tv [untitled] July 1, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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these items, we'll read a script about today. today is public comment day. i want to thank everybody in the audience for coming. the purpose of this hearing is to hear testimony on the proposed appropriation and annual salary ordinances and our mayor's proposed budget. please be advised that as chair of the committee we are going to recognize the following protocols to ensure that all members have an opportunity to speak and be heard. first of all, priority is going to be given to those who may require special accommodation. such as persons with a disability, the elderly, infirmed or persons with young children under age 5. groups who come up who have brought individuals and want to stand together will be allowed two minutes per group. if you want to speak individually, please line up individually and you'll be called up as such. individuals are going to be called up by rows and we have members of our clerk -- clerk's office to help coordinate. keeping in mind that individuals requiring special accommodations may be called out of order and once you have spoke -- this is important -- please vacate the chamber to
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allow for individuals in line an opportunity to get in their queue. please note we have overflow seating available in the north light court downstairs. if you would like to continue watching the proceedings. and if you prefer not to wait, as we have all week, we have set up a computer in the clerk of the board's office, room 244, to allow individuals to send written comments to the committee for their consideration. again, i want to thank everybody in advance for your patience during this process to ensure that everybody has an opportunity to get their public comments heard. and i do want to thank you all for being here today and for your participation. so, with that, mr. clerk, can you call items 1 through 2? and you need to call 3 through 25? >> i need to call all the items. >> let's call them. >> item number 1, proposed annual budget and appropriation ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for selected departments of the city and county of san francisco as of june 2, 2014, for the fiscal years ending
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june 30, 2015, and june 30, 2016. item number 2, proposed annual salary ordinance enumerating positions in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance for the fiscal years ending june 30, 2015, and june 30, 2016, continuing, creating, or establishing these positions; enumerating and including therein all positions created by charter or state law for which compensations are paid from city and county funds and appropriated in the annual appropriation ordinance; authorizing appointments or continuation of appointments thereto; specifying and fixing the compensations and work schedules thereof; and authorizing appointments to temporary positions and fixing compensations therefore. item number 3, resolution approving the budget of the office of community investment and infrastructure, operating as the successor agency to the san francisco redevelopment agency for fiscal year 2014-2015. ~ agency. item number 4, resolution approving the budget of the. ~ resolution approving the budget of the ~ item number 5, ordinance amending the administrative code to adjust the fees for county clerk services for fiscal year 2014-2015; to remove fees for obsolete services; and to authorize annual automatic adjustment of municipal id card fees to reflect changes in the consumer price index. ~ fees. item number 6, ordinance amending the administrative code to eliminate the mayor's office and community development escrow account administration fee. item number 7, ordinance amending the building code to reduce all fees for staff services by 7% for a 6-month period and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. ~ six-month period. item number 8, ordinance
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amending the planning code to eliminate 4 fees, including the installment agreement processing fee, the refund processing fee, the fee for information analysis request for information technology, and the reactivation fee foreclosed cases; making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of the planning code, section 101.1. ~ closed cases. item number 9, ordinance amending the subdivision code to adopt a fee to set survey monuments and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. item number 10, ordinance amending the administrative code to define "art enrichment"; to allow aggregation of art enrichment funds for use on any city property rather than only the funding department's property; to allow the arts commission to reserve up to 10% of the art enrichment budget for maintenance and conservation; to allow art enrichment funds to be used exclusively for maintence and conservation under limited circumstances; and to clarify references to the arts commission's jurisdiction over works of art consistent with the charter; and making environmental findings. item number 11, ordinance adopting the neighborhood beautification and graffiti clean-up fund tax designation ceiling for tax year 2014. item number 12, resolution concurring with the controller's establishment of the consumer price index for 2014, and adjusting the access line tax by the same rate. item number 13, resolution concurring with the controller's certification that serve is he previously approved can be performed by private contractor for a lower cost than similar work performed by city and county employees, for the following services: budget analyst; lgbt anti-violence education and outreach program; city-wide custodial services, city-wide security services, central shops security; convention facilities management, and security services west south of market; mainframe system support; security services; food services for jail inmates; assembly of vote-by-mail envelopes; security services - 1680 mission street and security services - 30 van ness avenue. ~ employees. item number 14, ordinance amending the building code to authorize use of the repair and demolition fund specified in
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building code, section 102a.13, to address costs associated with private property owner responsibility to stabilize telegraph hill, as part of the rock slope improvement project, and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. ~ improvement project. item number 15, ordinance amending the health code to set patient rates and other services provided by the department of public health, effective july 1, 2014, and making environmental findings. ~ public health. item number 16, resolution authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of state grant funds by the san francisco department of public health for fiscal year 2014-2015. item number 17, resolution authorizing the execution and delivery, from time to time, of tax-exempt and/or taxable commercial paper notes in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $41,000,000 to provide financing for the costs of the acquisition of furniture, fixtures, and equipment for the san francisco general hospital and trauma center project and authorizing other related actions. ~ center projects. item number 18, resolution approving the fiscal years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 expenditure plans for the human services care fund. item number 19, resolution approving a waiver of the payment in lieu of taxes for fiscal years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 from the housing authority of the city and county of san francisco. item number 20, resolution approving expenditures from the budget savings incentive fund for one-time purposes in fiscal years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.
