tv [untitled] June 26, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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complimented by the low-tech and there is no way to measure this, but possibly one of the most cost effective things that we did in the project, hundreds of way finding signs that you see, which you see on the left. directing people, even san franciscos who lived here a long time, to get them matched up with a parking space and off the roads as quickly as possible. underlying all of this was an investment in a powerful data management system, which didn't just enable a thorough evaluation of the sfpark pilot, but was woven into our day-to-day operations with rate changes, contract management, ad hoc analyses, a true instance of smart cities using information to make smarter and smarter decisions and consistent request sfmta's movement in this direction. so that is what the pilot included
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and what you see here are the seven pilot areas covering about 25% of the city's metered spaces and 13 of our 19 garages. what you don't see on the map are two control areas the inner richmond and union street, where we did the same level of data collection, but none of the policy or technology changes. part of the sfmta rispontto gather an unprecedented amount of data to enable a truly rigorous evaluation of the project, both by our team, as well as an independent federal evaluation team, whose report will be released this fall. this slide gives a highlight of the schedule, and it's a little hard to read. but the highlights are the funding was -- it was announced that we received the funding in fall of 2007. we didn't actually have the funding in hand to spend until
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the summer of 2009; which meant we were running as fast as we can to launch the project in 2011 and did our rate change in the summer of 2011 and we continued rate changes through today, but with the formal two-year data collection period through 201. this summary presentation is a distillation of the present. the full report is 150 pages or so, available online. it is lessons learned, as well as a separate technical it guide to help save other cities time and money as they pursue smarter parking management. all of this was designed to help other cities learn from our experience and improve on it. so after that, to jump
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into the evaluation itself. demand responsive pricing was at the heart of the project, a natural place to start is how did we effect rates? and many people were concerned at the beginning of the project that sfpark would be an excuse for the sfmta to simply raise rates and even in the context of an increasing population and booming economy, we saw that on average we lowered on-street rates by 4%. and hourly rates at garages by about 12%. and what you see here is an average rate at meters of $2.58, but that represents an average of sf metered hours, 30% our meters hours are $1 an hour or less and 17% are $0.25 an hour and at other end of the spectrum, $6 an hour. of course we changed rates to make it easier to park, to find a parking space and the core measure of that is the amount
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of time that it was hard to find a space and how much we reduced that metric. what we saw in control areas was that the amount of time that occupancy was 90% or more, increased by 50% over the pilot period, while many pilot areas it went down by 16%. on pilot blocks where payment compliance was high, it went down almost half by 45%. we showed both results both the pilot on average, as well as the high-performing, high complying [tpwhro-bgz/] pilot area because in many areas this is an evaluation of demand-responsive pricing and if there is a block say with a lot of parking permits or disabled placards, we couldn't expect pricing to work very well. conversely on blocks where coincidentally, month after month after month, lots of people paid, that is where we would expect to see the biggest benefit for demand-responsive parking and we see it's more dramatic in high
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payment-compliance areas. another way to look at the effectiveness of pricing is just where utilization. not just making it easier to find a park space, but reducing times that spaces are empty. we aggressively lowered rates and dramatically increased the time of success, dived of occupancy as 60-00% on those blocks most of the time. in control areas there was almost no change during the pilot program, but in pilot areas 31% increase of the time we achieved that goal and a doubling of that in the high-payment compliance areas. we focused exclusively -- there is that primarily focus on making it easier to find a space, because that is what we expected the other benefits to flow from, and the secondary benefits that you see here. the reminders of the slides cover each of those in turn.
