tv [untitled] July 2, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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come up related to that please let me know. i really wanted to position the sfmta's values related to a regulated taxi industry and that there's a public good to having a regulated taxi industry and that we have an interest in maintaining a strong and healthy taxi industry. and we champion that through these values of public safety, good customer service, accessibility and sustainability. and we've heard a lot of comments are the ble report so i won't go into the details about public safety, but we know include insurance and vehicle inspections and clearly marked vehicles, drivers training, background checks, et c. we have noticed through our enforcement team that there has been an up tick in violations associated with street hails of non tnc vehicles and non taxi vehicles so this is something
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we're concerned about. general public drivers picking up street hails. last week in the last few weeks there was a registered sex offender actually found to be trying to pick up a street hail so this is a real concern to us when private vehicles that are not clearly marked are providing services so we know the values of good customer service and non discrimination. all customers are required to be served in the taxi industry, all neighborhoods are required to be served. . we can do better on that. all cabs are required to accept credit cards and debit cards and then there's the clear and fair structure. accessibility -- taxis have been part of our para transit program since 1981 so we have a long history in working with them and we've had wheelchair accessible taxis since is the
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1994. if there were no para transit service we estimate it would cost the city approximately $6 million more in those para transit trips to be provided on vans. we talked ability the clean area requirements and the fact that many 7% them are low [inaudible] program. also, there's an economic development interest here. taxis provide a sustainable career. we need more drivers, we're looking for more drivers. i think this is what's happening now that the -- i'm understanding tncs are recruiting drivers with taxis as well and we feel like it's a good career path for our taxi drivers because after driving for a certain am of time and getting on the and there's pride of ownership in that
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medallion so we have a strong interest in maintaining that career path. also drivers have workers comp insurance, there's a due process, if there's a complaint against a driver or customer that there's a due process so these are values we finds to be very important for us. sfmta's provided a lot of support to the taxi industry given the economic situation that we've providing incentives for our ramp taxi program to value this important service and there have been a series of fee reductions for the industry at this time. initial initiatives include developing a market and driver recruitment plan so i'll put the call out today we are interested this drivers. we are offering free training for the driver at this point and free ramp taxi training and so we're going to really be
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putting an effort up in that way, increased enforcement and a focus on creating more taxi stands. that's it in a nutshell >> thank you for jumping into the position so quickly and hitting the ground running as well. >> how about better service? >> that's -- and i say that because -- and i'm looking forward to working with you. i think that i heard a lot about implicitly what's good about cabs and bad about tncs, but not the acknowledgment that the cab system in the city was failing and i'll be honest, the agency and -- your predecessor in this role, there was some real challenges in terms of working with the tncs because there was a hostility and i'm hoping that will change. i don't think that the mta should be hostile to tncs. i think the mta should be
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looking for ways to work together so i want to put that out there because the mta had had a lot of years and was given enormous power by the voters to make improvements to the cab system back in 2007 and years went by and there were finally some small changes, but not anything near the dramatic improvements that people on the street want. and so i hope that the, you know, mta will focus on making those improvements and not just in terms of the negativety in terms of tncs. you talk about things in terms of customer complaints, those happen against cabs too. they're good cab drivers, bad cab drivers, there are good tnc drivers, and bad ones. >> absolutely. as i was waiting during the recess and just briefly talking to some of the drivers here, it to me looks like the same group of drivers that may be driving
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for tncs may be driving for taxis, but they're people looking for work, jobs, to have a career, and i don't think there's a huge divide in terms of who's providing the service and we certainly don't want to create a hostile environment so we're about making connections and trying to finds common goals. again, i was trying to position the taxi industry with the values we're championing and that we have regulatory authority to implement, but i -- your point well taken about customer service. >> yeah. i just want to make sure. all your values you stated are good ones. i just want to make sure one of those values is also providing reliable service so people can get a cab when they want to get one because that has not emanated from the agency very much. >> absolutely. and we'll have to, as an industry, have to provide that service in order to provide.
