tv [untitled] June 29, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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suspensions and referrals and don't show just out of classroom time, we should be able to at least check and probably know they're not doing a good job of collecting data. thank you. >> commissioner maufas. >> thank you so much for the update. i really appreciate it. some of the struggle that i'm having is that i worry when i hear at this point, the words recommendation, suggestion -- you know, we're tweaking something -- i think we're well beyond that type of understanding where we need -- where you need to come back to us to recommend. i think the resolution and the superintendent's man at a time mandate and where we are as a board and a district are a green light for you to move a
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lot faster, particularly with schools that you discover have incredibly high disproportionalty. and it begs the different question -- i guess the additional question to commissioner wynns, why can't we take [inaudible] i think when you focus on one area, that gives people a chance to hide in some other place. i think -- i just feel that we are doing just a disservice when we let folks develop another way to hide. i think people are continuing to hide and using, you know, some of the bureaucracy that exists to go ahead and continue to treat it difshtsly. differently. it's clearly evident in these numbers.
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you mentioned earlier you were working on data where in a couple of weeks you'd have a way to track deeper information? >> yes. at the moment i can't report to you school by school and by offense data because we're cleaning up some of the stuff. it's the first year so we can get the overall numbers for tonight, but we're going through one by one and making sure we don't have multiples. we're cleaning it up for a couple more days. but >> i get that, but this is urgent and we're starting another school year and i have the same feeling. it's so -- it's making me perspire. that's how awful it feels so, you know, superintendent, i hope -- at least in regards to getting this -- what you need as quickly as possible, maybe that's more staff for the data
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component, but that can be developed quickly so you can hit the new school year really moving swiftly to find those schools and fig yush out who are sending kids out of their classroom or doing whatever, because these numbers at this stage, it -- i don't have any problems hearing the truth, but i want to hear it. and i don't need to be cautioned that schools who are doing this work have higher numbers. that's one component. those schools that aren't, that's a whole different set of circumstances and i really hope via the superintendent, you address that issue and your staff. that is really disturbing. i had mentioned when you had come to curriculum to make a
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presentation, and hopefully this is brought to the administrator of the institute, because i think this is a conversation that's so serious and it needs to be said again and again so folks don't think just something that they need to get past or get through in a sitting or a conference that we're having within sfusd and then once it's over they can move on to their old practices. i think the discovery of who those folks are, it's about time. and i need to know that this -- your department, the superintendent's staff are on this and it's not something they can hide from with behaviors that, you know, happen in our bureaucracy. i'm hoping that that is really clear and made clear by you as the leader of your department. i think i really just wanted to say those things initially. and then just hear about some
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of the public comment and about the development of the plan and when you can get that to us. that's my next serious concern. you know, how are you not able to have that to us because that's what i'm really ready to look at and i appreciate that you are trying to unravel the inner workings of the district and they're difficult to do, but also, there's this other thing which you need approval on, and we want to give that approval and the permission to have those funds, support a plan and a strategy that's a little longer term that when you need in the next few weeks or months or school year. i want to make those comments and ask to hear about your -- budget. >> thank you. and i really do appreciate your support, commissioner maufas, on this very important matter. you know, in the packet, and i was -- i am [inaudible] i was a
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little nervous, we have a full layout of the resolution side-by-side at the end of the packet which addresses the timeline for each of the items in the resolution so i'm hoping to perhaps -- when we can come back and discuss it, but we have addressed all those issues as close as we can right now so i just forgot to mention that i had put that in there and i don't want to go point by point through it because because it's quite a lengthy document. >> maybe i wasn't clear. i was asking when you will have your -- is that -- you're telling me the three year budget is here? fshlths yes. >> yes, all the -- yes, at the end, all the components of the resolution i addressed point by point so that we can see the, you know -- so we can see the full picture of how we're going to address them.
