tv [untitled] July 5, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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>> yes, mr. chairman, members of the committee. on page 7 of our report this is a separate report on the city administrator. i recommend reductions to the proposed budget total 284,506 dollars. in 14-15, of that amount [speaker not understood] are ongoing savings. 55,891 are one-time saving. those reductions would still allow an increase of 12.4 million or 4.2%. in the department's 14-15 budget that would result in 294,506 savings to the city's general fund in 14-15. i recommended reductions to the proposed budget total 2 74,8 92 in 15-16. all of which are ongoing saving. those reductions would still allow an increase of 566,777 of 2/10 of a percent of the department's 15-16 budget. as i understand it, the department concurs with our recommended reductions as shown on pages 8 and 9 of this
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separate report for today city administrator. >> we concur. i should have stated that at the beginning of my presentation. i'd like to thank harvey rose, [speaker not understood] for the great collaboration we've had this year. so, thank you. >> thank you very much, colleague. questions for mr. rose or for ms. kelly? okay, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> okay. up next we have our police department. >> good morning, supervisors. >> good morning. >> folk get us queued up, i also want to have a chance to say thank you to everybody that
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helps the department out and me personally. budget is never a strong suit of mine, so, it takes a lot of work and a lot of help to get to us this day. specifically, the board's assistance, especially with the staffing plan from two years ago, but starting this summer we start to go positive marching back to the charter mandate in 171. the police commission is always supportive of certainly mayor lee for his leadership, and that of his budget office. kate howard, the budget director and jason cunningham and leo chi, the analysts assigned tower office. controller's office, ben rosenfeld, [speaker not understood] who is also assigned to the department as you can tell there's a lot of people assigned to help us. and then of course my staff, [speaker not understood], my budget director carolyn walsh, my deputy chief of admin [speaker not understood], and over the last couple weeks working with the budget analyst's office, want to thank harvey rose and [speaker not
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understood] and company for the help. we're pretty close, we hope, and i'll get to that through the budget presentation. so, i'm going to do a budget overview, hiring plan updates as i know the board always wants to hear about that. there's already been some conversation about the new public safety building. i'll provide an update there. technology projects [speaker not understood] to the efficiency that have us making up for the lack of staffing that we suffered the last few years. capital improvement projects. and then the vehicle situation. the 14-15 budget is 529,9 78,000. general fund of that 412 million. state revenues about 45.7 million is from the public safety tax ~. then there's federal revenues, police fees for other departments, fees and fines for services. again, about 89% of our budget
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is salary and fringe. the rest is professional services, material and supplies. i would make note that's one of the areas that they were still having a difference with the budget analyst. our ask of this year is the exact same as last year. there's no change. our capital outlay and the department charges breakdown of $39.4 million. work orders is something we're often asked about. i cannot speak specifically to this [speaker not understood]. our airport work order is the largest. the mta work order is going down. in 12-13 the work order was 10 million, 60% of traffic enforcement, and 13-14, the traffic work order is 5 million. as we go into 14-15 that will be halved again to about 15%. and then the second year of
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this budget, the entire mta general fund dollars will come back to the police department budget. and then as you can see the other breakdown, the port, puc, library, hsa, moscone, treasure island, and dpw. for positionses in the budget, our 14-15 budget is going up about $3 million. and although a lot of money, it is actually just 6/10 of 1%. so our budget is relatively flat. you can see that the positions, although they don't seem like they're going up, we're holding our own. this june is the sunsetting of the deferred retirement option plan which actually saw historic records of retirements. when the drop -- when i started as chief, i was probably in the -- about the 300th senior police officer in the san francisco police department. i'm now in the top 20.
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to indicate how much seniority has gone out the door, so, i'm old. as far as our sworn hiring plan, which is very critical to get totion that 1971, i know that every member of the board wants to have more police officers on foot and they want them yesterday. so, to that end we've been hiring in earnest. in 12-13 we hired 183, 30 of those were paid for by the airport and 13-14 we hired 157. in the next two years we will hire about 165. we have about a 10% attrition rate that don't make it through. we try to get the people that we hire to be people that we think can make it through, but we want to get folks that are going to make good police officers. 15 of those are funded by the airport. the next graph says where we were, where we would be without the hiring plan as approved by the board. this slide is pretty graphic.
