tv [untitled] June 23, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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supervisor yee and he will be chairing this meeting i'm joined by supervisor tang and supervisor campos will be here arriving. i want to apologize for the delay of starting this meeting the 10 o'clock meeting we had run until 2 something which was longer than anticipated so let's get started. the committee would also like to acknowledge the staff of sfgovtv jonathan and jim smith who record each of the meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. madam clerk, any announcements? madam clerk, any announcements? >> yes. please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones,
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sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. . all documents will be submitted to the clerk and all items on today is agenda will be on the june agenda >> we have our number one. >> this is for the port commission appointments. >> ms. hauling hall would you like to come up and make a brief statement. >> good afternoon, supervisors i wanted to spend a couple of minutes and talk about my experience in terms of my nomination for a renewal of the port commission that's been rewarding i'm fortunate to be on a board commission with which we've had things happening on the waterfront and thing you've been visible in the public have
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been visible for the more term and the america's cup the rehabilitation on pier 70 and lot see 367 is the giants project and peers thirty, 32 with the arena and everything we've sent to you from the port commission have been a piece that we have presented to you and the board has voted on unanimously, however, ross are in the news i want to talk about things that don't hit the news and the commission is focused on i speak on behalf of myself and the commissioners, i want to mention that i think fortunate to have a commission that functions well together and my commissioners discussion will be
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up next, we bring a difference skill i come from finance and we have our labor willie and our president willie and the 7 waterfront and we have representatives of the real estate knowledge i want to highlight a few things that don't hit the press we spent a lot of time number one on the last year when i was president he addressed 2 hundred and 53 items i'm sure you're aware of the items on the project side we didn't spend a lot of time on those issues i want to highlight the importance that have been useful from the public's point of view we review regularly and we have a great track record at
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the port this is for the public good we focus on open space and program spaces and we have 35 on-stream from the green project and we currently have 18 parks as i like to say and the port at least in some of the development areas every 7 minutes you'll walk into a public space the waterfront is a public amenity and it's important that the public has a program space. some of the other things i think we're proud even though smaller the fact we have a r an eco center and the south marin we have art projects from 280 and other projects we're providing and youth programs at the port
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and we've led a lot of environmental projects along the waterfront. so those are the things that don't hit the press we spent o spends a lot of time and it's a priority to the commission and especially the open space going forward. i had the honor of being the co-chair of the san francisco bond issue in 2012 and of the $35 million it's being dedicated to the port we're excited to have the funds to develop our open space so the priorities with going forward i've mentioned that are the strategic priorities the continued need to address the capital budget issue the 2 that million dollars need is to keep the waterfront maintained and donates a challenge in terms of going forward to keep the waterfront in the shape and condition
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everyone can enjoy for recreational and publics enjoyment and the other things we do and the strategic issue of the sea level revise it needs to be addressed by the port and lastly recently the traffic congestion issue we alone at the port can solve. now the reason i mention all the things the reasons i'm engaged because those issues are important and i hope my service on the port commission will address those issues going forward. thank you >> any questions. supervisor campos. thank you >> thank you, thank you very much i want to thank the commissioner for her service and continuing to want to serve i've been impressed with our work and
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the meeting with you. what do you think are sort of the key challenges facing the port as we're moving forward i know that there are budgetary issues around the infrastructure of the agency. just wondering what those challenges are and your priorities will be >> well, i think number one we'll be adjusting to the guidelines going forward and how that effects others projects on the screen. i think on an operation basis we'll continue to figure out how optimize 4 hundred contingence and the revenue stream we need to continue to increase the revenue stream to the port to be able to sustain our capital needs and trying to figure out the strategic concerns to the capital needs about $2 billion
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and the staff presents areas to address that and we have is there's a lot more new things and the agency of the port to deteriorating i think we want to keep the balance between all the things we do and it's the most diverse enterprise it's not only focused, you know, we have merry time and recreational and we move more people than goods through the crews ship and the strictly for the commission the capital needs and how we stephan figure out the answer to fund those that's not easy we don't have the surplus to address $2 billion we don't have the
