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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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environmental commitment that just shown through everything that you were doing and but also, just the relaxed love of what you were doing, and to sit in your office and interview the people surrounded by the birds, and you know, it was sort of like being out in nature and inspiring and i appreciated that in the introduction into the department life and we will miss you a lot. >> thank you. >> commissioner wan? >> sure. you are really one of the person in the department that i could go and ask the question, and you really know the department inside out and the history that brought the knowledge that you have really inspiring me. and i really wish that you could stay longer so i could learn more from you and i am also happy for you because it is hard to enjoy the environment and we will hope that we will continue the spirit that you have and the solid work and you will be a real for the department. >> thank you. >> i think that so much of this
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department, combines, sort of actism with being a government agency and kind of all of these beautiful, and all of these problems with that but there is also a beauty do that and i think from the very start and even when i was not around, you kind of exemplified that and kind of having really started at and i just got to know this recently, and at one of the great activist publication and having sort of come inside and into the government in keeping that role of the department within the city, family and, making sure that everybody else and sort of was still towing the environmental line and pushing it as far as it could. and so i think, you will be, sorely missed and i will certainly miss you and i hope that you write everything down that you know. so that... >> i am going to give 2,000 e-mails that i have safed to my successor. >> thank you. >> commissioner wa*ld? >> thank you.
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>> and david, i am the longer serving commissioner but i know where i have barely scratched the surface of the time that you have been here. but, i have been here long enough to really see, the impact, that you and your values and your compassion for the environment have had on the department not just in terms of the role in the city but the way that the people do their work, the way that they relate to each other. and the way that they relate to us. and then, you have, not only had these incredible accomplishments that are listed in concrete accomplishments that are listed in this resolution, and but, the impact that you have had on every single person who has dealt
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with the department either directly, by interacting with them, or in directly through their interactions and which the staff members which you have mentors and inspired. and motivated. and it is true that the department will miss you terribly but as a recent retiree myself, i cannot even question your decision. although i did for a period of time, but i stopped now, that i have actually retired and i hope that you have a fabulous next stage of your life, and that you get to enjoy the environment as much, well, as much as you possibly can and it can never be as much as you deserve to. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> and thank you. >> all right, any public comment? on the items? seeing none, the public comment is closed. colleagues, perhaps, just for
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housekeeping, we can get a motion to amend our resolution, and commendation to reflect the number four? that monica mentioned and that was on page. >> it was on page 1. and i moved and second on that? >> second. >> and all of those in favor. >> say aye. >> aye. >> opposed? >> all right could we get a motion to approve the commendation? >> i move that we approve the motion of commendation. >> all right, so moved the second from commissioner stevenson and, all of no, sir favor, say aye.. >> aye. >> opposed? >> thank you, david. >> for everything. >> monica if you could call the last items, 14, 15, 16
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combined. >>announcements. (information and discussion) 15. president's announcements. (information and discussion) 16. new business/future agenda items. (information, discussion and possible action). >> on my end, any announcements in the future agenda items? >> thoughts? >> commissioners josefowitz? >> i just want to thank our dear president for organizing what i thought was a tremendous joint meeting. and we have been here for a very long time now. and not as long as that longer meeting that went on for bloody ever. but, for the pleasantly for this time and thank you very much for organizing that i think that it is tremendous that we can do some more and i think that there are exciting things and opportunities that came out of that. >> glad to do that and, thank you for the feedback. and you know, you sit there through a long meeting and you are wondering, how we are doing and so, we appreciate that commissioner. and commissioner? >> i would like to suggest, that we consider inviting roger kim from the mayor's office to come to maybe even our next
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full commission meeting to discuss with us the mayor's environmental priorities. >> okay. >> we can do that. >> and one other announcement is that, i said that i don't have an announcement but i do, germ o has been working like crazy behind the scenes to coordinate and i notice that he has been here this entire time and thank you, for everything, and for making this happen, and david, and the team, and you know, it was not easy and of course, you know, i hope that when the city attorneys get assigned to the commissions it is not just like, rolling the dice or lottery, and it is like subject matter. and that you know, that tom, and when he is here on a night like this, it is like, he is, you know, the environmental, stuff that we have talked about just like, we that he thinks that he is so glad that he is here to be here for a long meeting like this. and i might be right? >> yes?
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>> okay. and thank you, we don't often thank you on a night like this and we have to and of course, monica and she is running around this whole time and fixing the technology with our friends at sfgtv, and thank you. >> thanks. >> and okay. >> any public comment? >> i just have one quick thing to mention is that there is a temporary new temporary system for the new director, ryan jackson who will be getting in touch with each of you to set up an individual meeting with debbie for hopefully next week with each of you. >> so if you hear from ryan jackson, he is debbie's new assistant. >> okay. >> all right. thank you public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> item 17? >> public comment, on items not on today's agenda? >> any public comment? >> seeing none, it is closed. >> adjournment, 8:10. we are adjourned. thanks.