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there is not a three year budget in there so that one area is something that we can work on and get to you. it's just a little difficult to see the future right now. one of the issues we heard about today was that the safe budget that funds a lot of the resources that i was just telling you about, it's possible that we will actually go out of disproportionalty for african american students being admitted into special education next year because the numbers dropped very deeply since we started our [inaudible]. that's good news but it will also confuse the point. >> notwithstanding the major
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proportionalty [inaudible] special education students, that's also good news, but our commitment to tackling disproportionalty will not go away so you have our commitment that will continue to be a focus. we really appreciate the board's leadership and support in this particular area and i want to be very, very clear that the message is absolutely unequivocally clear that we cannot continue to have disproportional suspensions, referrals, expulsions, identify for [inaudible] and disproportionate reputation for gifted classrooms for children of color. disproportionalty cannot continue if we truly believe that all students should be successful in a school environment. so we are absolutely committed to that proposition, but i think one of the things i want to make sure the public understands is that we're also being very thoughtful about how
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we move forward in our implementation. and i think the bat team, the concept that was shared with us this evening is a good example of how we have to be very strategic about how we already use resources that are already in our system that here to for in the past have not be used in a comprehensive cohesive integrated aligned way. the bat team is a great example of how we're bringing all these resources to bear in an integrated way to attack issues at the root cause. that's actually why we're being so thoughtful about how we go forward. and before we come to the board and the public to say we need x number of dollars, we want to make sure what we're implementing is effective and strategic. the other thing i want to make sure we state publicly is that
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we speak and talk about and study all yearlong with our administrators the administrator institute last year talking about it, we will do it again this year. every time we're together we talk about it, but it's not just administrators, it's everyone in our system. everyone needs to understand this is our collective mission. so in that regard, we also are very careful about calling these schools out because in the resolution we've said we want to build capacity. that is, if there's a situation where a school is sending children at a higher rate out of their classroom, it doesn't necessarily mean that that person is a bad person. it means they need some help. they need new tools, they need strategies, they need professional development, they need support. so by capturing the data we
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want to give support to our educators and our staff members in a very targeted specific way, rather than the shotgun approach. it may seem like we're kind of tinkering around the edges, but i want to give you my word that we're trying to be very strategic about really focusing our resources to where they're needed the most, and it being very clear that system wide the commitment is not going away, that this will be an issue that everyone will be involved in if you're part of the unified school district, which is san francisco. so i just want to make sure that you had our commitment that that is going to continue to be the case. and i think if you look at the presentation we've had this even where you've had forvery knowledgeable voices that have shared the parts of this, you're seeing that it's not one person talking about the work, there's multiple people in departments, which is really exciting for us as well.
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but we can't do this without the incredibly strong support of the board, so we want to make sure that the board understands how important your voice is to keeping us all aligned. >> so president, if i may just comment. thank you very, very much. i appreciate that. what i neglected to say was started with the administrator's institute because that is the thing that mr. graven and -- i had mentioned to him when he had come to a curriculum committee meeting that this presentation or the presentation around what's happening in pupil services would be a great place to share with our administrators who are also our head of schools on sites and then have that information also spread throughout the district in every other possible way. and thank you also for saying publicly and reassuring me to your commitment to this.
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what i am hopeful is that some of the areas that where mr. graven's department is getting stuck with are system glitches, you will be able to interject -- and i've said it before -- some high octane fuel so they will not be so stuck in those areas and we can get that information faster so we can move swiftly to more targeted interventions at school sites that need them. thank you. >> commissioner haney. commissioner mendoz-mcdonnell. >> thank you. i had a couple of questions based on that powerpoint. thank all of you for the update on this. on page 3 on the disproportionalty still manifesting, it's drop -- even though it's a drop, you know, we are still seeing our latino
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and african american students at a pretty high rate. so if the suspension has dropped significantly, what was the ethnic drop? who were the kids that were cut in terms of the suspensions? >> you can see that it's consistent over the three years pretty much for all groups across the bottom of that chart. so what that means to us is that , you know, you had a 50% drop across the board in all ethnicities. >> [inaudible]. okay, so even though their numbers are still high -- >> they're half what they were. >> they're half what they were previously. >> yeah. >> got it. okay. and then on the vrti being ahead of schedule and you have
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18 more schools left to train, i'm just curious which kind of schools those are. are they -- what grade levels and how have you prioritized the training for the schools? >> okay. so they're welcome and then we also have schools basically banging on the doors to get into the training and so we let in as many as we can of the other schools. the biggest challenge here was that the bay view and mission schools could not do [inaudible]. they just didn't feel that was an appropriate way of being trained because of the intensity of the needs of some of those schools so we worked out a plan for them next year where we would do it in their
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professional development time for them at donna charity so we were able to come to a way to reach them, that's why we included them. so the 18 that are remaining now are the rest of the high schools and a few elementary schools. all the middle schools stepped into the first two cohorts voluntarily. ten in the first year and the other two in the second. so we're 100% middle school already. >> can you tell me which high schools have not been trained? >> i don't have it in front of me. there's only five that have stepped forward and the ones for next year are not-you know, they're just beginning the training in the fall so none of the high schools have been trained as yet, with except [inaudible] we're been working with for the last couple of months. they all haven't been trained. five have stepped forward. i'll get you the exact five. i'll get you an email. i don't have it in my head.