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ability to fund it so we have to have other developments to answer all the needs and the sea level rise is an issue we don't know how much it will cost it needs to be addressed and the whole transportation issue in the whole waterfront area this which is something that the commission as well as other go agencies need to address >> thank you on the prop b point i think that's important, you know, someone whose who's supported prop b i think a number of voters have sent a clear message there has to be a better job in terms of understanding the concerns around height and the perimeter of the projects that have come out of the port it is important for the agency to use the opportunity to reach out and connect to the various
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neighborhoods and that only helps informed all the challenges. >> the voters have spoken we're going to work with that going forward and the projects under consideration we understand our partners take into account and we've not received all the plans but they're doing the community outreach as they should. >> thank you. thank you >> any public comment on that item? > (calling names). >> supervisors i'm willie the vice chair of the port commission i scam in support for the folks to be repointed out i
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saw turbulent times anyone can do during tough times but the leadership comes to the forefront doris reign made a lot of tough discussion and pissed people off and made the port staff and commissioners better but also she become a better commissioner fairly she raised the bar and i'm the vice chair and leslie will help to keep the bar high and doris republican too. thank you >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is see korean woods i'm i'm the co-chair of the port commission group i've worked for
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the port for 25 years are that i think i'm here to support both doris republican and commissioner willie adams they'll done an outstanding job with the port commission their engaged and involved and bring different perspectives and doris reigns financial background is about invaluable and commissioner adams maritime background has renewed the focus of the port on the maritime issues that don't bring a lot of revenue but are critical to the mission. they've both served 3wr50i7b9ly and look forward in the community to working with them for another term. thank you >> thank you. is there any public comment? on this item. seeing one
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(laughter) >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm malcolm i'm the deputy director of the chinatown development i'm here to speak in support of commissioner doris republican woe hoe people know about the professional background i'll say that i find her amazing on a personal level as she was waiting through the top levels of the executive world she's raised 3 kids and i know it. i really want to do get into her background and her relationship to the community. for me and my specific area of work which is around affordable housing and communicated development people don't know the kind of roll that doris republican played in visitacion valley banks invest.
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the one near and dear to my heart and for a lot of people in chinatown is the international hotel that was the symbol of the neighborhoods anti displace of employment fight and doris republican was cycle critical in moving wells fargo towards that the construction low loan that made that happen she herself was a major donor donor as well wells fargo. she moved institutions in the community and that's important over the next several years the port has open space and amenities like chinatown should be able to access and we're looking forward to work with her and the connecting up of the youth program >> thank you is there any public comment? >> i'm leslie i'm delighted to
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speak on on behalf of doris republicans reappointment. i've known doris republican but in the last 10 years we've worked only committees for nonprofit to which we both belong i want to focus on what i consider to be the most important characteristic she's ethnical she does the right thing and her heart is definitely belongs to san francisco so she works very, very hard for the benefit of the city of san francisco for the two other talents she's smart and diligent. and she brings that to bear unreservely to what she puts her mind to she'll lead the port very strongly and lastly she's
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hardworking. i have to say that i'm probably not as hard working as she is in working on the same committee she 0 drove me to exceed what i thought was good enough (laughter) so i think somebody said she raise the bar and drags people along with her. so thank you >> thank you leslie. is there any public comment? . seeing none. i known ms. hoe for less than 48 hours i met with heroin day it was obviously to me the professionalism she brings into my situation and her acknowledge because of the port and some of
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the interactions of the other departments that needs to happen like traffic and so forth she's made things happy and it's impressive of her way to work i'll be fully supporting her reappointment. supervisor campos >> thank you i'd like to move this item forward with a positive recommendation. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you not only for commissioner wu but for commissioner adams so impressed with what you've done and we're lucky to have people like you who want to contribute your spare time to serve and be really great representatives to the port we often have controversial issues and issues that really we need to deal with
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for the port to survive and better serve our public again happy to agree with the fellow supervisors and continue to the full board with remedies. >> so there's a motion any objection. >> would you like to send this out as a committee report. >> pardon me. >> for the committee report on the 24th street. >> that's fine. >> we're send it auto as a committee report. >> okay. all right. we'll take that without objection. that item passes congratulations arrest madam clerk item. >> it is the reappointment of william adams term to end 2018. >> supervisors i'm willing i didn't adams i've been one of
