tv [untitled] July 4, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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do it. we'll try to make this a quicky and as always, we hope everyone will be satisfied. madam chair, will you please call the role. city clerk: president courtney. >> here. >> city clerk: commissioner vt vietor. speaker: here. moran. >> here. >> torres. >> we have a quorum. >> thank you donna. the first item is approval of meeting minutes of june 10, 2014. commissioners. >> i'll second. speaker: it has moved and second. any discussion? >> any public comment on number 3, approval of the meeting minutes of june 10. seeing none, public is now closed. all those in favor, signify by saying aye. the motion carries. madam secretary, next item. city clerk: item 4, general public comment. >> i have three speaker cards. if you're interested in
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speaking, please fill out a speaker card and hand it to the secretary. the first card i have is from joan gerado. >> welcome back, joan. >> thank you. i wanted to speak on an issue not on the agenda today. the transition of the francisco reservoir property to the recreation park department. and the memorandum of understanding was made public on eight days ago, and most people have not looked at it yet. i wanted to say that many of us citizens believe that the spuc should take the risk and go to planning and the board of supervisors and get zoning and the height in bulk
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to allow housing and open space on this site. the site is two blocks from aquatic park. there's enough room in this space to put a children's play ground, but it's an insult to rate payers to not explore the possibility of selling the soft for development once you get the entitlement and allowing some housing there. in a couple of days we're going to be experiencing rather increases and i've heard private developers saying that just three acres of this would probably bring 60 to $80 million if it was bid on the open market. that would wipe out rate increases for four years for residential rate payers. i think it's reasonable and
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appropriate for the puc is explore having a hybrid of a combination of housing, development and open space even if this takes a little bit of time. the property has been left the way it is for 70 years and we don't see a rush to make any decisions right away. everything has been done behind closed doors until now and as i say, court documents were made public eight days ago. that's my comment. i wish that you would explore a hybrid of housing and getting the entitlements to do that and open space. thank you. >> thank you again for being here. the next card i have is from lorraine lucas. good afternoon, lorraine. >> good afternoon, everyone. i also want to speak on the franciscan reservoir. i just read the appraisal's report. i just got
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it last week and what they say is the best use for the property would be as joan said, a hybrid. what they're talking about, a development of 47,200 square feet with open space of 200,000 square feet. that would give the neighborhood plenty of open space and a park. it will generate to the housing and it could have seven units of affordable housing. a lot of people don't like to say luxury housing, but seven units of housing is better than zero. it will not take away money from the open space. other neighborhoods need this money, so the rec and park is paying the puc and that money is coming from open space. it should be coming from developers and the
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russian hill neighborhood could have 200,000 square feet. they can have the children's play ground and a dog park and we can have housing and income coming in from the housing as tax revenue. so i hope that you will take another look at this mou. thank you. >> thank you for being here low rain. the next speaker card is from francisco. good afternoon, francisco. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i thank each one of you all [inaudible] about three pages, chronologically giving you some important dates about water projects all over california. and the reason why i did that is again and again for most -- more than 55 years old, if you understand
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what happened at the lake and other projects, developers come and try to build thousands and thousands of units and try to delete our resources so when we come here and mostly you're dealing with projects and you all say aye or nay on the project and that's fine. but we need to look far into the future. the legacy that you leave here is what good have you left for future generations? and some of you are [inaudible] because you know the mechanisms. you know the models. you have said it before. we all remember the six year drought. we're now into this three year drought, and some of us are
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still allowing people with large swimming pools, people using millions of gallons of water as part of their operations, like ibm and so on and so forth, and we need to bring it to their attention and this is the main thing that i want to bring to your attention that each drop of water in california belongs to everybody. and this notion that this precious water that belongs to all of us as part of the comments and other acts like the public trust act, this notion that this water belongs to us californians, each one of us is fading away. i saw sexy ads from this commission that are going to be played out
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in the realm of the public on how to conserve water, yes. senator torres, very interesting. it brings to the attention of the public and we have to use subtle molds so that people know how precious water is. water is life. if you don't have water, you don't have life. thank you very much. >> thank you very much for being here, francisco. the next -- yes, commissioner torres. >> i just want to thank you francisco because the history that you provided -- to all of us was informative. thank you. >> thank you again. >> the next card i have is from eddie. >> good afternoon, brother. >> good afternoon, president. i have copies that i would like to
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distribute to members of the commission. thank you. good afternoon, eddie on with bright line defense project. i'm before here before you to talk about [inaudible]. there was questions about numbers regarding the program and as a result of those questions, we sought out the sharpest minds who studied the programs, the solar industry and there's a report released just yesterday called the vote solar progress report. running through a hand full of the numbers, it shows that 406 to 470 jobs are created as a result of go sp job. as well as the jobs for disadvantage workers and 62 being workers of color. we're saying for every $1, there's -- it's a phenomenal investment that actually ends up leading to $65 million over
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the long term. and finally on the question of greenhouse gas and missions, the report shows that over $172 million pounds are increases. this is impressive numbers and it's great to have them verified today and we like to thank the mayor for his initiative in wanting to fund the program and we thank the board of supervisors for reaffirming this and we thank you commissioner for providing the leadership to make sure that the tireless efforts of advocates such as jackson who is here today, that we'll continue to have solar installed across the city on all households regardless of income. so thank you. >> thank you, mr. hon. >> i have no further speaker cards. are there any other folks in attendance what want to make a comment under this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. next
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item. city clerk: item 5 is communications. >> commissioners. there's no discussion, i'll call for public comment on item number 5. any public comment on the communications. seeing none, public item is closed. next item. city clerk: other commissioner business. >> the need for the commendation of brenda jones came after the agenda was publish. the committee may still entertain if a commissioner will do so. >> so moved. >> second. >> it has been seconded. any discussion. is there any public comment on this item. seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor, signify by saying aye. >> aye.
