tv [untitled] June 30, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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selected 24 preselected business advisors. so, and then the next step is to hire a small business development center director. i didn't put it in my notes, but just to let you know, jordan kline who was spearheading this transition, has accepted an offeror has accepted a position over at the city of berkeley ~ in their economic development program. so, holley long will be taking over this project. last week the mayor met with small business leaders and commissioner dwight, i'll ask you to also chime in on this. the three key topics that the business leaders addressed the mayor, working on -- continuing to do more local hire -- more local purchasing at the
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procurement side from small businesses. and i do want you to note that actually the mayor has asked naomi kelly in the office of contract administration -- excuse me, not office of contract administration, office of contract management division. they're actually -- they've hired a consultant to do some analysis on ways to improve the 14-b local purchasing ordinance. so, the mayor is actively engaged in looking at what can be done to improve and increase our local businesses getting contracts. and then the other two item that were discussed were the minimum wage, as that item was introduced the previous week, and then, of course, the health care security ordinance. and while this will still be for some businesses a bit of a challenge to be able to meet
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these mandates, there was definitely appreciation for the mayor for stepping in and, you know, bringing forth measures that were the best at this particular point in time that could be done, and that, that we're not taking a look at, especially for the minimum wage, the ballot measures that seiu had put on the ballot. and one note to that. christian checked in this morning at the department of elections and the ballot has not been officially pulled. so, it's still there. they have until july 7th to turn in any signatures, though we've been informed at the meeting by the mayor and jason elliott that the unions have said that they are not going to move forward with their ballot measure, but just note that it's still there.
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and if -- >> they don't have the signatures, can it still get on the ballot? >> no. >> it will still be there. it has one more ballot cycle that it could get signatures. >> oh, okay. >> so, that means there could be some strategic tactics in keeping it filed. so, yes. so, if they do not turn in signatures, that doesn't necessarily mean that it cannot be on the ballot again. but if they do not turn in signatures the second time around, then it is officially pulled. so, with that, i think commissioner dwight, i'd like to know if there are any words that you or anything you would like to share from the meeting at all. >> i think i would just like to commend both the mayor and his staff, especially jason elliott who has been very busy and diligent on the -- well, all of thea issues, but especially the one that i've been most involved in, which is minimum wage, that they were successful
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in their efforts to get to a consensus position, even though it's not to everybody's liking, as is usually the case with consensus -- with consensus. it is, i think, a reasonable middle ground which minimizes the negative effect that would have been caused on small business by the seiu's proposal and just strikes the most effective balance that we could get to. and, so, once again to commend the mayor and his staff on their efforts to make that happen, because had they not gotten involved, it would have been a very different outcome. >> next, again, the mayor has his summer youth jobs program and it is targeting 7,000 jobs this summer. last summer we were able to
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place 6,800 youth into internships or jobs for the summer. so, targeting 7,000. so, again, that's something that if you know businesses -- the united way is spearheading the program. so, if you know of any businesses that are interested or have summer jobs, then please, you know, direct them. i'm make sure after the meeting just to re-send out the information for you. >> and the window is still for that? so, there's still time? >> yes. um-hm. >> okay. i guess some schools are getting out last week. >> um-hm. >> okay. >> and then last week i attended the california commission on disability access is developing its strategic plan. and in the last year and a half -- in the last year -- i think a year -- they brought on a new executive director and, so, the
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commission is actually taking some really good formation and direction, which is really helpful for us because i think that we -- over the next couple years we might be able to get some traction at the state level to help improve the environment of thing that we need at the local level. so, our office was invited to be part of that since we've been doing -- san francisco is, you know, a leader in the programs that we've established in working with small businesses and getting compliance. and then, of course, all the work that christian has done in developing an analysis at the federal, state, and local level of what government can do to improve -- how government can improve itself to help improve access. so, so -- that was -- and also san francisco, we have our chapter 38 which is the landlord obligation. so, we are asked to come up and share that and be -- and also
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help set some strategic direction for that legislation. last week supervisor mar had a [speaker not understood] on the california crv zone. while there is a trend in the reduction of recycling centers without sort of solving -- without sort of figuring out a way to sort of fill that void of what recycling centers are, our small businesses are going to be the default recycling centers. and, so, debby raphael who is the new executive director for the department of environment is committed on working together with all the stakeholders, state, ecology, other recycling providers in our office to figure out what we can do. another important item that i
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brought up is that, you know, the way the law was written is really intended for supermarkets which we think of like safeway, other larger entities trigger a convenience zone. now our smaller market street based upon the dollar value that has not changed since 1986, are triggering convenience zones. so, that's a particular issue in terms of the state looking at the city in terms of saying, you need to be -- you need to be facilitating an x number of like recycling centers or means for individual to be able to get redemption for their, for their bottles and cans. so, that number is increasing. it's not just created around thing like safeways or those kind of large entities.