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the members of the unions one that's progressive and i represent the working class of the american i've been on the port commission for the last two years i make no apologizes if you're the type of person you'll never take risks we've tried to gament engage the community and we've got the terminal that is open it is the only terminal that was named after a member of the port commission and we've got forest city we're working with them and the giants i can say for myself i've learned a lot because the people on the commission have talent we're not
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a rubber stamp be commission we take on the tough answers and issues not front yard of criticism we enjoy when the public come out as he since january myself and wanting kate's we're going to go into the community and have meetings and a lot of the people in the city don't know they see the waterfront they don't know it's the port of san francisco we have to raise the port and getting young people to go to the port the port is our economic engine to the san francisco city. i've been working diligently with the west coast funds to make our ports competitive. supervisor yee you've heard our
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concerns yesterday when we talked we talked about congestion and we want to talk about congestion and water ferz your worried people coming to transportation and supervisor tang i've heard you want the port commissioners to remain thinkers but i said responsibility will and not everything is a good fit think about everything and rent it. supervisor campos you said it's about transparent it's about questioning everything and not rubber stamping everything he said that listen to what people saying i'll say we have to continue to try with prop b we have world-class city we're on the vertigo of greatness we're
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going to have the olympics here in 10 or 15 years san francisco can't hide the average age in the city is 27 years old but i agree we have to change responsibility and think about it and bring everybody along and sometimes find a medium ground where everyone wins >> supervisor campos. >> thank you, commissioner adams i'm happy to support our reappointment beyond the original qualities and every member brings it's important to have the agencies like port commission and you in particular are perfectly suited to provide the prospective just the same question or questions i've asked
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commissioner wu hoe around the priorities you've subverted issue of prop b but in terms of the priorities what you think those are and sort of from your prospective prosecute your set of priorities would those are. >> the commission we have to do an assessment a long-range assessment clearly the sea level rise and we've got piers falling spot bay how can we get creative we don't have the luxury of seattle and other ports so people have the perception that the port of san francisco we're on a shoe string budget we'll have to address that and also we'll have to think about what is a good fit for the port and
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what wouldn't be a good fit and lastly i think that clearly one of my goals with with the cruise terminal coming o'ly want to see over one million passengers a year we thrive on tourism and people if they have a choice to get off a ship in la or san francisco they'll pick san francisco we want to showcase our city we're a world-class city and have a world-class waterfront we want the world to look at that and heroism we'll get the george luke's museum. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, thank you any public comment on that item? i have a few cards
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(calling name (calling names). >> chair yee and supervisor campos and supervisor tang i'm here to support willie adams i'll tell you why and remind the supervisors that something we know we have few international unions that are not only many washington, d.c. or the west coast that's the history of the labor movement moved west we have the honor of willie adams to take time off to serve open our port commission he knows probably than anyone else including the long shore workers people as to what goes on in ports they represent the locals
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that go as far north to san diego and i'll guess that mr. adams was to all the ports for some reason so that acknowledge he brings to san francisco with the creativity is needed this this world-class city is really going to be valuable i'm here to support keeping that talent on the commission. thank you, supervisors >> hi doris republican hoe i'm here to speak about my colleague william i didn't adams he's extremely engaged and he really brings number one is willie because of his current position has a lot of connections both up and down the west coast in terms of the commission and
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washington, d.c. we hear about what the other ports are doing san francisco is unique we're not a pure shipping port by willie has been able to strengthen our agenda we don't have that background he represents the workers and labor he comes from corporate america and amazingly we don't start at the same place we'll have had labor tensions and the international side that's important and he's done some trips on behalf of the port to some of our major sisters in asia we do do cargo shipping and
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he's been invaluable so i just want to close and is he brings a difference point of view and he's as you've heard him talk he's a very thufgs person and he at times when he has to figure out whether to carry or personal hat he carries the port hat that's important to all of us thank you. >> come on up. >> good afternoon, everyone. my name is felipe reilly i represent the local 10 one of the business agents i'm here to speak in favor of willie adams
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reappointment to the port commission. myself and our whole local is very excited the day when he became a port commissioner for our history in the o i o w and the port in san francisco going back to 1934 that was one of our proudest days a lot of the members in the past have been involved with san francisco and the government of our country and all those members have gone down in our history books. and i guarantee you willie adams is on the right path to go down in history with our union. i think that at this point in his career of being a port commissioner, i think that's just another long
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