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>> thank you. >> supervisor kim. >> i didn't realize you were in the audience, otherwise i would have asked the question of you. but san francisco had recently passed the fair chance ordinance, but i hope you will reconsider and actually fall in line with how we do criminal conviction backgrounds checks, in terms of seven years, not just the entire adult life. that was one quick comment. i have to say, and, you know, i don't have a really nuanced understanding of our taxi industry, but we are losing not just clients and riders, we losing drivers. and i think sfmta is going to have to have a real deep look at our system that we have a real high cost of entry to becoming a taxi driver and that's a system that's not going to work anymore given the existence of tnc companies. whether we agree with this or not, it is in existence today and probably will be for quite
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some time. i just -- i feel for the drivers and i know that they are -- they've lost a ton of business. when i talk to taxicab drivers they feel like they've lost up to 50% of their revenue and they can't stay. and we may lose all of our drivers soon and i just -- i think we have to rethink this model at this point and i just hope at some point we have that conversation instead of saying this is the good system and that's the bad system and we're going to keep fighting for the good system, even though the drivers and riders are leaving it. we can think we have the better and safer system, and i agree with that, but in terms of the market and the way it's going right now, we may not have drivers or riders so a good look at that system would be important. i don't have any solutions or advice for that, but i think it's important to face that perspective at a certain point and really address it. . it's certainly a critical time in the taxi industry and the industry as a whole. i wanted to comment, my kol
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like and i were looking at the transportation coat vis-a-vis the fair chance ordinance, and there is staff discretion. so we have that in the code already, but we can also review the fair chance ordinance and see where we need to align. >> and we're happy to meet with you about it offline. >> yeah. absolutely. >> thank you very much . >> thank you. okay. at this point we will open this item up for public comment and i want to profusely thank the members of the public who have sat through our very long land use hearing today. so thank you for your patience and so we'll now do public comment and i have several cards. i apologize in advance if i mispronounce your names.
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[inaudible] and shawn taylor, bill [inaudible], beth hailey. go ahead. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is [inaudible] and i've been a lift driver since april of 2013. to date i've given over 6,000 rides and never refused a passenger. i've done this while consistently maintaining a 4.9 out of 5 star rating. this [inaudible] as my passengers repeatedly confirmed they had a safe and friendly driver [inaudible] rigorous screening and background checks that were required for me to start driving for lift. i can attest that ride share policeman forms have dramatically increased transportation options for residents throughout the area. ride sharing drivers regularly give their neighbors a ride
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providing organic platform for [inaudible] san francisco and are too support innovative transportation options ratser than overburden them with excessive regulations. [inaudible] for san francisco. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> thank you for your time today. my name is john taylor and i've lived on 11th and ir ving and sun set for the last [inaudible]. i drive from 7:00 to 11:00 in the morning monday through friday. i start my day from home by helping a student from sun set or richmond get to san francisco state or city college or i help someone in my neighborhood get to downtown. over the months i've become friends with a number of repeat passengers. they asked about my riding and i ask about their classes or
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careers. after my downtown drop off and head back to my neighbors. thanks to lift mid after my morning ride i have time to go home and work on either my writing or attempt to get my short stories published. thanks to lift i can pursue my dreams of becoming a fiction writer and not fear losing my home because i did not choose the 9:00 to 5:00 route. i'd like to let you know they have added so many layers to the people of the city. they are so kinds and caring and 3d and human and live and they have made me a better person. i wake up everyday to hang out with them and i am endlessly fortunate to call that my job. before lift i worked as a bartender and it was impossible to get a cab to take me back to the sun set. it is because i know this personally how difficult it can be to get a ride to this neighborhood, that i hang out in it. and it is because i get where