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first, for our driver experience. we hoped and expected that by making it easy to pay and lengthening time limits we would give few parking-related meter citations and we saw a 23% decrease in areas and this is great news for our customers and great news for our parking control officer. it's a very difficult job and there is plenty of work for them to do in the important role of making the transportation system better. that means more time available for enforcing double park, sidewalk parking or directing traffic for special events. and by making it easier to find a parking space, we expected to reduce circling and that is also what we saw. this is self-reported people that the amount of time it took them to find a parks space, asking 1500 people before and then again, during and after, how long did it track a you to find a space today in the pilot
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areas? going from 11.5 minutes to before sfpark to 6.5 minutes after. so saving people on average 5 minutes, which is a dramatic improvement in quality of life. while about 1-minute decrease in control areas. and that is great news, because that means less traffic and congestion from people circling around looking for parking in our neighborhoods. that is estimated and expressed here in terms of vehicle miles traveled and we represented 2500 fewer miles per day in our pilot areas by making it easier to find a space and that means less greenhouse gas emissions. we estimate that just by multiplying the reduction of vmt by the average emissions profile of the bay area fleet. and see here, an estimated decrease of 2 metric tons in our pilot areas per week day
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because of sfpark. we also expecteded that by making it easier to park, we would decrease double parking and that is exactly what we saw the incidents of double parking went down by 22% in pilot areas, compared to 5% decrease in control areas and this is great news for drivers cyclists and muni driver and also measurably improved muni's speed. summarized here, we separated out the blocks where we saw less double blocking muni's speed increased by 2.%. so it's a significant improvement and very supportive of our goals to make muni faster and more reliable.
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we also expected that making it easier to park and changing that perception, not just the reality, but the perception it was easy, convenient to to park in san francisco would support the economic vitality of our commercial areas, and the data that you see here -- the blue line is sales tax receipt, growth-year. and dramatic increase in pilot area burb we're hesitant to attribute that increase to sfpark. a lot of things are happening in the city, but we think it standers to reason this would have supported the economic vitality and competitiveness of our neighborhood. we don't have the afterdoubt for safety, but we think that criminaling by distracted drivers probably means fewer collisions with pedestrians are, cyclists and other cars. those are the results of the pilot project, as you know during this time, mta took
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other steps with marking management, including adding new meters in 2011, about 1500 new metered spaces in [stp*-rb/] parc and non-sfpark areas and sundays. the two bars on the right in gray, summarize the results of the sfpark pilots, the high performing blocks and on the lefted, the dramatic and stark improvements in available from either adding new meters or metering on sundays. to translate the far bar on the left, on blocks we added new meters, parking vacuate it was almost 100%, 90% of the time, but after adding meters down to 15%. as far as next step we're working on disseminating the information to other cities
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and [speaker not understood] and before i end, i want to also thank the board for your support for this project. it seems like it was just yesterday, but it was actually in the fall of 2008; that we brought a specific proposal for sfpark and your support for this has been county of throughout. so thank you for that. and i'm happy to take any questions. >> thank you, excellent report >> questions or comments? >> yes. like the equipment out there, i find it easy to use, but i'm getting comments that some of the smart meters are cumbersome in the fact is it supposed to default? >> not necessarily. two questions there as far as the user-interface at meters and then our default amount it
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asks you to pay. on the first question, as you know we're replacing meters citywide and we're in the process of that and the meters that we used in the pilot areas will also be upgraded. those were in our opinion, the easiest meters to use on the market and that was another important criteria in the rfp for the meters go out, so there is significant improvement and bigger screens and slight improvements to the user-interface. so we think it's moving in the right direction. as far as the default amount, that is a really detailed question that we had to think through. especially with the different kinds of payments, is we picked the default amount, i think it's for two hours' of park -- not for the maximum. that is adjustable remotely and it's something that we could tweak if desired, but we went for two hours, an average parking session. >> i think it's great out
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there with the ease for the customer's use. the other thing that i would like to ask you, i'm starting to see them in the yellow zones, but was that part of your test also is to look at how the yellow zoned meters were being used? >> in what sense? >> in terms of occupancy? was it ever thought of adjusting payment levels for the amount of time someone sat at a yellow zone? >> the metered commercial yellow zones were included. all infrastructures so we can change rates independent of the general meters parking. it's not something had a we did in pilot, but it's something that we can do going forward. >> thank you, that is all i have. >> director brinkman. >> thank you, mr. primus, this was great and i see a lot of your sfpark team and i want to say thank you to all of you. i know how much work it has
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been and amazing amounts data to look at. i think it's really important to emphasize what this is going to do not just for san francisco, but to other cities and to you your point when you started out, that was really a huge part of what we were trying to do and why we got this government grant to show other cities how we can manage parking and it seems like it's a huge win for everybody. not just for car drivers, but for businesss and getting cars parked more quickly. i think some some would argue to take the money and add more parking, but i think this data shows that if we don't properly price parking we can never have enough. so when it was cheap, there was never enough. there was never any empty spaces and this is actually freeing up parking probably better than building garages. i think that we had from mr.
