tv [untitled] July 1, 2014 3:00am-3:31am PDT
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homeless outreach team as a case manager which i have done for eight years. first i want to give thanks for the 1.5 that has already been allocated to the mayor's budget. i would like to encourage the supervisors to support the hespa [speaker not understood]. for me, this is imperative for the line of work that i do. it's critical to keep people housed and to provide them with support so they can maintain their housing and have support to aid them if their housing is in jeopardy. as you know, affordable housing is becoming obsolete in san francisco. the tsunami for the people that i work with, for the people, myself, my coworker, my members of local 3.
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it is hard to try to provide a support and service for this increasingly devastating community that we work with. a 1.5 increase in addition to 1.5 increase is essential -- essential for the cost of living for san francisco is becoming ever increasingly demanding. i make under $42,000 a year. i pay $18,000 a year in rent. [speaker not understood] my three children. i'm paying an additional $65,000 a year just in medical insurance. i'm starting to help my three children try to get a college education. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good afternoon, supervisors. i'm a member of opeiu local 3.
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i do not live in the city because i cannot afford it. i live in richmond, california. currently i'm a case manager here in the city. i workdayly with homeless individuals, homeless families. the challenges on my job are mainly around resources and my salary and other available necessities that i can provide to other families that i work with. overall i believe that 3% increase is very important due to the fact cola -- the fast increasing cola here in the bay area. what that means is gas prices are going up. food is more expensive. rent prices are more expensive. and overall it's difficult for agencies to stay afloat because of that. i believe that the supervisorses should support the city in this because if we don't, then like the 1980s we'll see a lot of tents and things like that across the street here. i know you guys all remember that back in the '80s.
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i believe it is possible for this to happen, but overall the long-term results is what is very important to us. what we want to increase is family stability and longevity of people living here in san francisco. for myself, i've been in this line of work for 14 years so i feel that my salary and resources should reflect that. and currently i'm under paid due to continuous budget issues. supervisors, please put yourself in my position for a day and realize what is being said. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. supervisors, my name is [speaker not understood] executive director for the [speaker not understood]. i'm standing here in solidarity with so many people and just very, you know, every year i think in the public -- in the public testimonies we are just
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-- it's overwhelming all the issues people are going through. but what's really, really beautiful is all the sense of empowerment and all the sense of something can be done. so, i'm here to say i absolutely stand in solidarity for the budget justice. they need $50 million in this ask. [speaker not understood], we have $250 million in surplus right now. and, so, this is possible. the human service network asks for 7 million, i think, and that's possible. and i think that we have to under we're hearing from mothers and children and elderly, youth, that we can prevent almost every issue in this city with the right investment. we can prevent violence. we can prevent homelessness. we can help people in recovery and wellness, people with substance abuse and psychiatric conditions to be stable.
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we can create safe living environments for people. all these things are within our reach. we just have to have the courage and we have to have the love for the people to do the right thing and that's what i ask of you today. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is kim randolph and i'm a four-plus year employee at episcopal community services. i work as a service coordinator and sanctuary and next door shelters. excuse me, as a shelter staff i work every day with homeless men and women, helping them maintain their shelter bed and deal with their often difficult health, social and economic challenges. i'm also a member of the opeiu local 3, and i speak today both as an employee of ecs out of a
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proud union member. the city just signed agreements with city workers allowing increases of up to 9% in wages during the course of the next three years. at the same time, in his budget the mayor just granted nonprofit organizations like episcopal community services a 1-1/2% cost of doing business increase. with a 1-1/2% increase on contract, most of the city's nonprofit partners will fall far short of being able to meet increased cost of operations and give workers the wage increases that are needed and deserved. already, nonprofit service coordinators, case managers, social workers, janitors, cook, and other workers make a fraction of what city employees make and i don't think any of us have the level of health and retirement benefits granted to city workers. it's hard for us from the
