tv [untitled] June 27, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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>> perhaps the project sponsor might be better to answer this, but i believe in the pedestrian study that was submitted, they actually did some counts and there was a crossing guard present at the time that did the count. i would have to defer to the project sponsor for that? >> i'm sorry, commissioner, and president wu. we weren't aware before we did our pedestrian study, we observed the obvious which during school hours, it does have a crossing guard and it has been apart of their safety program since they started. >> i think the pedestrian conditions on 19th avenue are very tough. i would encourage the planning department to push forward the walk first ' em mri -- i am --
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i am mri men tags -- implementation, but i would like to see cvs be a good neighbor and paying their cost if that program comes forward. i also wanted to acknowledge the comments of mr. semi, although they're not land use issues, i wanted to state pub support for fair wages for all. >> commissioner antioni. >> i have a condition, in terms of the percentage of grocery type items, are there restrictions that cvs has. i know it will be no alcohol or tobacco, but other
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grocery items because it's not a condition, but they have to make another stop at the liquor store, but they get everything they need and i move to approve. >> second. >> commissioner sugia. >> i like to ask a question to the cvs rep. this is an extremely large store or is it not for your, you know, general operation. >> it might be bigger in a shopping center or you have
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smaller ones. >> stephen labonge, to answer your question, it's the nature of the building. if the building had been -- mr. junice explained all the construction and seismic work. the building had been different. we didn't go in there saying we want this size. that's what the building was. some of the modifications is to make it a true building and make it a natural front, so did that answer the question? >> given that and the slide is of the facility and the fact that you have all this parking, how -- maybe this is a cvs problem, how are you going to market and advertise this store? >> i'm looking for the answer is it's in an nc 1 neighborhood district, yet the size and configuration for other lack the another
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term forces you to have another store and lots of parking, so that to me tells me or seems to inindicate to me that you're going to be looking at this as a regional facility and not a neighborhood commercial facility. >> to go back to the size of this base in comparison just in sf, it's not in fact our largest store in the city. there's stores you'll see downtown at 731 market is a very similar size as is 32nd and clement. stephen was explaining the configuration of the building -- when we present a project it's apart of a larger structure so you're seeing the retail reusable space and in this graph you're seeing the entire structure. it's not as large as their stores out in suburban areas that was on the web site.
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there's larger stores with 16,000 plus square feet with storage areas chl -- square feet of the storage area. and i was involved in locating the area and they never viewed this as a regional center. when they find a proper location to serve a communicate, it's not based on regional job because that's not the model that cvs has. as how to be marketed and that's really an operation's question and there's nationwide questions -- >> thank you. commissioner borden. >> this site is a difficult site of its type and scope. i grew up with cvs having grown up on the
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east coast and that was our local stand alone drug store. there is a cvs when you gross the golden gate bridge to marin. it's easier to park and all that sort of stuff. so i think while there will be people driving on that side of 19th avenue who will go to that store, i don't think people will cross and that's why there's two 76 stations across the street from each other because people don't want to go out of their way to be convenienced to -- people don't want to be inconvenienced. i wasn't really -- it never seem to compute in a way that i
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understood because it's a highly traffic corridor and a large space that -- if we were asking to build net new, i don't think they'll be support on this commission to build the store if this site did not exist as it is. i think that's very much the case and if you were looking across the street on a vacant lot t -- a vacant lot, it would be the same thing. it is, in terms of what semi said, i think union scale is important and the quality and caliber of the work is important and it should be acknowledged, but at the same time given this site, any opportunity for it to -- you would do a large former retail in this space, so i'm supportive. >> i would like to amend the motion by including the, i
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guess, the conditions of approval as the additional conditions of approval that were passed up on the part of the project sponsor. >> that includes pedestrian, safety, sign age, automobile, queueing, delivery, traffic, and alcohol, restricted alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes and et cetera. >> that's fine with me. i thought they might have been apart of the project that came before us but they have been added to the project. so that will be fine. >> have you reviewed these conditions. >> the one condition, are you referring -- i did not see anything pass out by the project sponsor, does that include the
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reduced parking? >> no. >> okay. >> commissioner sugia. >> can we say anything other than signage other than this generalized stuff we have in front of us. there's nothing there that says the commission feels there ought to be a limited number of signs. if you go to cvs in a financial district in that little corner, they have four sign s that building, and that's pedestrian oriented and i mean, how many signs do you need? >> i believe you can't require there to be fewer sign than the code would allow. i think that's why the language is qualative than quantitative. >> is it a ratio of the mass of the building because if i recall, the exterior of the building used to be windows when it was vw.
