tv [untitled] June 29, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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>> the next order of business is item 3, report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting if any. there are no reportable actions. the next order of action is number 4. the next item is 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. first the consent agenda, items 5a and b will be called together but voted on separately. item 5a approval of minutes regular meeting of may 6, 2014. item 5b pursuant to section 20.1 of the may 2011 fillmore heritage garage agreement with pacific management garage corporation consenting the management agreement to
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imperial parking llc. a delaware company as part of in part purchase of pacific park. action resolution [inaudible]! i'd like to move item 5b to the first item on our agenda. we'll consider that separately. we'll look at the approval of minutes. any public comment on minutes? seeing none, are there any questions or comments on the minutes? >> i have one. i have a small ed it on page 14 third paragraph regarding my comments, the word not should appear before the word consent. >> okay. changes noted, i think. any other questions or comments? if there are none, i'd like to entertain the motion to approve the minutes. is there a second?
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>> second. >> madam secretary, please call the role. >> commissioner ellington. >> yes. >> mondejar. >> yes. >> singh. >> yes. >> rosales. >> yes. >> johnson. >> i. >> the vote is five is. >> that other change will be reflected. next item please. >> item 5b. >> item 5b. we are now in part of the regular agenda considering item 5b. madam executive director. >> i need to recuse myself from this item just for the record because pacific park management has been a source of revenue to my business company in the last 12 months. >> thank you. thank you for the reminder. commissioner rosales will leave the room and we'll go get two
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>> thank you so much for joining us. commissioners, a few months ago you heard a item related to pacific park management in extext of that operating agreement. now before you pacific park is selling its business to imperial parking and this is a consent to the assignment under the same terms and conditions with our original agreement. to walk you through those details tracy reynolds is here to present this item. >> thank you. my name's tracy reynolds. i'm the manager of the real estate group. as executive director mentioned, i'm before you today to ask for your consent to
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transfer the garage management agreement we have with pacific park to imperial parking or in park as part of the purchase for its business. they manage a garage that we own under a management agreement with the success or agency. that agreement expires on june 30, 2015, with one 12 month extension at the discretion of the commission. pacific park's business includes 50,000 parking spaces. the management agreement requires the commission's consent to any assignment of the management agreement. pacific park is requesting the successor agency's consent to assign it to impark as part of the sale. impark and pa sitic park have
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signed an assignment and assumption agreement which transfers all of pacific park's responsibilities to impark. we're a highly operated garage operator and is now the third lajest parking operator in north america. the company now operates more that 2300 parking lotses in america. they manage under a joint vebture about 2,000 spaces for the city, including golden gateway garage and saint mary's garage. they manage the garage where the successor agencies offices are located and more that 2000 parking spaces for the san francisco giants. more information about the qualifications is in exhibit b, which is attached to your memorandum. by signing the assignment and
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assumption agreement, impark has agreed to enforce all the revisions of the management agreement. impark signed declarations certifying compliance with the successor agencies minimum compensation policy and healthcare accountability policy, also in your packet. impark intends to obtain the two part-time employees obtained at the garage and pay them according to the same compensation ratds and weekly schedule as pacific part. staff recommends con senting to the assumption agreement between pacific park and impark. that concludes staff's presentation. sam, the chief executive officer is here as well as well as joe bower, the general manager of impark. we are here to answer any
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questions you may have. >> i'd like to call public comment. >> there are no public speaker cards. >> commissioner singh, i believe you had a question or comment. no? okay. anyone else? okay. excellent. i'm satisfied that the assignment is for the same management term as before. we looked at an action item where we looked at pacific management agreement for 18 months so it'd be under those same terms. >> why are we changing that on previous -- >> oh, from the impark to pacific -- >> yeah. >> i'll give a short answer. impark has sold their -- pacific park has sold their
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business so we need to assign new agreements to their entity. >> yeah. pacific park is selling to impark. >> is anyone from pacific park here? >> maybe if a representative from pacific park could stand up. >> oh, okay. [inaudible] >> we have not signed document the last time i was here, but after we have approved the agenda i mean, there was discussion and the company was [inaudible]. >> it was the [inaudible], right? it was one year? >> it's still the same end date. >> it's okay, yeah. >> okay. yeah, commissioner mondejar. >> to answer this, but my
