to fund the remaining by using a transit district plan, and the revenues of which
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will be acquired by the formation of the facilities. simple clarification and not related to the expenses of anything, but the projects on page seven, you call the loop, and i have made attempts and i thought that it was being taken care of that name will not be used any more? do you know anything about that i should say that we have dpa and ron, and sarah and pt mcdonald if you have
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questions as well. i understand that the conversations are that the transit area is being discussed as being remained to the san francisco state, and i am sorry, city college, staff. and so it would have, city college and the name. and that the plaza is the unit b plaza has been selected by the community and i am not assure that the change of the location has taken effect yet though but we can confirm. >> thank you. they were asking just to see where it was at. >> okay. >> thank you any other questions colleagues sf >> thank you, let's open up this for public comment. if there is anyone
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