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res kin that cell phone payments had gone up, because i know people felt that was confusing in the beginning. have we seen that go on? >> it's continued to go up. i don't have the numbers off the top of my head, but it's growing consistently over time. >> good. i am looking forward to hearing how we'll take what we learned for the rest of the cities because i think it's the huge takeaway pore me on this. there is so much that we need to do with the on-street car share spots. it's so emotional and there is still a lot of distrust and confusion not om among our citizens, but people who come in from the city from everywhere else and look for parking on a thursday, or friday or saturday evening to go to dinner or any time of the week. so i think there is still so much work that we need to do, but this gives me so much hope we can make it better for everyone. thank you all so much, all of the sfpark team back there.
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i really appreciate it. >> one of my pet peeves is the whole thing about the bagged meters and what we charge. can you help us identify what is the proper rate to charge for a certain area, if someone is just going to occupy a high occupancy meter and not just charge $7 metro entire day? >> one of the wonderful things about the new meters there is a much more granular level of data collected pore every payment session -- for every parking session. with that data and historickal data from sensor we is k see what occupancy and on a typical day, during any given period of time, we ski what the actual revenue for the meters would be. that would be one thing to inform what the right price might be for special events. >> thank you. >> thank you again and join director brinkman in thanking the entire group and look
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forward to going forward >> when do you think director reiskin we can expect on how we'll expand this sfpark approach and what is that going to look like? i know nobody has answers and i'm not a parking expert, but it would be nice to have some sort of timeframe about we expect to hear about that? >> i think later this year, sometime in the fall we'll come back with recommendations for next steps. >> good. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> item 14. >> actually, just so you know, there is no member of the public who indicated an interest in addressing you on this item. item 14 authorizing the director to execute a gift and license agreement with david wiggins and jay primus for the donation of a new transit map for the muni system. >> do you want a gift? >> i think you will do. i think will you hear we're pretty excitedf about the new
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map. >> good afternoon. >> hi, good afternoon. julie kirsch baum operations and scheduling manager. i apologize that i'll a little more sultry than usual. [laughter ] [laughter ] i'm very excited to be talking about the map and presenting what is one component of the muni forward program, that you heard about at the beginning of this metering. meeting. this is a great map for residents and tourists and it's being donated by david wiggins and jay primus in his second
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role as a cartographer. it's been a labor of love for them, working on this map for over ten years. david wiggins is a professional cartographer, working at britannica andrand mcnaley and currently working at expedia and partnered with jay, who has been working on transportation for over 1 years -- 12 years and approached david and said these are things that i don't think that the industry is doing. why i am excited about it, it helps visualize the service hierarchy that we have been talking about over the last several years that came out of the tep planning process. and what that means in a nutshell is that at a glance customers can see where there is more service and where there is less service? which is a really important thing to communicate, when we're trying to drive people to
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our premium routes. some of the design features overall, i think you will notice that the map feels a lot less cluttered. so my staff's first reaction was what is missing? actually this map conveys a lot more information, but just in use something sophisticated design techniques. it uses color for starters. the red is reserved for the premium service. it's our muni red and the best service that we are offering on the rail and on the limited-stop bus of these routes come every ten minutes or better and they are really providing a premium experience. there is some other more subtle features. the text is presented in title case for the street names rather that in all caps for our current map and it's left-justified. so you can in
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one glance quickly identify the street name that you are looking for. the street names itselfs the most important transit streets are bigger and the less important streets are smaller. we have also in this map they have changed the contrast. so it has a gray background with a white street grid, which is softer and easier on the eye. as i said, it is a pedestrian map that shows all of the streets and staircases throughout the city and labels most of them -- not everybody and then it uses symbols for things, like, libraries, our book symbol, a school is a little box with a flag on it and it uses symbols to communicate information as well. over a week in may, david wiggins came down and spent his vacation with us and he