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they are going. i have never denied a ride. thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> supervisors thank you for having me. i don't have a card filled out but hopefully that's okay. sally from uber technologies. we're proud to be a part of san francisco, having been founded and grown here, head kwartdered with hundreds of ploy years just down the street here. r believes that ride sharing is just one part of transportation solution in san francisco and should be seen as one of the options for residents. uber is a technology company that seamlessly connects riders and drivers with our app. one of the ways our app is [inaudible] peer-to-peer. this resolution calls upon the san francisco mta to establish
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additional local regulations that are unnecessary and due mriktive. [inaudible] operates under a transportation company [inaudible] on april 7, 2014. tncs are regulated by the state just like tpc and there's no meter rational for additional regulation. the tnc permit from the puc requires many of the things talked about today -- driving roshd checks, $1 million commercial insurance, and planned surrounding providing accessibility for wheelchairs. uber and myself have met with sfmta to ask how we can [inaudible] accessible vehicles. as written in this resolution does not accurately take into account the ways in which puckuc currently regulates tncs. san francisco transit first policy [inaudible] the primary object i have of transportation
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system should be the [inaudible] driver partners, riders and the cpuc to better the system and we're always looking for ways to be the safest and most efficient ride on the road. thank you for your time. a: thank you very much. next speaker. >> hello, my name is beth and i'm a residents or district one for the past 15 years. i have been driving with lift for over a year. i'm also a part of the driver mentor program. before that i was working in non profit and also with the city and county of san francisco, but unfortunately i was laid off so lift has created income for me and also has created a supportive community among drivers. it's very different from any work environment i've been in, very positive, they've offered a lot of support to me. i, myself, am a professionally trained class b commercial
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driver, and despite what the press says i always wear my seatbelt and drive safely. it is my own car and i have insurance so especially with a passenger i am utmost safe. i, myself, have been threatened, cussed out, flipped off, attempted head on collision by cabbies and super shuttle. they often stop in the middle of the street to take a photo of my car or mustache or license plate, which creates a safety hazard. when i drop off passengers i promptly leave. originally when i was hired with lift over a year ago i did complete dmc and background checks. i, myself, am a former peace officer with san francisco so i am not a security risk to anyone. i appreciate the flexible hours working with lift and i can
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spend more time with my family, travel. before i drove i was a cyclist and was hit by a car so i'm very much aware of cyclists and pedestrians that are texting and walking. so i appreciate lift and thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. next speaker. is there any additional public comment on item 7? okay, seeing none. , public comment is closed. thank you everyone. supervisor cohen, i have distributed amendments. i did make the one change to the amendment to incorporate the concept that background checks con sis sent with the fair chance ordinance as i read into the record and i have that written out for the clerk if that would be helpful to the clerk. sistent with the fair
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chance ordinance as i read into the record and i have that written out for the clerk if that would be helpful to the clerk. i will make a motion to adopt the amendments that i've made. supervisor mar, the changes he suggested in my view are not consistent, i think, with the facts as i see them. i don't think that the bla report for example, finds that the tncs are a threat to public safety. i think a report by the budget and legislative analysts showed that the current minimal regulation of tncs poses a significant potential lierment for the city and county of san francisco taxi drivers, i don't agree with that. and then the last resolve that was suggest ed is inconsistent
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with recognizes that tncs are part of our transporation system. the resolution amended incorporates a significant portion of supervisor mar's, including the concepts around needing better insurance, safety, background checks and the like. >> just reading supervisor mar's recommendation for item number 7. i'm going to read it into the record. it says, "resolved that the san francisco board of supervisors urges the san francisco mta to develop a plan for incorporating tncs into san francisco's transportation system, including the protection of accessible services and enhanced safety
