tv [untitled] July 2, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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francisco municipal transportation agency board of directors and parking authority commission. am i [speaker not understood], please [speaker not understood]. >> director reid? reid present. director nolan? nolan present. director rubke? director ramos is expected and director heinicke is absent with notification. >> thank you. >> item 3, announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and other similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting. any person responsible for one going off may be asked to leave the room. please be advised that cell phones that are set on vibrate do cause microphone interference, so, the board respectfully requests that they be placed in the off position. item 4, communications. >> do we have any? >> i have none. >> okay, thank you. item 5. >> discussion of votes to conduct a closed session. >> motion? >> motion.
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>> motion. >> second? >> all >> we are back in open session now. >> item 9, announcement of closed session. the board of directors net closed session to discuss negotiationseses but took no action. item 10, motion to disclose or not disclose information discussed. >> move not to disclose. >> second. >> any further discussion, all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> ayeses have it, so ordered. okay. >> item 11, introduction of new or unfinished business by board members. >> members of the board? nothing, okay. director's report. mr. reiskin? >> thank you, good morning, mr. chair, members of the board, members of the staff and public. some i think good news to report today. we're in a very different situation than we were i guess it was six days ago when this board last met with regard to
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our labor negotiations. i'm happy to report that with support and assistance of mayor lee that we were able to bring mayor willie brown into the process to mediate within the city's charter collective bargaining process an agreement with the transport workers union local 250 a for both contracts, the one for the transit operators as well as for the transit fare inspectors. the details of these agreements will be sunshined today. they will be made available to the public by the end of the day, but the agreements for these two contracts are positive, were agreed to by both parties, by management and labor through the good work of mayor brown to get us to this point. so, we're very happy to be able to be making these available for the public and for your consideration today.
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the union then will have an opportunity to vote to consider these. that vote, as i understand, is scheduled for july 7th and we hope to be bringing you those agreements for your approval at your july 15th meeting. therefore, in your -- on your regular calendar, what is on the agenda is a recommendation for you to reject the previously sunshined labor agreements. you recall that we sun shined agreements for these two bargaining units june 13th reflecting where we had left off in the previous mediation process. so, in order for you to both extend the time to consider a new contract as well as to really get those old ones off the table, that's what the regular calendar item are for. so, again, we're extremely grateful to be at this point, extremely grateful for mayor brown's work to mediate an agreement that is agreeable to
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both parties. i look forward to the union's vote and hopefully have two item to bring to you at your july 15th meeting. so, that's all i have to report. this is the -- it is in this meet thattion we are officially sun shining those agreements and i'd be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you, director reiskin. ed, thanks to the staff that work with mayor brown on it. those were difficult negotiations. did abexcellent job with the city attorney's office. appreciate all the work that everybody put in ~. >> yeah, thank you for that. there were numerous staff mta staff, city attorney's office, also department of human resources, city h.r. folk came together and everybody working together under mayor brown's leadership and with mayor lee's support to get to us this point. >> members of the board, questions or comments? seeing none, members of the public, anyone care to address the board on this subject? >> no speaker cards. >> okay, thank you. next item. >> item 10, consent calendar --
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excuse me, item 13. all matter are considered to be routine and will be acted on on a single vote. >> is there a motion on the consent calendar. >> motion to approve. >> any second? >> second. >> any discussion? all in favor aye. >> aye. >> ayes have it. item 15. >> rejecting the tentative agreement with transport workers union, local 250-1 (9163 transit operators) and extending the date for final adoption of a memorandum of understanding. >> we can take both of these together, can't we? and 16. >> rejecting the tentative agreement with transport workers union, local 250-1 (9132 transit fare inspectors) and extending the date for final adoption of a memorandum of understanding. >> motion? >> motion to approve. >> second. >> any further discussion? all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> that motion carries. okay, thank you, we are adjourned. [adjourned]
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2014 election to extend the children's fund for 25 years and increase the set-aside and create our children our families council and require preparation of a children and families plan, and create a city rainy-day reserve and school rainy-day reserve out of existing rainy-day reserve. >> thank you. colleagues this has an been a very, very collaborative process and all supervisors are signed on for this initiative, in which we're coining it as "the children and families first initiative." it's been a long process, and because of all the collaboration that has taken place, i just feel like what we have as a final product
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is a very, very strong language to strengthen our ability to continue serving our children and our public school students. but by the way, they are the same people. and also, so it does many things not only is this going to strengthen our ability, but it also increases our resources to serve these children. what i heard from many of the public members is that we want better oversight of the funding and we have built-in language for better oversight. we have made at the end of the streamlined things to make things easier and on top of all of that, we weren't satisfied. what we wanted was for the whole city to come together to form a council, a children and families council to, really look at what our vision going
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forth will be for children and families and how we could create that common vision, common goals and those overarching strategies that will not only keep our children and families in san francisco and have the children be successful, but how do we draw those that are from the outside to come back into san francisco with their children? because as you know, san francisco has -- not one, but has the lowest percentage of children population in any city in the united states and i think we can do better. we must do better. so would i like to take this opportunity to thank our representative from the city attorney's office. tom owen. and i also want to thank the staff who really hard.