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understanding, your company has not been making money for the two, three years? and hopefully the impark was going to assume the agreement to make some money. >> well, the management agreement, which is being assigned, pays pacific park $1000 a month. they've been making their management fee. that's what we agreed to under the management agreement. since that started they've been making their management fee of $1000 a month. if there's any net income over a certain amount, pacific park would get some of that, but because there hasn't been up to that level, they haven't gotten and incentive fee, but have always gotten their base
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management fee. those terms remain the same under the assignment >> thank you. i'd like to entertain a motion on this item. >> so moved. >> thank you very much. is there a second? >> i'll second. >> thank you very much. secretary, please call the roel. >> commissioner ellington. >> yes. >> mondejar. >> yes. >> singh. >> yes. >> rosales. recused. johnson . >> i. >> the vote is four is, one recused. >> thank you. before you call the next item, commissioner ellington asked me a question. as part of our terms of our approval of the previous extension of the management agreement for pacific part management, if there needs to be a further extension that would come back before the
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commission. thank you very much. next item. >> next order of business is regular agenda, i'm 5c, also rising pursuant to the transbay [inaudible] negotiation agreement with related california urban housing, a california limited liability company and tenderloin neighborhood development corporation, a california non profit public benefit corporation for the project on block 8, block 3737, lots 005, 012, 027 located on fol some street between first and fremont street. discussion and action, resolution 252014. >> thank you. commissioners, as part of your aggressive work program in the transbay redevelopment project area, we are again entering into an exciting time and phase
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for transbay for these state parcels. in doing so really providing true community benefits in terms of affordable housing as well as mixed use housing, appropriate retail along folsom to create that true whole neighborhood. this is one of the many parcels you will see this year so we're pleased to bring this exclusive negotiation agreement to you before your consideration. with that, i'd like to ask courtney to walk you through the selection process to pick the proposed development team and she'll introduce the members of team and be joined by others from the development team as well as the project architect. >> good afternoon. i'm courtney pash, i'm joined
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by mike russo and bill, who will introduce the rest of their team after i'm finished with my presentation. as you know, i'm here before you seeking approval of our executive director to execute an exclusive negotiation agreement or ena with related and tndc to develop a mixed income residential project on transbay block 8. it's one of the publically owned parcels located between first and fremont located on folsom. 65 to 85 podium building and town houses, a shared
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underground garage and ground floor open space and retail along folsom street. the rfp for block 8 was issued in [inaudible] in february of this year. the rfp required 27% of units to be affordable, with 27% subsidized by the developer and 17 subsidized by ocii. three proposals were received, first from related and tnbc, second from millennium and where they had a chance to present their design concept and finance rnl proposal, ask and answer questions. the team comprised related tndc which oma architects and cng landscape architects received
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the highest score from the selection panel. the staff's recommendation to select this team was approved by the cac at their 2014 meeting. all three proposals were floored by the selection panel which comprised three ocii staff, a representative from the planning department and a cac member, miss johnson who's here today. the scores were based on financial proposals, and the team experience. with the related tnbc team scored the highest in all categories. they have a depth of experience in san francisco with complex mixed income residential projects. the proposal was scored favorably for its treatment of the tower and how it reads as part of the skyline and how it relates to the ground floor. [inaudible] other towers in the
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neighborhood with a slender and sleek appearance. their treatment of the ground floor was also exceptional to continue the trend of public mid block crossing and they significantly exceeded the amount of required ground floor open space. they have a commitment to achieving the ocii goals. their associate architect is an sbe. this slide summarizes the related tnd proposal. their purchase price is $72 million. the next highest purchase price was $70 million offered by millennium. 100% affordable project on the podium and town homes and 80/20 mixed income projects and 162
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units market rate condo project on the upper floor of the tower. ground floor retail fronting folsom street with a possibility of a basement level below grade grocery store. the terms of the ena include a $500,000 deposit to cover legal costs. and as you saw in the memo, they originally offered a -- or had in their proposal a closing date of march 2016 as requested by the [inaudible] we've requested them to move the closing date up to about six months to october 2015 because they need the money in order to pay for construction of the
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transit center so in exchange for that earlier than anticipated closing period, the purchase price was reduced by the amount it will cost the financing team to finance that difference up to $2 million. this reduction has them equal with the next highest bidder and since they've scored higher in all the other categories, they would have still won the rfp competition. this was communicated to the other two proposers and they did not object to in by modification to the terms. additionally if the tjpa can get financing for the extra six months, the terms can revert back to what was in the proposal, a purchase price of $72 million with a closing date of march 2016.