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item number 21, resolution approving the san francisco children and families commission expenditure plan for the public education enrichment fund for fiscal year 2014-2015. item number 22, resolution approving the san francisco unified school district expenditure plan for the public education enrichment fund for fiscal year 2014-2015. item number 23, ordinance appropriating an additional $14,496,012 for the fete vans building seismic upgrade and improvement project of the department of war memorial for fiscal year 2014-2015, and placing the total appropriation of $14,496,012 on controller's reserve. ~ improvement project. item number 24, resolution authorizing the execution and delivery, from time to time, of tax-exempt and/or taxable commercial paper notes in a aggregate principal amount not to exceed $14,500,000 to provide interim financing for the costs of seismic upgrade of and improvements to war memorial project and authorizing other related actions. ~ war memorial project. item number 25, ordinance amending the park code to require the controller to increase the berthing license fees for the west harbor of the san francisco marina small craft harbor each year by 3% or the annual increase in the consumer price index, whichever is higher, until september 1, 2043; and making environmental findings. ~ consumer price indexedthv >> okay, thank you, mr. clerk.
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a few other house keeping items. reminder, keep cell phones on vibrate mode. we'll have lunch break from 1:30 to 2:30. public members will have 2 minutes. mr. clerk, if you can start getting people up. [speaker not understood]. i'm also a member of the long-term care coordinating council. this is a city of plenty. we have the resources to make sure that everyone in this city has what they need. but people have the basic, that everyone has housing, health care, transportation, but we're not doing it. we have some work to do to make
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sure that this is a city not just for the wealthy or for everyone who lives here. to that end i urge you to adopt the recommendations for funding from the budget [speaker not understood] coalition. specifically, we need to ensure that san franciscans have sewage security. i ask you to put $10 million for home delivered meals, groceries, for people with disability and seniors. we also need to expand the community living fund with $2 million to make sure that people with disabilities can stay in their home and not sit in institutions where people are out of the community. we would like to put a million dollars into fixing elevators in s-r-o hotels so seniors and people with disabilities are not stranded in and out of their room. we also need to stop preventable evictions by funding legal services and outreach and ensure rapid rehousing for homeless people. we also need to support nonprofits with the higher cost of doing business so we can meet rising costs and prevent service reductions.
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so, please, i ask you today to make sure that we're looking at all of the people of the city and doing what we can to have justice. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good morning. my name is dr. matty [speaker not understood] and i've been in this city many years and i've been the director of the dental clinic in mission hill neighborhood center. i belong to the -- i am a member of the seniors and disability action, consumer rights for community living.
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and in the moment i lost my sight and i have to quit everything i've been doing on behalf of the people in mental care and community care, and i've been working on that. but now i live in housing authority. and i think the people around me, myself, that we need the food program more than ever because at the beginning it was okay. it was in a time where probably there were more market for that, for the food and thing like that. but now people take the bus and the bus almost empty.
