tv [untitled] July 1, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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budget that added $460,000 and i can echo and our colleagues and many in of the community have talked to you about in regards to requesting an additional $1.5 million increase for doing business with your non profit workers. it's close to impose month make ends meet and we're offer to a place where there's nothing left to cut, so i heavily urge to increase the 3% on the cost of doing business. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> and good afternoon, supervisors. i would like to say we need to focus on spending and the reason i say that is because for instance, in my neighborhood in the tenderloin area, we have a park that has
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been renovated and getting ready to open. we have elderly people and sick people that may take office, but when boater opens up it's going to be closed down because the private schools will be utilizing that park. it's not enough bathrooms in them. seniors and youth may have to use the bathroom and you have these big boulders and they're being used as bathrooms. i want you to look at the hunger in the neighborhood. we have two or three community gardens being ran by someone. i don't know who is running them. i've seen talked to my supervisor about that, but we don't even know the times that we can go into those community gardens to get food, yes, i may be doing a lot of different stuff around the city in helping this and helping that, but sometimes i do need
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help on getting extra food and you pass these food gardens, community gardens and i wish i could have some of that to put in my top ramen. so we have to think about the things that we're funding and who we're giving this money too because if they're working for the community, but they're not getting actually to the community, we need to maybe think about that. and also i would like you to really support delivering innovative supportive housing. they are a great organization that really helps the community. thanks. >> thanks. next speaker, please. >> i'm sid. and i'm a member with edfe. we're at 900,000 members state wide. senior and
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disability action [inaudible]. it helps us with housing and transportation, and health and childcare and others. we need more funding. we need more in this matter. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> it has been a long day already, huh. i would like to point out that you're making decisions by investments and investments, you're looking for some kind of return. your constituents has elected you and trust you to invest in where they would like to see returns. that is going to be treating
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them like humans and showing your humanity by investing in cd o and non profit organizations that provide to your constituent and by funding our programs and education that allow us to explore and express our humanity. you can have an opportunity to show your humanity and support ours. >> thank you. next speakers. >> good afternoon, my name is michael robins. give me one moment. i apologize. i'm here from santa rosa. i'm a council for foundation that's in the city. we're a non profit that helps people who help those who have mental issues and help to return to the community.
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i've come here as apart of the cic 1021 to add my voice for the 1.5 for the cost of doing business and the cost of living increase. at my program, we help these people to integrate into the community and seek life through independent living. ourcounselors work 24/7 to help these people achieve their goals. the cost of live nothing the bay area is the highest in the nation which i'm sure you're aware by now. and this cost of living increase will not only help our counselors to be able to continue to do their work and aid the community and the people in it, but in the long term, it will aid the government in being able to not have to spend money on helping these people because they would have achieved more independence. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, my name is nicholas
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friedman. i was born in berkeley and i worked in san francisco for the past 12 years at 900 kerney street. so when i spend my hours in san francisco, i interact with those who are homeless and they need help. i hear their stories. they're live nothing cars and in and off the street. the office where i city look across in china town and i see people who live in small rooms with their families and people are searching for help and i know you're trying to provide it, but as the numbers have said, there's 610,000 people in the united states who are homeless. 136 thousand in california, 53,000 in la alone and 7,000 is sf and also in san
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jose. and berkeley and probably another few thousand in that area. i came here to listen, but i felt i had to speak, there needs to be reform and help for those who need help. something very specific is someone living in a vehicle, then don't harass them. give them a space where they can. if someone is living in an sro, try to reform so there's not -- i don't know what else to say. basically, 1% approximately of the city of san francisco is having problems with housing, so treat them with respect and dig in -- treat them with respect and dignity. thank you for your time. >> next speaker. >> my name is lucie. my
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message to mayor lee and supervisor is the following, last year you have approved a fund for transgender -- you allocated $200,000. after remade several incidents of everyday violence. we're here to ask you to continue this important funding for trans latino. we deal with discrimination. until last year, trans latinos in particular, only received targeted services through an hiv contract. this fun --
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this funding does not allow the work for trans latinas. address them and put their lives back together. a lot of the times latinas apply for the funding that was approved last year and allocated through the human rights commission. our contract started on january 1st of this year and we have established our new [spanish] program since that time. we have brought on staff and they're getting training and support and violence. >> hello mayor lee. i'm the executive director of [spanish]. we're asking for funding for the next 18 months including an add back
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of $25,000 during the fiscal year of 2015, 14 and 15. so that we can make addressing violence apart of the budget and our city's priority. thank you for your time and leadership you have demonstrated to us and this entire country in this past year by addressing the safety of latinas. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is belina and i was born and raised in san francisco. i want to share my experience and frustration in the current climate of white funded art. it's a challenge breaking my way into hollywood as an art, but being a woman of color makes it impossible.