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we will return to you in march of next year for approval of development agreement with the developer, along with the approval of the schematic designs. between now and then we'll be working with the development team on refining their design concept in the proposal. and soon after that, as part of the dpa they'll be required to pay a $2 million deposit, which we credit against their land price, which will pay at close of escrow. construction is estimated to start in march of 2016 with an outside completion date of may of 2019. that concludes my presentation and i'll turn it over to bill who will introduce the rest of our team, including the architect who will give a presentation on their design. >> director, commissioners, i
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am don. we're a non profit affordable housing and social provider operating 2500 units of affordable housing in the tenderloin and throughout san francisco. >> thank you, very pleased to be here today. i'll bill, president of related california. we have a 20 year history of developing in san francisco, including a number of projects with your predecessor agency, the redevelopment agency. today we have eight active projects we're working on in the city, which relevant to this mixed income project and the scope of type of projects from affordable housing, we have four, redevelopment of the sunny dale public housing project with mercy housing, a 200 unit affordable project in mission bay south, which will be back before you, i believe
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in july; and four projects we were recently awarded under the city's new program to renovate existing public housing properties. a 315 unit rental development we've just completing the eir for and more recently a site we've gone under contract for, the good will sight at mission and van ness. also how it would fit in the neighborhood and how - what amenities could be included to serve not just the bidding, but the entire community. to that end, we have included
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space for a grocery and a variety of food services, not only on the street level, but one level down. with that, i'm going to introduce our design team, starting with jason wong with ona architects and scott of cmg landscape architects and they'll walk you through the development concept. because of our experience here we are very familiar with ocii's procedures, hiring requirements, et cetera and are very comfortable working with them. >> hi, thank you. i'm jason wong from oma, the lead architect for the project. when we first approached this design we were really excited about the site, not because of its presence in san francisco, but because its presence in the transbay neighborhood.
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it's an opportunity where developers and architects are creating a new neighborhood and being a part of that was very exciting and interesting for us. this site in particular surrounded by folsom street is a very unique site with particular conditions on each side for us to react to. we started by looking at a master plan of the whole area. along folsom street and also the transbay park at block three. despite that ambition for connect tiffty there's a lot of connectivity challenges around the site, partly because of infrastructure so this is at clem and fremont street where there's no crossing so we thought about wanted to propose a crossing there to connect the clement park and transbay park and wanted to do more with the
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courtyard exterior space within the middle of the block that was prescribed by the development controls, but not developed further than that. we wanted to incorporate as one of the mid block pa say owes that are sprinkled throughout the neighborhood to connect the streets in a way that can be dynamic and occur in the major streets and also the mid block, weaving the whole neighborhood together. this is a view from fremont and folsom, looking at the building. by creating this paseo we lock that into the block activating it as a new urban street for the block. that connection aligns with the topography of the site which connects towards lincoln hill, which is obviously kind of important in san francisco.
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it's a little hilly. it also aligns directly west to east, which allows us to bring light into the exterior courtyard space in a way that wouldn't be possible otherwise. here you see a sun study with the base development controls on the left and our proposal on the right. you see in the morning and afternoon the light can come into that space that otherwise wouldn't be possible. here you see a view from above from the project and the connection. it cuts through folsom street and in the middle of that it expands to create a courtyard or urban living room. it's activated by program on all sides from retail that extends from folsom street into the connection on to the other side to other more resident focused programs like community room or bike kitchen. here's a view again from
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fremont and folsom street looking into that connection. podium buildings that [inaudible] is working on have been sculpted. here's a view of the urban living room tsz. you can see it with transparency along the ground with retail programs on folsom that extend back and the community room that you see here on your left with seating all around. that activation really extends the life along folsom street into the block, into the building. folsom street is really envisioned as a new retail boulevard for the neighborhood and we're excited about adding to that. here you can see retail lining the base of the building, extending all the way across and leading into the connection. the building also steps down here at the base on the left is a tower and then towards the
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right towards fremont street it steps down further towards the podium building. those podium buildings that have been worked on are subtly sculpted. responding to the more neighborhood scale of clem street. this is a view looking east back up clem, looking back at where you were just standing, looking on the left at the townhouses in clem and extending towards the transbay park and on the right directly through the connection. you can see here it's a interconnected set of streets that means you're never shut off from the rest of the neighborhood. you're looking here in the middle at the bike kitchen. there's stoops that extend along the townhouses, creating a real neighborhood feel and that reading extends along the
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base of the tower, also towards first street, where there are also stoops and the material alty of the townhouses which features wood also extends across. the landscaping that cng has developed really enliven each side of the project and as the connection itself and interconnects them with ramps that they're also developing, really dynamic, diverse and programmed series of landscape spaces. , including a treatment of the off ramp wall, which is one of the main challenges of the project. on the right here, abtat wall with greenery and also bird habitats and on the left side an art mural. so the potential blight of this wall separating the off ramp from the neighborhood can become something that's actually an advantage. this is a view from above
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showing you the terraces. the landscape extends up on to the roofs. the tower itself when we came to design it, we wanted it to be something that didn't dominate the poed jum buildings, but rather responded to them so the cut that defines the connection, also cuts the tower and defines its shape so here you see that cut and then the mass removed. so the tower is actually an extension of the expression of the tower is an extension of the connection, rather than the other way around. the cut is on the folsom street side, tapering both sides of the tower
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