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as you can tell, last sum early and this summer will be as low as it's ever been for police officers on the streets of san francisco and yet as you'll see in later slides, we're at least holding our own against violent crime. as those 103 officers come back, those will be the beat officers, bikoff certificates, and s-r-os. and the like will be the folks that everybody has always want to see and i'd like to have on the streets as well. it is very, very critical that we hold to the staffing plan and the schedule as every delay is officers out to the street and the delays in the past is how we got into this situation that we're in in the first place. i know that when supervisor chiu or city assessor chu was present in the budget committee, recivilianizing positions that were fallen to police officers that was better served by civilians was a priority.
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there were 53 budgeted positionses. 25 of those have been filled, 25 police officers -- full-duty police officers have gone back to the streets which is approximately half an academy class. we have 28 positions in the hiring process which will get us to the 53 and have 28 full-duty police officers identified as full-duty. that's more uniformed police officers where they should be on the street. the next slide is a slide that i've mentioned. the last couple years we had fallen to everyone in the san francisco police department was on the standard 10-hour day that most police officers in the country are on that are in patrol. so, when we went back to the standard where it was just for patrol, about 25% of the police department went to either the 8-hour day if they're an administrative assignment or 9 hour day if they're on
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assignment that requires additional training. that was a net gain of about 66 ftes or about a $10.5 million saving to the department. and over 60 officers that were in admin assignment since the offer was, if i'm changing from 10-hour day to a different schedule and you want to go to a station which is where we would rather have the officers anyway that was available to them, over 60 officers took advantage of that which is again akin to more than the academy class. the public safety building is plus or minus 30 days on schedule, which is fantastic news. great work by the contractors, the city administrator's office, dpw and all parties involved ferment we will be having a public open house sometime in november which will predate the actual occupancy as most of the upper floors are secure. but since it's a beautiful building and paid for with public bond monies, we think it only right that the public
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should be able to see what their money paid for and we really appreciate the second easter bond being passed by such an overwhelming margin which will get us a new crime lab. this building, by the way, will be sustainable for 96 hours after an earthquake and can headquarter all emergency response after such a disaster. lot of solar power deficiencies, and includes back up power for department of operations center again, in the event of a major disaster. it has been big in the department. after many years of not being so, i know that director more et is here. thanks to her and pushing the envelope as far as getting us on the web and having a crime data warehouse that is pretty much the envy of the country as far as the crimes that it's able to solve and the information it has ~. and then as of late last year, we're the only department in the state that every officer
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has a smart phone with fleck access because of permissions of the attorney general's office. and, again, the work of susan merit and her team. again, lots of crime being solved. and we have the network connectivity to the cars which will make the information even faster, and the ongoing issuance of smart phones. since the command staff is not outside, we're still on the blackberry, but soon enough we'll be on a newer device. >> supervisor wiener? >> yes. excuse me. to go back to staffing [speaker not understood] to see we're finally [speaker not understood] and moving up. and, so, i know it's 2018 we're going to hit [speaker not understood]. the open question of whether 1971 is still full staffing, given that we have more population, more economic activity, neighborhoods that didn't exist when that number was set.
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i know it's 2200, 2300 might be full staffing. so, that will be a policy choice we'll have to make in terms of whether we continue the three class he per year once we hit 1971 ~. but i guess the question is just from the perspective of to the regular resident of san francisco in our neighborhoods, as you know and you hear it as well, we hear it, about why don't i see more police officers, i want to see more officers walking beats. i want to see, you know, more of a presence. and we know that obviously, you know, responding to critical calls is job one and also there are times when there are officers who are not in uniform so they're in the neighborhood but you don't know that they're there. but as we start increasing the numbers gradually over time, what can a regular resident of san francisco expect to see in term of seeing more beat walking, just seeing more presence in the neighborhood?
