tv [untitled] July 1, 2014 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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with neutral mediators for our mitigation program so ocii staff didn't conduct the meditations. we do conduct our meditations in the language of the complainant so in languages other than english. the mediation program is volunteer that means that both the officer and the complainant must agree to engage in mediation in order for a mediation to go forward. last year 87 percent of eligible officers participated in our mediation program. our mediation coordinator don salazar was last year's recipient of the award of the mitigation of northern california i want to share statistics about the complaints
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we received last year and the complainant who filed them. in 2013, the ocii received seven hundred and 22 - 27 complaints this is a two percent reduction in complainants we've received over 2012 when he received seven hundred and 40 complaints last year, we have engages in 66 case we found proper conduct that means that the officers didn't engage in misconduct and the preponderance of evidence proved that. in 25 percent of the allegations we investigated. and in two percent of the allegations we investigated that he found they were unfounded or not true the largest percentage of allegations were for neglect of duty followed by disconsider
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and unnecessary force kwh which compromises 10 percent of the allegations and we sustained 5 allegations of unnecessary force. in looking at the complainants democrat graphically 28 percent were african-americans. caucasians were another thirty percent of the complainants and 19 percent of our complainants declined to state their race. additionally our complainants included asian-americans another 6 percent a latinos at 6 percent and native asian pacific islanders 2. and others. the ocii staff speaks cantonese and mandarin and berry miss and spanish two of our investigators are bilingual because this is important because the non
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english interviews are in spanish. 0 we obtain interpretation services for others. we conducted 25 case in takes in spanish last year, 3 in cantonese, 2 in mandarin, one in north america basic and one in karen and one in russian. you can learn more about the ocii on our without a doubt, at wwwsf gov. dash ocii. we're located at 25 van ness on the 7th floor near the adjourn of van ness and market we're easily educational by public transportation and receive walk in complaints between 8 and
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5:00 p.m. monday through friday. any other times we have an answering service where you can reach us through the answering service we also receive complainants by telephone e-mail and fax. you can file a complaint at our district police station and station personnel will forward the complaint to us. if you want more information about the ocii i've pointed out the senior investigators sherry is here and we have brochures available that concludes my presentation. >> thank you director hicks we're going to move into captain silver man's presentation.
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>> welcome everyone to the sunny richmond. we may not have the sunshine but a sunny deposition well chief suhr and director hicks and most of all the community we're here to talk to the community i'm simon silverman the captain of the richmond station i've been there 6 months and as i talk about the thanks the station
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that has been going on it's important to acknowledge my predecessor new deputy chief sharon most of the work is things that started on her watch and also to acknowledge the hard working men and women at richmond station that's really those people that do the work and provided the excellent service here in the community. so you can see that the richmond has a large proportion of the northeast part of the city it's primarily resident but shopping district in laurel village along sacramento street coordinate and geary billboard and clement street also a larger recreational area the golden gate park and the golden gate recreation area. so quick facts about the
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district at the 5.7 square miles it's one of the largest district it's skinny there's one hundred and one thousand people give or take it makes us one of the more pop laced plays in the city we have the significant chinese and russian speaking community pretty diverse income spread is from very well-off people to people in public housing. most of the district is lower independent residential single families and so apartments and condos there or 25 schools we serve 3 supervisory supervisor mar district one is the majority of the district and supervisor farrell has kind of a long
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skinny portion later than the north edge and out to the extreme east is supervisor breed. we work very closely with each of the supervisors and we have a great working relationship i talk to them and their staff all the time. so the district is a diverted into 5 car seektsz each the sectors is assigned to an officer for their shift for their primary roenl responsibility we try electro spread the work out. we have an average response time to priority calls and category those abc category depends on the surrenders a threat to life or the other safety is a permit call and other things b priority
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and carbon monoxide is something that has already happened our response time it 4 minutes 35 minutes faster the citywide average weeping we're happy but it's important to be safe as we're getting there. we have a day and night watch the day watch is divided 20/20 different start times two to four public comment p.m. our officers are working 210 obvious days in a week they work all different hours of the week. in addition to the compliment i see officer on cars or foot or bikes i have two school officers that focus on the schools they spend all their time and two
