tv [untitled] June 27, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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one of the initiatives we have worked on in past year. there is say diversity of issues relevant to the economy that enrich people's lives and people care about. when we heard about haley and how she wanted to support the car sharing program as a car owner and car sharer, we saw she wanted to take action not just for herself, but for real people in the community, which is why we choose to support her and help her get her petition online to get signatures. get around the non-profit organization city car share and others have done tremendous work to get buy-in from the people who live the closest to the parking spaces that you are approving today and over the next several months, but none of it would have been possible without the foresight and leadership of this board and of the city of san francisco. so
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on behalf of our peers members around the world we extend our gratitude and thanks. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> patton murphy, george papadous. >> good afternoon, my name is patton murphy and representing get around. i wanted to thank chairman rolan and director reiskin and directors of the board. i won't reeight the benefits that christine and hailey have mentioned. as was mentioned get around and instant car sharing allows people to instantly find rent and unlock a vehicle, so they don't have to own their own vehicle. so the benefits of car sharing are widely reported burb it's basically there is an environmental benefit, a transit benefit and entrepreneurial benefit in the case of get around.
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for the environmental benefit, susan from uc berkeley's data suggests that car sharing vehicles eliminate 9-13 cars from the road. over the course of the program, hailey mentioned an opportunity to eliminate 10,000 vehicles. for the transit piece, what that means ultimately, in fact, while one parking spot will be used there is the opportunity to free up 10,000 parking spots. but more than that, the research also shows that people who use car sharing us elactually use public transportation more, walking more and, in fact it's totally in line with the transit first policy and should actually be beneficial to the transit agenda rather than in conflict with it. finally around get around's particular value here, what is really exciting because we're a peer-to-peer platform, these vehicles are actually owned by people who live in these neighborhoods so we're not injecting more cars that are there, but activating them and turning them into car sharing
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vehicles. people can offset those costs and spend locally. so we selected the locations based on demand and also public support. as christiana mentioned, we have hundreds and hundreds of signatures of support from front-facing businesses, homeowners, and residents who live exactly where the locations are. thank you. >> thank you. [ reading speakers' names ] >> hello, i'm george papadous and i have been living in san francisco since 1981 and living on sanchez street since 1985. one of the areas that is earmarked for this program is on sanchez street. that area has been very congested all along. there is a lot of commercial activities. we have a school using up lots of parking spots during the daytime. there are a lot of yellow zones. and recently there have been at least three new buildings that are adding to the congestion in the area. so i'm a little bit
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with somewhat remorse that we'll lose some parking spots and it's not going to inconvenience me particularly because i have a garbage, but they are inconveniencing my neighbors and visitors and people of that sort. so i'm going on record as opposing the expansion of this program to the areas that are marked in this brochure and also others that i have seen posted around the city on the streets. thank you. >> thank you next speaker, please. >> jude. ed scobel. >> good afternoon, jude faulkner and before i go into explaining why i think this pilot program is a bad idea i would like to voice another concern that might be more serious. after finding out so many san francisco citizens are not aware of this proposed pilot program, i am questioning this whole ordinance process. on the first page of the accessible meeting policy
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states "government's gut dutty to serve the you public, in full view of the public, commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the city and county exist to conduct the people's business. this ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people, and that city operations are open to the people's review." in order for the decision to be in full view of the public, the public has to be made aware of these potential changes. again most people that i talked to about this are outraged and angry that nobody has told them about this. the only reason i'm here that i read it in the neighborhood blog that happened to mention it a month ago. the lack of information in this day and age, with all the technology available is unforgivable. sfmta has reached out to the public by posting bill on telephone bills. this is not the 1900's and if they wanted to inform the public about the issue, they could have sent out literature to all san francisco residents by mail. other companies involved have reached out to their clients who would obviously support the program.
