tv [untitled] July 5, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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outreach to the communities where people potentially qualify for cal fresh and they believe that if they receive this additional $400,000 that could lead to an additional, i guess close to $3 300-0000 of participants in this particular program. are you father-in-law -- familiar with that request? >> yes. i am familiar with that. our cal fresh director is part of the task force. the task force is correct. there is a service, a large number of families that haven't accessed benefits. it could be they are eligible for a small allotment, maybe $10-20 a month which is not worth it. we are changing the way that folks can apply. they can apply online or by phone to make it a simple transaction
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as possible. i don't know what they want the $400,000 for whether it's tied to what we are requesting funds for. >> the $400,000 is specific to outreach. >> whether cbo outreach or internal. >> it looks like cbo outreach. >> what we are doing is proposing a new unit of cal fresh eligibility staff to partner with the food bank and community organizations and partner with feeding sites, to partner with the school to make sure kids are on school lunch and make sure the kids are getting cal fresh and that whole range are vital to tap into the 36,000. >> so you are not on the same page? >> yes, we are. it's not in our particular budget request but we support. >> i guess what i'm looking for is the desire to make sure that how we use dollars, it's being used officially and i
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don't want to go somewhere where we do not need to go. from your collaborative perspective. yonlt -- i don't want to add to that. >> all i can say is our department has been operating in the task force. i can check back with the director if he's in support. i would imagine he is. >> okay. >> supervisor breed, i understand the task force has home delivered meals and delivery of groceries to isolated and vulnerable. i think the additional outreach money to expend the number of people who are eligible but not signed up for cal fresh is really significant and
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tremendously urge. i think it's $195,000. i will to have dig back to the security task force and add that request and work with hsa staff and others to try to make sure that we all know what the money is going for. i think it's critical for the vulnerable population especially seniors and families that are hungry. there is a huge 50 percent of those eligible not signed up for cal fresh that we need to address.
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participation which is jobs right now. we're expanding the subsidies to the private employers as well as the number of folks we can enroll in slots so we're expanding 140 public servant slots to those to meet the minimum qualifications for service employment. we're adding 100 private sector slots so those engaged in the economy in san francisco, hopefully not only getting placed at the subsidized wages, but watch when the wage expire and we're going to partner with the organized
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program which targets juvenile system and providing them work particularly through department of rec and park and the department of public works. another area of investment is really in response to a state audit of our family and children services or child welfare services center. and they conducted an audit across california and we were one of them. the needs identified in the three counties were similar and it had to do with documentation and review of safety plans, and sort of better followup on in person visits, really a lot of, what i would call quality control. making sure our services are thorough and appropriate and so the recommendations from the state were expanding superior
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review. and then the biggest one is really up in personnel in the agency that serves as a quality control to review policy and procedures and review new laws and regulation that's come on every year. and ongoing quality review of cases to really at the end of the day make sure that our work in child protection services is not only consistent with laws and regulations, but also the best services we can provide to our vulnerable families and kids. and then our last area of groet -- growth and homeless. we're funding housing and i'll walk-through them briefly. it's 94 unit and 50 set aside for
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homeless. 86 units for homeless families and $500,000 to support services and a building for homeless veterans. 15 additional slots for traditional age youth. and then maintaining and adding to investments that were in our budget last year. the restoration for our 950,000ed restoration for homeless retore -- restoration. and counseling to lead to few are evictions and this is also legal support and representation for those facing eviction. >> supervisor breed. >> i had a question regarding child protective services. one of the challenges that i see is the truant -- the issue of truant see and when that happens, does child
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protective services get involved and are the referrals from the school, where does the referrals come from? >> so cps doesn't necessarily get involved for a truant child. cps involvement will be triggered by something else. truant see is an indication that something else is going on, negligent, abuse, something of that nature, but truant see is not grounds for cps involvement. probably the majority of our calls comes from schools, hot line calls regarding children coming from schools and we'll investigate, but those are based on usually truant see -- it's something else. the child appears to be beaten or malnourished. that sort of thing. >> thank you.
