tv [untitled] June 24, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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fault but let the residents to get in and out of their residence. number one question is to answer our question regarding the loan in a creative way we can a lot going into it but wherever government is trying to give loan there's a lot of red tape. so the soft story program they use in the real program loan and also the private loan and this is more effective compared to the extremes we have for the u m b program because the the program is complicated and the answer to your question we have meeting b with osha you know how difficult people that work with the state every level is different so that's why i try to
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resolve it. when i get the message from the cal osha you you know the inspector tell me or their commission the elevator i don't agree because the building code they require the elevator to serve the resident whatever they need to find my agreement i - they can't head to the commission elevator they've noting got to fix it and get recommendation to fix. more conversation with the state and city because there's something, you know, a conversation what we say before next monday if the recommendation and then you know from the, you know, i don't want to go through all the - we go
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through the, you know, committee with the study group. you know, we brainstorming i think about the chief inspector rose mar we got to create an insurance program with all the, you know, elevator service companies. maybe come up with something, you know, they can work together with the city to service those elevator we've got maintenance inspectors because most of the elevators left of the inspection that's why they have the problem before, you know, they can inspect before the problem occur i'm from all the evidence because this community try to
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find out a problem and come up with a solution to have a recommendation to you and the board. thank you. okay >> thank you anything else you want to ask. >> i want to give dph a chance to answer and we have a lot of people we all know the changes and this is a state issue but we place our residents in those buildings so whether or not we like it we have our own responsibility and accountability to our residents and the individuals with disabilities and the seniors that can be trapped that's a huge problem we have to address so we can finger point and say it's the states fault and, you know, property owners point their fingers but at a certain point we have to come up with solutions we can say we're
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resulted in but they're the most resulted in and their own pencil and health and safety is impacted. >> yeah. that's my top priority to resolve we want to be part of the solution to make this work. and, you know, you know - >> i'm not mad at any department i want to get to the solution. >> anything else you want to ask me we can answer. >> thank you i'm going to ask if it's okay to have dph to come up. i do so department of public health who wants to come up? >> good morning, supervisors. with the san francisco department of public health the issue of inoperable slates in
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our hotels is a series health and safety concern especially to the residents but unfortunately, the revolution is not within the pressure view of dph we we get complaints we send them on, however, our urban health is here to add the responsibility of regarding stabilization. i'll be here to answer any questions >> thank you, dr. >> good afternoon, supervisors and i think you know that we couldn't agree more with this being really a horrible situation and no good situation for anyone other than it's one of the dwellings we have for people. i wanted to talk about if it's
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okay. i'll start with one of the questions i was going to tell you about the s r o hotels and how we're able to approach them. so, you know, about our direct access to housing program 36 buildings, 17 hundred units many of them are one hundred percent affordable housing sites that supervisor wiener was talking about earlier, however, 6 of those are not leased and their s r o hotels. we've been able to do with the s r o hotels it shows how having more control over a building but overlooking it's the price tag. so one of the hotels doesn't have an slate it's 50 units and we have 17 hundred units that have been a problem.
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we don't obviously refer people there that need an elevator. and another one of the hotels was totally new renovated so new elevator exactly kind of in the vain they have not had elevator problems. then 4 buildings the rest of those buildings the majority of our units 3 hundred and 50 are together they're older s r o hotels have been cleaned up and made nice and have regular elevator maintenance, of course, 31 they have prevented active maintenance we've done over the last 10 or 12 years for those buildings m that one of them we have had those elevators replaced i mean in the $500,000
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vein no difference but the elevator were totally replaced because those elevators were old and started to break down and we have master leases and also a property management company we negotiated with the owners for a very a long time to get them to renovate those elevators. we've done that in a way to get them to pay for it we'll pay for replacement of people in other unit and if they're down for a long time maybe 5 months we pay for replaying folks and we get owners to pay for the actual last night. >> remnant but it costs a lot of money.
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i absolutely know that experiencing this ourself we know that oh, why do we have 50 units for 5 most it's because one of our elevators is being replaced it takes a long time. we're able to do it and everything an owner agrees they should do that >> so there the incentive is that the lease gets enforced if we have to we could ask for the real estate office to step in we've never had to do that. and we have financially such as we can when we. come the stabilization hotels we have 5 that have an elevator from the bottom-up people don't have to negotiate so it's a big step to get to the elevator.
