tv [untitled] July 4, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PDT
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attention on it and president courtney said it well, it may be practice vok tifb, but you have to be pro vok tifb to give them to save. as i mentioned, they have curtail notices for water right holders which is the irrigation system and we're watching that closely to see if there's an effect on us. the water board just issued regulations regarding enforcement of curtailment notices. this could have an affect on us and we're reviewing it with the city attorney's office to determine what kind of action is appropriate and what comments are appropriate. the water board is expected to consider adoption as soon as july 1st. so we'll be watching that closely. on june 17th, they had a work shop on urban water supplies to reduce water usage. they
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expect to have emergency drought rescue on june 19th and considered by july 16. it's not clear what direction that's going to go, but what's likely is a state wide percent reduction and that's something to come up in the regulations. i think they'll focus on recommended actions that they would try to put in place as requirements for all users of water. but we'll see as those come out on july 9. so in summary, the drought is still on. we'll continue with 10% conservation through calendar 2014 and we're working closely with the customers to achieve that demand and we're doing better. we need to keep on track on conservations and i'm happy to answer any questions. >> i have a question. so speaking about serving, i think it got a lot of press that the
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sacramento capital has let their lawn go brown, and we've received a letter in our packet about the greenness of our lawn here at city hall and it made me think about the water use that we do as a city or agency, and whether there's savings there and some potential to draw some attention to this important issue throughout the public you curtailing our own water use. >> i think we'll talk about the mayor's office about that very directly. i think that's a good question. >> i think one of the things that we are working with other departments, for example, rec and park is responsible for irrigation and i think august 1st, they're required to come back with an action plan. they have initiated some actions already, which i don't have all of them off the top of my head. speaker: rec and parks, for example, they asked all their gardeners to reduce watering times by
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10%. turned off a lot of fountains and you'll see a lot of dry fountains around the city and the only ones running is the ones to keep the mechanisms from falling apart. we're working with them. we're going to try to work with them to get fixtures replaced in the recreation center that will reduce water usage. i started producing a report for rec and park that shows by individual meter, their water use. currently it's all rolled up into one and they pay their bill, but we're working with them to turn their meeting into a management tool in terms of water use reduction. >> if i may, so i also took note of the letter. the letter come from, i believe it's a board president of one of the hoa's at one -- i guess it's a cooperative housing unit and it's pointed, but i think it's important because i'm also talking to rec and park, and what we wouldn't want to see is we wouldn't want to see the
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neighborhoods not have input. what i think would be tragic is if we kind of expeditiously let all the grass and trees and bushes in the southeast just die because that was easy to do without having some kind of process. i did take note of the city hall comment, but i also know this area, if you go out there right now, it's lined for play. the kids are relying -- they're going to play soccer there or something. there's an important recreation use and because i do have a relationship with the rec and park, i know the difference between the golf course and the golden gate park and who gets the recycling water and what doesn't count, but i would hate to see us in an effort to expedite this, not have appropriate public participation in that conversation at each and every level. >> i agree. i will note that i
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did see a comment on the capital lawn and that that was -- there was one small piece of lawn that was allowed to die. everything else is still alive because it's a large public park and it's the same issue you're talking about president courtney, is parks are valuable for our structure, so we have to balance the water savings with the utility as public space. >> not the entire capital park is going to be left brown, is it? just the governor's office. >> i was talking about this advertising campaign and the potential to draw attention to this issue and i thought it was effective and what they did in sacramento and there's been a lot of press to let the capital go brown and people are saying they're doing their part as the state to show they care about the drought and doing what they can to make a difference. >> he feels this has already happened. >> we're hearing there's a plan
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that's brought to us, on august 1st of what these measures are, which will be great and shows the savings as a city we're committing to. it will mobilize people -- it's interesting to note how much attention the sacramento project has brought to this issue. >> well, i think that's really more of an example as opposed to what we have to do. i think if were following a 10% reduction, i think that's what we should be doing. we do have to water, but we to respect what is going on in california. but that does not mean that we have to bear everything. i went through the 70s where everybody had dry lawns and everybody
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gave it up. we're not at that point yet and i don't think we should go to those measures at this juncture as long as we're conserving. we've all learned with our own little plot to land that you can waterless and still have good results, so i don't think it's anything we should jump into right now. >> the one thing i want to point out, we're working with all the city departments to ask them how they can meet the mandate of 10% reduction and so one of the things is we're working with them to actually make sure that we are providing them with accurate data and now they're paying more attention and in some cases they realize there's leakage, so we're working with them to fix some leakage. the other thing is in recreation and park, they have a lot of urinals that are old that actually use a lot of water. the problem
