tv [untitled] June 25, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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women skeekdz america skeekdz not only in san francisco (clapping) and let me and by talking about one other pill last year of self-sufficiencies i would be remiss there's one person in the room that played a big effort that's the issue of health care security how is it that in a nation as wealthy as ours it was once the case that you couldn't get access to basic health insurance i spoke to one person in the midwest his employer told him at a fast food restaurant i'm going to fire you if you can't get to work yesterday. he explained you know the
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restaurant industry if you're sick i prefer you to stay home putting that aside he teld told his employer how can i afford to get a doctor's note if i can't afford to get to a doctor that's why nancy pelosi and the president put their remunerations on the line for the most important piece of public policy the affordable health care we're on the are the side of history (clapping) millions of americans now have hope many for the first time every because you'll see more and more people signed up 8 million on the challenges and others 8 million on their families health care we're moving america healthy and when
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america it healthier it's better and that's why insinuates like this are important to talk about the issues we're making progress but we can and must do better there's nobody that's a played a more important role than the next person your congress minority leader and one of any heros daft of baltimore nancy pelosi. (clapping.) >> good afternoon all of you and mr. secretary thank you for your your generous remarks i decided to leave my speaker on the chair because you've covered the territory our recognition of
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what it takes to have america succeed it's my honor to join our great mayor in welcoming you to san francisco we're honored to have one of those meetings in preparation for the wants summit i see the mayor recognizes that when it comes to job creation and fairness in the workplace and when it comes to acknowledging the needs of our families and what it means to have a city of families not because our policies don't respect our families thank you, mayor it's a that's a great honor to be here and join supervisor david chiu and careers chiu in welcoming us to
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san francisco you may not know mayor tan done she's the president of cap and the center for american progress she's a master of public policies to meet the needs of american people not only in a way that puts us outgoing the readers of history so welcome to you to san francisco as well. i'm pleased to be here with congresswoman jackie spear we share the honor of rep san francisco and my colleagues from down south and newest clearing jarrett a new member of congress let me say that about him he comes to fill the footprints of lynn rosy a welfare mom that served in congress and she is
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proud to have him here making his own marks and thank you jackie spears. (clapping.) the secretary has laid it out the the president has established the summit it captures the challenges i was so proud in his state of the union address across the country by the measure of things when women skeekdz america skeekdz it's not just the title of our economic agenda for women and families it is a statement of fact. women success is very important. let me talk about that briefly beginning of this congress a year and a half ago jackie and i came together and we said we
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want to go around the country and hear from women to see what they need to unbe leash their power in the workplace and jack i didn't say been a champion and violence against women and sexual assault in the military and you'll have that this slice was women in the workplace how they ged get paid etc. we went for about 6 months and we learned there were those 3 things when women succeed america succeed equal pay for equal work as the mayor and the secretary suggested and raising the minimum wage over 60 percent of people making minimum wage in the country s are women it's about praying pay the
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legislation was the ledbetter act but we have to do more and two pay sick leave. we pass when some of us are in the congress when i was there we when president clinton became wanting we handed him the first bill leaf and over one hundred americans have take advantage but it's not all pay so we want to be pay the greatest country that every excited when others countries that we don't recognize the obligation it people have to their families if they're sick or their children paid leave and a 3rd of that is childcare quality be affordable
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childcare it's important for the family it's essential for the children and this is about not only women as employees but women as employers thank you, john for your work on small business women owned monitoring owned businesses so the combrirsz as well as the employees in the workplace. so when we went around and talked about paid leave we had people tell their stories that's what you have to do thank you colleague for what you do she was talking about telling our stories a woman was telling her story how she was a single mom and had a paid regular job but said i'm not going to tell you
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about me, i'm the bused driver a school bus driver i pull up to the curve i see a mom tears in mile-an-hour icy know exactly what's going to happen she's going to put a sick child on the bus because she is absolutely no choice if she takes a day off work she i'd like to take this opportunity afford it if she takes two many days off she lose her job she was no childcare so on the bus spreading the germs and mr. taylor not a good place for this child but the mom has no choice we can give that mom choice by passing this (clapping) and one more about a mom another
