tv [untitled] June 29, 2014 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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the piece that i think we didn't discuss was what's the difference between the behavioral matrix and code of conduct. the -- both the behavioral matrix -- how did you phrase it nicole? the code of conduct, when we expect what the consequences are for each individual action. there's a name for it. >> [inaudible]. >> they're part of behavioral rpi so it's a fundamental part so when we wrote the resolution together that was embedded in this and it's the very foundation of our [inaudible]. that's the first thing we do with schools. so how we pull out of this community based process to develop each school's matrix and then pull it back to a school wide document that we include in the handbook is something that i think we're
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going to look to a community and the schools to do. i don't have a very clearly in my mind yet, but i'm confident that we'll get that because we can see examples of [inaudible] in every schooling that we're working at. >> thank you. i wanted to add -- you know, i was trying to scroll through that part of the presentation. how are students involved in just the overall understanding of what we're doing at school sites? i hear -- which i asked and expect to also hear about how we're working with adults, but how are we also working with our students as part of the teams to help make this come to fruition at their school site. i know we have peer resources, but not all kids are within the peer resources program so that's -- i want to know how
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students are involved because i actually some saw some great examples of what's happening in oakland at our symposium and i believe that was a great sharing space of what they're doing with lack of resources and what they're able to accomplish, but also what we've been able to do with very targeted for their understanding. first off, about student's involvement, whether they're in a particular group that does this work or not, how do we get this information to them and how do they participate as team members. and i'm curious about the symposium and what we took away from that. >> so the students are defined in the process in developing the expectations alongside the teachers and the other staff members at each school site. and so where we go from there is teachers develop lesson plans to teach the students'
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expectations based on specific locations within the school. and in order to enforce those expectations they develop positive behavior incentives so that might be earning a prize or a reward of some sort like some schools have dance parties or might get to watch a movie or something like that if they're able to perform those expectations or behave up to what we hope for them. >> so that sounds more along the lines of behavioral rpi. i guess i'm thinking more restorative. a couple of examples i heard, do you know what that poster means? do you know what that particular message is saying? and they said no and they'd be at the school and they'd been around.
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that's just one child's example, but i get the sense that's a little more widespread than those two people. so i'm more curious about that from that perspective, how are we incorporating this particular practice and approach to an integrating our student body. >> excuse me for one second. members of the audience, if you have a private conversation, could you please take it outside? thank you. >> thank you for your feedback. it's been extremely helpful with how we move forward. i'd like to say the work we've done with coalman advocates has been extremely helpful. in regards to the work we're
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doing around restorative practices, that is an area of growth for us. that is something we want to improve upon. one of the ways we are moving forward with that is, as jordan was speaking, another component of that and this is where we're talking about integrating the two. when we talk about community billing circles with restorative circles, utilizing restorative questions, that requires social emotional learning and growth on the part of our students and part of what we're doing to address that is utilizing second step as a curriculum to address that, but part of what we plan on doing moving forward is my request of the rfp and pbsi coaches is they are working together to be able to partner with the schools towards implementation of both programs and one of those pieces being how do you effectively model
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and teach the expectations connected to restorative processes. because restorative practices when talking about the work together true tonight in our resolution, restorative practices is the heart behind the work. so that piece you're speaking to, that is an area we're going to improve upon moving forward and we're going to bring the student voice to the table and combine that with being intentional around teaching and modelling those practices with our students utilizing pbis. so -- >> thank you, that was very helpful. my second question was from the symposium from the sharing we did with open unified. how the we capture that. i real ly heard a strong