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nonprofit sector to get by on wages that can be as low as 12 or $13 an hour and it's hard for us to understand a decision to grant our organizations a cost of doing business increase at half the level of wage increases given to city workers this year. we believe that we are doing a great service to the city of san francisco by assisting and getting over [inaudible]. >> thank you, ma'am. thank you, next speaker, please. hello, my name is betty trainer and i'm on the board of senior and disability action and i want to thank the board of supervisors for your continued support of senior and persons with disabilities. but we always have more need. i have a few thing i would like to bring up. one, the first is i'd urge you to support the recommendations
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of the food security task force. there is a great need for funding for home-delivered meals and groceries for people with disabilities and seniors. there are as many as 10,000 that are eligible that are not receiving these services, so, we need additional amount of as much as $10 million for that program. i also am asking for support for persons with disabilities so that they can be -- stay in their homes through the community living fund. we are asking for as much as $2 million to continue this fund. this program keeps people, seniors and persons with disabilities in their home and saves being forced into nursing homes, into laguna honda. one day as we all know from our own parents, grandparents, they want to stay always in their own home. i also would like to bring up the issue of fixing elevators
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in s-r-o hotels, particularly for seniors and persons with disabilities. the mayor has found some funding for this program for public housing, but we need at least a million dollars to start off for people who are living in s-r-o hotels. they have been stranded, some seniors, for literally weeks, we've heard testimony. and finally, i'd like to bring up the university mound home. we would like some seed money. we've asked the mayor for this and we'd also like the board to support so when senior who are over 50 who could be evicted in the next few weeks could stay in a assisted living place. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. [speaking through interpreter]
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not understood]. i, too, am s-r-o family. it's very difficult at this time because housing is really short and job opportunities are really scarce. it is very difficult to support our families at this point. so, if you can help us with housing then it would help us a lot. thanks for supporting housing for low-income families. so, i just want to -- i just want to mention, i just want to
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add a couple more. for our families, our hopes are really simple, decent housing. for us it's really simply seeing that there are housing that we can afford and could have a chance for our kids to grow in a healthy way. so, thanks for always supporting our families and make our hope stay alive. thanks for keeping our hope alive. i just want to let you know that for me it's hard for me to see my grand kid doing their homework because i would like them to have better housing.
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thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is gary mccluer and i'm here to represent wonderful program called asian neighborhood design construction training program that we teach students how to install solar panel for going green. each cycle, we have about 70% of our students that come from low-income and housing authority and about maybe 60 to 70% of them have been incarcerated and in jail. my job is for me to stay in their life for at least one year due to our record, 70% of them after one year continue to work. so, what we want to do, we want
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to work with the sheriff's department. they want to release some funds to us to train people coming out of jail. i don't know how much it costs a year to house an inmate, but let's give a ballpark number. let's say $50,000 a year which they can come to asian neighborhood design for $5,000 and we are not guaranteeing them, but we will put them on a path where they wouldn't have to be incarcerated at least a year that i know. and if you guys can take a look at that right there and help asian neighborhood design continue to do the good work that they do out in the community. and the graduates, they go out and be a productive citizen in society, they be a better man in their home and better father or mother to their kids. so, thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. my name is esther marks and i'm also -- i'm on the board of
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asian neighborhood design. i'm also here to ask for add-back money in the amount of $350,000 for the sheriff's reentry construction training program. we've been working with the laborers of local 261 and the sheriff's department to come up with this proposal. the laborers will provide a pre-apprenticeship training at san bruno jail, and we would provide the case management. and as he said, we have experience working with those with multiple barriers, those individuals that no one else are willing to serve. and we've had wonderful success. so, we urge you to please give us add-back funding for this proposal. we need the entire 350,000 to keep -- we're bound to ask for the basic essentials. so, it's not a matter of we can reduce it something here and there. it has to be a total program for us to get the results that
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we know we can deliver if we can get the money. thank you so much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is cathy [speaker not understood]. i'm director of shelters for episcopal community services and i stand here with just a few of my wonderful staff. it is a privilege to shelter 500 homeless men and women [speaker not understood]. regrettably in the last ten years the city has granted the nonprofit partners less than 12% of cost of doing business increases during a period in which the consumer price index for the san francisco and bay area has risen more than 23%. the results for episcopal community services is increasingly tight budgets which has led our agency do a 10% cutback in staffing three years ago and we at episcopal community serve is he have