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we were notified of this evening via email friday evening, very little time to get folks organized -- this is taking place on a week day, in the middle of the day when people are working. none of our comments were taken into cannot, on-street pilot program share moving forward makes me request this ordinance process. a program such as this one, potentially affecting so many people in san francisco should be voted by its tax paying citizens. dear mr. reis kin and board members. thank . >> kin and board members. >> your time is upb. everybody gets the same time. >> i live in the 800 block of
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page and i have live there had since 1980 and reviewing the list on the agenda, it appears that the page and pierce location has been eliminated. so my objections to that page and pierce were that it's on the wiggle, the bike path, that it's extremely heavily trafficked and that additional traffic is an unacceptable hazard to the bikes and that the church is double parking blocks -- which block these spots for parking on sunday. unless i am mistaken they have already removed my block from this. so i guess i won. [laughter ] >> congratulations. next speaker, [ [ reading speakers' names ]. >> good afternoon board and thank you very much for legit me speak today. i am a resident of one of the previously proposed spots on golden gate and pierce, to take
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up 34' on the corner rite in front of my building, literally 15' in front of my front door would have been these two spots. i was only made aware of this because a flier sticking out of an unused mail slot in my building. again to reiterate how the city has handled letting the public know is very inefficient, ineffective and almost what i feel is doing it secretly. the city car share pilot program does not treat everyone fairly. for those of us who do own a vehicle, parking in these areas is already difficult enough. i feel it punishes those of us who are irregular hours. i do bartend on the weekend and work at sf general in order to afford living in the city and getting to my car for work is important to me and those car share programs do not always
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provide a vehicle. it does not address the needs of every individual person, nor does it guarantee a vehicle will be there when it is needed. it does punish citizens that do own their vehicles, that do live here, that do have to travel. in the case of my wife who has to drive to berkeley to her job working graveyards at a hospital [th-rbs/] does not help her during peak traffic hours or at 8:00 in the morning when she comes home to find a parking spot this. does add to traffic already on streets that are heavily congested in my case in the alamo school neighborhood, there are a charter school and three churches and among that, there is also construction constantly going on. i feel that the board should look into using empty lots if the city car share program is
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pushed through. >> next speaker, please. >> it's actually john and i'm here representing zip car and would like to thank the board for hearing this item and the sfmta for supporting the initiative thus far. there is a great need for additional car share access because of the nature of parking facilities, surface lots. just our neighborhoods do not have the access that other neighborhoods have and it's really putting the residents of san francisco at a deficit. as more people move to the city, we're finding spots are redeveloped left and right and this is just going to keep happening. if there aren't better alternative options for mobility, we're going to see congestion increase and continue to see the parking problems on the streets worsen. you know, we understand that the residents don't want to lose their street parking. it's definitely a valid concern, and as we work with the neighborhoods, we are very much listening to their concerns and
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relocating spaces as we get their feedback. personally zip car has relocated at least 90% of the locations where we have received neighbor concerns, just because there are concern certain things that we don't necessarily see. we want to make this pilot successful and work for everybody, whether you are own a private car or looking to be a private car share member, et cetera. again, i just want to thank you for hearing this and looking forward to seing it move forward. thank you. >> anyone else wish to address the board on this topic? seeing none, mr. reiskin, did you want to address this? >> let me ask andy thornley who has been managing this program. i think i heard only one specific location that is on the agenda here, being raised by a public speaker. i don't know if mr. thornley can speak to that. >> bjaranson, i'm andy
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thornley with your sustainable streets division and i'm the project manager on this project. very quickly, this board july 16th approved the car share policy all together and particularly this pilot program. made amendments to the transportation code, basically saidset the table to go ahead. since last july, which is embarrassingly almost a year ago we have been moving forward with due [tkhr-eubs/], but deliberation and some caution and our eyes open to realize the project. we have three organizations that qualified and you heard from representatives, zip car, get around and city car share here and they could take questions on the particulars of this, but in short, once we qualify the participants we said please let us know where you think parking spaces could work for you? and we'll help you talk to the neighbors and bring them forward. that has been going on. today we have the first 25 locations for you. comprising i think 40 or 41 parking spaces. there are more to come.
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and the digestion of the review and the outreach and so forth is taking time and we are trying to have it take time. the car share organizations are talking to the neighbors and you heard representative from zip car tell you where there is an issue, they have been quite willing to look for alternatives. it pains me somewhat to watch the car share organizations move these space as rounds, but of course, that is very important, because the neighbors are the experts. the car share organizations made their best guess and of course, we need to make it work for the neighborhoods. we're bringing you this list of locations today, the first bunch of spaces. there will be more. the policy questions about the fitness of this pilot were settled in effect last july. you are always welcome to reconsider them, but there is a commitment to move forward pilot and now we're in the messy, particular business of that parking spot and that
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parking spot. i want to briefly speak to the cost and equity. this is a reasonable understanding and concern that folks have raised. the city sounds like it's selling curb to private business. i understand that concern and i would be very resentful of that, but to remind you this is a pilot. the mta believes there is many public benefits to car sharing and in our strategic plan eh elevated the nurturing of car sharing. we're done ducting this larger pilot to really test those premises and to find out if there are true public benefits to using curb for car share. we will be obliging the participating organizations to supply a great deal of data so we can review it very carefully and if at the end of the pilot we see there is substantiation to that notion, we'll bring
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back a proposal to this board to make it into a permanent program. again it's a pilot. we're very much about collecting data so here are your first 25 spaces for your consideration. >> director brinkman has a question or comment? >> i think my only question, mr. thornley would be there is no difference between the benefits that the research has shown and on-street spots versus spots that have been located off-street in garages. i think somebody brought up the number of 9-13 vehicles are removeded for each car share vehicle that goes out and we expect that benefit is going to be the same, whether we have them on the garbage or in the streets. >> excellent question. there was research done in the bay area and across the world in the range of cars that are taken off the streets goes up to double-digits and i we think that is pretty m ambitious and
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probably european cities. that research has been done chiefly on off-site garbage parking lot/gas station kind of pods. the 12 locations are still out there and you may know about them and i will use the one on 4th avenue and clement from time to time and from that research we had indication thatip deed the same benefits were there. here we are bringing you a pilot and we're going to test it and look at it and we may find there is a lesser benefit in one way or greater benefit in another. it's san francisco and we're going to try it and watch it and learn from it. >> i have no other questions. i'm willing to go ahead and move the item. >> i have a question. with a i am looking at is the length of space that you are looking for. what are we using as a guide in terms of that?