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that have elevators from the liquor up and two have no elevator. the replacement team doesn't place people in the buildings that need special accommodations to get to them you don't believe you don't mean that the elevators from the term of the word i - and when we've had elevators breakdown we're on the phone like twice a day with the owner to ask when it it being replaced so you're saying this part neatest needs to be built and the hot team will place people in other hotels while the varieties is broke down and it didn't account for one hundred and hundreds of people that are part of our community the seniors and the disabled that
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may not receive in home support services to help them live in the buildings and live as they have the disabilities and the health issues. that's really only for the 3 hundred where we have a little bit of control the mou says that the elevators have to be you know regularly reviewed as the state says. it does say all those things we have less control and there's a lot of elevators that need to be replaced >> uh-huh. >> and if we can be proud of a program of incentives that would be wonderful i mean we'll want to be part of that. >> thank you. i was wondering so i know what i've heard from the master lease providers is that back when we
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started master at large buildings we have accomplished a number of kind of items. items on the actual master lease of the responsibility of the property owners and the master lease unfortunately, the one issue that's glazing left out is the issue of elevator repair >> well - >> maybe you can address what can we do around the master lease i know that dph can't enforce that but we could put provisions in the master lease to allow better outcomes maybe mandate a capital reserve and when i say master lease programs you mean like the building that are eyed for capital for cash i think the master lease program
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is a cash program from the agency they've brought on a lot of business at once. they did the master lease through the provider who t h c the if i master lease building out of the 6 buildings were through the city and the department of real estate make sure that the broil and the roof and other maintenance was taken care of so we say the 10 years lease and the elevators were part of that you have to do a lot of work to get it denouncing done so if it's noted part of the lease that's would be bad >> so as we reopt we've be able to include stimulations around the elevators. >> oh, yeah. >> but it's hard to get the
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property owners to follow up on the provision. >> i'm only talking about the 6 building that we have we don't master lease the stabilization hotels like a block rent so the people that think it might be helpful if they were to master lease the stabilization hotel we could do the same service and the hotels could really work with the owner around making that kind of replacement but so in the stabilization units the amount of power that we have since we really need the rooms is that we really monitor very cholesterol's that those elevators are working and if an elevator breakdown like at the board when i think only happened one time is breakdown it was the most reliable hotel we'll be on
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the phone with the owner for the collaborative result to know how important it is. and we'll know as soon as the elevator is back on line. we've seen as the elevators were breaking down more and more the circulate company was one we used it takes forest for them to be replaced because carla said earlier those elevators need to be fixed >> i know a lot of folks are here. director - ms. johnson whether or not we could require regular maintenance can we consider that so preventive maintenance could be an at about issue >> in terms of our master
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leases in terms of the stabilization units we call the memorandum of understanding i don't know how specifically the master maintenance that we can include we can give more bite to that and be more specific. >> thank you very much. >> sure. >> supervisor cowen may want to. >> i apologize which department. >> the department of public health and urban health. >> i'm listening to the testimony and the economic challenges around not having the resources can we binging begin to think out of the box and addressing the exchanges of seniors not getting food is there a nonprofit or work group we can partner with when a when
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an elevator goes down a response kicks into ox auction outside of moving people that's certainly one way but is there a kind of notification system that you invite family or next of kin to let the folks know the slaveries are not working. if my parent were in the situation i would want to know where the chaijz challenges are to accommodate the inconvenience i guess dollars is there some kind of an internal situation to communicate to the family or an orientation structure to partner with to help people get to the boomer and to the grocery stores
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or to get food if we're delivering it to them >> you're talking about two different groups of people that residents and s r o that live in s r o the 3 hundred and 20 part of the units have case mettle and so therefore if they have anyone they want to have contact usually they are pretty down and out in that part of their life we're working on getting them into public housing we have service people that will help them out if they couldn't get out of the hotel. so it's our responsibility to figure out how to do that. there are hundreds of people living in the s r o holes it's their home it's the saw way you
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live in an apartment building or house it's an s r o unit is some people's home some people have angled in those buildings. so we don't know i don't think part of the s r o assessments that are happening on the public outside. right now they're looking at what is the environmental issues in the s r o i think their paying attention to what people know there are older people >> let me rephrase. always the duptd seems like that will be a health issue is small business is unable to get to the ground floor for food my question how do we solve that problem. >> if we were to know we'll have a case management program to make sure that the person needs food or be it - >> we don't have the safety net