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student component even though they're not system wide, i heard with those pilot sites that honed in on that and honed on it well. i'm hoping we can incorporate some of those best practices into what we want to do here and really create a model for ourselves without having to reinvent the wheel. if they're already doing it and it's successful and they had data to support it, i think there's no need for us to start from scratch. that's something we need to -- adjusting to something to our own needs. >> something i'd like to say, and i agree with you 100%, and that is we, within our own school district having some extremely powerful stories already that are occurring at our stiets. sites. what i'd like to do is do a better job of documenting those
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stories because the work we're doing is amazing. we're in the process of filming and documenting that work but we need to be more deliberate and intentional about doing our own personal pr campaign. what oakland is doing is wonderful and great and we need to put that out there also. >> i appreciate that. >> i have a few comments. i just want to say i love the bat team, i love the idea of this collaboration and i like the neil diamond sort of model. it isn't all about one song and it's all kicking together, although that's really dating us. i like that. i mean, it's all not just one thing. and i like what commissioner wynns said is we are taking a systemic approach to it. this is an individual school or
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students, it's about switching a culture of a district which is similar to turning the titanic around so it is that difficult. we're so deeply embedded in using isolation as punishment for behavior. those type of things. and seeing we have 85 schools involved that were a year ahead of schedule, i think there's evidence that schools have been screaming for this kind of relief. they have been begging for this kind of help. they have been struggling and struggling and struggling trying to find a solution themselves, finding themselves being ineffective so this is a gift to the schools too. i want to say it wasn't until we invested a lot of money into the restorative practices that it ever came forward and i think the little bit of money we put in and all the millions we've wasted before, that was really gratified to know that this decision was a very sound and wise for our district.
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i'd like to say what i'd like to see on these classroom referrals. this is horrifying and unacceptable. but what i'd like to see is [inaudible]. i see that it's by race and we see the numbers here and the numbers are completely ridiculous and off the chartds, but i appreciate these numbers because they're somewhat honest. and i think as once it gets more and more honest we'll be more horrified. that's what it is once you own the numbers sorts of like steps on the scale. we have to realize it's a real number, it's not a number where we want to be and we want to fix it. i don't want to punish schools for actually being honest about it. and so this is where we had a problem in our district is that when we sent kids home on an unofficial suspension because somebody's having a bad day, but that child is sent home three days a week, and that
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happens district wide. it was rampant in our district actually, this unofficial suspension, which is rarely just saying you're not welcome in our community. and it really didn't fix anything. and then also this idea that a parent must accompany when you -- when they come back to school. okay, that was rampant also because i heard that all the time. what the most disturbing thing was is that among black parents they would say to me that my child is not allowed in school unless i can sit with my child all day long. they used up their sick leave, their vacation, they had grandparents coming in, aunts and uncles. it was actually ridiculous. i'm glad we're getting rid of that. i'm glad your saturday school is working out and it's not like breakfast club, quite frankly, and that -- i think we thought of saturday school a
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little bit like breakfast club and again, i am dating myself, but this sounds like the students like it, it's feel good all around and you guys like it too so it's just great. now, i think what i'm worried ied about is as we're working with students on behavior plan and they no longer have an iep. one thing goods about it was the parent was able to understand what kind of service the child was getting. i think with this i'm hoping we're somehow incorporating these expectations with parents too so when they're at home they can actually reenforce these behaviors at home too. and use and model some positive
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reenforcements around behavior you're trying to change. we're all doing it together. it's not just in school, it's everywhere. i think it's important because i think when we reach the point where we can do restorative practice between teachers and students and teachers and teachers it's a really powerful thing, i think that is a real powerful thing. i also just want to say that in the referral form when you're referring a student, i would like to see as we roll out restore ti practices and all of us are becoming much more reflective, i'd like to see a place on the forum that actually gives teachers an opportunity to be more reflective. this student was sent out of my
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room didn't do it, you know, i see those results. you know, this type -- this restorative practice is asking all of us to be a little bit more self reflective. so when you're filling it out actually, when there's a form and you're filling it out, it gives you a reminder, a little nod saying could i have done this differently? could it have happened differently in my classroom? what could i have done to have prevented this. it's a reminder to be more self reflective around the incident. i think that could be somewhat helpful. i don't know. i'm just asking, that could be. and i like the reentry part of it. the entry has to be welcoming, right? it can't be like, you're bad. i think this is where we ran into problems for decades and it's so deeply embedded in our