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>> thank you. >> commissioner haney. >> yeah, thank you for the presentation and for your leadership thus far on this and being inclusive and bringing people to the table and also to the superintendent for your prioritization of this work. thomas, i'm looking forward to seeing you in bat suit, but -- so i have a couple comments and then a few questions. so i also had hoped to see -- you know, i appreciate what we've done so far and i think we have made a tremendous amount of progress and i appreciate how you run down the resolution and provided a lot of additional stuff for us to work through here. i also that along the lines of commissioner maufas that we can see -- continue this conversation in the fall and have something come back that i think for us, feels a little more like a three year implementation plan as we envisioned with the resolution
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and really dig deep in terms of where we're going. a lot of what's in here relates to rti and kind of a continued extension of rti, which is a huge part of it and i recognize that. but in terms of the three year implementation plan, what this looks like at the site, what's the implementation of rp feels like and sounds like for us and what it looks like in terms of staffing and support is still an important piece of this for us. when we put forward the resolution when we did, the hope was that it would give us enough time to put some additional funding into next year's budget. i realize there are some challenges that in doing that and particularly around site based support. i think that's a conversation that we'd like to konts. continue. and, you know, from us hearing from the sites in terms of what their needs are so we understand that we know not just where the challenges are, but what the needs are and that we're addressing that and
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responding and adapting with that. that's kind of a piece of it. i have four questions which i'm goif going to give all together so maybe you can write them down. sometimes it's sort of good to have an example or paint a picture for us a little bit. i think what we're hearing from sites and teachers is how are things going to be different for me as a teacher or for a student who has a greater set of needs. you know, if you're a teacher and you now in '14, '15, you are now unable to suspend defiant behavior, if you could put some meat on what we're doing differently here and how our [inaudible] that have
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[inaudible] what happens in those schools when something is being taken off the table, but the solutions being put on to the table, how does that look different? how are we going to prioritize the bat team work? so there a lot in the resolution that relates to disproportionalty. there are a lot of other things here and how are we going to target and really -- and i appreciate the superintendent's comments about the disproportionalty, you know, there's a piece in here around when suspensions do occur of african american students, what is triggered and the oversight as well.