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>> good morning today is tuesday, june 24, 2014, welcome to the san francisco transportation authority. my name is supervisor john avalos the chair the transportation authority and the clerk is ms. erica changing sfmta is charles and jonathan call roll and supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos absent. supervisor chiu.
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supervisor cohen absent. supervisor farrell. absent. supervisor kim. absent. supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. we have quorum. >> great we have quorum. >> minutes approval for the may meeting. >> seeing none, we'll go on to public comment it's open on the item concerning our minutes as i understand. item 2. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos absent. supervisor chiu. supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell absent. supervisor kim absent. supervisor mar. supervisor tang.
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supervisor yee. that item passes. >> okay. next item. >> this fiscal year has been a busy month it's been a busy month at the time transportation authority first our staff and the staff from the sfmta committed committee meeting in our 11 district to discuss the revenue measures for this fall and next year those include a $500 million obligation bond for transmission that all 11 supervisors want placed on the ballot in november and as well as 2015- 2016 the restoration of the vehicle license fee they'll build on the prop k tax and they'll level with the region funds to improve pedestrian
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safety and bicycle safety and smooth our roads and help with the offer burdened transportation system our staff worked closely with the agencies on the update of the prop k transportation programs we'll review at the board next week month neighbors in several districts gave their input and prioritizing the transportation consistently across the city the vision zero committee and the programs committee the sfmta and other agencies presented on the many ways that the city departments are working to boost transportation. as an example the road landscaping and bike but for lane on san jose and other streets that was brought but the
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supervisors representing represents the improvements those programs can fund with agencies. transit will also figure what the muni transit lines citywide and improvements on our city systems bart and caltrain congratulation to the as a matter of fact, for completing the tunneling portion of the central subway. on time and on budget and to thank vice chair weiner and chiu at the event with mayor ed lee we're proud to support the probating revenue project i was pleased to host a delegation with supervisor wiener i was interested to learn of spain's high speed rail program and both
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sides talked about the sustainable transportation times programs and speaking of sustainable transmission we came together to have a pro transit budget on the cap and trade we've received a lion's share at the $630 million for high speed rail intercity and sustainable projects and affordable housing we'll track and support in package and hope the mayors signature are good news for san francisco and our state that concludes my remarks if no comments interest the commission well open up for public comment
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seeing none, public comment is closed. item 4 this is a director's report and informational item >> hi lift ev'ry voice and sing i didn't chang. i'm pleased to be here and my report is on our desk as well as the geary brt projects as supervisor avalos mentioned we saw some action on the local and state levels at the federal level we're hoping that the congress and the president will come together with sustained funding for the high trust fund to be completed by august. we've seen proposals from the house to perhaps redirect influenced the postal service to look at offshore profits from corporations, however, the most pro tem solution that is the battalion proposal from the senate see to raise the tax by
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$0.12 for transportation and we're hoping that carries forward with other additional support from the administration and congress to avoid the last minute crisis we may face this summer in the highway trust fund is not replenished we've seen meetings we thank the board for hosting the revenue proposals meetings and the general obligation program supervisor avalos spoke about the robust discussions from the citizens and the stakeholder and community members and if those proceeds made it with board approval this fall. the active transportation program at the state level had a deadline and san francisco has
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submitted a large application for consideration by the california go transportation commission those are funds for bicycling and traffic safety and it is exactly what we heard from the neighbors. those $11 million of fund support vision zero and the bay area trail project and the safe is routes to school our recreational committee included the funding in san francisco to expand our bike share system we should know the call for the projects this august we'll keep you posted. in addition supervisor avalos spoke about the cap and trade it was a wonderful coming together at he state level it sets up a multiple framework in its
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firefighter of cap and trade that the governor had - the state took out so next year in 2015- 2016 the fuels b will come under 9 cap and trade system we'll see trillions of dollars and we absolutely need this similar to the federal level the state gas tax is a improvement of our cap and trade so thank to our partners that advocated tijuana a city and within the region for this great outcome. in - last month the traveled to sacramento so thank our leadership at the california transportation agency as well as the department of transportation for the collaboration and
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partnerships on the highway networked like the city of parkway and our key van ness avenues and the brt project and 19 avenue we'll see tree treatments and we're grateful for our cal granted we're conducting a few in the katrero area and chinatown thank you for the new grant i'm pleased to announce we've study the freeway network this refers to trying to increase the efficiency and safety and operational productivity of those lanes in conjunction with the carpool network around the bay area. in terms of the transportation committee i want to thank you
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for another great meeting and particularly edward reiskin who has the chair mentioned he came together with other agencies to future streamline the delivery process we had a great meeting at the global partnership the international delegation that represents san francisco and thanks to supervisor kim and supervisor wiener for attending. in district 6 we had a great development on the alley street project that is a major project in the implementation of one of our western selma to develop the alley the developer will build in project in conjunction and has agreed to have pedestrian lighting and stared street