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[speaker not understood]. it's not the same quality that we had before. and in my building there are people like me who can't see anything and you will have to go shopping and you cannot go select the things and go in by yourself. it's very difficult and it's difficult -- i hear other people in my place that are in wheelchairs or blind and cannot go shopping. but that bag full of vegetables, egg, and things like that is very, very helpful. i wish that you would -- i, like many people in san francisco -- san francisco is a city that help people. so, i ask you to put more money
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in the budget for food. >> thank you, ma'am. for the seniors and people with disabilities. >> thank you. (applause) [gavel] >> all right, just a sec, expectations for today. given we have a long day in front of us, please, we have a board policy not to allow clapping in board chambers. if you want to show your support and enthusiasm, you can wave your hands here. people have done that in the past year to express their enthusiasm. so, i would appreciate if everyone would respect those protocols. next speaker, please. good morning. my name is joseph fera and i'm here for [speaker not understood] that have the privilege to serve the latino population of the tenderloin district. i feel really impacted by the job they have done the last few years. i want to appeal to your generous city and compassion to increase the aid for our
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organization. la voz serve low-income family, single mothers, the homeless and people with disabilities. everybody else is welcome, too. we create workshops, training, [speaker not understood], empower, skills, skill to create leaders in the community. but we [speaker not understood] your support and consideration. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. good morning, supervisors. i'm jonathan wernick, the executive director of baker places where you've worked for 30 years. i'm here today on behalf of the human services network. the only problem in coming and testifying and asking for money is coming and testifying and asking for money. and it may seem to you that we are always asking for money and always asking for more money. i want to be clear that actually what we're trying to do is keep pace with the rate
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of inflation, keep pace with the increased costs of food, of housing, of health care, of the requirements that the city puts forth, both in terms of the agency, ao, new requirements which we support in terms of increased wages, and all of the rest of it. we are essentially asking for the same money we asked for last year and the year before and the year before that. there is no annual cost of doing business increase that anyone has been able to successfully build into the budget. so, we find ourselves in the uncomfortable position, with all due respect, to come out and ask for money that actually should have been put forth in our contracts to begin with. none of you would enjoy very much coming before board of supervisors and justifying your salaries and why you should make as much as you did last year or the year before. the ask here is for 1-1/2%,
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approximately $6 million, which would allow us to have a total cost of a 3% cost of doing business increase. those dollars get spent on our staff who get paid the lowest wages of any of our seiu sponsored employees in the city, and i urge you to please support this passage. would anyone who supports this passage please stand? thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hi, i'm erica [speaker not understood] and i am the executive director of asian neighborhood design. i'm here with graduates of our program and staff who are not
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in the room yet, but they are coming. they're in line, and we are here because there is a very important proposal in front of you. it's a landmark proposal, one of the first in the country. and we worked with the sheriff's department and the laborer's union, local 261, to develop a reentry construction training program. it's to provide pre-apprenticeship training in the jails for 80 people over the next year, and then they will be immediately eligible for apprenticeship when they get out, and they will get to be immediately placed in work as a local hire under the city's local hire law. and you will be providing the support services when they get out. our award winning staff has been doing this for years, very successfully. we know it can be done, and you will hear from the graduates.
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i have a copy of the proposal that i can distribute, although everyone should have gotten it already. and i hope you will support this. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. good morning, supervisors. my name is koshik roy. i'm the director of ashanti project [speaker not understood]. i want to respectfully request your consideration [speaker not understood] to support under served women as they receive treatment for breast and/or gynecological cancers. about 15 years ago in response to a community needs assessments that showed that the most vulnerable women in san francisco were not accessing treatment after being diagnosed with breast cancer. this city, along with federal support procured by then congresswoman pelosi worked
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with ashanti to start our breast program. since that time the program has served nearly 2000 clients, 100% of whom were able to access and maintain their preferred course of medical treatment. later this summer ashanti will be serving women with gynecological [speaker not understood]. right now our program budget is over $600,000 and the city's contract is only about 10% of that. we need a stronger partnership with the city to be successful. we do have an effective system in the city to support women with cancer. shanti is [speaker not understood] to play a vital role along with dph, [speaker not understood], but the need are clearly outpacing the services and we need to do more. i want to thank in particular supervisor breed along with supervisors kim, tang, and cohen and their staff and the time they invested on this
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issue and on behalf of the women we serve i thank you with all my heart for your consideration. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. my name is [speaker not understood]. i am a care navigator at the breast cancer program. i provide high intensity case management, patient advocacy, transportation and emotional support to low-income and immigrant women diagnosed with breast cancer. fluent in five languages, staff utilizes he a compassionate direct services approach as koshik said, we didn't ask any clients to come here today because most of them are in treatment. so, i want to tell you a little bit about them. of the 450 women we serve, 80% live on less than [speaker not understood], well below 2% of the poverty level. 64% are isolate and had live alone. nearly half have a long-term
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disability or additional life-threatening illness further complicating their medication management or schedules. 76% that have to rely solely on public transportation, sometimes two buses to get to their appointments, that we provide them with. taxi vouchers or offer to accompany them. 56% of our clients do not speak english as a first language, and of that 32% speak no english at all. so, for though women, going to the hospital is literally a foreign experience that our multi-lingual and multi-cultural staff are able to navigate them through. our other clients have some of the city's most vulnerable. during this time of crisis they have no one to turn to. so we step in to ensure that 100% of our clients are able to access treatment. a client recently told me "doctors and nurses don't have time to help them with all the stress and emotional strain that comes up outside the
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hospital. shanti staff do." if you're lost and overwhelmed they keep you focused and give you strength to go forward. on behalf of the current and future clients, i respectfully ask for your [inaudible]. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. hello, my name is cw johnson, i'm a volunteer organizer in the tenderloin. i'm here to show support for program i'm filling [speaker not understood] or fund programs [speaker not understood]. continue to do amazing work with latino families who are often unrepresented, unsupported by [speaker not understood] at 308 [speaker not understood]. please move part time into full time. [speaker not understood] compassion homelessness and set the standard with wrap around certificateservice. they give everything you need to get back to regular life starting with frivolous evictions.