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>> so, the, the short answer would be about 15 -- every station is going to gain about 15% in staffing. so, plus or minus every station will enjoy somewhere between 10 and 20 additional officers. and all those officers, as far as i'm concerned, will be beat officers or bicycle officers. >> okay. so -- >> it will be an appreciable difference. as it is right now, when the beat officers were increased on market street, the comments that we got from the general public were tremendous. when we put additional officers at stations and then that results in beat office, i know the park station and richmond station have been brought up to the minimum staffing that we had hoped to get them to because they had fallen below that. and i know that in talking to supervisor avalos, he was hoping for more beat officers at geneva and mission.
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captain [speaker not understood] is trying to do, to get those folks there. we hear from the public that's appreciated. so, it is not lost on me that that's what everybody wants to see. it's more pedestrian police officers. but our number one priority has to be violent crime, especially since where we were in the mid 2000s when the homicide rate was knocking around 100 a year, and now we're -- the new normal is about half of that, and shootings were close tore 400 in many of the same districts. >> right, and i agree [speaker not understood] are job one. i'm glad to hear there will be a more focus on walking and biking officers. i can say you and i have spoken about this and we've been working with captain [speaker not understood] and captain moser before him, that the situation in the castro, upper market, safeway area has really gotten to be very, very challenging and i know that there is a strong desire to see
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more -- a regular police presence and a community policing in a kind of way. and along -- i want to continue to convey that request. >> i think your point is very well taken. it's very fortunate that violence doesn't play out in the same way it does across the city. so, i think that some of the neighborhoods that, that have traditionally suffered from a higher rate of violent crime have more of our augmentation of services. but for the -- just the average is not san franciscan across the city, everybody would like to see more police officers where they have ready contact and that is a priority for the department. >> i believe in the big broken window theory. i think it does matter and, so, i'm glad we'll see more in addition to the really, really serious stuff, the so-called lesser stuff. along those lines -- forgive me
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if you mentioned this, i may have missed it -- the reserve police officer program that i know you've advocated for, what's the status of that? >> so, i personally sent a letter to all of these officers that are retiring, the end of which will be june 30th, to please contemplate coming back because some of the officers really aren't ready to separate and they'd make great beat officers. the current reserve program is an unpaid program where officers work 20 hours a month. other time they want to work, but they have to work 20 hours a month. we have about 10 of the officers that have retired that have volunteered to come back including deputy chief chin. so, we're hopeful we'll get a late rush hereof of some of these officers that want to do it ~. i know there's other discussions, yourself, the chamber of commerce, the mayor's office about trying to do some sort of enhanced reserve program. i know supervisor farrell is working with the doa as well. >> i know -- is there any money
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in the mayor's proposed budget relating to that? related to the mayor's budget office, i know there was some discussion about that, but can you explain the mayor's position on this? >> it seems like a really good short-term way to get more beat officers into neighborhoods ~. >> thank you, supervisor wiener, through the chair. kate howard, the mayor's budget director. the mayor's budget this year does not include any additional funding for a paid reserve program in the police department. we are certainly interested in the idea of bringing back current police officers who have decided to retire. i think the chief's plan is a great one. we're eager to see how many current police officers take him up on that opportunity. certainly interested in looking at other ideas, but that's what's included in our budget. >> and in fairness to the mayor's office and ms. reid, we
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do not have concurrence with the poa and it would require a policy change to do so. so, absent getting a concurrence and an agreement, it depth make sense to put money into the budget for something that can't happen at this time. >> do you anticipate once this gets off the ground with the volunteer program in terms of assessing how it's working and working with the poa around possible next year's budget considering it make sense or does it make sense? i want to make sure that it's not sort of a dead letter that it at least stays on the radar as a possibility. >> i know it's a priority for the mayor to do whatever we can do to get more officers sooner. and certainly having retired officers come back on a voluntary basis is what can happen right now and we're having ongoing conversations as to what we can work out with the union representatives as to
