tv [untitled] June 23, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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>> good evening and welcome to the regular meeting of the snifks once in a while we'll begin by roll. >> commissioner renne. commissioner hayon. commissioner andrews is excised we're expecting commissioner keane mom ring with the harmonies of liberty; the public comment this is not appearing on the agenda. >> good evening chair patrick i'm here as a private citizen
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i'd like to ask the gentleman to distribute the 5 copies for the commissioners leave one for commissioner keane and commissioner andrews that's a formal complaint of a statement of incapable violations by sunshine task force member david. was submitted to the clerk of the board of supervisors this morning and to mr. chad field mr. syncountryside. mr. pill paul has no business coming before you and holding himself out as an agent of the task force.
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or an ambassador for the task force during the deliberations of sunshine referrals sent to you for enforcement. i believe it's your responsibility commissioner andrews that when mr. pill paul comes up to the microphone and introduces himself david pill paul member of the sunshine task force and sales to mention he's speaking in his role as private citizen it's your responsibility commissioner andrews to immediately cut him off and rule him out of order. he's not permitted under the s i a to hold himself out as an agent of the task force and if at the continues i think it's your responsibility to cut him
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off and not wait until two hours into a hearing as you the on april 28th when you wait until two hours and 8 minutes into the hearing to inform him no one is soliciting our input mr. pill paul. thank you. >> commissioners ray for san francisco of open government i've asked you to review the recording when members of the public raised the issue radz documents provided to the members of the commission some of the comments were inappropriate the sunshine ordinance which like it or not
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this ethnics has an obligation to enforce and requires it provides documents to the public how can we have a public meeting when you have documents and we don't know what they contain and so forth. my personal concerns about such indulgence is mr. sin tripod countryside is using his position to manipulate hearings he determines in advance the desired outcome and presents evidence unquote unquote that will support of the outcome and omits evidence that will support of the outcome that will support excuse me. change the outcome a omits evidences that will not the public has a right to see documents in open or closed
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session not specifically prohibited from disclosure this ordinance has been in effect for a dozen years you can't tell me a person has specialized as the executive director didn't know the documents for your consideration have to be provided to the public unless there's a specific exemption. and yet we sat here that last meeting and had this ridiculous argument and there were disparaging comments saying to the public do you think we're trying to pull something over yes, we do and in particular the executive director he decides the outcome let the city employee off the hook and stick it to say the complainant who's a citizen of the city and manipulates the session and hides the dproments the public so we cannot look at that and very specific works.
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now does he know he's suppose to provide the documents sure and his staff gets millions of dollars to handle those things properly and the simple fact you can't follow a law and i'm not getting paid for it ridiculous. you have an obligation to follow the law if you look at side executive director report iowa do i see under sunshine every item has a description of what you've done that has nothing because you don't do anything >> i want to address the description of the agenda item 6. of course, there's many public records that were left out of the group that was sent to you.
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there are no public speakers on this item started in october of 2012 when i made a records request and gone through hearings 3 hearings before the task force and gone through all the litigation in which the superior court ruled i was in corners with the law and it's been about a year and 15 months that's 15 meetings of ethnics that the issue raised whether to assert the attorney-client privilege what have we been doing but dealing with the issue have you even seen the withheld documents. the other point i want to make
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is that there's no really case pending right now. the superior court case is closed. the case now in the court of appeals has been argued and briefs filed we're waiting for the decision so it's he pending that there's nothing you or i can do to alter the progression of the lawsuit in this court of appeals that kind of surprises me there is no appellant i was the petitioner that case was concluded the petitioner in the court of appeals is the ethnics. there's no defendant i'm the respondent. i am the respondent. so when you describe the
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commission in some way as a defendant that's been beaten up by some person in the city i think it's a little bit sad. and finally it baffles me the action you can take i'm on agenda 6 that's if i want to wave the privilege do that. i assume if you want to do other things that resolves it that will be something you can do. thank you >> good evening, commissioners can i have the overhead, please. my name is john i'm here this evening to request that our staff your staff accept mine and other candidates running for the november ballot for ss e f c for
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public financing. i have given another example of another department that does a correct e check off list you don't so $0.35 that's my problem you're not fundamental and that's the real issue here when i applied for in my candidacy with the ethnics and the file i was given misinformation and your department needs to do a complete check off list like another department of each candidate to come before the file to be more efficient please consider my request to accept my form s f e.c. dash 142a
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>> sir, can you pass that up the overhead is not working. >> i don't have the perm information this is a form from the elections department a check off list of everything you're supposed to do. >> what are you saying. >> i'm saying the department didn't do anything. >> you can use the microphone. >> your dysfunctional department no check off list for all the items you have to do with the ethnics when you file if i had done this i wouldn't be here. and >> is it because you have to fill out certain forms. >> not only that they didn't tell me about the forms yes. >> are you now aware of the forms you need to fill out. >> yes. >> okay. >> but the due date you have a
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complete check off list that's another depended that's more fundamental and it gives that to the candidate when they apply so i'm asking not only for me but the other candidates thank you. >> good evening, commissioners and mr. sin country i'm hope johnson with the task force. have been i'm here to speak on item 6 even though it was held over it is way at the end of the agenda that's coming close to 0 closed session i might not be able to stay so it would be nice to be in front of newer items i want to encourage you to hear this item in open session it's about public policy surrounding
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the sunshine ordinance and it's connection it's specification that things related to the sunshine ordinance are not falling under the television station attorney-client over and over their exempt and that's something that the public needs to hear especially in a time right now government is trying to be as private and secretary active as possible while we're making the public have to disclose everything even without us giving your permission to please consider having this in open session we would greatly appreciate it when us of on the task force we were shut out from what the ethnics was doing along the lines of sunshine complaints that's something that the public
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should know how the ethnics is handling it, it's in the sunshine ordinance that the city attorney and the deputy city attorneys want help departments withhold documents interest then the other thing i wanted to brungs in the documents that you did referee know you received a lot of the appellant documents it didn't appear you received the order from the supreme court that grants mr. gross man the right to review the documents and i think that's probable something that would be benefit to the public and commissioner. thank you >> good evening chair and
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commissioners. i'm gilbert. of new district 8. i just wanted to make a comment how come i don't understand why you're names are not on here to list it's important to have all did commissioners names on here per i'm speaking about public financing for this coming election in november for the supervisor races and you know, i ran in 2000 i don't know if they had public financing back then but i didn't make that kind of money where i got public financing i don't think they had public financing in 2000 but i'll hearing from other candidates they're having problems are the ethnics with the calendar when their supposed to do their reporting and whatnot. and i think that would be helpful for the candidates
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inform have that. i'm not running new treasurer foyer candidates campaigns but when i ran back then the ethnic commissions had a calendar of dates so you could be your own treasurer and turn in the filings according. but for what i understand there's been problems with candidates not getting the public financing and if the public financing is there and they meet the requirements the city should definitely back up the candidates even though their not the incumbent a maybe an unknown candidate but that's what public financing is for. thank you.