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my aide jen low, who put hours and hours of work with various stakeholder groups to draft the best charter amendment possible. so what i would like to do right now is bring up a couple of speakers from the city departments. first i would like to call up chris armstrong -- before i do, that supervisors, do you have any comments? general comments? supervisor tang? >> sure, thank you, supervisor yee and i want to thank everyone who was involved in the process. it seems like it's going to go quickly today, but just acknowledging the hard work it took to get here and thank you, supervisor yee and everyone else who made it a unified effort so we have unanimous
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support by our board and everyone. thank you everyone. >> first i will call up chris armstrong from the unified school district, director of the development and local government relations. >> thank you, supervisor yee and good afternoon supervisor campos, supervisor tang. i'm director of local government for the san francisco unified school district. and i'm here on behalf of superintendent richard coransa to say thank you to this board. we have unanimous signoff from all eleven supervisors from this. it's been a long process between our visioning, our collective -- the collective work we have done together with you, bringing together this entire community and we're just enormously proud. the public education enrichment fund, the children's fund,
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these have done enormous good beyond this past decade for the city and we're thrilled to see both of these be renewed and brought together in alignment. i just want to say that we -- you have our incredible gratitude for this, but we also recognize the enormous responsibility and we hope that the work that we have done over this past decade, particularly with the public education enrichment fund, bringing that data, the good work that this does, the impact to our schools it has made a world of difference. it's bit of a cliche, but in this case it resonates and it's very tribune true and we have an enormous responsibility to keep that going throughout the city. >> thank you. maria su, director of the department of children youth and their families.
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>> thank you, i want to echo chris' sentiment and thank you so much to all members of the rules committee, but particularly to you, supervisor yee for your tireless work and support towards this. on behalf of dcys citizen advisory committee and our staff i want to express our appreciation to supervisors yee and kim and avalos. we started this years ago with having conversations with thousands of parents and young people and service providers and other interested stakeholders to develop something that we as a city would feel very proud of and i truly believe we have created this. with this, the children and families first initiative charter reflects thoughtful and very important feedback from our community coalition, our board of supervisors, the mayor's office and of course
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dcys. in the spirit of strengthening this legislation, this legislation looks to protect our children and family services for young people up to the age of 24 years old. ensure that dcyf has a strong oversight and advisory committee that is transparent and accountable to all residents in the city and extend the funds to support our children and families. and then also build a strong policy table through our children and our families council. i look forward as a city, as a resident, as a city department and a resident of the city with two children in our public school system that we as a city can support our children further. thank you again, and 11-0, that is pretty amazing. thank you. >> thank you, dr. su.
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next up is erica mayburn, coordinator of the san francisco child-care planning and advisory council. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is erica mayburn and i'm the coordinator of the san francisco child-care planning and advisory council. i wanted to first take a moment to thank the supervisors and the supervisors of the rules committee and particularly supervisor kim, supervisor norman yee and supervisor avalos for all of the work and time that you and your staff have committed to the children and families first charter amendments. many of the community recommendations have been incorporated into the legislation, which will have a tremendous impact on our city's families especially those with the highest needs. 13% of our city's children under the age of 5 are at or below the federal poverty level which for a family of three is
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below $20,000. the increased flexibility in the preschool all funds -- excuse me -- would help to create and strengthen early care for all systems that will allow the city to better address the needs of san francisco's youngest families. we have heard a lot that san francisco has the lowest percentage of children compared to all other cities and with the disturbing wealth disparity further isolates and pushes families out. in addition, to the much-needed increase in funding, this legislation exemplifies the commitment to children, youth and the city that doesn't just use the term, but invests in family-friendly policy. we are grateful that this legislation, this 25-year commitment to children, youth and families moves out of rules with full support and unanimous support from the board. thank you so much. >> thank you, erica. so right
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now i'm going open up this item to public comments. i don't have any cards. any public comments on this item? >> chelsie. >> hello supervisors, this is really been an incredible process over the last two years and has been really powerful in terms of stating -- making a statement about the city's commitment to the next generation, to children, youth and families. the children's fund community coalition over the last two years debated a lot of legislative issues to put forth
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as far as policy recommendations and we did that internally and had debate with the members of the board and the mayor's office and it's really a testament to the best public policy coming from public debate. so the children and families first initiative is a powerful piece of legislation. like i said, clear statement about the commitment to the next generation and making sure families with stay here and thrill and can have access to critical services that help take ma make that possible. we're proud that 75% of the children funding community coalition's recommendations are included in the final initiative, including the removal of the trigger and in-kind contribution for pef, a longer planning cycle, more oversight for the children and youth funds and increase in that fund and inclusion of disconnected te aerre. and we know that critical services for children youth and familis will be protected and