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>> the motion carries. general manager kelly. [inaudible]. >> thank you very much for being here. so there's a prepared remark, please bare with me. on behalf of the commission, i would like to acknowledge brenda, bj jones who will officially announce that she's going to retire on july 1, 2014. bj, you began your career here in 1982 in the water department kuft mayor service bureau and went to work for the department of public works. the fire department, the health department and came home to the puc again in 1992. bj, you have worked throughout the puc most recently to the southeast community facility, southeast
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community and the southeast community facility commission. you were born a networker and event planner ex troid nature. many of you know bj for her organizing skills for events like the celebration of black american history luncheon and galla. the commission honors you today and everyone will miss your day-to-day presence and your vie va shs personality. i would like to welcome mawulli -- supervisor cohen who is here to make a presentation to bj on behalf of the board of supervisors. thank you again for your service and congratulations. [applause] >> well, obviously i'm not her. but what i would like to do is take
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this opportunity to really express the closeness that bj and i have enjoyed over the ten years that i've been with the puc. when i started with the puc, i realized that bj was a large personality. in fact, i was wondering, i said who was bj's manager and then i realize that she managed her manager, and so when we start working together as part of the c-bot committee, we actually -- we really worked well together and when i became president, she was the vice president and she managed me well. and at the event, we started together -- started with 13 folks, was it, bj? and it was over 500 people going to the event, and i'll tell
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you, bj has taken the responsibility of organizing that people and talking to people getting people excited. she has been an inspiration to me and to the whole c-bot committee and we're going miss her greatly. i always tell her you're not going to far. we're going to always have you participate in events that you help create. i'm going to miss you personally, and i wish you the best and i really love you, so i want to give you a plaque so that you can remember us by, so let me come down there and give it to you. >> can i have the representative from supervisor cohen's office. thank you for being here. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> so my name is moli here representing supervisor cohen. she cannot be here because she's going to her own board meetings, but she
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did want to make sure that you're recognized for the incredible work that you do with the community and just on a personal note, i mean, at any time i interact with you, you make me feel welcomed and at home, and it's like i'm home at texas. thank you so much. so we just have this small token of appreciation from you from supervisor, and i'll just quickly read it. in recognition of your 30 years of service with the san francisco public utilities commission, and in appreciation of the exceptional and honorable work you have done with the is the east community facility and the bay view community, the city and county of the san francisco board of supervisors here by extending their highest accommodations and sends their best wishes to you on this special day. >> thank you very much.
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[applause] >> thank you. so before we ask you to come up front, if you'd be kind enough to address us in your most authoritative way as an employee, let us have it. >> this is truly a humbling experience for me, and it has been a long time and i've been with the puc for 22 of my 30 years. i've been under managers, commissioner moran and i was here when the water department was the water department. i know where all the bodies were buried. i want to say to everyone, i'm truly going to miss everyone, and i have to change my life now because the city
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and county has been a big part of my life for so many years. i was a young girl from la, my sassy swag and i came up here with that, and i'm leaving with that, so i want -- i still got my swag. >> you never lost it. >> so i didn't have my sun glasses on. my mother told me, please don't wear your sun glasses so i obeyed my mother and i didn't wear my sun glasses, but i want to address everybody that i've worked with that is here to support me and see me off. it has been a ride and i'm looking forward to my retirement, open willing up my own business, my event planning business doing some shopping, i went shopping yesterday in the middle of the day and i'm, like, oh, wow, now i can go shopping in the middle of the day and get my senior discount and don't have to worry about getting back to work. this has been an experience and i love everybody and i'm going to
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[applause] >> well, the things you learn from working with bj is the powerful personality. it has been astounding over the years and no matter what's going on, she always has a smile and a good hug and keeps you going. that's a wonderful gift. >> so i'm going to go ahead and call for public comment on this item. if there's any, please let me know. feel free to come up.
