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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PDT

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to work with or mitigate our risks and deliver a project that is as closed to budget and possible so we welcome their avoidance. >> the director of dpw was just appointed to our board. >> thank you continue with our presentation. >> sir, did you want to complete our slide presentation. >> the last slide is what i went through the completion of the funds. >> thank you very much. mr. rich >> that concludes my presentation. >> so mr. rich i have a question for your. how are we going to pay for the park the $37 million how >> again you don't know i don't have an answer today, i, tell
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you that the mayor is committed to making sure it happens the source in front of us is the mel ruse we're going to find a different source. >> i guess the question is with the mel ruse how did this decision be made whether or not the park is paid for out of the mel ruse. >> i can tell you it's an eligible cost there's nothing that needs to change in terms of the progress i think i need from someone else but in terms of the project we need that. >> essentially supervisors it's similar to our annual progress we bring the agency to project the revenue and have the parks be part of the expenditure plan
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it will come before you as part of the capital budget. >> it will not that will have to be ultimately approved by the board. >> through the capital budget right. >> okay. thank you. supervisor kim >> i just had a quick question about the park again. i know one of the revenue idea that came up around private sponsoring i didn't have this chance to ask it but if the city has examples italian-american i'm not sure this is the best question for tjpa >> i'm not aware of a public open space by i can't see i've researched it but i'm not aware.
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>> how about the aspects of the open space where a company sponsored a portion of a park. >> i'm not aware of it. >> we've done that for the trust for public land have gunning done that in delores park they've done that. >> i would say as we look forward to revenue solutions i actively support the package of private-public open space itself i i know that naming is a controversial issue for public schools for example with private companies have asked for sponsorship to have their names
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on buildings that's a revenue solution i'm supportive but i want to know the guidelines. the city park is absolutely important i know that last july it came up with the revenue oversee for phrase one i thought it was not acceptable i think the district 6 has the least open space the smallest parks and the city park is an important component of the transit city i i landmark to working with the city and tjpa to make sure it opens with the terminal i'm in agreement this park has to open on schedule i think the question is how are we going to pay for it on funds that would have gone to the downtown extension and in terms of private money i guess there's
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a question of mel ruse fund can have a private opportunity u opportunity given the mel ruses issue. okay. so the staff presentation is done if there's no other comments we'll open this up for public comment 3 and 4. any public comment over and over item three or four come forward >> supervisors i'm jim i've been involved in this for a long time. what you have before us going back to 8 years when gavin newsom asked a city task force to figure out more ways to fund the downtown extension i amazing found a copy of the task force
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report they've proposed what is - what we're doing today. i've look at the public document and it indeed calls for mel ruse money to be spent for the downtown extension for infrastructure in the area and by the way, i'm on the transit area cac that's responsible for the budget and for the city park. there's nothing that clearly shows how the money that's going to be created by mel ruse can be transferred into finishing the terminal so i think i need to carefully figure out if there's goes to take if $2 million out of the mel ruse to be investment in the terrain related aspects of the building. now because i this have 45 seconds left the discount extension and the whole network project that is a major, major
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project that is a city project identified in the mind of everyone it's a industry project it's currently in the legislation mostly the responsible of an obscure agency called the transbay joint powers authority i recommend you have a task force who's sole job to figure out how to get the train downtown to 6th and maybe south and dale with all the agencies not in the hands of a small obscure agency >> any additional comes on three or four. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues do we have a motion? okay. the motion is forward
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items 4 three and four with positive recommendation supervisor kim >> i want to make a few comments first of all, i support this moving forward and want to thank the transbay joint powers authority for being an advocate for the funding and also working closely with the mayor's office of economic workforce development on this mel ruse plan i want to give a special thanks to tim rich in the office i know it's been two years in the making excited we're able to pass a plan in 2012 that had unanimously support the united support around the city for a plan it's going to increase transportation i was happy to see we were able to work through the major issues whether it be
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the department of finance of the funding increment to build the parks that goes into this plan but also good to see that a lot of the public infrastructure will stay in place the open space is so important the placing and the city park is absolutely an important component in the plan i want to recognize tjpa and the mayor's office for the safety improvements as it grows in intensity and workers we want to make sure that neighborhood is safe to work and bike in we're not going to have more people here the wider situations and he bulb outs and the transit lanes are going to support this neighborhood that's a model but
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all the funding components are an important part whether it's taxpayers' money but we'll be able to grow the mel ruse tax is going to make sure that neighborhood is successful i want to thank all the various departments that have worked on this this is a good and strong plan there's a lot of issues on the phase one and two budget the d t g are x and terminal i'm excited about working with the city and tjpa unfortunately, we can't fix some things from the past that will make this project challenging but it's essential we all work together to make this a reality for the city. i wanted to make those comments i support this with positive recommendation >> i do it with support with
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some trepidation it is a transformational project for the city we call it phase one and two but you can't have one without the other so i have serious concerns that $2 million is going for phase one and phase two i wish we weren't in this position. i'm not sold on taking innovate $37 million from the downtown extension to make up the gap for the phase two i think we need to captive truly captive any other pockets i believe there are i'm confident that there are other