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with -- although we give rebates, the problem is having the plumber to pay for someone to actually install it, and so we're trying to figure out ways that we can help them to, you know, look at ways that they can work with maybe the union to get some of this work done, so there's some of the challenges. the other thing is they make investments in lawns and trees, so they have to make sure that they sort of reduce their consumption without allowing everything to die, so i think 10%, if they achieve 10%, you know, they just need to tell us what their plans are. the department of public works do a lot of sweep cleaning so we're trying to work with them on recycled water, so we're coming up with all these plans and ideas and august 1st, we'll have a better idea for the departments and what they're doing to meet the
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10% reduction. >> vice president king. >> could you talk about the water bank? do we supply the water bank or what -- tell us about the water bank? >> the water bank is a storage volume in dawn pedro reservoir where we can deposit water that we owe to the districts when most convenient for us and fill it up, leave it there, and then they draw when we need not to put water there. it's just a certain amount of water that is the volume of water that we the districts and they can take that before they take water. >> that's what it has always been. >> it's nothing more than the two districts, right? >> it's an arrangement between us and the two districts. for example, this year, the in a natural in flow we would have been
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entitled to is 8,000 feet. we were able to store 200,000 acre feet. >> so we don't really reap any value from the water banks? >> we reap nothing directly. >> or that we have to give to the district or choose? >> it's a matter of timing. that's the key thing that makes it work for us. >> all right. any other questions on that. i'll move onto the next item. thank you, steve. the sewer system improvement program update. karen kubick. >> okay. if i can get the
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slides up, please. good afternoon, karen kubick, i'm the director of the capital improvement program and i'm here for the update. to move to the agenda, it's a program status update and i'm going to talk about where we are with our eip's, the condition assessment work and climate change, and give you some updates in our projects that's in planning and design phase and an update on stakeholder engagement and work force development. so the projects are shown here, they're program wide status schedule. we have 33 projects in design phase and two projects that's in construction. these projects are being executed in accordance with the level of service that were developed in collaboration with the commission and endorsed. we're using triple bottom line,
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particularly on the green project to help us narrow down alternatives so we can have one single alternative. we're beginning to date that test that on treatment plant projects. we've been using it on iep and collection systems. the intent is we'll be returning to the commission in the fall actually, and do a detailed briefing on bottom line we're going to add treatments. there's a great deal of interest in the project, so this schedule lays out all eight projects and the construction phase is shown in the baby blue. what is fantastic is construction on the wiggle is going to be starting next month. that includes green street components, along felon oak. it's a project with mta and dpw. the next
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project is mission viejo. we've actually started up some green infrastructure training classes and we've had two sessions to date. commissioner moran asked at a previous meeting about the performance of the eip's, so this chart breaks down the individual areas managed, the annual storm water removed for a typical year as well as the budget for each of the eight eip's. the eip's hand been designed to remove the first three quarters inch of rain. you can see the performance is vastly greater for areas where there's a large drainage area that's managed. >> a couple of questions on that, and i appreciate your providing this information. you said that you're doing a triple bond analysis on these, i would be curious in
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seeing that because when you look at this and you do a unit cost kind of thing, the china town islands come in an order of magnitude worse than everybody else and that's what i would like to see, what the balancing of that is. how do we like at that as a project. >> when we're looking at triple bottom line, we're looking for alternatives for any given of the iep's. we have four different alternatives for china town and for wiggle and they're across the board. two commissioners have brought an interest on but there's a briefing so we can see what they're looking like. >> that would be good. as pilot projects, part of the problem is when would you say that i know enough to decide whether i like it or really don't. >> we'll be monitoring performance of each of these as well, so along with the construction based on
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performance, we'll be looking at three years to see how much storm water is removed and be able to track that back. it is going to inform our standards that we developed for green infrastructure and how the city will build this or not built in certain areas. the next slide, please. another part of the program that's one that i want to highlight is our condition assessment work. we have a lot of large assets, its transfer storage boxes and tunnels and we have prioritized that on age. we're doing assessments, which robotic and video, so we've gotten several assets and we're finding a lot of new information we'll be bringing back to you. some assets are looking good, but some are going to be pushed at the top of the pile and have to require some work and some
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construction in phase 1. they're up to 100 years old that we're looking at. on the climate change side, some breaking news. we have maps for the base side and west side which is going to help us as we plan this system, and i want to put up a map that reflects what the city will look like if we have a 36 inch sealable rise. this is a scenario that we're expecting to be seeing in the year 2100 on a permanent basis. so it's something that's a concern. in 2050, we'll be seeing some levels like this when we have storm surge or others. so 36 inches is quite real. we're using this information to inform how we execute the surge improvement program, how we design things, how we develop [inaudible] plans, where we sight facilities and it's a sense -- sensitivity when we're doing our site plan.