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when the elevator is gone we don't have - >> unless they're connected. >> so if their vekd corrected so big is there room within the case managers listen if one of your cases. >> uh-huh. >> is in a building in the ever there's an emergency a natural disaster argues cure responsible to help the person get up and down the stairs or to gather the food and bring the food is there a room to expand that particular roll. >> so you mean besides helping me, i'm delight
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me, i'm inclined to help other people it will do for me whatever they need to do. >> there's no you recall program there's nothing when something happens elevators go down those who don't have case managers are left on their own. >> that's problematic. >> we should develop a proposal policy that will partner with a nonprofit organization as much kind of think a city agency to provide basic requirements of food, you know, user a yours of getting food from the ground floor to omits that's an unsophisticated way to solve a very challenging problem in the storment how do we get from the first to the fifth floor to go
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from one flight all the way up when an elevator is out of service and how can we not organize that. >> i'm done. >> hi i'm paul i'm with the department of public health and the concert task force we are the california force is doing a food ascertainment of the s r o residents we're looking forward to reach forward and in to privately paraded s r o and the collaboratives we're accessing for the ammunition and the desire for people to cook and improving the food security
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where we have several members of the task force that deliver to the s r o and meals on wheels they're doing generational program in chinatown and dos is looking for expanding the program deliver so there's expansions in the community. we want to come back with the results of the s r o security. that's great i look forward to that >> so through the chair if we can open up for public comment. >> it will be two minutes. i have some cards i'll read them off now. you don't have to speak in the exact order i call you
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(calling names) >> good morning supervisors jessica with the senior and disability acts. the collaboratives in 2012 conducted a survey with folks living in s r o elevator problems with were in the top 10 one in 5 people were saying their building were not assembling accessible and other saying their elevators breakdown really i'll hear to talk about the problems we've identified in the survey and the clafbz and the panel and the consortium and
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the downtown senior seminar as well as the mayor's office of housing the elevator problem has been a top priority to figure out but obviously something must be done since the survey in 2012, the problem has grown we hear about people not been able to get out of their homes because the elevators is out oh, i can't get out for three weeks. we're glad to hear that money was committed from the city but we need to do something about s r o we want to see money set aside for loans to modernize and other ways of helping out with the elevators. i want to thank supervisor kim and the department of building inspection for their extensive research.
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and definitely things to all the s r o residents that have been telling their stories interest i'm going to turn it over to my colleague who will talk about a followup questionnaire we did in terms of elevators in the buildings >> thanks jessica. i want to share briefly the questionnaire of the elevator and have steven share nor compelling stories. so 64 yee questionnaires collected and a here's some of the things we've found sponsor 73 percent of the respondents said their elevator is often out of the service and 34 percent said their elevator is out of service for weeks at the at the time and 43 respondent said he know someone has been
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transported in the elevator pay 39 respondents said they have not been able to get act out ever their home. people that said they can't use the stairs 89 percent said their elevators are often out of service. a big group of people 61 percent said they or someone he know has been trapped in the elevator some of the hotels. concoction and mission and gray stone and chase and cadillac and senator, ambassador and others baldwin and isabella and war field. so i'm going to pass it over the our resident at the heart a land
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hotel so he can share stories >> we're in public comment so your time if ended you'll be next for public comment. >> thank you. i'm steven tense i'm a resident at the harder land hotel. i think we should be talking about a working elevator is great but during a disaster an earthquake or fire what upstairs to the disabled and the elderly on the 6th or fifth floor what happens to them a working elevator is not going to do anyone good. now again, i live at the heartland hotel we had a successful program that was all on the significant floor and how we got the individuals there it was a cash initiative it was
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extremely successful why can't we do that the disabled make a cash incentive if they lee live on the fifth or ofth floor get all the disabled and elderly off the upper floors you'll safe lives if that's implemented. that's a buff thing to be proud of. we're talking about elevators that's fine but if the real world what happens. if a disaster or fire that's what we should be talking about seriously. >> just to clarify steve one of your recommendations help move folks with disabled disabilities to lower floors. >> sure. >> is this something you've seen or suggestions directly from surveys? >> well, i give when i talk
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about disaster preparedness my workshops i do two or three a month and i ask how many have disabled in the upper floors and that's a huge number i i can't say 50 percent but there small business making sure someone that's disabled moves into an ar o they move to the lower floors that will save lives and how this is done through cash incentives that is not what you're talking about but we should be talking about that i'll take the opportunity to present that. thank you >> thank you
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