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>> in residential areas it's unstriped or unmarked depending on geometry, or some other driveway or opening, 17' can suffice. >> when i look at your list and see the average. it looks fine and then i come across gulf street, which is 63' up to 143', that is a lot of space taken up. >> is that north of geary? >> yes. how many spaces(, that are currently marked -- there is a metered machine. this is in front of the cathedral hills tower apartments and that neighborhood has been working with the mta to refine the resident parking program in the area and in conversations with the neighbors, they said we would really prefer instead of the metered spaces we would rather have car share and we
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said we're piloting car share. so there are four currently metered spaces with the meter machine and will be converted for the sake of the pilot to car share spots. >> you are saying that is say residential parking permit area? >> i think the rpp has not yet come forward and mr. robins can tell you more about that. that particular block face does not meet our standards or criteria for residential permit. there is a very tall boyding and those spaces would not likely be designated rpp. so as someone that we could agree on, to expert using those spaces as car share pods. >> okay. last question. why four, opposed to two? >> oh, that was effectee effectively a windfall. that we weren't permit more than two spaces per block and
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in it this case we have four on the block because there was this rather unusual circumstance and there was interest from the residents on that block face to actually convert all four of those spaces. we won't do that as a matter of routine. it was really a windfall. that curb had some movement afoot that we were taken advantage of. >> director heinicke. >> the only comment that we had from one of the spots that is on the list was the sanchez street comment. sir, thank you for coming down and my understanding is that just one parking spot on sanchez street, and correct me if i am wrong or else i will keep going -- good operating principle for me. we heard from a few people talking about page and pierce streets that are not on the list, but i want to be clear, that doesn't mean that our friend the taxi cab drive has won and that will come back on another list in the future. >> thank you, director, excellent question. to the back-end of the question
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first. yes, we have been bringing all of the space requests through the standard internal mta review, our transit operations people, our pedestrian safety people and everyone is looking at these to make sure that they don't bump into other things and we have been bringing them through task, the interagency review board and onto public hearings. we have had three public hearings so far. at those public hearings we have heard from members of the public and took good points and car share organizations have either relocated or going back to look. i don't recall distinctly the page street location and i would be happy to talk to the gentleman afterwards. that location won't be coming back in that precise spot, this those coordinates, but it's probably going to come back somewhere nearby and could be that the car share organization is looking around the corner, down the street or somewhere nearby. i can't emphasize enough that
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everyone is aware that the neighbors are the customers for these things and it doesn't make sense to alienate them, but we're asking folks to take a leap of faith by converting one or two parking spaces to a shared vehicle, in the not too distant future may certainly offer cheaper alternatives to outright car ownership. >> okay. i will just say that i appreciate the outreach you have done and how you are going about this, very professional as always with you. i would just say in the future, the comment that would trouble me the most and we haven't really heard it today except for one gentleman to get his point across, we don't want to hear neighbors come in and say this is the first i heard of it. it sounds like the car sharing organizes are committed to the dialogue and just -- i mean, this is pretty simple, you know where the people affected by the spot live and that would be the comment that concerns me most going forward. >> indeed. >> it sounds like you have a good dialogue process setup. >> as someone who has come to
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to this body as a citizen, i too am upset hearing that and there is a practice effort to talking to everyone in the city and a sweet spot in the middle getting to the right people, so we'll continue to work with that. >> director brinkman, you have a motion? >> yes. >> second. >> i think it's a worthwhile pilot program and i think what was represented here earlier, makes a whole lot of sense and we'll take seriously whatever information we get from that. because this is just the very beginning and my hope it's successful and works for everybody, for as many people as possible for the greater good of the city. the ayes have it, thank you, next item, mr. boomer. >> moving on to 10.11, consenting to the proposed development agreement between the city and county of san francisco and visitacion development and adopting the mp research and planning for the program. the member of the public who
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wishes to decrease the -- to address the board is fran martin. >> mr. martin has left. >> ayes have it. item 12, right? >> item 11 urging the board of supervisors to place the $500 million general obligation bond on the [tphro-rb/] 2014 ballot. >> director reiskin. >> yes, because this is now moving forward advanced from the budget and finance committee to the full board in july and matt will give you a brief update on what