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nothing left to cut. san francisco human service agency has asked us to contract for fy 14-15 that falls 675,000 dollar short of doing the cost for shelter. we can fund raise 300 thousand in the shortfall but were unable to make up the remainder. the city can no longer expect dcs or any of our nonprofit partners to bid the bridge of funding gap that led to the impacts the health of an entire organization. all of us would agree that shelter is not the best solution to homelessness and yet for the city it continue to remain the only option for many of our vulnerable san franciscans. at a time when our homeless population was aging and shelter stays are longer than ever, it is imperative that we infuse the shelter system with the resources and funding needed to care for our homeless population. as the housing pipeline continue to dry up, all of our shelters [speaker not understood] attention and
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decreased exits into housing and longer shelter stays. shelters are the reality in san francisco and need to be recognized as such. we he are requesting an add back of $450,000 from the board of supervisors [inaudible]. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. good morning, my name is maggie san che and we're wondering if you guys could help us out with funding for the housing for low-income people. ~ sanchez and my husband and friend here would like to say a few words also. [speaking through interpreter] good afternoon, my name is maria bolan.
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i live at 1941 mission street and my grandson in a hotel with me. because [speaker not understood] $600 i tried to get rental assistance. because i'm not working, i'm safe and the government has stopped giving me funding. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. [speaking through interpreter] hi, my name is [speaker not understood]. i live in the [speaker not understood] hotel. we really need you to put the
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$11 million into housing. we really need you to put the funding into housing because where re live in the hotel it is really difficult to live. the conditions are bad. there's rats, roaches, a lot of things that are bad in the building and there's a lot of families that are living there. it's a really bad situation. so, please put the funding into housing. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hi, my name is [speaker not understood]. i'm an organizer with the mission s-r-o collaborative. we work with families united, [speaker not understood] for
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housing justice. we work with families so that they can organize their dignified living. as you know, there's more than 2000 kids, children that are homeless. so, we're here to ask you to go to support the proposal to put $11 million hespa's proposal for the housing for homeless families, to use your privilege, to use your position that you have influence to make a difference for homeless families, not just for the rich of san francisco, but for homeless family like i mentioned. this is for children, over 2000 children homeless. so, please do your part and support the community. everybody here is a community, our working families. we wouldn't have food on our table. we wouldn't have these fancy places clean if there weren't these family. so, please support hespa's plan. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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hi, my name is kinder [speaker not understood]. i'm here to urge you to support hespa's plan. we work with tenants in s-r-os with all the collaboratives to fight improved conditions in the hotels, everything from code violations to conditionses that are harder to document like harassment, quality of life security. we believe that s-r-os should be dignified housing [speaker not understood] to be long-term family housing. we're asking the board to accept the hespa proposal and to make sure that there are more subsidies for homeless families so they can get out of the private s-r-o hotels and create dignified housing. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> change of captioners; please stand by...
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be here. you have personally witnessed the kjss in -- witnessed the conditions we've lived. they're 12 by 12 and they're crammed and there's four, or five family members on the floor and there's bed bugs and rodents and sometimes they're paying over $1,000 for these small rooms, so i want to mention these are the fortunate ones because at least they have housing, but we have to keep in mind all the homeless people that are waiting over 7 months in order to get to a shelter. so this is the most i've seen in the united states. and i want you to please open your heart and advocate for the proposal. thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> hi, we're here with south
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market community network and several of us are here to say something. here is william and juliana who have been active with our programs. >> i need more housing for my family. they work hard to pay rent. we need a healthy place to live in. [applause] >> hi, my name is ruliana. [spanish] [applause] >> thank you, next speaker.
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other words like housing, shelting, temporary housing, permanent housing, these things provide for healthy nucleus family. they accelerate work and bring forth sports, studies and more benefits that give for a healthy family and things that are very positive for the daily lives of our family. thank you. . interpreter: good afternoon, my name is maricelli. i'm a
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