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officers assigned to the parks in golden gate park that deals with the issues in the park. the night watch is divided into two watches a swing watch at the 4 to 2 in the morning and an midnight shift that works from 899 at night to 3 to in the morning. we also have investigations like a station investigations team and they're doing an excellent job in crammed corners the picture is small but there are two buildings at the station the front building on 6th avenue and the back building well, the back building it the original footprint of the station that goes back to the earlier 19
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hundreds the police car in the foreground the bricks are a different color that's the hay lost for the horses so that's where the officers that do the sergeant and inspectors work in the had a loft there's a joke there somewhere if somebody gets it let me know. i also have four clokz to act in support of the action team and address special problems like a crime problem they'll do undercover surveillance to an area of concern to us. then i also have a captain staff they have an important job they plan for the big events that are different from routine proposal i have that 3 officers one is
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handling permits and one is keeping the cars up and running and one dealing with our coming staff and looking at the statistics to look at are we focusing on our problem area and the second areas is keeping me from driving the bus off the cliff they have a lot of knowledge so they often have been passenger seat me in the right direction. this is the breakdown and the diversities of the staff at the richmond. we have a fairly diverse group of officers. and closely recommend those are the languages we can speak the most commonly used languages are kwan necessary mann run or research we have officers that speak all those languages we
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with have a fifth of the officers bilingual and there are 2 officers that speak hebrew english and spanish and one has a hebrew spanish and english. the one thing that jumps us is a young group n this the reflective it of the pd in general we've had a lot of people hired and promoted we have in the last week 5 officers with with a combined large amount of experience retire. we kind of make up for it awhile we've lost the experience we have energy the people are fairly new in their jobs including me that's going to continue to grow as the department grows. so, you know, one of the flip
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sides we have more energy and are trained on the latest stuff in the department so hopefully, your enthusiasm can make up for some of the worrisome that's gone out the door it's not just us we partner with a bunch of different agencies motorcycle officer and accident golden gate park we have the horses and the dirt bikes the hondas that are a big presence and park rangers from rec and park and the police they proposal the pdr and the golden gate park area the hospital has it's on police department and some of the hospitals in the eastern district are the jurisdiction of the san francisco police so we partner a lot with them and
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another agency is the district attorney's office and march our station assistant da marking mark is here very actually with our police advisory committee as well. okay. so what's crime look like. crime is violent crime is very low in the strict much lower than citywide we want to keep it we're down across the board for major crimes and adopt in robbery almost 45 percent. it's unusual to have availability crime property crime is down with one exemption that is one that is breaking into cars it's placard us in the district it's the common report we have is breaking into cars by
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a long shot. a lot of that as the chief said trying it make user as less of an attractive target so it's less likely to have someone break a window in our car to keep thing not visible people losses consumers and someone had six years of tax documents that's begging for an identity theft problem. so anything people can do to not leaf things in the cars that's deif you did so overnight we have loots and lots of cars parking along the roads at that that's the cars that are getting hit hard. during the dam some of the problems problem is focused on
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golden gate park we're seeing all even the city including the richmond some people are targeting tourist they know that people that are here visiting they have no place to pit their stuff so they'll have lots a lot of stuff and in golden gate park people are going to be done for a couple of hours that gives us a chance to break into a car. my plain clothes investigators said he looks for the stickers on rental cars that signifies it's a rental car he thought there would be more property in the car and the other really showed thought he thought it was less likely that someone would come back to san francisco to
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testify if that's the case. so some of the things we've done the as an by plain clothes and who we've arrested in the past and who's on parole or probation they have as a condition of their release a search condition they have to submit themselves to search without a warrant so sometimes those things can be productive my plain clothes visited a guy in a neighborhood who had property stolen from burglars in his house. we intend to find that people that do the crime at the don't break optional into one car but a bunch of cars if you can arrest one person you can reduce your problem while in their in jail.
