tv [untitled] June 29, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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showing you the terraces. the landscape extends up on to the roofs. the tower itself when we came to design it, we wanted it to be something that didn't dominate the poed jum buildings, but rather responded to them so the cut that defines the connection, also cuts the tower and defines its shape so here you see that cut and then the mass removed. so the tower is actually an extension of the expression of the tower is an extension of the connection, rather than the other way around. the cut is on the folsom street side, tapering both sides of the tower as its goes up,
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creating a slender profile as the building goes skyward, which responds to the predominant views around the building and in the bay on the other side. we have treated the facades of each of those faces differently so from the bay side and city side. along folsom street there are two main setbacks, that's the south side so it's the best place to have really open, sunny tailor space and also to create an urban feeling along folsom. along clem, it's broken down with micro [inaudible] this side on the north, the portion and then on the south the two terraces that align with the view of the building. we think the south side really creates a building that's sober, but very dynamic.
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we think it integrates very well with the neighbors. here you see our building on the left and transbay 9 on the right. both broken down subtly, but in different ways. we hope that it will be an exciting addition to the san francisco skyline. thank you. >> which allows for a seamlessness of ownership, management and control and we'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. >> thank you. that concludes our presentation. >> thank you very much. let's take public comment on this item. i have one speaker card, ms.
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johnson. >> i'm part of the block 8 selection committee and a hill resident. i'm especially excited about this project, not only because it's beautiful, but because i'll be looking at it from my window everyday once it's built. the blockade buildings compliment the buildings on either side of it on blocks 9, 6 and 7, provided they put together a plan that goes beyond the aesthetics. they've taken an approach that addresses the lingering issues that are needed to turn the hill into a true neighborhood. it's the little details to make getting from folsom to clementina much quicker, the urban living room concept and retail shops that will be open on weekends and the much needed grocery store that contribute
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to the cac's support for this development team. thank you. >> thank you very much. one more. mr. [inaudible]. >> i apologize for not putting in a speaker card. my name is oscar james, native resident of bay view hunters point and certificate holder for the redevelopment agency. i'd like for past tenants to be given preference on housing in this particular project and any project that comes that deals with housing that the soma residents who are relocated through redevelopment be first preference along with the rest of the certificate holders throughout the bay area. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment on this item? ooek, seeing none, i'd like to turn to other commissioners. questions, comments?
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>> yeah. i just want to talk to that tenderloin director. >> yeah. >> i just want to know what is your contribution in this project? >> we are the partner on the affordable part of the project so there's a 100% affordable piece, as well as 20% of the market rate rental and we'll be the managing general partner. >> oh. is it [inaudible] is anything involving this? >> no. >> oh. >> we are a tenderloin development corporation, tndc and he works for housing clinic, a different organization. >> oh, okay. >> thank you. >> i didn't [inaudible] very long time.
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yeah. >> commissioner rosales. >> i had a question about the grocery stores. is there any -- is it too early to talk about the grocery store. i'd love to hear any ideas about the grocery store. i was hoping community based grocery stores be in the mix. >> yeah. we've been approached by some potential tenants, which precipitated our thinking beyond just the ground floor, just the street level. we now think there is a good possibility to get more full service that includes a combination of the sort of boutique street level food service approach, as well as more traditional services that you'd expect at a fuller service grocery. and we've tried to plan -- admittedly this is just conceptual to ensure that things like deliveries and drop offs and all those things can
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be accommodated. there is some parking set aside in our plan, not what you would have in the suburbs, but this isn't the suburbs so we think there's a good possibility of it. as we said in our interview, our proposal isn't contingent on delivering any one or another, but we think it's selfishly, a great amenity. and yes, it could serve the whole neighborhood, but would be great to have in the building. we spent a lot of time trying to make sure we can accommodate those needs and now we're trying to refine them. i'd expect before we come back to staff with a full design, that would be fully fleshed out. >> that's great. i actually think for that area, it's very much needed and i mean, i would -- i mean, obviously i don't have any particular grocery in mind, but i like the concept of community based or some sort of
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affordable grocery service, particularly that we -- >> when we went before the citizen's advisory committy said we don't want to be presumptuous and say here's the plan. we like to get more community based input on particular facets of it, but again, we wanted to make sure that at least physically we could accommodate something like that. >> great idea. >> thank you. >> i have a quick comment. i think the design is excellent. i think it's very unique, a great aspect and how it fits into the clementina side of the neighborhood, but also wanted to add that just the amount of the opportunity that the development team has to transform this neighborhood into something that's great. got a new terminal obviously, but to echo some of your sentiment around just providing
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community based amenities that are affordable folks can take advantage of. >> thank you. all right. i just had a couple questions real quick. so the first is, i think we went over this, but i just wanted to reiterate. you contacted the other two respon dants to the rfp and presented them with the change in terms of wanted to close the project six months earlier than originally intended. did you get no responses or did people say -- i just want to clarify what peoples' responses were to that change. >> -- the needs of the [inaudible] and the next highest bidder had the same closing date in their response so -- and they understood that even with the reduction in purchase price, the related
