tv [untitled] June 23, 2014 3:30am-4:01am PDT
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them to help them and the cosby hotel. >> we had a thanksgiving dinner our staff cooks dinner for one hundred and 50 people we do a lot of outreach with the aids walk we'll hit $150,000. >> it's not that i disproof of your philanthropy but let's talk about the permit. >> so it sound like for all functional permits there's not a change in the way of the space there's only new ownership. >> nothing is changing. >> i want to be clear as well the hotel grouping u group is we're the hotel management company so we did advise the
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owners to have representatives here as well. >> i think, you know, to commissioner hydes point there's controversy about the theatre bringing entertainment there's a larger amount of traffic so you're telling me nothing is changing at this but it does bring an alarm we encourage all permit owners to know the new voices. so we'll see if we add that as a continue but know that's what the spirit is of commissioner hydes >> we post it every moss month and nothing has changed it's wednesday through sunday. and now we're in a movie invite we do movies and winetasting
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right now >> our board meetings with the knob actually meetings took place once a quarter i attended the last one at the end of the january and even though next board meeting and then they had one in april i was actually on vacation i didn't attend but the next board meeting is in july that's something if you want us to do we'll do a presentation. >> thank you any other commissioner questions or comments. >> yeah. tony grew has been there forest. >> i'm sorry. >> that's the - >> what's the room. >> the top of mary. >> there's so many rooms i met you friday i believe okay. but anyway, you know, it's been
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there doing this so long and everything else the neighborhood outreach is very important because the demographics have changed and the neighborhood reps want the engagement but as the industry we know it's been doing the same thing and running the same house, same call? for years but i think we're happy that you are still doing the same thing and promoting functions, you know, we encourage more hotel business. >> and we i'm sorry as a management company we appreciate it's a landmark and that's something that everybody appreciates from tourists to locals and we're in this situation based on the change of ownership we want to keep everything the way it is people
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appreciate it that's san francisco so we're here again to represent based on the ownership change. >> great. any last commissioner comments i don't think there's any i don't know if there's police comments officer >> hello steve from central station representing expanding captain lazzaro this is an existing hotel that's had an existing permit i can't think of a single time we've gotten a complaint a case no. or nothing like that let alone the proteins from the community i'm surprised about the remarks we fulfill support them getting their permit we recommend their
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approval we only request we be invited about any events outstanding like a in lieu of party you a that's why we're asking. any questions or comments >> no. thank you >> all right. any public comment on this permit application. i don't see any. commissioners a motion >> yeah. i'd like to move to approve and ask you, please do a short presentation in july. >> there's a motion is there a second. >> second. >> i just want to say it's for consistency because we ask everyone to do that if you let one person not do that we really
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encourage you to do that more than anything. >> on the motion to approve same house, same call? and that item passes. >> that works all right. congratulations. we're getting close to the end of the meeting item number 8 commissioners, comments or questions. commissioner joseph and then commissioner akers. >> sxho pride june 28th and 29 in front of this building on polk street on the 19 the prayed starts at the 930 from stewart street to the plaza and then the plazas opens overlooking at the 11 o'clock in the morning until 6:30. >> commissioner akers. >> yeah. i'm wondering if it's possible to get the community outreach plan suggestion, etc. a copy of that in the binder in
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one of the tabs maybe that we can refer to it so we don't stumble over the items. >> i wrote it in the - >> this will be great, thank you. any other commissioners comments? nope. is there any public comment >> oh, well one more. >> okay. >> just for clarification since we're still revealing, however, the final language about what we voted on at the retreat. >> has been voted on. >> and we've assembled it back together that's going out to the permit officers? >> yes. for the record yes. >> i'm sorry.
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can i please repeat that with when was it voted on >> the police condition we voted on the retreat there's a record you voted no. yes >> so that's vote on the decision is made we're talking about how it's recorded from the minutes which i think there are words missing and then commissioner akers asked is that going to be sent to the permit officers really for consistency sake i think each time we get requests about surveillance cameras so let's recommend they use the same language we he approval and they can throw others go things. >> i thought we were going to have a discussion about that and vote on it here? about what? >> the security camera.
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>> no. >> i thought we were discussing the different terminology and i you thought you guys were going to decide that. >> so i think there's. >> okay. >> there was a miscommunication so a few weeks it was unclear based on just the minutes and my impression at the retreat we voted and made a decision on the language and we're still open to february from the police. if we would be discussing it and amendinging that i doubt my
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recognition having a conversation is with president tan he confirmed we actually voted on that so then there was nothing from the police department in terms of recommended changes that they were fine with the language the way it was so it doesn't get put on the agenda for discussion. so, now we're having some >> great we can also revisit conditions if someone want to put that up let's do it but as far as i understand in conversations with the police they've withdrawn their requests for the hand over. >> that's my concern if people are having doubt. >> this is not on our agenda. >> even though i asked for it. >> if you want to schedule s it
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let's schedule it for the next agenda. >> it sounds like we're not clear we need to discuss it now it looks like we did. >> here's what is going to happen we voted on language and a we need to make sure the rshts that and we can open up the discussion again, if any commissioner times to change the language it would be nice to talk about outside of the meeting just to clarify what may have happened i think there's some loops. >> you can't talk about this outside the meeting this is a public meeting it has to for the public. >> i can talk about it to clear the matters the public can try to sunshine that all they want
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we made a decision we have to make sure the rshts that and we haven't clusz closed the loop and even if they're closed you want to bring it up again, you have the right to do that and if you don't want to bring it up then don't. i'm going to talk about to barbara there's loop closings to do there. anyway any more comments >> so basically to make sure we're all consistent open the language. >> yep. >> and she's not quite clear so why don't we just figure out exactly go what that language is going to be. >> is if in the minutes. >> it's in the minutes. >> good. so that's homework for people to
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do look at the minutes any public comment about our lively discussion we'll do the requests for future agenda items >> yeah. at the next one i want to discuss the neighborhood outreach and the implementation of the new outreach guilds and how that's gone i think this is something we should do at this point, and, secondly, commissioner perez and i have talked about wanting to do a neighborhood forum to involve neighborhood organizations and other stakeholders in discussion with us but we would like to work on explaining to them what we've worked on in the past too years as well. so if we could somehow do the
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safety forum we would like to do that and we'll both be happy to work with you and thinking it would be nice to have public health and you upper possibly to join us and the police, of course, but we didn't want it to be around the venues and things that the venues are fatiguing and their concerns but more integration and our outreach >> (inaudible). >> and we would like to talk about the outreach because we have forum but this is not on an agenda this is something we've working on not set in stone so if there's future discussion we'll have it then. >> for clarity didn't we do this once before.
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