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specifically is the bond that is making its way to the ballot. >> good afternoon, mr. brill. >> good afternoon, directors, matthew brill in capital finance at mta and thank you for hearing this item today. so as you have seen before you, you have seen these problemings before, it's tough to get around san francisco. it can be stressful. muni can be crowded. and streets can be difficult to navigate, no matter what mode of transportation you are taking. as you have seen before, the mayor's task force in 2013 convened a group of 45 shake holders to look at the system in san francisco, look at the needs over the next 15 years and look at solutions to address those needs. recently on may 5 2014 the capital planning committee recommended the general obligation bond for the november 2014 ballot and as director reiskin mention on may 13th all members of the board and the mayor also recommended the bond for the ballot. so just to recap where it came from, the task force looked at
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all of the needs in san francisco over the next 15 years, looking at some of the existing plans, strategies and obligations that we have for our transportation system. that totaled over $10 billion over the next 15 years, so a very big need. good news that we have roughly $3. 7 billion to cover the needs that we have for our transportation system that. leaves a $6 billion shortfall and the transportation to affect represented three different funding sources as one of two general obligation bonds and the other two sources, which could come in future ballot years is an increase to the vehicle license fee, and increase to the sales tax. so today we have before you a specific look at the bonds and the past you have looked at both funding sources that were under consideration for november. today the transportation and road improvement bond you can see here we have two primary goals for that bond. one is to improve transit and second is to create safer
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streets. we have a number of categories of projects. can you see here a summary of the expenditure plan. i will go through each of the two goals and some of the projects we could likely see with the funding. so a large part of the inproved transit category to help implement the transit effectiveness project and making the system for reliable for customers, increasing accessibility at transit stops and stations and really importantly to be able to upgrade some of our facilities, some of which are over 100-years-old and have been in disrepair and thereby creating an inessential environment to repair our vehicles and would facilitate working environment to allow those vehicles to get back into service as quickly as possible. we wanted to highlight particularly the transit effectiveness project or muni forward and you can see here some of the key outcomes that residents and riders and visitors to san francisco would experience.
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this is the first of two groups of three of the capital projects that are recommend as part of the transit effectiveness project. these projects are capital improvements to the right-of-way that will have a sick impact on improving reliability and comfort of passengers as they travel throughout the city. moving to the secondly primary goal of the bond, safer streets and many of the improvements will increase visibilities of pedestrians as they walking on the streets of san francisco, including creating wider sidewalk, new pedestrian signals that allow pedestrians to know when to cross. traffic-calming to create a more welcoming and safer environment for all modes of travel of the very importantly is well-defined bikeways, that all users of the road know where they are supposed to be. so bicyclists know where they should travel and creating safe
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spaces for them and allowing motorists to travel in parallel. a key project highlight that we wanted to inform you of that could receive funding from the bond is the two -- first two phases of walk first. you have seen walk first before you at numerous occasions, but this will help to build the capital improvements identified in the early phases of this project, addressing many of the areas that we see on a small minority of our streets and install and constructing some of the improvements that you see, bulbouts, signals and other engineering improvements to help create a safer environment for everyone. in total if you look at the investments from both the transit effectiveness project and the explicit pedestrian and bicycle improvements that is roughly $300 million of the $500 million bond is going towards our goal of vision zero. so it's a very important first stepped forward to help achieve that goal by 2024 and more will definitely be needed,
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but this definitely gets us on the right track to achieving that goal. so to summarize some of the outcomes that we could experience over 280,000 riders a day will experience a more reliable, efficient travel on muni and improving accessibility to allow everyone to get access to the transit system no matter how you travel. improving our reliability by making sure our vehicles are maintaining a state of good repair and staying in service. we'll be able to build out to 27 miles of the well-defined bikeways to create a safe path of travel and i think most importantly as you saw in the early slides there is still a shortfall that these funds don't help us to achieve. however, we feel very strongly that by generating funds locally, we'll be able to secure expoliticianly explicitly funding from our
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transportation partners. just to wrap up, i wanted to reiterate what you have seen before, but just how the projects will be celebritieding and selected and the actual specific locations that are generated from the two programs. we have a number of common criteria that are reviewed before you and certain programs that have unique characteristics particular to that program. all of the projects have been reviewed, that have a specific potential location along the lines of equity analysis strategy that you have reviewed in the past to ensure that the projects are located equitably throughout the city to achieve the goals of the programs. and as this is all city general obligation bonds oversight will be provided by the general obligation bond oversight committee. they have the purview and
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