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we've talked about the minimum wage ballot measure. the health care security measure passed on last week. it was its second reading. and, so, an irrevocable expenditure was passed with a three-year phase in. so, 80 -- 50% of your expenditure needs to be irrevocable for 2015. 80% for 2016, and that 100% for 2017. so, i think for the commission moving forward, there are some thing that i think we might be able to do some analysis, put forward some direction of things to give some advisement to both the mayor, to the better than expected of public health, to the department of public health is going to be doing some data analysis as well as because there is -- in
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listening to the department's commission's -- the department of public health commission, the concept of what was in the first health care security ordinance that supervisor campos proposed, that program. there is some interest to see if there is -- if that is feasible and doable. so -- just really quickly. and that is if you are 50 or more employees, this ordinance. 20 or more. >> 20 or more, okay. >> affordable care act is 50 or more where you have to -- >> [speaker not understood]. >> it passed already. it's passed. >> um-hm. and this, you know, i do want to thank supervisor breed and supervisor farrell for negotiating this particular proposal.
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so... and then i provided you a list of just an update of some of the legislation over the last couple of months that the commission has heard and just where it is. and now moving on to office and staff updates. so, one, i sent an announcement to you this morning to officially announce that christian murdock will be leaving us and his last day will be -- it's officially july 4th, but july 3rd since july 4th is a holiday. christian has a new position with the city of pacifica and it's one that i think is going to be very exciting for him and really aligned with his original career goals. >> is he going to be the mayor or what? [laughter] >> some day. >> and i think, you know, it's going to be -- i'll let you speak a little bit about it,
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christian. i think, you know, what christian's learned here at our office he's going to really be able to take and directly apply to his job, and especially around the disability access. i mean, the more that we can really improve things at a local level, the better off for individuals who have disabilities and for our small businesses will be. but why don't you say a few words about your new position. >> sure. so, you know, you'll find out when you get there, i guess. but the goods that i stole, i'm going to be serving as an assistant planner for the city of pacifica. so, the staff planner that you see when you go to the counter to get at the permit in any city, i'll be doing some of that work as well as some of the back office processing of other projects. what really interested meed ~ me in the opportunity that would help them is what i believe is going to be a concerted effort at some focused economic development planning and really trying to diversify the economy in the
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city and their tax base and really look forward, you know, what the city is going to be look throughout the 21st century, taking it out of the 20th century in some way. so, it's a challenge that i'm really looking forward to. so, i'm happy for the opportunity, even though i'm awfully sad to be leaving here because i enjoyed the work, helping small businesses here. >> it is with personal and professional sadness to have to say good-bye to christian, but always really want to encourage people who are advancing their careers. that is extremely important. so, this is christian's last commission meeting and, and we have an acknowledgment for you, of which president adams will do in the president report. and i also want to inform you that we have a new temp
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working, assisting martha at the counter, bruce jones, who is working part time. and the two currently vacant positions of testing has been completed. so, i'm waiting to hear who are the top entities to begin the intake process. and i really want to appreciate president adams, vice president white, and commissioner yee-riley for agreeing to be on the hiring panel. very important, especially for the commission secretary policy analyst position since this position directly services you. and then we also -- i'm not sure if i mentioned it last time, but we have two volunteer usf law students for this summer working one day a week. and one of them, ronnie rodriguez is conducting research on factors on a business that may factor into its determination of whether an
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accessibility improvement is readily achievable when the direct or indirect costs associated is by cost through local government in time or actual cost. >> [inaudible]. [laughter] >> and then we also -- >> sorry, pacifica just went into the ocean. [laughter] >> and then wyatt robart is conducting some background research for us on the state law around the pos regulation and permit license that's required. and doing some sort of parallel analysis of what business activity is also taking place online. again, i think, you know, we have a lot of permits that we apply to our brick and mortar