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i've jumped ahead so traffic enforcement really the pressing public safety is injurey traffic collisions in response we've look at the 3 e engineering education and enforcement on the enforcement side we've doubled our enforcement from the same time last year a big increase we actually have consistently lead the district stations in terms of sites written so the officers are writing for sites than any other station and deciding where to focus our attention we've looked at collisions and looked at it complaint anyone who has e-mails me or called the station we've use that information to focus where we look at our enforcement efforts. the majority of our
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certification is not yielding to pedestrian in contraction and speeding they're complex you'll see multiple cause not only failing to yield to a pedestrian but you're going two fast to yield and in the third place is running stop signs. we've had a fair number of dui arrests to they've not involved driving under the influence they've been daytime collisions pea all parties are sober. a lot of events in the district month are centered on golden gate park the big one that are coming up are outside lambs and blue great in october we do a
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lot of planning and look at the impact on the surrounding neighborhood if you have one hundred thousand people coming to golden gate park that's going to be a lot of foot traffic we meet with the organize next year's out ahead of time and review last year's plan and how can we deal with traffic and make it safer. try to lower than each year and complof that's like having the officers that have institutional knowledge going back several years. we're having an event national invite out on august 5th at the station and also at the mini park that backs into the station on 6th avenue to the south of geary and the machining park is directly behind the station i'm told there will be a bounce i
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didn't house. okay. we do such as we can to reach out to youth and the community. we think that's critical to us and so a lot of how we do that if the the schools he have two officers in the schools autonomy those two anytime i can get officers into the school and talking to the kids that's a win. we did poem in the pocket day you read a pocket at argon elementary school and also meeting with just about any group watch group that wants to have an officer or me we'll be there we meet with the merchant association and planning associations with the richmond with the providers in the richmond. we really want to be a presence
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at all of those events and those organizations. and just to go back remember i was saying how young the station is that's the picture in my head. we have an online presence. we have the second most twitter followers of any station we have to try harder 4 hundred and 62 followers as a few minutes going ago we're on feedback and we have a few print customers that don't have e-mail so we mail out the newsletter we on the richmond district blog and i do a monthly blog in the richmond review. one of the projects that started under my predecessor and actually now gone department-wide is looking at
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the emergency response plans in the schools phase one and rolling it out to other institutions that maybe potentially targets we're looking at say an active shoortd in an school there's 25 schools in the district we want to preplan our response it is if it were to happen it would be a chaotic event and a lot of confusion so as much as we can do to prepare ourselves. we've already done presentations at the washington high school and at the jc c talking to the staff about what they can expect from us and their options or behavior small business should be if they have an active shooter this work for an intrude and shooting shooter the main thing in our preplanning for example phenomenon washington have a playbook in the station
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ready to go we have writing here our maps for washington and that showed me where i want to set my expand post and my perimeters and kids evacuated to and places for the parents in here the student and staff roster to account for everybody and detailed areas and a master key that's critical in a confusing situation we're going to inconsiderate locked doors that was started by the deputy chief and going on under the chief that's come back to help us on an apartment basis we're close to having a basic plan for every school and expanding the information in the response
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binder as we go. i want to acknowledge a group that is roll helpful to me that is my police voices board a lot of people complainant but it takes a lot of people it stand up and please stand up my folks and we'll give pleased they're the heart and soul of a new project that we are just rolling anti which is the san francisco or sf streets smart project that's something they've been putting their houment into for nearly a year. this is the education part of the 3 e pr's what street smaerts we're going to pilot this in the richmond district we're excited
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about it, it's a really an education program that's designed to teach people that safe driving and safe walking as a pedestrian and safe cycling can improve your chances in not brown-bag in a collision. this was rolled out in san jose if you've been in marin there are 10 cities and san mateo and san rothman has it we have generous funding from supervisor mar and supervisor farrell's office to kickoff this and we're partnering with safe on the program you're seeing this there's another example there those are our street pole banners there are on the geary right now i think one of them for the museums so those are going up around the district antonio on street poles on
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friday and they have simple messages designed to grab people's attention not take their attention off driving but we'll targeted speeding and running red lights and stop signs and crosswalk safety for drivers and pedestrians and distracted driving and bicycle safety. when i first got to richmond i would go to community meetings and in every one of the meetings traffic safety was an issue. people were also saying you know those bad and terrible drivers and they would ask me can you do something about those people. then i respect to a meeting a woman said i he was the crossing the street address with my two girls we were in the crosswalk o
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there was a voyages what else that flew by as a a i look she's my age and had two this girls in the car assets it's not them it's all of us there's no maskal people that are doing the bad driving people we're citing live and work in the neighborhood it's not people from out of town to run stop signs so i started thinking a that's what it is all about promoting safe driving as a community organization and trying to appeal to people to look for each other and i think a lot of what with my jewish mother would say guilt. just you're going a little bit ever guilt so we'll have those
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street pole banners up friday. the website is up sf street it has some of our simple handout that are hot off the presses in the back and then each school also has a banner which looks like that and it's appropriate to the age of the kids this is out the middle schools with very the orderly kids and the kids at the middle school. so be looking for that with that, i say thank you and i'm here for questions commissioners
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