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is there a certain percentage of it if it's wrapped or treated with a vinyl sticker in a sense. >> let me make sure i understand your question. are you asking if the sign is directly to the building? >> correct. >> it's different in different districts. i'm not sure if mr. wu has looked into this. we're not looking at it as part of the ca package, but it may be tied to linear feet as opposed to volume. sfwl could we advise the project manager we want some restraint? >> i could add -- i mean, model that was used for the cvs project at 2280 market street in the kas gastro was something we discussed with
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the project sponsor and they'll willing to do something similar. the size of the signage is limited or is established by the code but the project sponsor can -- has agreed to work with the department to come up with a signed program that is compatible and attractive with the neighborhood, so instead of installing letter signs, we could do a different type of sign that isn't as bright or is more appropriate for that neighborhood context. >> along that line too, since we got them to open up the building, do we have any control over the stuff that goes into the windows? >> we do. actually the code specifies that for purposes of transparency that merchandise be located a certain distance from the window so it's not to obscure
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them. >> commissioner mar: >> those guidelines have proven to be -- what i see with cvs is perpendicular to the window so you don't see anything. you look in the dead end of shelves. i basically asked even when we discussed [inaudible] which is a third kind of merchandise that there is a displace which people can participate in. they can see products, they can see a variation of displays rather than the static ends of shelves and that is from my point of view, one of the largest points of critiques on cvs. signage is going to be discussed in the revised vision of formal retail guidelines and how much and in what form, but the display, you think is an all together separate issue in this case, so i would hope that there can be a discussion with cvs to move
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away from this model with displaying merchandise rather than the end of shelves. >> there's a motion and a second. are you willing to make a motion? >> that was the condition as i indicated. >> the secondary is willing to accept that. thank you very much. commissioners there is a motion and a second on -- before you to approve this matter with conditions as amended to include those conditions submitted by the product sponsor on that motion. commissioner antinin. >> aye. >> moore. >> aye. >> commissioner fung. >> aye. >> president wu. >> so moved and that passes unanimously 7-0. >> i'll close the public to
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>> the commission doesn't tolerate any out burst of any kind. silence any mobile device that may sound out and before speaking before the commission, state your name for the record. commissioners, we left off on the regular calendar for 2012, cm, a request for use authorization. >> good afternoon, president wu and members of the commission. you have before you a conditional use authorization to allow development on a lot larger than 10,000 square feet in area in the haze golf and ct district. the project is acorn lot with 100 feet of frontage and 120 feet of frontage on lagoon in -- of laguna. it's construction of a mixed use building of 8,000 square feet of ground
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floor retail space including up to three restaurant uses and a basement level parking garage with 15 residential parking space and five commercial parking space. the project utilizing a modern design. contextually related to older buildings in the sur rounding neighborhood in terms of rhyme and massing. the residential entry on haze street has color and a different pattern. this is articulated with windows, and balconies. the department believes that the project complies with the intent and the design principals of the area plan. this is an upper floor setback that has the mass on the narrow street. ivory street is a narrow street. the 5th floors are setback 60 feet from
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the intersection of laguna. it has 48 percent containing two bedrooms and it complies with the mixed requirements. the haze luguna has active uses. the ground floor retail spaces have 14-foot high ceiling and robust transparency. it's meeting the requirements of the code through the use of a court yard, roof deck and private deck. they comply with exposure kwirms by facing ivory street. and they have parking spaces for the smeshl used. the original submittal of the condition use authorization included a request to provide additional parking which was reduced through the planning process. a project provides 30 class one bicycle parking spaces and 12
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class two parking spaces. this includes 8,000 square feet of retail including up to three restaurants. at this point it's not confirmed whether or not three restaurants will occupy all three tenant space but they have included this into the project so they don't have to undergo public notice when they select their tenants. restrooms are permitted. the sponsor has satisfied the affordable housing through payment of the fee at a rate equivalent of 20%. as of this writing plan, staff has received a letter in support from the haze valley merchant association and a letter from a neighbor regarding the three potential restaurants. in addition we have received a letter from hb and a stating their support for a lot of 10,000 square feet and their preference is for on site and a
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grocery store at the ground floor. in conclusion, the department approves this because it meets the plan and the october tafb y'all plan. it's necessary and desirable and compatible with the surrounding neighbors and meets the requirements of the code. we recommend that the commission approve the project can conditions. this concludes our presentation. i'm available for questions. >> mitchell, bench man architects. our firm design the building and i'm here to answer any questions you may have on the design. i can't
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really describe the building exactly the way it is. i have acorn rendering which you have in your package. i should clarify that i believe the package that you received has the colors are completely off in the reproductions and the colors of the finished -- external finished materials has changed overtime after discussion with neighbors. one of the concerns earlier in the project were cool colors and with previous meetings with neighborhood leaders, we changed the colors to warmer colors found more in the neighborhood and included some brown. the
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exterior clouding is a concrete panel system, and it has -- actually i brought the samples with me if you're interested. residential entry, but we've done -- what we've done was distinguish it from the commercial space from the ground floor is use a different material, and actually dropped the building to acknowledge the residential entry and to acknowledge existing victorian building at the immediate neighbor to right. we also, as kate mentioned, stepped the building back quite a bit acknowledging the ivory and how it's a very different than haze and lagoon na --
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laguna so it's setback 10 feet along ivory. >> i'm here to answer any design questions you may have. >> thank you. we'll take public comment first. >> jim warshalf. other microphone, please. >> owner of haze restaurant, current resident. i spent the last 4 years -- i'm here in favorite of the restaurant being used again in the new space. any questions?