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businesses because it's tangible and, so, need to start thinking about our online businesses and whether, you know, if it's a duplicate business that happens in a brick and mortar and happens online, either we need to permit both or not permit. so, we will be getting a presentation from the department of public health. it is a state law that the department does regulate, the local agency regulates. so, we'll be getting a presentation in august for you. and then i just wanted to let you know that because we did have to let go of some temp workers at the end of march, we have been -- the assistance center has been operating half time. and then last week christian was part of the s.f. bar association's -- every year we
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do ada presentation with the chamber. mostly it's lawyers attending, but we have a law firm, a cast expert, and then our office come and presents about local program and local issue. so, with that, unless there's any questions, i will -- that concludes my report. >> any questions for regina? >> i have a comment about christian. since i joined the commission, he's been great -- i enjoyed reading his writings. and i think that he put out quality work. so, i wish him a lot of luck in pacifica. i think it's a gain for pacifica and it's a contribution of san francisco to pacifica. [laughter] >> so, good luck. >> thank you very much. >> takes us to item 8, president's report. this is a discussion item. >> okay, i have a few items
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here. first, i want to congratulate commissioner white receiving the california chamber of commerce small business advocate award. and there's only four of them that are given out each year and he's the first one ever from san francisco. so, i want to put on the record, congratulations, commissioner dwight. >> thank you. pleasure advocating on behalf of small business. >> and you do a great job. >> couldn't do it without you all. >> and then sidewalks are now open in the castro. please come shop. it's been a rough few months over there. and it's pride, so, come on down and spend your money in the castro. and then finally, christian, where do we begin? i do have an acknowledgment here for you. i just want to say as president of this commission, you've helped me more than you know.
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i mean, anything -- you keep me informed on everything. i really appreciate what you did with mobile retail. every time i'm walking down the street and i see a truck selling shoes or bags or whatever and taking pictures and sending it to you, but you really went out there and instead of everybody freaking out about it, you went and talked to the people who were doing that and you brought them in front of our commission last fall and you educated us on what mobile retail is. and i can't thank you enough for that. people are like flipping out, as you all know. and i think you kind of calmed down the conversation and, like, yeah, these are small businesses, too, some of them, and they're coming, and we need to work with them. so, i really appreciate that. so, everything that you've done, you've been a great help for me.
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i'm really nervous because you are really good at what you do. >> thank you. >> so, like commissioner tour-sarkissian said, pacifica's gain is our loss. i want to read a certificate. small business commission city and county of san francisco, christian murdock, this monday, june 23rd, 13, the small business commission is pleased to recognition -- 2014, we have a typo here. >> i'll redo it. >> we will redo it for you. >> [speaker not understood] for a year. [laughter] >> thank you, commissioner white. the small business commission is pleased to recognize the contribution of christian murdock as an acting commission secretary, senior policy analyst, and business counselor, has made the office
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of small business san francisco and the san francisco small business commission. christian started with the office of small business in september 2012 as a policy analyst. christian assisted and counseled over 2000 businesses. had i expertise is urban and regional planning matters not only to the benefit of the clients he serve, but to his fellow business counselorses. it led to groundbreaking analysis on local state and government improvements that can be made to improve disability access to small businesses. christian developed a truly innovative mobile retail permitting process. and while as of this date it is not yet implemented, he must be acknowledged for the amount of time and extensive outreach for this process. christian's legislative analyst is bar none. it is for these and other reasons, and others too numerous to list here, the small business commission
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extends its gratitude for christian murdock's service to the job and wishes you much success in your future endeavors. and here is my michigan guide. and also my fellow michigan der, i wish you well. >> we celebrated with a 3.0 earthquake. >> congratulations. come on down and give [speaker not understood]. >> and actually, forest, would you be able to take a group photo? >> we all want to get in on this one. [pause]
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>> you cannot have our warriorses or giants. you can have the [speaker not understood]. and you've got people. [speaker not understood]. >> with that, i am done with the president's report. >> thank you. that takes us to item number 9, vice president's report, discussion item. >> nothing to report again. i want to wish you all the best, christian. you've been pretty amazing around here. i was worried when we lost our previous employee how we were going to keep up. you came in and really knocked it out the ballpark and keeping us all in line. so, you're going to be missed a lot. and i was really sad to see her e-mail to us about your departure, but we're also happy for you in your career. so, good luck. >> thank you very much. >> that takes us to item number 10, commissioner reports. this is a discussion item.