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with these in place, the people of color is making 56 percent of this population and they only receive 26% grant money. isn't this unfair for organizations working to help people of color excel in the arts. and without the support of their own city, how can they begin to have their voices heard in other avenues. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> thank you, good afternoon, supervisors. my name is marie and i'm the director of the living campaign and a member of the long care council. i'm here to ask you as you enter budget deliberation, to make sure the final budget provides pathways for those with
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disabilities. and as you look at the budget, we'd ask you to consider three things. does it help people meet their basic needs. the support for the task force foundation for efforts to include older adult who's do not qualify for medicare. secondly, does it increase employment in economic security for residents. it's hard -- we ask that you take a hard look that older adults and those with disability was benefiting in a fair equitable way. and thirdly to provide help with long term services and support. 2/3 of san francisco seniors and those with disabilities do not have security. what happen when's they need
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help to stay in their homes. add to the community fund, please. stop the evictions at universal. they're evicted and support neighborhood networks that have neighbors help neighbors stay in place. it's this kind of leadership that we need to be able to grow old in the city that we love and care about. i have information that provides more about this. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is matio. i'm missing my sister in japan. many are working on the streets [inaudible]. i'm providing a
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chance [inaudible]. we want to prevent unnecessary homelessness. >> next speaker, please. >> hi, thanks for having me today. i'm here to advocate for saint james, a clinic that provides care for those in the bay area. we support the people with medical care, and reproductive health care, needle exchange and transgender services. the community is unable to access health care because of the stigma they face. i'm
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asking to restore $80,000 of funding that we lost last year due jurisdiction in their budget. saint james provides a continuing of care with proven outcomes to over 2,000 unique participants since opening our door in 1999. right now we're operating on a staff of one full-time staff and one a part time staff of six due to our budget. my position as program director is on hold and i'm here advocating for saint james as a volunteer because i deeply understand the necessity of the clinic to provide people with a lifeline. we are with the support of jane kim, our supervisor asking the department to back us up. barbara garcia has been supportive of our budget ask. this will enable us to keep our doors open and provide family planning services along with hiv testing and
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supplies and services within the clinic and out in the community. thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon, supervisor. my kasmi. i'm here in solidarity with my colleagues, my other organization partners and community members and our clients in support of the budget justice coalition as well as the $1.5 million cost of doing increase which is necessary in order for us to sustain the services at the level we have and sustain the staffing and to provide services to our consumer and our clients. the people we're try to go pay are your brothers and sisters and neighbors and your colleagues and those we're serving is your brothers and sisters and colleagues in the community.