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>> i'll turn it over to our adult services agent. >> good afternoon, ann, head the department of aging adult services, and do you want to do the slide, that would be great. so i wanted to say that doss is divided into four divisions which is the home care program which served 22,000 clients each year and has 18,000. our biggest change there is happening really as we speak because change in many years and this is related to workers receiving overtime in their jobs which has never been the case in this state and has to do with federal and state requirements. protective services is the second area of our department which is where our public guardian, public administrator, and adult protective services resides. we have an office of long term care
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operations which is where community living funds, there's integration program and a house for transition programs reside. and the fourth division is community services and intake which is our office on aging and some places known as the area aging and the veteran office is where our intake and counseling information office is as well. program changes that are under consideration are in two categories on this side you'll see three, but primarily they're in the protective services area. we've seen a lot of growth, i'm sorry to say in adult protective services and the number of referrals that come to us. we keep hoping they'll be fewer and fewer, but that's not the case. it's on the rise. in may, we had the most referrals ever to date. also in that area, we have our
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forensic center, and omber program is funded by state and local funds but the state dollars have been rolled back considerablely and that happens when we have nursing homes and closures and more reports of abuse in residential care, so that's another area we're concentrating on. certainly nutrition and the food security task force report was referenced there. going forward, there's a $750,000 proposal related to home delivered meals and grocery delivery. the bulk of these funds would go into home delivered meals but 50,000 meals are related to the grocery delivery program which we're excited about. on this slide, csp, which is the center for early suicide prevention has been singled out but i see it as apart of the protective services and this is where folks can call into
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the center or -- after the first contact, the center is calling them and working with them on a repeated basis. the next slide just give you the facts around the referrals for adult protective services and the in home supportive services which is page 20, what's interesting in that, you see a significant rise in the number of consumers than you see it tampering off. we continue to have new people coming into the program every month. and so the program grows but not at the rate that it was growing for a number of years and i think i'll stop there and barbara, unless there's questions. i'll turn it over to you. >> supervisor mar. speaker: i just wanted to thank mrs. hiten for the aging in adult services and how you coordinate everything. i want to make a point about senior nutrition issues.
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i think that what funded is going to help, but i think the need is so much larger and with the add back program, i'm going to present with the security task force groups additional add backs to make sure that no senior person with disabilities goes hungry, but i know a number of different cuts from the unlock 30th street center to other non profits in the community are facing some certificate vice cut backs and potentially having to close their sites which will have an impact on the city. my hope is we work with you to fill as much as those gaps as we can not only with your budget but with the add back program as well. >> i forgot to say that that particular site, that's about 8,000 meals for weekends and holidays, and so that has been built into this budget as well. >> i wanted to thank you for supporting sites like that with wrap around service and a number of different -- it's an aging in place model that should be replicated
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but also within your budget and within the add back process, president chiu and i have been working on expanding and supporting aging program as our baby boom generation, population becomes rapidly seniors and seniors and those with disabilities grows significantly in the next 20 years as well. >> thank you. >> supervisor wiener. >> sorry. hold on a second. >> i have a quick question. i know that doss really did a great job staffing the lgbt aging task force, tom noland and that task force produced a terrific report. >> yes. >> we are moving forward, legislatively with a few recommendations now. some of the recommendations of course dealing with different kinds of funding issues, and i'm wondering and i know it came out sort of in the middle of the
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department's project, but does the department -- how do you intend to interact with that report to make sure it's being considered during the doss process. >> we kept very aware of what was -- what the discussion was and what the recommendations looked to be, and chris noland is in our office so that was helpful. there was three areas that i think we have focused on. one is the -- that was one of the places that we saw. there was a lot of conversation about how our folks who are in -- from the lgbt community, how do they thrive in institutional care and how can it be helpful. we believe the funding that we have put into our budget would be helpful. it's also -- we've got a contrast going
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forward in this budget cycle, so it's the end of this month. this is june for both case management that has a very specific piece related to the lgbt community and we had an rsp out for aging disability resource centers and there was a specific piece in there for the lgbt community as well. we have been very successful, we believe in being able to fund organizations to fit in those and those were two other recommendations that came into the report. there is a lot more to be done and we look forward to working with members of the community on how we can implement additional recommendations. thank you. >> any further questions for mrs. hiten. we can move on, thank you. >> good afternoon, this is barbara carlson. i'm the appointed director of the recently formed san francisco office of early
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care and education. so i thought i would take a moment to reiterate the vision of the office. we're to provide high quality care and education, so all san francisco's children are ready to succeed in school to provide all of our families safe and affordable in quality care for their children and the office is charged with improving access to early care and education, improving the early care and education work force and building the early care and education system capacity for children age zero to five in san francisco. so currently 45 percent of our budget is state and federal revenue from the cal works program. the remaining 55 percent comes from a combination of the children's fund, prop h, pfa, the grant fund and grant sources and this year we proposed increases for work force -- for both center pace and family