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it's important to recognize the great, great work that's being done by the staff, outstanding capable staff that we have here, so don't be shy. francisco, thank you. >> on behalf of the constituents of the southeast sector, i would like to offer all the best to bj and i look forward to the next person who is going to take her place, to work very hard with the community because we really need somebody that understands our needs, and that can take us to a better place, so thank you very much, bj, i wish you all the best, and we look forward to you sharing your experience in the future with the community. >> thank you francisco. any other public comment on the item? my doctor, good afternoon. >> good afternoon, dr. jackson.
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you know, i have to say something because bj -- as long as i have been knowing her, and the fact that she has been an individual that all the community needs that works on behalf of the community and have the concern of the community and have the joy of working for the community, and i would like to say, bj, i'm going to miss you, and i'm hoping whomever that you commissioners decide to bring in, i want bj to interview that individual and let that individual understand that that individual have to deal with dr. jackson. thank you. >> thank you very much. are there any other public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. city clerk: item 7 is the report of the general manager.
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>> so the first item i would like to talk about is our water supply outlook, and as you probably have heard and seen on the news that we launched our campaign to heighten the awareness of conservation efforts. yesterday we announced that we will continue asking our wholesale retail customers to curtail their usage by 10%, and that determination was made partly because in the last month, we start seeing everyone pitching in and actually we were trending below 10% so with this renewed action and commitment and also with the campaign that we've launched, we feel that 10% voluntary curtailment would be achievable, so with that, i
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wanted to ask steve ritchie to go over a presentation to talk about where we are today. >> thank you general manager. this is steve ritchie, assistant general manager from water. if we can have the slides, please. basically right now our total storage is 64.5% of maximum with $494,000 is available as water si ply and as i have emphasized in past presentations and that's because of our water bank and preserving that and i'll talk about that. we need to achieve a demand production of 210%. this defers a production by 20% by one year in the future. if we didn't make a reduction this year, we would have to go to 20% this year, but keeping that up, that needs to go to 20%. that's important
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because 20% is a harsh cut. the demand response has been variable, but in the last four weeks, we've seen marketing improvements by our customers as a whole. our reservoir storage level as of june 22, they're at 94 percent and it's full, which is really good news for us. but at a price, water bank is down to about 35% of capacity. and i'll show the significance of that in the next slide. this is a graph showing historically how much water has been in water bank. it has ranged as high as 750,000 acre feet and we have stored access. our current storage is 197,000 access and if you look at the feet, only during the last drought between 1987 and 1992 has water bank been this low, so this is just another sign
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that we're in a drought, but again the tool is working for us in terms of being able to draw that down to feed the disstricts while we keep the water for ourselves. the accumulative perception, i may not show this slide because it's not going to change until october 1st. i might as well drop the snow pack slide. it has been zero for a while. it ain't going anywhere. our outlook is close to full while the bank is depleted. we're starting to ramp up releases from cherry to opt milliliters the bank. imize -- the black dash line
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is the reduction line and what you can see is the last four weeks, demand has come down and has stayed flat. if we stay flat until september 1st, we'll be on your way to achieving the total 10% reduction for the year. which we've got a new graphic on that. basically a water glass, as opposed to a fundraiser thermometer, it is filling up an empty water glass. we have to save our customers 8 billion gallons of water to achieve that number. our goal is to get by the end of the summer, to 5.7. that's the level that we can get to if we keep demand flat. so hopefully as we watch the summer, this glass is going to fill up with saved water for us and that's important. the management actions that we've been taken, we're continuing the 10%
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voluntary water use reduction wide. we have two major projects under way. rehabilitation of the cherry aqua duck and the small treatment plant. through these projects, we rely to fill cherry reservoir as of january 15th. we want to use it going forward if the drought persists. we're rolling out major campaign here in san francisco. i did not print all of the campaign displays, but this is what we're using with dirty hands and doing it and satisfied as you noted president courtney, for a quicky of a meet that we might have before us. that campaign, we rolled out yesterday and got positive attention on it and president
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courtney said it well, it may be practice vok tifb, but you have to be pro vok tifb to give them to save. as i mentioned, they have curtail notices for water right holders which is the irrigation system and we're watching that closely to see if there's an effect on us. the water board just issued regulations regarding enforcement of curtailment notices. this could have an affect on us and we're reviewing it with the city attorney's office to determine what kind of action is appropriate and what comments are appropriate. the water board is expected to consider adoption as soon as july 1st. so we'll be watching that closely. on june 17th, they had a work shop on urban water supplies to
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