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regulations in cooperation of cpuc within six months of the passage of this resolution. kwtsz " >> right, so whereas the -- what i proposed is that final whereas clause states -- hold up here -- that the san francisco board of supervisors find that post taxis and tncs are part of san francisco's transportation system, as well as transit first policy. >> i see, so you're not making a distinction between tncs. >> right. they're both part of the system. if you plan to develop a plan to incorporate them into the system, which is a way of saying that [inaudible] no disrespect to the sfmta, but we've seen where that got us. >> i'm happy to move forward with the recommendationings. i'd like to make a motion to
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adopt the resolutions. >> the ones -- >> the ones you have incorporated. >> the motion is to adopt amendments which i've distribute wd that one change to incorporate the fair chance ordinance. >> right. >> we'll take that without objection and then can i have a motion -- no, i'm sorry. this is a substantive amendment so we'll need to continue the item, mr. gib ner. >> that's right. >> any future day to this committee. >> i believe our next meeting is on the 7th so why don't we -- i don't have our -- the committee -- our forward calendar in front of me so i don't know if next week is a bear of a meeting or not. do you happen to know? i would suggest we continue them to the call of the chair and i'll schedule it within the next several meetings. that way we can take a look at
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also readings. >> give us this day our daily bread at least three times a day. and lead us not into temptation to often on weekdays. [laughter] >> meridians' stands apart from the commercial galleries around union square, and it is because of their core mission, to increase social, philosophical, and spiritual change my isolated individuals and communities. >> it gives a statement, the idea that a significant art of any kind, in any discipline, creates change. >> it is philosophy that attracted david linger to mount a show at meridian. >> you want to feel like your work this summer that it can do some good. i felt like at meridian, it could do some good. we did not even talk about price until the day before the show. of course, meridian needs to
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support itself and support the community. but that was not the first consideration, so that made me very happy. >> his work is printed porcelain. he transfers images onto and spoils the surface a fragile shes of clay. each one, only one-tenth of an inch thick. >> it took about two years to get it down. i would say i lose 30% of the pieces that i made. something happens to them. they cracked, the break during the process. it is very complex. they fall apart. but it is worth it to me. there are photographs i took 1 hours 99 the former soviet union. these are blown up to a gigantic images. they lose resolution. i do not mind that, because my images are about the images, but they're also about the idea, which is why there is text all over the entire surface. >> marie in moved into the mansion on powell street just
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five years ago. its galleries are housed in one of the very rare single family residences around union square. for the 100th anniversary of the mansion, meridian hosted a series of special events, including a world premiere reading by lawrence ferlinghetti. >> the birth of an american corporate fascism, the next to last free states radio, the next-to-last independent newspaper raising hell, the next-to-last independent bookstore with a mind of its own, the next to last leftie looking for obama nirvana. [laughter] the first day of the wall street occupation set forth upon this continent a new revolutionary nation. [applause]
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>> in addition to its own programming as -- of artist talks, meridian has been a downtown host for san francisco states well-known port trees center. recent luminaries have included david meltzer, steve dixon, and jack hirsch man. >> you can black as out of the press, blog and arrest us, tear gas, mace, and shoot us, as we know very well, you will, but this time we're not turning back. we know you are finished. desperate, near the end. hysterical in your flabbergastlyness. amen. >> after the readings, the crowd headed to a reception upstairs by wandering through the other gallery rooms in the historic home. the third floor is not usually reserved for just parties,
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however. it is the stage for live performances. ♪ under the guidance of musical curators, these three, meridian has maintained a strong commitment to new music, compositions that are innovative, experimental, and sometimes challenging. sound art is an artistic and event that usually receives short shrift from most galleries because san francisco is musicians have responded by showing strong support for the programming. ♪ looking into meridian's future, she says she wants to keep doing
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the same thing that she has been doing since 1989. to enlighten and disturbed. >> i really believe that all the arts have a serious function and that it helps us find out who we are in a much wider sense than we were before we experienced that work of art. ♪ >> roll call, commissioner adams. >> here. >> brandon. >> here. >> woo ho. >> here. >> approval of minutes for the may 27, 2014 meeting. >> so moved. >> second. >> public comment. none? commissioners comment?
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