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we're sharing this with other city departments that has asked us that sits along the water front. the climate change information rolls into urban water shed. we're in the phase of conducting our alternative analysis for urban water sheds, focusing on improvements for the bay side. it's not great for infrastructure and we do have some areas where we want to combine for discharge. we're looking armor green and gray and we're running different -- to arrive at those to give us a level of service. out of the urban water shed, we'll be able to ascertain what size tunnel we'll be looking at to provide our solution for central base side system improvement project. that as you recall is a project we have in ssip that will provide
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redundancy for marina and child basin, all the way to is the east plant and that broke in the 1989 earthquake. so that project is being moved along in parallel with urban water shed and urban water shed is going to inform that so we can determine size of tunnel and sectors and infrastructure that's apart of that. we have conducted our geo tech and we need to evaluate green infrastructure. we'll have meeting with the urban water shed this summer. for the treatment plants a lot of work happening at plants. we have seven projects that will be occurring at the plant. while the treatment plant. we're playing out all those projects can and
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coming up with an inter face project. we need disinfection to be happening and we need to fulfill our commitment to the neighborhood and it's a complex thing. it's going to have different staging sites and a lot of overlapping, a lot of work and hand off, and transactions that have to be put in place. it's called our southeast plant integration and this is so we don't miss a step, so everything goes smoothly so the plant folks will know, operations and maintenance folks will know what is the plant going to be looking like in two years, three years as we progress through the ssip. a project that you'll be happy to hear we're moving forward with is southeast head works. this is the facility of the plant off the third where all of the flows convert, it flows from the south to the north. it does a better job at
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removing grit. we're looking at pilot studies, testing out technologies for how we can remove the sound and grit from the system. we'll be moving forward with an rsp to help us to have a successful project. to give you an idea about expand grit coming through the system, it's 300 tens a year. that's a lot of sand and grit. bio solid, which i know is everyone's favorite project is moving rapidly. some of the team is here behind me. we've been holding workshops. they had been burning the midnight oil to keep this project run and moving as quickly as possible. right now we're in discussion with executive management to talk about technology and our technology recommendations. from there, we can move forward and do layouts of the bio solid facility so we can accelerate into getting environmental review and moving this project along.