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doing more than that. >> well, i'm happy to be involved and supportive in whatever way i can. >> capital improvements, the stables out in golden gate park are funded and scheduled. the range renovation, funded and scheduled. district station [speaker not understood] and the hvac systems that were desperately needed were all funded and scheduled. security fencing at mission station and other amenities like lighting and interior, carpeting and lighting and roof repairs are all funded and scheduled in year two of this budget. the vehicle replacement on schedule, best practices would ask us to replace about 138 vehicles annually. that has not been the case ever. the current year budget funded 30 marked police cars which were much appreciated and very much needed. the next year's budget funds 60
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marked cars and 10 motorcycles which will both come in handy as we move towards vision zero. the 15-16 budget funds 56 various vehicles. you can see on the bottom of this chart the fuel and maintenance costs as we move to over 50% of our vehicles being out of compliance with the environmental code and healthy clean air insurance transportation program which were only gained an exception because these are emergency vehicles. i know new cars are expensive, but the fuel and maintenance is very expensive as well. so, it's just a question of how you wanted to play out the new cars are warranty efficient, fuel efficient clean, and the old vehicles, we can get by, but it gets harder and harder year to year. and, you know, i know this city and the board has a priority for being the very clean, green city. so, using the exemption for
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over 50% of the fleet as a department head, we're hoping to move towards newer, greener, more efficient vehicles. overtime, again, just because it's an inevitable question, we're holding the line on overtime in spite of having, you know, more events seemingly every day. the 9.7 million dollars from this year is relatively the same as the year before. actually lower. and it's even less than that when you consider that since the high years are 7 and 8 and 8 and 9, the officers have gotten salary increases and yet the budget goes down. so, i think that the officers, the management of it by administration, the budget office, and certainly the deputy chiefs of operation have been very conscientious in
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managing our overtime. the next slide is, is worth mentioning just because the work being done by the men and women of the police department in partnership with the community and using the various technologies that have provided efficiencies to keep officers on the streets like the smart phones, it's paying the dividends we hoped it would. despite being down 300 officers, we are at a record low homicide count for this year and we've had a rough week. we've had 13 homicides year to date. 12 of those occurred in calendar year 2014. the most recent of which just this week -- actually yesterday. to put it in perspective, in 2008 on this exact same date there had been 48 homicides in san francisco. so, the community partnership, the mayor's jobs programs where we're getting young people to
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be engaged and busy during the summertime and everybody towards education, having the high school drop out rate in san francisco for the first time in a long time being in single digits, it's going a long way to a new normal. as those 300 police officers come back and all these other things happen, hopefully again some day we come to the budget hearing and we say we've had 13 homicides year to date in the middle of june, and everybody is aghast because it should be half of that or none. and then finally -- yes. >> i just want to commend the department on their work, working with a lot of community-based organizations and [speaker not understood] prevention efforts. it's significant. in my district in 2008, i think we had like eight homicides. >> just in the one district. >> just in like the excelsior, i believe. so, it's pretty significant, the work the police department has been doing. i just want to acknowledge
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that. >> oftentimes when it goes the other way, the police department gets blamed and the credit for this happening, it's been a collective. so, certainly led by the mayor's office, supported by the board, and then as you say, all those organizations and community members, you know, and the folks that are committing these homicides are apprehension rate is better than 50% ~. so, again, commit the crime, get caught, get prosecuted. it's pretty much the way to keep crime down. >> that's good to hear. just in my district alone, there are many organizations that didn't exist before, you know, neighborhood watch groups and associations that have been doing a lot of work and partnership with ingleside station. that is the difference, and the partnership that has been created with the police department. >> whatever is working, i just hope it keeps going. while we still have budget needs, we're light years away from a few years ago where we