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incorporate staff input. and we finalized the design. over the next few months he is going to be finishing the map and the layout for production. we're also issuing an rrp that will come to you -- or maybe not -- for on-call cart graphy to support future map changes and at that time we're going to be adding the bicycle network to the retail version of this, so you'll have transit and pedestrian on the one side and bike network on the other. we'll also be using the launch of the map as an opportunity to consider a few new route names and numbers. for example, right now the six parnassus has no indication it goes to haight street and one thing we heard
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from stakeholders during the workshops is maybe one reason that the 71 is crowded and the 6 is less crowded there is say whole tourist population that doesn't know that they can get on the 6 and get to haight ashbury and the candidate for that is the 6 parnassus. we'll be sharing the new design with the cac and muni accessible advisory committee, as well as some of the community groups that may want to weigh in on potential names and numbers that affect them more directly. in conclusion, staff is really excited by wiggins-primus design and urge you to accept this gift. the system map is a small component of the overall service that we deliver, but it's going to really benefit our customers on a day to day basis. this map if accepted would be in our shelters, in the muni metro, as well as on the
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platforms and also in retail and online formats. >> thank you. questions? members of the board, comments? >> just comments, motion to approve that we accept the map. >> second. >> any discussions? i >> i think this looks great. it's a very -- the little snip i have seen here it's very legible and time i have spent in other cities figuring out transportation maps and i think calling it the wiggins-primus map, i will look forward to seing it. >> maybe the primus-wiggins. >> maybe you want to do it the other way, jay? [laughter ] . >> members of the board, comments? we have a motion and second to accept it. >> mr. chairman, before you vote, be advised no member of the public has interested to speak. >> all those in favor, say aye? >> aye. >> item 15 is cushion and vote as to whether to conduct a st.
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lucying. >> move to closed session. >> move to closed session. >> all those in favor, say aye? >> aye. >> ayes have it >> thank you. chair it will take me a moment to put the room in closed session. s mtaeed board of directors met in closed session, but notoo no action and there was no discussion of anticipated litigation. directors it would be appropriate for a motion to disclose or not disclose the motion discussed. >> motion to not disclose. >> the ayes have it, we are adjourned. thank
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in landing a contract with the sfoifk is pretty champ but now with the opened contracting center visitors can get opportunity at the new state of the arc facility and attend workshops and receive one-on-one technical assistance and learner what you need to become a primary contractor or what information to be a subcontractor and a created bed
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public commission it will help people to assist people to compete for and performance open city contract a lot of small businesses do have the resources to loblth the opportunity so one of the things we wanted to do was provide ways to access contract >> access to the plans spiefkz and a data place basis ease contracting opportunity and funding or capital training. this is and other documents that needs to be submitted. to compete is a technical skill that it takes to win a scheduling for a popular to you can win a professional services job or how to put together a quote it's all those technical pieces. looking at the contracting assistance center is our touch
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point with we get the people to come and see the planning specks and later than about projects earlier is he get training so you're ready to go arrest hello engineering it has all the tools that a contractor small or large can come here. i can't say enough about the center it's a blessing. we do business all over the country and world and a place like the contractor center to identify the business in san francisco >> the reality is you need training and that's what the center is here to train and make you better qualified to go work with the city and county and to
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be successful at the end. >> that will give people the competitive edge e edge at receiving contracts with the city. >> we have krafshth services here that help you find out where you need to get the skills forbidding. >> i mean local businesses participation in city projects is a winning factor it helms help the business their local businesses they're paying savings and a property tax and payroll tax and normally adhere san franciscans so their bowing goods and services in san francisco it really helps the economy of san francisco grow so its not only a benefit to the project but to the city. the contractors center is 5
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thomas melon circle in the bayview area open 8:30 to 5 welcom >> good afternoon, everybody. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting for monday, june 23rd, 2014. my name is mark farrell. i will be chairing this committee. i am joined by supervisors john avalos, scott wiener, london breed and katy tang. we'll be joined momentarily by supervisor eric mar. want to thank the clerk of the committee linda wong as well as the members of sfgov-tv kindergarten covering the meeting jennifer low and jonathan gum wall. >> [speaker not understood] as part of the fi
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