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>> no, thank you. >> good afternoon, i'm jim warshalf and i'm the neighborhood transportation and their planning committee. i have a great deal of interest in this building as i live 1 block away from it at the next corner. first i'd like to compliment the development crew on very good outreach. they've been accessible, they've been reasonable and very clear. also, some of the other projects that they developed in our community such as the haze franklin one that went up in the part of the recession, it was proven that they are good neighbors for us, and we appreciate that. we almost look at this building as a kind of bookend with the other one. they each have distinctively different feelings, but we think they'll
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have equal quality, and equal quality tenant mix. so hpn and a and both the board, and as you got the letter, the t and p committee has supported this project, and it's very easy for us to support projects when they comply with market and octavia and all the other issues come under compliance is something we're very pleased to see. we're also pleased to see steps like the bike parking and especially we're happy to see how the building has the engagement at the alley on ivey. we spoke with la projects on ivey and this building is so forward thinking and wrapping around in using a good landscape
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architect engage the alley and in liven it is in the feature we're pleased with. so i'm happy to be here today to offer my support for this building and we look forward to having them in the neighborhood. >> any additional public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner moore. >> it's nice to see another one of these buildings coming along and complimenting what we have been looking at quite frequently over the last few months. i'm happy with what i see. i want to remind the commission that the attitude toward the alley is what we would like to see in the vaness corridor as i commented on the eri the other day. this building skillfully does what we would expect on other alleys and i repeat as -- we
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already have some there. we can make some delightful places. the one question that's all positive about the building, i love the adjoining scales, the pushing back and et cetera, the one thing and it only dawned at me as i looked at drawing 8.208, the roof land, just a few weeks ago, we discussed private stairs coming out of units and having stair towers on the roof, this pertain to a building on van ness and gilbert. we together decided that bulking out the massing by stairs was not something we wanted. it was in the fire department's prerogative to determine, but we have 3 units, 501, 502 and 508. if
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you look at drawing 2.06 which will require addition stair towers on the roof. we have by code requirement two mandatory stairs which access the roof to the common and we have the elevator housing and mechanical equipment in three places sticking up, i would like for us to be consistent and consider not to permit the access of these private spaces by personal stairs but use a common stair to use those private spaces or use hatches which can be very elegant with stairs, basically folding up and coming down from the ceiling, so i'm very much incline to support this project except i would like us to be consistent because that is the position we took on for another building a few weeks
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ago. >> commissioner antonini. >> maybe i can ask the architect is something like that would be durable, what commissioner moore was saying about the possibility of making them either hatches or limiting the number and having the access through a common stairway or is it -- you probably want your units to have their own access to the roof. >> well, it is a preference of the project sponsor to have the 3-unit to have stairs. i understand commissioner moore's concern; a hatch, i believe would work, but i would like the opportunity to go back to the drawing and see if i could design very discrete stair penthouses, maybe they slope at the stairs rather than meeting at the roof. maybe a partial hatch
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roof where it's higher than a regular hatch. but i know there's a pair mit as required and maybe something can be designed slightly taller so there can be a regular door. it's worth a try if possible. otherwise, a hatch would work. i did look at my roof plan and i realize that i actually only have one of the -- both common stairs reach the roof. but actually one is an enclosed stair so only one has a roof hatch. the other stair is an open stair that's open to the courtyard. we had slightly less minimum requirement in terms of a common stairs for roof penthouses, but i understand the concern and i would like to take the opportunity to see if i can design some very discrete roof penthouses for the three stairs. >> i'd like that a lot and i'm going move to approve the
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project with the advicement that it's not a condition, but the project sponsor continue to work with staff to try to implement where possible, less intrusive stair penthouses or hatches instead of penthouses but i would not make it a condition, sir. >> commissioner -- >> i don't hear a second. >> commissioner hillis. >> can i ask staff a question on the restaurant staff. why are we designated three restaurant spaces. >> restaurant uses within the haze nct are permitted, but do require neighborhood notification. we
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handle the notification simultaneously so the neighborhood doesn't receive two notices. this way by including the restaurant uses in this notification, then it's serving as the notification as the individual tenants. >> would that neighborhood notification go out when you knew what type of -- >> correct. >> it seems odd that we're doing this right now not knowing what type of restaurant it is. usually it goes out when there's a tenant, right? >> once you put a restaurant there, it can be any restaurant. but the initial approval would have to be notice -- >> huh? >> i would imagine -- >> that neighbor notification would normally go out when that building is built but when there's a tenant with that notification so you would know the type of restaurant. here we're
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