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had no plans to replace record numbers of retiring officers. there were no plans for vehicle replacement. we much appreciate both of those being in the pipeline. we'll be moving to a brand-new headquarters and the next easter bond which just passed will set the table for offering the rest of the police stations as well as construction and new crime lab and traffic unit operations. as far as the budget analyst proposed cuts, we've made significant progress in trying to come together and i think aside from a difference in material and supply expense and a bomb robot, which as we move into our calendar year where we're going to be having more events and heading to the super bowl, i think we're very close with coming to a concurrence on the cuts as proposed. so, with that, that concludes my report. >> thanks, chief. supervisor mar. >> yeah, i just wanted to thank the chief for anticipating some of our questions as well in your presentation and being so
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thorough as well. i'm really appreciative of the ongoing increases in community policing strategies that you've led. i wanted to say that also with the consistent academies and dealing with your retirements, the steady gradual increase of staffing levels and the reduction of overtime, that you've shown a strong commitment to -- i recall overtime being a significant issue, even in 2007 and '8, it was like $23 million, but you've reduce it had so significantly that i'm really seeing that progress. on the work orders also with the mta, i think it had been the highest like 14 million or something. and the significant and continuing reductions i appreciate and acknowledge that. i did have a question about work order for library. that's like going up about 70%. i'm just wondering -- so, from i think it's about 189,000 last year and then this year 310,
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311,000, what's the reason why we're increasing work orders for the library? >> so, there is an assigned sergeant and then because of all the issues and concerns that were surrounding the library and inside the library, there was an overtime allocation made or that were asked by the head librarian that we accommodated. again, with he didn't have the extra people at the time so we're trying to do it with bandaids and bailing wires and overtime to try and improve the situation in and around the library. >> okay, thank you. and i know that former chief gascone had started [speaker not understood] and the use of technology and data. i just wonder if you can comment on how we're continuing to be really strategic using the data for keeping our community safe. >> sure. so, in 2009 when now [speaker not understood] had come, wanted to do com stat, back
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then we didn't have the comp. we had a lot of stats from a lot of computers, but we didn't have a one-stop clearinghouse. we're still really not there, but we are compiling the information that sets a constant, if you will, a starting point. so, we do move the people around as things happen. i know, for instance, cell phone robberies have been a big problem. by being able to keep better numbers and better records, i can tell you that this year a lot through the awareness and maybe through the new apple phone having a co-switch on it which all phones should have, instead of robberies being involved way up and a cell phone being involved in two out of three robberies, now cell phones are only involved in about 4 to 5% of the robberies and robberies in san francisco are down double figures. so, we can be conversant in these numbers in sort of a very see spot run kind of way that the average person can take it in and, again, it all goes to everybody knowing that we're
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working hard to make the city safer, but it's how people feel that will really dictate if we're doing it right. >> and then i also just wanted to give you and your staff props for significantly reducing bicycle thefts, and especially deputy chief officer [speaker not understood] for amazing work that's catching on for many other jurisdictions, too. but thank you so much for the great [speaker not understood]. >> thank you for the plug. i would encourage anybody to go to our bike theft website and register your bicycle and get the sticker so that if it does happen to get taken, we can get it back for you. and we can, again, significantly even further reduce bike theft in san francisco. >> and i really appreciate the genuine and mutually respectful relationships with community groups like safety awareness for everyone, s.f. safe on projects like that as well. thank you. >> they're terrific. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you. yeah, just on the bike work
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that's been done, registration and the return of bikes, and actually the collaboration with community-based organizations on disposing bikes, i want to thank you for the police department's partnership with that. been very flexible and we actually have these programs now that will not only be helping to build bikes or rebuild bikes different places, there will be an event in my district this weekend i'm pretty excited about. so, i want to thank you for that. >> [speaker not understood] till we reduce bike theft to the point we don't have bikes to pass out. >> my bike is in the mix there somewhere. >> we're still looking for it, supervisor. >> i don't even think i reported it. so, also want to concur with supervisor mar on overtime and how that's been kept down. when i first was on the board, i think it was, you know, significantly high. not as high as it was in 2008, but that's been brought down. [speaker not understood] about making your department more efficient. i just want to acknowledge that. i want
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