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>> can i ask a question about that? will it come to the commission when you have recommendation because i know technology and everything is changing so fast and just for us to have an understanding of what these treatment facilities are going to look like and what the opportunities are to be cutting edge? >> so what we can do at a point in time where we feel comfortable about what we're going to represent, we can bring forward as part of what we're recommending. >> that would be great. before it gets to eri would be great. our thinking was we would do the final year meeting, the end of the year meeting probably december or november and feature bio solids and have that -- have the eight minutes be on bio solid. stakeholder engagement it's a core value and we've been try to go hit it at every
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angle, lots of venues and ways engage the public and i want to thank commissioner vietor because we've been having fun with our advisory group. it's sponsored by spur and it has been a neat forum to get different people and back grounds talking about things. we've presented to them about urban water shed and our triple bottom line approach and i think next meeting we're going to be talking about sustainable financing which is cool. southeast working group has convened. we have some new faces and old faces so we're trying to bring those new faces town speed. we're going to do a working tour next week taking folks -- that's the best way for folks to see the plants. we want them to be walking and smell and seeing and being there. and i think you were briefed on the composition of that group at the last meeting. we always have a lot of members, which is
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fantastic. we were given the opportunity to brief the waste water cac at the last meeting and they gave updates on the key projects and it was a fantastic time to get face time with that group. tours, presentations, we're still keeping along on that. work force development, this is the third year we've had our ssip internship running and we have -- a lot of student have been returning each year. some we have -- there's third year and they're attending the meeting today so i want to see -- students can you stand up for a second. >> they look so mature, it's hard to believe they're students. we have some enrolled with the hopes that some want to be engineers or communication people. we love having them be apart of the group. very organized, been attending
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a lot of different meetings with us. i've been explaining a lot of what we do is meetings. contractors assistant center, as i mentioned, we have two infrastructure training and we have seven primes attend which is fantastic. we had members of the public attend. there was a network session last week also for professional services, primes to meet subs. we had over 200 attendee. we had nine different primes that set up booths to talk to the subs about what type of work there is and to be able to network. this thursday we have a session with contractors, primes and subs, so that's going to keep going and that's been exciting to use the center. a bit of surprise, our waste water was featured in the comic strip of ssf weekly. this was
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the sff weekly issue, apparently there's one every year. comic issue. so tony and george have exceeded expectation with sore awareness for everyone and i've seen people on the fairy, on the bus, on muni reading about us. i brought you copies. it's page 10 and 12. one the riders attended a tour and there we are in colored ink. good press. that concludes my report. thank you. >> do you have a copy for all of us? >> yeah, i do. >> i have a question. >> vice president caen. >> i'm sure commissioner moran would join me in asking, what's happen with the digester. >> right now we're in the process of stabilizing the rule
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-- the rules we have and moving as quickly as possible with the replacement project. we're still on schedule and have every one at the highest level at this city, harlan and my boss helping to make the pieces fall in place. >> the other thing i wanted to point out is that given the fact that the digesters is the largest part of the improvement program and also it is the heart that will sorts of be as far as the southeast facility, we wanted to make sure whatever technology we've invested in is something that we feel comfortable, so one of the things that staff has been doing is going to other places where different technology has been applied and not talking to the sale's man, but talk to go the operation staff and maintenance staff to get, you know, their opinion on how the
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different technology is working. and so as we mentioned before, that has pretty much finalized their recommendation, they're planning to present, i think tomorrow to senior staff to give what their recommendations are, and once that happens and after we have that conversation, we will schedule a time where we can present that to the commission. and just to put in perspective, you need to kind of settle on a technology because it has a lot of other requirements, so placing it also -- you have to know what technology you're going to use, what foot print you need so you can start doing citing so a lot of things are contingent on the type of technology we plan on using. >> staff has been supporting that through back to back workshops, operations, maintenance and
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our engineering staff. >> we have been through a lot of visions of digesters over the last number of years and i would like to be apart of the investigation. in reality, we shouldn't be because we're not hands on, but just because of our interest in it, i would like to be more up-to-date about what we're looking at and where we are. so if you wouldn't mind doing that, sharing that with us, i would appreciate it. >> sure. if you would like to go and visit a couple of different technology, we would love to arrange for that because i think actually going and seeing what other people have done, you know, again, other cities are embracing the newer technology. the interesting things for the
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technology like kamby and that is being installed in washington, dc and they haven't installed it online, but we have looked at places where it's running and we've been looking at the challenges with that technology. we definitely can involve the commissioners and give them maybe an update and whoever would like to get more involved, we can give that information or arrange so you can look at the different technology that we've been looking at. >> thank you. >> thank you very much karen. so with that, that concludes my report. >> thank you general manager kelly. i have two speaker cards. if anybody else would like to speak on the general manager's report, please fill out a speaker's card. the first card is on
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acula. good afternoon, nicole. >> good afternoon, president courtney, commissioners. i did want to come and speak on the water supply in particular i had the pleasure and i think the honor, i appreciated participating in the press event yesterday. more than ever, we're working quite closely with your staff and your general manager and focusing on the message to get the water reduced reductions. we got off to a bit of a rocky start, it was difficult with the rain that continued off and on. but we have seen a significant change in the last couple of weeks and in fact as we look at the data now, we're on track with an idea of getting an average annual water saving reduction. what that mean and you had a lot of
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