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>> do we have any other commissioner reports? commissioner ortiz? >> just quickly last week i attended the 20th anniversary for california association for micro entrepreneurs opportunity which is better known as cameo. i was pleasantly surprised when a working solution client, sf parking, won an award. and i believe they are a participant of the mayor's [speaker not understood] small business loan fund. that was pretty cool. also scott hagee was recognized for all his efforts in the small business community. so, that was pretty cool. >> that's great. >> and, christian, again, to echo everybody up here, thank you, man. i mean, you really came and you held it down from little thing like texting me to show up. [laughter] >> we're going to miss you. we're going miss you. >> i'll miss you all, too. >> [speaker not understood]. [laughter]
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>> commissioner riley. >> yes, i also want to wish you luck, christian. and thank you very much for all your support. you're the best. we'll miss you. >> thank you. it's been a real pleasure. thank you. >> any other commissioner comments? next item, please. >> item 11, general public comment, discussion item. >> do we have any members of the general public who would like to make a comment on future meetings? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> item 12, new business, discussion item. >> commissioner white. >> i just wanted to see if we can bring back -- we've gotten away from acknowledging some of our small business he in the community. >> absolutely. >> and employees here in san francisco and i just wanted to make sure we get that back on the calendar. >> yes, i would definitely agree with that. i think we have a couple waiting, actually. so, yes. commissioner dwight. >> do we need to weight in on this issue going on out at the
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design center about converting the design center to a landmark status and thereby evicting what is already 80% occupied by small businesses to be replaced by [speaker not understood]? >> this is a big deal. this is in supervisor cohen's district. the design center, as you may or may not know, is occupied by people who sell their tile companies, people in the decorating industry. it's about 830% occupied. there are people who have been in there 20, 25 years. and apparently -- and it's zoned pdr, but apparently the legislatev asian that's on the books today allows a pdr to be trumped, pdr zoning to be trumped by historic zoning
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legislation. [speaker not understood]. it is a fantastically old building. with that, will allow the building to evict all of its tenants and convert the building to a office location for a pinterest. pinterest has publicly expressed their desire to be in that building because of its proximity to the design community, which is somewhat ironic. offers have been made to assist financially in the relocation of these businesses, but we all know that to break all this up and then hope that these small businesses get replaced, especially in the market that we are currently involved in, i can't even fathom finding a new place today for my business and what that would, you know, portend financially. i think we need to get educated on this one. this is an interesting -- you know, this has legislative -- some legislative implications as well. >> i would agree with
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commissioner dwight on this one, especially the design district. it's very -- it's important to the san francisco economy and it's part of the city's fabric. >> literally. >> literally. and i would very much support that maybe we could have a hearing at future meetings sooner than later on this subject because i do find that alarming and there are many, many small businesses in there, many of whom i know are very worried about where they're going to go. >> i'm sure there's more to know, but i think we have an obligation to learn more. >> especially -- i would agree. >> and i know supervisor cohen is very concerned about it and has, has said that she does not support anything happening until due diligence is done on this issue. >> so, i would definitely support that we include this in one of our future meetings, preferably in the next month if
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that could happen. >> i think this is -- [multiple voices] >> i think time is of the essence here, yeah. this does have to go before the planning commission, i presume, so -- because it would be a redesignation of the building. >> yes. >> but again, we need to know. >> thank you for that one, commissioner dwight. any other commissioner items? seeing none, next item, please. >> item 13, adjournment. action item. >> move to adjourn. >> second. >> i would like to adjourn tonight -- today's meeting in memory of cheryl thomas. cheryl passed away on saturday and cheryl was a business advisor with the small business development center. he has worked with oewd as a neighborhood marketplace manager. most recently he was working on the establishment
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