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culture is when a student comes back we're kind of not happy to see the students and, you know, it's -- and i feel like it's a message so when we sends kids out of the classroom or suspends students the message really is underlying don't want you here so when we welcome back, clean slate, we start again, you know, and i feel like -- so that is a really -- i think a good thing, but you know, i want to-what i really like and is that -- there's a common understanding of behaviors that are managed in the classroom and which are not and that is a really powerful thing and that one little sentence there, i -- when i haeshd that and read that i just thought yeah, this is where we need to go. i think how we reward schools is we give them help and this
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is the schools we need to target. schools need to know that when they need help, i mean, when they data is telling them, screaming out to them that there's disproportionalty, that there is crazy referrals, then what do we do? we don't say wow man, that's bad. we say that's bad, but you know what? we're going to help you with that. i think this is where we need to have an on site restorative practice coach at each school that is having a problem like this until the school can adopt a culture, do it on their own and can operate on their own. i think the power of having -- as we have seen at lincoln high school this last year, the lowering of suspensions which principal pain says has been remarkable. this combination of having a restorative practice coach on site to help coach along since
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dent that is happen and to change the culture and work with peer resources. it's a very powerful thing. i'd like to see in the budget more restorative practice coaches assigned to schools, give them that help when they need it and move on. we're going to teach you how to farm enough for five years, show you everything to do, after five years we're doing but you have to do it on your own. i think this is what our schools really need. it's not piecemeal, it's knowing their school culture, what needs to be changed, what are they seeing, what are the strategies they can help, they can put into their toolbox so they can do it themselves? and that's where we want to be. so i would recommend actually that we bring this back to curriculum. curriculum chair is commissioner maufas so we can actually see the plan. i for tonight things are being rolled out. i think what we heard tonight
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is we'd like to see the actual plan of what it's going to be and i would ask my fellow commissioner to put this on the agenda so you can come back and share the plans with the committee which is always augmented so any of the board members can [inaudible] and also open to the public too because i think we're anxiously awaiting that. i would hope to see in the budget money for restoretive coaches on site for schools that need this intensive coaching. what we've seen from these past schools that have had it it's been extremely beneficial and not that expensive. i thought it would be way more expensive to do that so i think we'll get a lot of bang for our buck when we do it so that's why i'm recommending it personally. miss cast, will you please note
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that vice president has joined us. >> you're informing those systems of what your needs are. you need to inform those systems and i'll just send that to the superintendent of what your needs are so they can be sophisticated enough to inform you appropriately. >> yes. >> thank you. hopefully this will be short. i just thought of this when you were talking. you know, all of our seconds dare secondary schools, but certainly our elementary schools. big high schools have assistant principals who are in charge of
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disciplines. all of the schools have deans. what can't we just turn them into rp coaches. i don't mean instantaneously, but tell me how that's factored in. >> so we have extensive contacts and work with the deans and assistant principals at high schools. almost all have been trained in restorative practices. there are big [inaudible] and because they struggle daily, i don't know if people realize, when you actually have to suspends a kid it turns you very quickly into someone who's against suspension because it's a very, very difficult thing to have to do. they are our biggest alleys. they would much rather help a kid get back into the classroom. yes, they are.
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i think the situation varies. some of them are overwhelmed and -- but all of them are participating in support of the resolution and the restorative practice work. >> i also wanted to add that when looking at school data, i would like to incorporate how many times they've called the police on students. so we can get this bigger picture because we have that data now, right ? we're working with the police department. we're looking at suspensions, referrals, dispropargsalty in all of thoses and how many times police are called out to the school site to handle maybe something that's disciplinary versus criminal. that it? okay. thank you. all right, so thank you very much. i think we're done with this item. thank you. very informative. you can tell, it was very interesting to everyone. it went for a very long time.