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as to how we responds for african american students, including the direction that's given to the site,s. . this is a big and important one and we want to make is that clear to the sites that there is a difshts kind of process that we want to make sure is taking place. those are two. i'm going through the other two very quickly. you got three? i counted two. you got three, that's fine. we can make it five total. the third one on my list is that there are a number of schools that already have gone through behavioral rti, for example. all of the middle schools. and so i'm trying to understand the relationship between a code of conduct and what is sort of more of a intervention, matrix, what steps need to be taken
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when certain things are hang happening and making sure those are available to the staff there >> what is going on there and how do we feel -- this is where some of that interest is, which is at just feeling that we've done behavioral rti in a school obviously doesn't necessarily address that aspect of it. what's missing there, what's not happening? is there -- going back to the site based support that 's needed there so they have other options in place beyond just the code of conduct so the difference between the code of conduct and sort of the getting to the level where we can truly provide the positive behavioral intervention. and then the last thing, this is the fourth one on my list, but this was addressed a bit
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with commissioner mendoz-mcdonnell's question, which is that for the schools next year who are not in behavioral rti, what sort of [inaudible] i know we've already seen a huge reduction in those suspensions anyways and that the sites have kind of got the message that around that, but we do want to make sure that the sites understand what has changed and what the expectations are in terms of the different steps that they can take. and i know that in behavioral rti that's sort of out there, but for the schools that don't have it as we phase that in, i'd like to know what the plan is there. and that's the end of my question. but i do really appreciate all of the work that has been done and the progress that's been made and i do realize it's incredibly complicated and there's a lot of pieces to it and we're doing it with limited resources and i want to express my gratitude for your work and
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your commitment to this and the way you've done this has also just been impres sif and inspiring. thank you. >> thank you for those kind words. i'll start with the fourth question first. what's exciting about only having 18 schools left is we can do something we've always wanted to do is a preparation year. best practice and the rp and behavior praul [inaudible] we go out and outreach to the staff and explain to them what's coming and get them ready for the move so that's really exciting because they have a manageable number, we can use our bat teams to do that work as well. i wanted to start with that one. in terms of the first question, how have things gone different? we have a couple of really new resources that come into play and your question was was specifically to the teacher who
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is struggling and what would be different. so when we see through the data -- it'll all be data driven. the disproportionalty data will be data driven teams so they'll look to see where their efforts are most needed in that respect. but once they get to the school they can do a number of different things. they can bring a bcba into play to look at the child's behaviors in the context of the classroom and come up with a plan so that's something we haven't really had for general education students before. and that we've already using this year and we've found it to be a very useful tool. we can offer personal coaching if the teacher needs some new skills, we can offer individualized coaching through rp coach or ppis coach or we even have a peer resources have
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stepped into this and are willing to work with some of the youth empowerment strategies they have if they can come into play. sometimes we might find that staff itself is struggling with how to serve all students and we have the capacity and the skills thanks to our trainer models both in behavior rpi and rp and pbis to actually do individual trainings and supports. so it's kind of like we want the bat teams to meet with the principal, determine the needs of the staff and provide the support directly. to the second, the goal of these teams. this is my personal belief. i really believe there's no reason for suspension as we know it now to happen. removing a child from the school does nothing to solve a problem, nothing. so can we get to the point where we don't do that?
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i believe we can. i don't think next year we'll be able to go suspension by suspension to do a causal analysis every suspension -- it is such a traumatic and specifically significant event to the life of a child. if they are suspended in middle school the outcomes in life are incredibly narrowed. if it's that serious for the kid, we should respond seriously. the goal is eventually these teams would respond on a suspension by suspension basis. similarly, in the resolution there's a real challenge for us at sites, which is to make sure the protocol for when a student returns to school is systematic and is high quality so we have
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a reentry process that's really strong. >> one of the things i'd like to highlight is part of our purpose for developing the multidisciplinary teams was simply to respond to some of the complex problems that our school has experienced. part of why i'm saying that is because we can't be prescriptive in our response to supporting a school and both in supporting a stuvent, student, their family and the staff. i bring that up because what is being presented to us at pupil services will determine what members of our team will effectively respond to support our school. with that being said, if the focus is around attendance, we
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can have an attendance liaison to work with that school. if it has to do with welcoming a person back to school because they've been suspendsed and developing a process that humanizes that experience for them that may be working or not working at a school around incentives or appropriately responding when harm has occurred, we would look at utilizing and integrating the two because ultimately our goal is to really get good at our work on our side to integrate our responses and our services to schools so we can take a complex problem and respond appropriately to it. >> i'm looking at my three questions here.
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the piece that i think we didn't discuss was what's the difference between the behavioral matrix and code of conduct. the -- both the behavioral matrix -- how did you phrase it nicole? the code of conduct, when we expect what the consequences are for each individual action. there's a name for it. >> [inaudible]. >> they're part of behavioral rpi so it's a fundamental part so when we wrote the resolution together that was embedded in this and it's the very foundation of our [inaudible]. that's the first thing we do with schools. so how we pull out of this community based process to develop each school's matrix and then pull it back to a school wide document that we include in the handbook
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