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tndc team would have still had the highest score. >> right. more points. >> they understood the situation and, you know -- >> okay. that's great. okay. and then i love the design. i think it does fit with the character of the neighborhood, the buildings going up around it. i'm very excited about the paseo and my question about the paseo is is that considered a park or street, and what does that mean for bike pedestrian facilities versus park maintenance type stuff? >> yes, those are the kind of details we'll have to work out in later phases of the design. i think that, you know, having people riding on bikes, you know, at almost any speed would probably be an issue on the paseo, but that doesn't mean
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that there aren't ways to accommodate bikes on certain parts of the site design. we haven't gotten to that level yet, but i think probably the paseo is going to be a pedestrian focused area. >> i fully expect this would be something where it would be bike riders have to walk their bikes. i'm not saying there would be bike riders and pedestrians in the same area, but i'm thinking more about facilities. if it's considered a street, there's different -- sfmta where -- bike parking -- >> it wouldn't be a city street. it would be a privately owned street and public access on it throughout most of the day, but a privately owned street. >> [inaudible]. but yes, with the thinking, i know we have to jump into those details later, but initial comment is to think carefully about bike facilities on the
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privately [inaudible] i just want to make sure that people have a place to actually stop so they don't end up crowding their bikes in places where they don't need to be and in the way of pedestrians and things like that. that was the only piece i felt wasn't clear from the design how that would be handled, but yeah -- so thank you. thank you. okay. and then the last question -- this one is to -- i was actually going to ask this anyways, but with had mr. james mention this part of his comment. i think part of the dda [inaudible] can considered preferences as part of that discussion. it doesn't change numbers, just changes who they go to. i would also be in favor of looking at some sort of location based preference. usually these things are sort of ranked, but that would be part of the dea, not the ena or
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the terms sheet. okay. that concludes my questions. great design. really great project. anyone else? >> i think it's a very good team. i know [inaudible] when he was the mayor of housing [inaudible]. so it's a good team. >> great. i'd like to entertain a motion -- thank you commissioner singh. >> i move. >> is there a second. >> second. >> commissioner ellington. >> yes. >> mondejar. >> yes. >> singh. >> yes. >> rosales. >> yes. >> johnson. >> i. >> the vote is five is. >> thank you very much. call the next item. >> item 5d, adopted environmental findings pursuant to the california environmental quality act and additionally
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approving a combined base con cement and design for two residential buildings for 250 units for war of one, commission based [inaudible] and channel streets in [inaudible] amendment to the [inaudible] participation agreement with [inaudible]. and action resolution number 462014. madam director. >> thank you madam secretary, commissioners, and thank you to members of the public for continuing to join us. this is in another major approved development project, mission bay. and again, we are marching forward significant work program you have ahead in terms of design review and affordable housing production and funding. we have before you the design for the residential component of block one. as you recall, you approved and
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owner participation agreement, as well as a major phase related to this blook and this is the next stage of review in accordance with those plans and plan documents. with that, i'd like to ask katherine to present this item and she'll be joined by other members of the project team. >> good afternoon. there we go. thank you very much. good afternoon commissioners. i'm the project manager from mission bay. whoa just switched the model around, but wanted to invite anyone from the public since there is an unbuilt side to walk around, but wanted [inaudible] come down and touch the fun model. so today the second item is a combined basic design for two residential buildings in mission bay south in block one. this is the same block that over a year ago we were in front of you for approval of the major phase, along with an owner participation amendment and a plan amendment that
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allowed us to go from a single hotel to five rooms to mixed use. today is the residential portion and in a few months we'll be coming back to you with the hotel. the site, just as a reminder, is located in mission bay south, just south of the creek. it's bounded by third street to the east, fourth street to the west, channel to the south and it directly butts part p 3 and mission creek to the northwest. the site for the residential portion is [inaudible] acres in size. the project will be broken into two faces, for a total of 350 units. r 1 has 200 units, r 2 has [inaudible] retail that you'll see at both corners and along channel. they'll have a combined 339
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parking spaces so a little less than one to one. 350 secured bike spaces and they have an mixture of one, two and three bedroom units. you have two muni stations, one at mission rock and the other at fourth and king. you have a cal train station at fourth and king and in the next few years we expect to have the muni bus line coming across this site. they're also located about two or three blocks to the north of the children's park.
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i'll come back and talk about the public process as well as the work force. >> good afternoon commissioners, jessie, commissioner director of [inaudible]. it's been a little bit of time since we were back before you on -- by the way, michael cohen would like to be here, but is taking a much needed vacation in fiji.
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we've really enhanced the project since the major phase since -- through a collaborative process with staff and ocii staff and planning department and cac. we've had some great feedback. before turning over to bernardo, i want to make a couple points about the project and where we are. first i want to say proudly that we've hit a very high success rate in terms of our lved participation on the contracting side. we're 52% participation, 36% of the project is wbe and another 16% is -- wbe.