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recently the city of san francisco released a fee and no one applied for it. and then the city had to go back and put more money in there and release it again and i believe nobody still applied for it. so it shows that if the city wants services, they have to look at the amount to put it in there and if the city has to do it them receives they can't, that's why they keep putting it back out there with hopes that someone would take it. we know you know the fact and you know how difficult it is to sustain thing. but it comes down to value and inspiration. the value to services that are provided and we want to support it because it does make a difference and we want to inspire -- what i do, every time i do orientation with new staff, i want to inspire them to stay in the community work, to stay in non profit and work in public health and usually when it comes to trying to support, we have challenges and people want to leave because they want
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to do private practice, they want to do out of the city work for a private sector and that's the part. we want to inspire these people to stay and this is where you can support. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> my name is sarah hook. and i'm here with the program manager for the richmond neighborhood center and in support of the food neighborhood. in this budget time we hope you'll share our sentiments with regards to the importance of funding a grocery delivery program for our district home bound residents. the issue of food security and social isolation is real in our city. the richmond district movement center requested $30,000 in order coordinate and
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track those. in addition the richmond senior center asked $30,000 to train those and to provide social services and referrals to seniors what has additional needs. we appreciate your support and understanding the value and the goals of the food security network. >> thank you. >> my name is linda. i'm the director of the richmond senior senior and i'm here with bring friend senior. we have a collaboration going on which i'm very excited about. sarah is far away from being a senior. i'm really close and we've been working on this program for nine months with a lot of energy. there's 4,000 seniors that live alone. there's a lot of those folk who's have no eyes on them, neighbors who are the only people that they're close to and aware of what's going on with them. in
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collaboration with the richmond district neighborhood center, we've been working on a grocery program, we're going to do friendly visitors with people and social service referral and we need your support to get this going. i think our energy and our excitement are very contagious. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors, i'm sarah shorts with the housing rights committee of san francisco. you're familiar with the affordable housing crisis we have in san francisco and also with the eviction epidemic. one of the things we don't talk about is the role that attorney representation of ten apts in eviction cases places in displacement. unfortunately a huge swap of tenants in this city get evicted and lose their home and they're displaced from the city and become homeless because they
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don't have access to legal representation. we're asking for more funding for attorneys who will defend low income residents in court when they get eviction notices that all too frequently are not necessarily accurate or there's not necessarily a real violation, landlords unfortunately use a lot of tricks and tenants needs the representation of an attorney to push past that and save their homes. what we see now is only 10% of tenants in this town gets represented in court when they have an eviction case. how many landlords. 90% of the landlords have legal counsel. it's not a level playing field from the standpoint of equal justice. we have a real problem on our hand and it's a shame that
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tenants would lose their homes simply because they don't have someone to advise them through the process, fill out the proper paperwork and stand up for them in the courthouse. right now, what we want is also to increase capacity for what they call full scope representation. but the attorneys we do have now, many are forced because of limited capacity to do pieces of a case like advising on a particular hearing or writing a letter or filing and answering a motion. full scope representation would represent the tenant throughout the whole case start to finish. thank you. >> thanks very much. any other members of the public that wish to comment? >> good afternoon, supervisors, debbie with the san francisco human services network. hsn is a member of the budget justice collaboration and we urge your support for vulnerable residents of san francisco. i'm here to
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focus on the cost of doing business increase. we appreciate the mayor's inclusion of a 1.5% in his budget we're asking the board of supervisor to match that amount. we shouldn't have to be here today. it's long time to institutionalize -- they have do not cost escalateers and there -- during a recession, we had no increase for four years along with budget cuts, then for the past two years, we have had small increases and we appreciate that the board has helped with those increases but the last time non profits had an
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increase that equalled cpi was in fiscal year 2007-08 and over the seven years, cpi has gone up by 20 percent while non profit contracts has gone up by 5%. every year without a cost of doing business increase, the cpi is a budget cut and every year our budgets are constricted. this is not okay. we challenge you to think about how non profits are funding. we're told we should be run by businesses and please fundus like businesses. don't fundus like it's charity. we need to provide our employees with fair raises and good benefit and we need to continue the high quality services that you are asking us to provide to those in san francisco. thank you. >> thanks very much. are there any other members of the public that wish to comment today? okay. seeing none, public comment is
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closed. colleagues, we want to thank you for being here today. public comment can be received online for our budget website at the board of supervisors as we deliberate next week. colleagues, i'd like to propose two motions. a motion to continue items 1 and 2 to monday's special meeting at 2:00 p.m. and continue 3-25 and send them to the full board for our july 8th board of supervisors meeting. can have a motion. motioned by breed and we can take those without objection. >> mr. clerk, do we have any other business in front of us. >> item 1 and 2 are continued to june 23 and 8-25 is going to the board. >> that concludes our agenda
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>> so what brought you out here for the bike ride today? >> i grew up in san francisco but i have been living in new york. i wanted to see what san francisco is doing with infrastructure. >> cities are where people are living these days. the bay area is doing a lot with construction and the way to change the world starts here.
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come to. this will make the city a more susta >> the mayor's disability council meeting will now have introductions read by derek. we're not on yet? >> we're now. >> okay. >> good afternoon and welcome to the mayor's disability council this friday, june 20th, 2014 in room 400 of san francisco city hall. city hall is accessible to persons using whlc
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