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sustained in the city of san francisco. so on behalf of the coalition, we just want to thank supervisor yee, supervisor avalos and supervisor kim, as well as the entire board who are now cosponsoring this legislation and we're excited to see this passes. thank you. >> thank you, cherylin adams >> good afternoon supervisors i'm cherylin adams with larkin street youth services and community coalition and the parent of a preschooler here in san francisco. i just want to echo what chelsie's comments and we are thrilled that this legislation is going forward and is a product of incredible debate and that all of us worked together, i think, to create an amazing piece of legislation that will benefit children, youth and their families. and of course, i'm particularly pleased that we have included disconnected te and appreciate the opportunity to have conversations with many of you, with many of our aides and with many people in the city to
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ensure that children, youth and their families will be protected going forward. so i want to thank you supervisor yee for your support and call out supervisors avalos and kim for their support and everybody for really creating a fabulous piece of legislation. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [ gavel ] so i did give some shout-out to the aides and i really want to also like the speakers give some recognition to my colleagues, in particular supervisor avalos and supervisor kim. i also know that supervisor mar's aide initially had done a lot of work in helping to form
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some of the language around this. the other thing that i wanted to mention is that besides what has been mentioned, the preschool piece we were able to change the language so that it would be a little more flexible in term of how to serve our 0-5 and that in regards to the preschool, that we would be able to continue to focus on the 4-year-old, but also serve the 5 years old who haven't reached kindergarten age and the 3 years old, if there is additional resources. so rather than calling preschool for all, we're calling it "early education for all.", which is the concept at this point. so without further ado, you know, for me, it's been a long, long process with probably 10,000 amendments one way or another.
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and we have finally gotten to this place where we finalized every amendment and it's time to move it out of rules and i would like to make a motion to move it out with positive recommendation. any objection? seeing none, motion passes. [ gavel ] . thank you very much. [ applause ] >> i forget, i want to give a lot, a lot of credit to the community, too, who also worked so hard on this. madame clerk, item no. 2. >> item no. 2 is a motion confirming the mayor's nomation of and appointing sonia melara to the police commission for the unexpired portion of a fourare term ending april 30 2016.2018. >> thank you, sonia. >> honorable members of the rules committee, my name is sonia melara and i'm here to request your vote for the
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nomination to the police commission. i know you may have read my resume and may have portions of my background, but let me highlight those areas that exemplify who i am, what i believe and what i bring to this decision. i am an immigrant and arrived in san francisco 40 plus years ago, i know live in supervisor yee's district 7, but for many years lived in district 9. throughout my stay in this great city i have dedicated myself to working with various community organizations and worked op issues that affect marginalized communities. right out of high school i started as an english as second language tutor in the mission district and also counseled immigrants who needed jobs. it was my personalized experience with work in the immigrant community that made me seek a master's degree in social work. it's a result of
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that education that i practice today both as executive director of rally services at st. francis hospital and member of faculty of the san francisco state gerontology. i work with family work who are in need of visitations. i have been involved in the area of domestic violence with shelters for domestic violence in california, la casa delas mad res. this was at a time when speaking against domestic violence was not very popular. i had the opportunity to work with the police department then, to establish the first protocols pertaining to incidents of domestic violence. this was at a time when the police department did not have a computerized system to access
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restraining orders and when the majority of police injuries were due to officers responding to domestic violence calls. i have since worked with subsequent police chiefs and department personnel on additional improvements. i continue to participate in the district attorney's women's advisory committee and violence council to address issues that still need involvement and serve as director of the council on status of women and succeeded in increasing our funding by 150%. id also worked on various initiatives to improve response. at the school of social work i have taught a range of subjects including policy, mental health, child welfare especially as it applies to marginalized communities.
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throughout my professional career i have addressed the issues handson as the member of president carter's juvenile justice i traveled around the country to oversee the implementation of changes to the act. i also worked in the san francisco sheriff's department to address the women in jail and their children. i am a strong believer in prevention, and have a deep understanding that we need to do whatever we can to address social and economic barriers to deal with violence in our communities; which will result in enhanced public safety. it was this belief that encouraged me to join with another group of women, who started lacoc ina and we believe the only way out of poverty and violence for women
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was through economic development, especially for poor immigrant women. we continue to fulfill that mission today and i also believe we need to balance social consciousness with crime prevention strategies for thoses who are the targets of crimes, as well as the safety of the police officers who risk their lives to enforce the laws on our streets years ago i worked in the first team for project safe, within the police department as the mission district coordinator. i believe then and still believe now that when communities work together, they can create the most successful crime prevention strategies. spearheaded by st. francis hospital in its foundation, i am presently involved in the tenderloin health improvement partnership plan that brings together community partners, the private and government sectors to implement initiatives that will help address public safety, and
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