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mom 5 kids english second language the whole thing and comes to tell her story about how important head start is and it's being cut in washington, d.c. now. almost like a quarter of a million kids she tells the story about how she has a job and confident and so happy and looking for promotes to earn more, etc. but she was scared to tell the story at the whole college in manhattan she said i'm nervous so 5 kids sat down and listens to the speaker and at the end the youngest one said
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4 years old a heads start constitute raised her hand and she said who gave you provision to use my name in your speaker think of the the confident the self-esteem that girl had but again we've talked about pay and we you're right mr. taylor last year republicans that support raising minimum wage they don't happen to be the in congress of the united states but we want them to be that's why jackize insistent those meetings can't took place everyone in the country we're hitting the road and have a bus trip right jackie next sunday when america skeekdz women succeed we're on a roll
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(clapping) >> i've told you the first six months we mroltd and planned and in july of last summer marks the hundreds and 66 anniversary of the sentiment that all men and women are created equal and our titled as such to equal treatment. that's was one hundred and have 65 years ago it took decades for women to get the right to vote not given fought for struggled for stiefrd for were starving for (clapping) the next step is our rosaries filling >> and i discussed this she went to see the vice president and president and came to the capitol and so no way others
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were there they came but the rosaries just think the right to vote in the early/20 and in the 40s women leaving home this is revolutionary helping with the war effort and getting out of the house and working and getting paid equally as well that was a big deal and it may change and we have the higher equation education but the missing link was childcare and that's what we must focus on quality childcare as it is (clapping) so from last july on to the next year we've been going on going around the country getting the stories and this sunday jackie and i will be in the falls starting our bus trip to making
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sure make sure that women know we're fighting for them that's possible to have higher wages and have childcare it grows our economy. that's why we say what we say i'll say it again we'll go from it there to new york and we're going to meet up with the first leap e lady michelle obama and she's going to be talking about hunger hitting it's altitude connected as the secretary said we can't afford to feed our children how many moms have told us they don't have a great amount of that time their holding down two jobs family values we think mean iga people
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that opportunity. we're proud our great secretary isn't he ground water great? isn't he great (clapping) we so proud of him that he and the american progress we'll hear from our co-chairs but when we get there to washington, d.c. on july 23rd we will have heard from you and we'll go to the table and be current again, we want to not only be on the right side of history but the future you raise the minimum wage you lift everyone up that's why we proudly say when women skeeblgdz america skeekdz thank you for being here and what you do i want to thank jackie spear and
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other for their leadership for all we are talking about here today and again proud to represent this great city lead by this great mayor, mayor ed lee thank you all very much (clapping) >> are you as energized as i am i, push that button to california. it's my pleasure to introduce mr. tan dumb and the courage for the action fund she's served in the clinton and president obama administration. he expertise in domestic policy and health care make her a very sought after guest on programs like nbc meet the press and abc this week and cbs face the
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nation she's a frequent xharpt on fox she's named one of the most influential woman in journal and she's on the washington power list and received the india power award in 2011 she's been recognized as one of the fortunes magazines powerful woman in politics she graduated from ucla and received her lay degree and personally it's a a been a wonderful experience getting to know her as we have worked with the with white house and cap that leads us to the summit in june please give a welcome to her
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(clapping.) thank you so much el may i can say to your boss secretary labor prez the women bureau has done an amazing job we're happy as we head towards june 23rd i'm happy to be on stage with people that are fighting everyday. i have to take one word on health care from nancy pelosi i worked on the president's health care team it's true she fiethsd everyday foric families but i thought her leadership on the health care bill i say our backs were truly against the wall in that moment of doubt nancy pelosi radical everyone you can't resident those hurdle get in the way yourself going -
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>> (clapping). >> we were going to complaining climb walls get to the battle it felt last week that everyday and noun 8 million people over one mill in california alone and each one of the people owe a debt to nancy pelosi for her hard work we talk about leadership it's giving voice to those who are often voiceless and fighting for those who don't often have a voice in washing that's a battle in which people really needed a champion and nancy pelosi was there i'm honored to fight by her side. i can say that she's absolutely right this entire effort around agenda for working families and paid leave and sick days and childcare those issues are
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coming to the stable they're at the forefront of our national discussion you because of the work that nancy pelosi did and other leaders j.c. jackie spear and other leaders have made this to be in the discussion. central to what we're talking about and we owe her a debt of gratitude we have a fantastic champion in secretary prez this simulate and today and the summit on june 23rd is a little bit ever work so many energized voices he's leading thought this effort and been a champion when we make that happen that big event happen and have all those women and leaders focused on the national debate that will be because of secretary prez his