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poekts it's hard for me a support a situation we'll take it out of the downtown project and it makes it harder i'm going to be watchful i'm concerned the remaining $139 million if the park comes out of it it will be the pot to cover other costs as we move forward the projects have a way of shifting and no one can't guarantee there's additional cost increases we'll have a declining pot of money for the steams of money for the downtown expectation we'll see that pot of money going down and down for the phase two it's tough for me to support but with
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that, said we're there today and we have to get it built so i'll be supporting this >> have you had a chance to look at this letter you've received at the beginning of the hearing. >> yes. a couple of points i only thought when you handed to me. it didn't indicate it's written by a law firm it didn't see the developers their representing to address the points in the letter the first one is the evaluation proposed by the city in the mel ruse didn't take into account the mel ruse district because they're in a special tax they
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have a tendency to depress the value of an office building or an asset and that's the case. if you can imagine your buying a condo and there's a special additional tax bill for that you may pay less or not notice you over e over the same amount of money there's no science we know there's a depressing effect it's hard to calculate we didn't include that because the infrastructure and the parks and the d t x and the transbay terminal have an upward effect on the value of property so in the absence of being able to calculate one with specifics that's not in there the second large issue that's addressed is recognizing that the values that drive the rates that will be
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paid with a special taxes that will be paid are coming relatively high in the cycle we're obviously we don't know where we were we're not in the bottom of cycle we're close to the top the rates were set a year ago now this is a year later this is not near the top of the kindly because we've gone up we're somewhere high in the cycle we have thirty no choice as part of the exercise we set those in this case a year ago and we established a fair formula to make a adjustment that's a index of the construction costs and sort of indicates how the economy has done from year to year yes, we acknowledge the rates are high
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but that's the way it works if we were at the bottom of the cycle we having would have had to 0 set it low so that's the way we do it. every building t is locked in a two percent increase in the years it's for a thirty year period. we see the train value and the rents to be up over thirty years >> okay. thank you mr. rich. >> okay. colleagues this is for the sending this to the full board we'll take that without objection. that will be the order. madam clerk call items 5 and 6 together >> item number 5 is an ordnance for the implementation of the visitacion valley schlage lock
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special used district and item 6 is amending the controls of the visitacion valley schlage lock district. >> okay 5 and 6 supervisor cohen would you like to make introductory remarks. >> briefly the item we're going hearing today is the incentive that's taking over about 13 years in fact, we've had 18 meetings discussing design principles to control to the benefits due to the did he miss of the redevelopment agency it took several years of community planning for this planning crossing process to conclude. however, while let's see - you i just want to call out that i
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have a few technical items to number 6 the special use district those railroad requested if he planning commission and they include two points i'd like to read into the record i want to clarify the role of the rec and park department and the second point is the clarifications on page 18 about the requirement for public meetings related to permit mraksz so i hope colleagues you'll be able to support this incredibly transformative investment we'll have a short presentation from the mayor's office of economic workforce development and then we'll hear a presentation from planning staff for the technical amendments >> ken rich from oewd our
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presentation will, done by the planning department given this is covering the planning code the development agreement was heard and it is to look at the planning code and general plans, of course, i and my colleagues are here from oewd to answer questions. >> thank you. >> good afternoon claude district attorney planning department staff as supervisor supervisor cohen mentioned in addition to oewd there's staff from the mayor's office of economic workforce development and the project sponsor to answer questions. i'm sure you're aware of supervisor cohen tape recording introduced this schlage lock back in april and the general plans were initiated by the planning commission. we have now gone through several
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committees and back and forth board weigh happy to say we'll go the recommended when we move forward with the project. we are here to give you autopsy overview of the land use what the board approved in 2009. if i can have the presentation. here's an overview of what i'll cover and go into the proposed changes to the 2009 and key highlights from the agreement arrest that was mentioned this has been restarted because of the redevelopment funds. just to say this is a map where the 20 acres sites that covers the southeast corner of the city it shows in the context of other major projects that includes candle stick and executive park
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and hunters point shipyard to the east of the project. sunnyvale to the west of the project and the brisbane that released 80 a draft the e. coli is showing a revamp off their facilities. this map includes $500 million as part of the investment force the priority products as part of this is the geneva team the geneva extension that extends to the 101. recently the bayshore launch it was south of the site. the t third to link up better with the caltrain station is part of this and additional the one of the key bus lines is one
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of the mta's transit effectiveness projects. those are the goals and objectives in the 2009 plan we're that established in accumulation and it is for the guidance of the future developments. it's important to mention this has begun criterion up by that the city by the department of public health it's nearly done but monitoring or monitoring b will continue. the major components included parks and open space and the continuance of the street grid and a glorious anticipate expending the leeland is currently the neighborhood commercial corridor it's important to extend the leeland's corridor there was other infrastructure and public
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benefits, however, those commitments were memorialized in the plan as well as the planner for demonstrate and all of them had covets associated. in other words, to jump starter this it lost it's ability to fund those. the land use and community process this is the facility work as well as the negotiations. is proposed changes to the plans that the board adapted in 2009 with respect crafted the balanced criteria so the fwoeldz were stipend its important that they have the market wrat returns we think that the craps
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and the.
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we had to accommodate the parking garage with housing above. this change in the parks led to a reconfiguration of the parks and the programming an additional change that we reduce the commercial square footage from one hundred square footage to a little bit under that we think the original plan was over
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