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treatment between 8 and 9 accounting street to an in kind agreement of $8.9 million thank you for the partnership as well we're delighted to see this project happening by on a sobering note we noted f there was a pedestrian collision i believe it was a serious injury but on the mid block crossing on east street we need to keep pace on our pedestrian safety fonts. in addition, i want to thank supervisor yee for coming to meet with the vision zero task force where we spoke regarding the need for the improved education around pedestrian safety effort and in particular for all the departments to come together for our providing the best information and to
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coordinate our efforts in delivering safe transportation to the public. finally actually, two more items night life transportation this is a new effort sponsored by supervisor wiener and supported by supervisor mar and supervisor chiu to look at night life transportation autonomy for our transportation and operators of the entertainment venues but they have if i choices in the night life transportation this is the most robust group had all the transit agencies including our sfmta, our brt and caltrain was there in addition to transportation and labor and other groups that represent the hotel and restaurant workers and others who need and desire
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better information about the options available additional more frequent and secure services and other possible strategies that the working group about without parole come up with that's the partnership with the office of economic workforce development and the entertainment commission supported with by our agency as well. this weekend i was pleased to join transportation leaders at the institute ceremonies where they honored the director rod he's a long term he's the grandfather of light rail in the bay area as well as the national level he's decided to step down but he'll stay active in transportation and thank him for his lisp within the transit industry. a final note we're clogging up
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our books i'm pleased to say we're going to pay down $15 million of our outstanding commercial paper debt this thursday so the remaining balance will be gradually paisz paid down because we were able to manage our debt program thank you for the finance administration for helping us that concludes my presentation. >> thank you very much colleagues any questions or comments and supervisor wiener. >> i want to thank the ta staff and ms. chang for supporting the night life transportation working group it's a wonderful working group but pits e it's great to have the transit expertise and the first meeting went well, everyone that was there was blown away by the
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diversity in the room this is an area that employes 53 san franciscans in addition to being part of the culture lifeblood of san francisco we've never studied night life transportation and what are the higher costs we can do short term and long-term i'm a lot of people are excited it's happening at the it gives us a policy framework as we're doing all sort of of the transportation work in the future we'll have those representations so thank you for your work. >> thank you. >> thank you for your report. if there are no october questions we'll comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. . and that's the informational
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item on to our finance committee items >> item 5 this is an addition item. >> colleagues questions or comments this item is open for public comment state alleviation we we'll close public comment and go on to a roll call. >> supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell absent. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. that item passes >> that item passes next. >> item 6 authorizations of the executive director with or for the renewals for the contract options for professional services not to exceed 2 hundred and 63 million dollars and to
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modify contract terms this is informational and seeing no comments from the commissioners is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. . and move on 0 a roll call >> supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. that item passes. >> item passes next. >> 7 what award on 18 month contract not to exceed 2 hundred and 73 thousand for the 19 avenue environmental study phase and authorize the executive director to authorize the terms in non-material conditions this
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is an action item. >> no comments from commissioners up to public comment. >> roll call. >> supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. that item passes >> great item 8 please. item 8 award a construction contract to the lowest bidder not to exceed $9 million plus for the contract terms in non-material contract terms and conditions to have all the
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supporting grievances in an allocate for the off-ramp street project action item. >> seeing none, no one wants to question anyone from the public. >> again we'll have our roll call. >> supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. that item passes >> great let's go on to our planned program. >> item 9 commit $2 million with conditions of the bayshore connection project this is an action item. >> supervisor cohen.
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>> thank you very much mr. chair. colleagues thanks for hearing this item what you have before you is an result of a public process that took over 13 years to complete after the closer of the schlage lock factory in the 99 we partnered with universal paragon to develop a revitalization plan for this site in the community. after several years of analysis the process recently concluded with the adaptation of the redevelopment plan zoning changes a master plan to guide the changes on site, however, with the demise with the agency in 2012 the loss of tens of millions of dollars dollars in tax increments funding that accompanied this project has
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required us to reaccess and give a fresh look at the community goals. it's been challenging to move forward to say the least especially moving forward without redevelopment funds but we've been able to lean on the advisory committee members it's been flexible and they've rolled up their sleeves to revitalization this project. we've been working with the mayor's office and other agencies that includes sfmta to come up with thoughtful solutions to help us meet the gap we found ourselves in after the dissolution of the redevelopment agency. what we have a simple today, i'm asking for your supporting to commit $2 million for the bay area caltrain