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very significant goals and as you guys know from my work in city hall, it's something very near and deer to our heart so we're proud to be walking the walk on the development side of this issue. of course we have future phases of participation to focus on once we hire a contractor and get into the contracting side, but i think we've set the bar very high. i'm not going to introduce every member of the consultant team, but maybe they can all stand up so we can see we're represented here by a lot of our team. you can sit back down. the second thing i wanted to say, as mentioned, but katherine, we are not talking about the hotel today. we have sold the hotel to a developer called stanford hotels. they're going to be developing the design of that hotel consistent with the major phase approval that we received from
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you last year. we're excited about the comprehensive neighbor for the designs of our site and think there's lots of good synergy there. the third thing i'd r eel say is while we're not responsible for the park design or the building of the park, we're taken great pains to integrate the designs of our [inaudible] as to hire the landscape design team that you have on p 3 working for us on the podium deseen to it's truly integrated. that firm is cmg. i heard they were part of the last project team as well and they're here as well to talk about that design if you have questions, although given the time, [inaudible] will be making the bulk of the design
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presentation today. i'm available for questions after the presentation. thank you. >> good afternoon. this is a whole city block with a classic san francisco geometry because it's not a rectangle, it's a triangle, which is probably one of the most difficult ones to resolve. in this case it solves itself quite well because it allows us to create a courtyard that brings together those various geometries and the various uses because there are several building types that occur here. there's a mid rise residential building at one corner and there will be a hotel at the other corner and the balance is
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a low rise development, which, i think adds to the feeling of an organic block, so to speak, that doesn't feel overly planned. but in fact, feels like they're multiple developments within the block like you would normally see in a city. the ground plane is a very important part of this project because it meets the ground in different ways on different streets. along the canal at the two end we anchor the prom nad with two future retail food and beverage opportunities that allow the site to face both the canal and park and street. it activates both and creates activity at those two notes. and along the park we have
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residential that does reach down to the ground, which creates a so called eyes on the space and residents are there on a regular basis. they're transients and creates a neighborhood of the park and makes it more of a place for gathering of the community. and along both streets we do have retail on the ground because that's where the traffic or pedestrians comes close to the windows, as opposed to the park where there's distance. you're going to see in our landscape plan that our architects worked very well, there's a green area in front of the residences with entrances to the individual residences and, you know, of course along the street the sidewalk reaches to the store
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fronts. what you see here also reacts to comments that we've had from the community, particularly on the corner where there was a request that there was different expression and finance finality to the volume and that volume is connected to the bisector to the two geometries and there's a different section on the ground floor for the retail so it creates a podium that's it's a separate expression from the residential. you see that the low rise component is divided almost like a series of vertical row houses in what otherwise would have been a very horizontal building. and if -- as we turn the corner, you see that those residential buildings do not reach the ground , so it's a different condition than the park where they do. here we do have additional
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retail and residential lobbies and eventually the hotel activities along the streets. you can see that the restaurant at the corner projects height and awnings and individual expression that will come with the tenant use. this aerial view you see the development of the park and how there's a moment where the park punches through the site through space that separates the two portions of the residential development and slips into an elevated park in the center. the reality is that what we've accomplished here is that the parking that occurs in the middle is invisible because the residential height through the whole per rim ter like a liner and creates another park in the
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middle that is a view for the residents facing the center of the block. there's a descent from that park down to the base and if you see here, the parking is very well concealed blinds the residences, the restaurants and the hotel and you can see clearly the distinction between the two -- the boundary between the two building types. and maybe i failed to point out -- i don't know if we have the landscape images coming. this is some of the pallet we wanted to show you just to give you a general sense of the pallet in the building of the different components in the building. there are some that are richer, others are more subtle and the glass is transparent, but insulated. you can see here the landscape plan with the walkways linking the various buildings and
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amenity decks at the inner corners of the courtyard where you see the terraces opening up and how the hotel looks right through that window to the canal from the upper courtyard and where the pool is located to catch the sun and the descent that occurs to the border where you see levels like bleachers, like a series of terraces, like amphitheater, like a public space where you can see from the park looking out on to the canal. you can see the separation between the residences where there's a green area and walkways leading to individual units. and the space that i just mentioned is illustrated in the following image where we show you that the sculpture ral
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stair that's expended over a green vertical surface of planting and descends on to where you see brown color, the series of seating terraces that face out to the water and to the park. this is some of material pallet that our landscape architect has been working on, taking advantage of course of your perfect weather and perfect temperatures and son-in-law of the examples of what i meant to say about terracing or bleachers where people can sit and have lunch or just contemplate the park, but become a place of gathering where people can get together. i think some of these are the planting areas that go into the areas along the park and
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gardens. terracing or bleachers where people can sit and have lunch or just contemplate the park, but become a place of gathering where people can get together. i think some of these are the planting areas that go into the areas along the park and gardens. also notice the interlocking of rectangularprism prisms. that open us to terraces or dining terrace on the park and the same applies at the other end there's a similar treatment for other dining on the park and along the canal. and hopefully this will create a ol
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