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labor department is making this happen it's really at the heart of the agenda and the department is a central part of that thank you. the members of congress congress hoffman and spear and honeyed honey they're all leaders and i want to thank mayor ed lee san francisco and california are an example of how we can make progressive policy and change for working families and have economic growth so thank you for that. this is going to be an amazing afternoon i want to took a few minutes to talk about really how these issues have mattered in my own life i know we'll hear tremendous stories but it's important to remember those choices with once you don't have to make i'm really here as the president of the center of
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progress when my children were young i didn't have to make the choice the whole thing being a good working and mom i actually start i had young children when hillary clinton was running for president and i helped to bring the president obama project but i started on hillary clinton campaign and my and child was 18 months i was wondering if i could be a good staffer it had a lot of demands and be a good mom because when your child is 18 months and you're old it is 4 years i had a boss who recognized that you workers were
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and staff were parent. and you know, i was able in most evenings to come home and read to my children and actively have dinner with them i didn't you sleep that much but there was one time i really faced this choice i remember it was i was in charge of hills debates and in the second debate the debates were up it was the day that my daughter pre k graduations they're so cute they have the whiteout fits and my daughter was 3 feet at all it was really, really cutie was worried this was my big day for the bossy went to hillary clinton campaign
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manager and said i have to go and hillary changed her day she didn't want me to make the choice he was willing to go change her day there were times during the debate she'd move her schedule so i could actually be there to put my kids to bed she knew i had to be a good mom to be a good worker i was so lucky but the truth of what we're saying you shouldn't have to win the boss loiter to be a good mom and be a good parent i should be able to do both it's better for our economy and our families. so secretary of labor (clapping)
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secretary of labor talked about those issues and he's right we're only the only developed country in the with world 70 percent of low income workers' compensation when i come home to you, san francisco workers don't have - i hope people will phone call on june 23rd we want to sparks a national conversation to make a public demand for policy change. we want to make sure people understand those are choices they're not just private choices you have to make on our own we can have paid leave and access to sick days and it will be better for our economy california is paving the way and san francisco is paving the way i hope everyone about focus on june 23rd i hope your voice will be allowed we need folks in the
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country to recognizing recognize it's not only important to have leader but public and private voices behind leader pelosi as she demands change in washington she need to have bipartisan sport so thank you very much i labored to the day (clapping (clapping.) >> thank you very much please join me in giving them a big
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round (clapping). >> so we were all talking about personal stories there's an opportunity for you to share our story use a post it not in our reception area now it's my pleasure to introduce representative honeyed hand he was with the california state essential and the san jose planning commission and the san jose unified school district he was a member of the peace core and dedicated over thirty years of his life as a principle and teach his years in the peace core and living with his family in the japanese international
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camps we served community that didn't have a voice we're happy to have him in the house of representatives and please welcome congress mike honda (clapping.) well, thank you very much i would really like to thank the secretary tom prez for holding this for worker families in california where does the energy come from has the agenda that had his head i want to take a moment to commend him as the labor of secretary and the person in maryland that promoted did protection and justice of our laws to maryland wore the immigrant and all americans he. i think that secretary peru's
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and my leader the speaker speaker pelosi is putting all their commitments to actions providing greater opportunity for promoting fairness in the workplace i'm a member of the labor subcommittee i understand and appreciate the ambition of this administration and this agency while chronically underfunded by congress there's a number of issues that effect the working families and it's been touched over and embellished and brought home but their skugsz to have a public dialog to understand the agenda items that we make this a public dialog so what happens then policymakers have to start to understand and pay attention through the voices that you have to make sure that those policies
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really become laws and become a nation of laws so we can make sure that women have equal pay to make sure that we have families that don't have to worry about choosing between medical leave and their jobs. those are choices as to him prez said and the speaker said those are not choices as a principle i saw this happen on a daily basis looking at their children and they couldn't food to take them to the doctor this is a public deity we have to have has to recounseled from coast to cooperative from the northern to southern borders to make sure those issues become law. and how is that going to happen it's the agenda that tom prez
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