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i would like to move back to item f. and we have two speaker cards who are signed up for the consent item. mr. dennis kelly and liz jackson-simpson. so two minutes each, please, and then we will take public comment right after that because we're at 7:30 and then go into our regular agenda. thank you. >> thank you very much. i have asked you to pull -- to look at 19 of the 81 consent to degree items which you have, and starting with k 1, k 12, k 3, k 5, k 8, k 9, for instance, you're doing a lot of things here that are describing people that are not in the bargaining units doing what is our work. now, sometimes people are very careful to say that and they say that they're teaching teachers how to do this and
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that's a careful way of saying it. k 3 for instance, however, says they're going to work with children doing hands on work. that means that it's our work. that's teaching and para professional work and should not be farmed out to other people. you look at k 8 and k 9, there you're calling for early ed, you're paying some money for three full day sessions of professional development. unfortunately early ed only has two professional development days. i don't know what you'll do on the third day, but you don't have the time off for the teachers to be attending a full day. if you look at k 11 and k 12 you're spending $82,000 at two different schools, you're spending more than you'd spends to hire a new teacher to do this to go between these two schools, but hiring a con r
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consultant instead to do this. you're spending now another $66,000 for the same organization to go to five different places. you look at k 21, the writing gets particularly sloppy here because here they're going to provide in services to students. students don't do in service. it's -- in service refers to the kind of work you do while you're being paid and students are not being paid. k 47 is, i think, particularly fascinating in the language. it calls for the development of talent development strategy, talent development strategy. like to know what that is. k 50 we're paying a bunch of money, money that comes from
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the sales force and mayor's office to provide a vision for transforming outcomes for middle age students. perhaps that means middle school students. we want a vision, we want a bunch of money to go there so we can kree create a vision. if you look at k 56 and following, you'll see over $1.4 million spent for various legal forms and we don't know what they're doing because they use the same canned language for each one of them. they're going to work under the general counsel to protect and advance the interests of students. i think the resolutions you have here are important. this is where you're spending a
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lot of money. i think when you're spending money on things like visions and protecting the interests of students, i think you should be a little bit more transparent in what you're actually buying there. thank you very much. >> good evening commissioners, superintendent carranza, my name is liz, i'm the executive director of [inaudible] san francisco. we're a non profit corporation that lives on the campus of the juvenile probation department. for over 16 years we've been in partnership with the district offering ged to young people who are severely credit deficient, and we've been able to encourage them to reengage
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in school and get their geds. in fact, over the past 16 years we've been successful in grand jury watsing graduating all the students. it feels goods to see this resolution support a formal mou between the non profit organization and school district. we just have so many plans in place now that we have a formal agreement. i just want to thank doctor and steven coughman for getting this through. in the fall once we get this completed we hope to continue to partner with the district and create a peer son view testing center and [inaudible] as well as on the campus in the xhubty site where we are so we can get more young people who may not be on track to
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graduate, reengaged in the school and testing. over the past five years we had partnered with the san francisco, with the city college of san francisco and paid over $100,000 to get their proctors to come in and test young people within the facility. now we'll be able to save those dollars and do that work ourselves. so we are continue to support. i'll encourage you to support our work together, work with some of the most vulnerable young people in our city and support this alternative opportunity. thank you. >> thank you. you run a really good program. great. okay. so we're going to go to -- to [inaudible] regarding general matsers and when i call your name please come up to here. you have two minutes each. .
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let me start with ross roads, [inaudible]. yeah, two minutes. identify yourself, please, thank you. >> i'm a former parent in the unified school district here and i'm here in support of miss virginia marshall. i truly, you know, come here to talk about her ability that she has that teaching in this unified school district, how she affected my life and my kids' life. my young son who came to this unified school district was told at one time that his grades were watered down because of his smartness. today because of the programs that he went through that miss
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virginia marshall was running at the time, he is holding a masters degree at the age of 27, working on his phd in education. and it all comes because of the foundation that he got when he ran into miss marshall. well, i ran into miss marshall at the martin luther king middle school. her ability to teach and put programs together. my son had the opportunity to go to ford valley university in the seventh grade because of the ability she had to raise money and network with colleges at that time. he had to the opportunity to work with bob moses. so miss marshall is an outstanding teacher and educator.
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