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>> i guess this one, too. my name is yeah. my name is michael nolte. dear commissioners and executive director well, that's the overhead. my name is michael nolte i'm here to talk about the procedures for the candidates one for 2a. of which is on the attachment here. of what i just submitted. on may the 27 i went to department to ask for the forms for a candidate for the november 4th election i received a handful of documents to be
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filed i filed out all the documents and established an online filing. i then asked if there were other other remits upgrade my filings and an f pc number. another candidates on june 12th informed mayor edwin lee me informed me that there was a problem he was having problems with the 142a public financing deadline. and wanted to know if i knew something about that i said no and then i went to the elections dependent on june 13th to request a form 142a and tried filling it out but the clerk would not accept my form i went to your staff on june 14, '17
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and the 19, 3 times and each time i was told i couldn't. your staff tells me he can't accept the form after june 10th but they failed to acknowledge what procedures to take and again, the form is a neutral form whether i want to or not have public financing so therefore i should have been handed that when i was at the office. i will be attending the training on june 27th and finding out this information then and it would have been too late then to file on june 10th. so that's why i'm here today and again, i'm michael nolte i'm running for supervisor in district 6. thank you.
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>> next item on the agenda discussion regarding legislation passed by the board of supervisors on june 17th that all the times the cities lobbyist ordinance. >> good evening deputy executive director the last meeting the committee asked question discuss the lobbying ordinance those amendments were passed by the board of supervisors last week and we provided you with a memoranda briefly outlining the provisions of the ordinance passed last week. start by saying the most significant change that was made with those amendments was a change to the qualification threshold to become to quality
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as a registered lobbyist the current threshold you have to have one lobbying contact and earn 3 thousand for the period in an fester to establish a bright line test because that threshold the current threshold is difficult to understand by the regulated committee and encompassed by staff. the board of supervisors established a one contact test if you're lobbying on behalf of a client a a 5 contact test within a calendar month if you're lobbying on behalf of a employer like the director of affairs. this was the main change and again, the effort is really to make the rules easier to understand and enforce so there are a number of other changes
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that were made that are laid out in the memo we've included the reporting by so-called permit expediteers people that get permits and quarterly reporting not exactly the same as loiftsz but similar information and then the disclosures by developers of major city projects like donations of $5,000 are more to nonprofits that are lobbied are may lobby on behalf of the be developers project those are the main provisions i'm happy to go through the rest of the memo or answer questions we have the benefit of deputy city attorney josh who worked on the ordinance as well so between the two of us
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we can answer questions >> commissioners questions. >> assuming the mayor signs the ordinance what's - how are we intent to educate the community as to what the changes are and how they respond. >> sure yeah. commissioner renne there's a couple of answers first, we do have drafts we're drafting regulations to implement the new changes. and those we hope are before you at the end of july for your july meeting and with the passage of those regulations we're going to update the lobbyist manual that we have then we'll distribute that to relocated lobbyists addresses update our online trying under the new rules the
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lobbyists will be filing a statement certifying they've done that would be one year >> as i understand under those regulations if joe blow private citizen goes to his supervisor and urges him in support of this legislation is he a lobbyist. >> no he'll have be to compensated for that. >> the level is no longer compensated. >> that's right. >> can you talk the costs on the commission enforcing the ordinance. >> well in terms of administering really the probability main costs we do anticipate based on some feedback from the regulated community that the number of lobbyists will increase by virtue of the new threshold that
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will take time for the staff getting people signed up and problem bes and issues there will be the fees collected with the lobbyists but there's no staffer time. and then there's the issue of for the permit expediteers the permit requirement going into effect january one of 2015 and getting that online will obviously you been a cost because we have to amend our contract with net file, etc. >> what about the cost of of the audit? >> well, yeah that's correct. well, right now the costs for the audit fee they're obviously staff time dedicated to quiet frankly getting up to speed with the lobbying requirement but we
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don't know how many we're going to audit immediately which is for the first year but that will be staff time >> so they're saying at least one and hopefully to do more. >> that's correct. >> and the idea is what that how will we determine how many are feasible. >> well, we'll look at the number of registered lobbyists i don't know off the top of my head we'll look at the capacity and the workload we're trying to get through the number of audits we have for the campaign financed we're optimistic so a lot of it will be making sure we're looking at it and take into account our staffing and our
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