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the t-shirt that i'm wearing is by a local artist neighborhood robert who is also a holt graduate at the hospitality house. i feel that a talent like his should be accessed with funds for people who would like to start a small business such as an art studio. thank you, supervisors. >> thank you. next speaker. [cheering and applauding] my name is [speaker not understood] and i wrote a poem. yeah, the budget where does the money come from poor homeowners who can't afford to pay the property taxes from [speaker not understood], from poor people who have to pay $120 for not having a transit for the muni bus. and where does the budget money go to? to [speaker not understood], the department of public works so they can come in the middle
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of the night and not only [speaker not understood] the homeless [speaker not understood] with water, but to use bleach and pine, very dangerous chemicals in the areas the homeless sleep. the warning label clearly states that the chemicals are not to be used in inhabited areas. [speaker not understood] end up in the hospital with stomach pains. one woman had a miscarriage. and people expect the homeless to get up in the morning after they slept in the sidewalks and looking for work and work. come on. budget community, gas budget, for housing, for homeless, for
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[speaker not understood] so they can qualify in spite the bylaws, and quality for housing and also for the homeless, of course, and from that community you don't have the paper to qualify for the projects. i also support the 3% increase for the people that work with nonprofits that are funded by the city. i support the breast cancer and i support the committee, support the [speaker not understood] for the people that represent in the city. >> thank you, ma'am. next speaker, please. hello, good morning, supervisors. my name is [speaker not understood] and for the last 7 months i've had the tremendous honor and privilege to work as a program manager for levels latina. levels is part of the organizing department of tenderloin housing clinic so our program is rooted in supporting tenant rights and social justice. however, the scope of our work
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is greatly increased since we began in 2005. we now offer a wide range of services from parent support groups to translation services, primarily for low-income immigrant latino family and individuals. we also have a leadership development program where we train leader in the community and promote citizen engagement. we also collaborate with other community organizations [speaker not understood] strengthening the tenderloin community and better the neighborhood. we've worked closely with the code enforcement outreach program, ccso collaborative, safe passage, hamilton family center, glide, and other organizations on local campaigns including the successful removal of a problematic bus shelter on eddy and leavenworth. and community bus parties that promote positive safety in the streets. we look forward to continuing the work that we've done, [speaker not understood]. and i'm here today to, along with leaders, members, volunteers, and community partners to ask for your
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support to restore levels to full funding. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. i'll translate for a few of our members. ~ with your permission, i'll translate for a few of our members. good morning. my name is [speaker not understood]. one of the opportunities that levels latina has given me is the ability to support my community. i ask for your support for levels the same way levels has supported me. with housing, i'm a single mother with three children. and i've had a lot of support and so we ask -- thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker, please. good morning, my name is cecilia. ~ speaking through interpreter. i'm a mother of three adolescent children and i've lived in the tenderloin for more than 16 years. i'm one of the mother parent leaders in levels latina for more than five years. i'm here to ask for your support and your help. we hope for your support.
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thank you, [speaker not understood]. >> thank you. next speaker, please. [speaking through interpreter]. good morning, my name is miriam. i'm part of level latina, and thank you for the opportunity to be -- i'm very happy to be here today. we need your help so that we can move forward and support our community here in the tenderloin. we need safe spaces. we need clean parks. we need safety in our community overall.
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we want to be able to walk as freely through our streets and safely. thank you for the opportunity to speak to you all. [speaker not understood]. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. good morning, hi, my name is anna lee and i'm part of the leadership for levels latina. for me and my boys, [speaker not understood] the entire community because i am their mom of the community. and if the latin boys nexus take back the block, [speaker not understood] lots of
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latinos, [speaker not understood]. i would like to ask for help, and please support our levels latina, we need a lot of support. thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you. next speaker, please. good morning. i'm here from market street youth services and i'm here to request your support for homeless youth. mental health services for homeless youth, substance use, services for homeless youth, lgbtq services in the castro for service youth, and especially the diamond shelter. we want to present homeless youth from becoming homeless adults. thank you very much. ~ prevent >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. good morning, supervisors, members of the budget committee.
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my name is sandy maury and today i'm representing the long-term care coordinating council and the two requests we have for you to consider -- before i go into that, i just wanted to give you a couple of demographics. in all of your 11 districts there are between 15% to 24% of people who are seniors over the age of 60, and within all of the districts of the city, of all those seniors, the 18% to 61% who live alone. so, the first request that we're asking you to consider -- and by the way, these two requests are not presently in the mayor's budget. so, we are asking you to consider to add these to the total budget. we're asking for $2 million to add to the community living fund which now is administered by the department of aging and adult services. this has been in existence for the last seven years and the fund from this particular fund help people to stay in
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