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child providers through our c-wage program. just some numbers. we're serving just under 2500 kids through our voucher programs and kids are served in may and june through the buy back program that was supported by the board last month in response to the ongoing state budget cuts in early education. here you can see the pie chart from comparison from this year to last year and the bulk of our budget is subsidy. we have an increase with childcare, but that is offset by a decrease in the stage two case load and base -- and baselining the title 5 that i mentioned earlier. we have a modest -- that has been through the pfa program and in capacity
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building and modest building through the program which is to fund and support, renovation for childcare fa sits and then a slight administrative increase. any questions. >> colleagues, any questions? >> i think we're good, thank you. >> mr. row, is that the totality of the budget presentation? colleagues any questions for mr. row. anybody else, supervise mar. >> i want to thank the director luma for being here and thank you mrs. carlson, and thank you to michelle from your staff as well. >> i understand you're still working with mr. rose. >> we are. >> okay. we'll see you back next wednesday. >> you got it. >> thanks, everyone. >> okay. madam clerk, we're done with our different departments. we
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have items 15 and 16 left to go, so can you call item -- both of them together. city clerk: fiscal year 2014-15, 2016. item 16, hearing on the mayor's addressing funding for non profit corporations or entities for the two fiscal years. >> we have kate howard to speak on both of these items. >> good afternoon, supervisor, kate howard. i'm here to speak on items 15 and 16. item 15 is a resolution approving the allocation of the budget incentive savings fund. the administrative fund -- it's saving into the fund which can be used on one time
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expenditures in those departments that have the savings. all of the projects that are recommended to -- recommended for the expenditures in this fund were proposed by either the committee on information technology or the capital planning committee. the budget that is in front of you includes about $29 million in recommended expenditures from the budget savings incentive fund. i can answer any questions that you have about that one on or i can move onto item 16 and take questions at the end. item 16 is a hearing that's required by the administrative code, each year the admin code requires that the mayor's office provided notification to the board about whether or not the mayor's budget includes a cpi for non profit
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organizations. as you know, the mayor's budget includes a one and a half percent cost of doing business increase for non profits that are funded by city local funds. we provided the letter to the clerk of the board and to all of you back on june 2nd when we submitted the budget. i'm happy to answer any questions you have about either of these items. >> thank you mrs. howard. colleagues, any questions? okay. thank you. so we're going to take public comment on item 16. is there a member of the public who wishes to comment on this item? seeing none. public comment is closed. colleagues, we have a motion to file item 16. motioned by supervisor breed. we can take that without objection. and then we have items 1-15 that are apart of the budget that we're going to continue through
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tomorrow's public comment day, so can i have a motion to continue items 1-15. >> so moved. >> we can take that without objection. madam clerk, do you have any other business before us. city clerk: no, madam chair. >> we are adjourned. >> we're here to raise awareness and money and fork for a good accuse. we have this incredible gift probably the widest range of restaurant and count ii destines in any district in the city
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right here in the mission intricate why don't we capture that to support the mission youths going to college that's for the food for thought. we didn't have a signature font for our orientation that's a 40-year-old organization. mission graduates have helped me to develop special as an individual they've helped me figure out and provide the tools for me that i need i feel successful in life >> their core above emission and goal is in line with our values. the ferraris yes, we made 48 thousand >> they were on top of that it's a no-brainer for us. >> we're in and fifth year and
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be able to expand out and tonight is your ungrammatical truck food for thought. food truck for thought is an opportunity to eat from a variety of different vendor that are supporting the mission graduates by coming and representing at the parks >> we're giving a prude of our to give people the opportunity to get an education. people come back and can you tell me and enjoy our food. all the vendor are xooment a portion of their precedes the money is going back in >> what's the best thing to do in terms of moving the needle
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for the folks we thought higher education is the tool to move young people. >> i'm also a college student i go to berkley and 90 percent of our folks are staying in college that's 40 percent hire than the afternoon. >> i'm politically to clemdz and ucla. >> just knowing we're giving back to the community. >> especially the spanish speaking population it hits home. >> people get hungry why not eat and give
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>> the renovation of balboa park, the oldest in the city of san francisco, and now it is the newest part in the city of san francisco. through our partnership, and because of public investment from the two thousand eight fund, we are celebrating a renewal and an awakening of this park. we have it safer, happier, more joyous. >> 3, 2, 1, [laughter] =--[applause] >> it is a great resource for families, to have fun in the
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city, recreation. >> this is an amazing park. we have not revitalized it without public and private investment. the critical piece of the process of this renovation was that it was all about the community. we reached out to everyone in this community. we love this park dearly and they all had thoughts and ideas and they wanted to bring their own creativity and their personality to bear on the design. what you see is what the community wanted. these ideas all came from the residents of this community. as a result, there is a sense of ownership, pride and responsibility that goes along with what is going to be an exciting park.
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>> good afternoon, everybody. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting for monday, june 23rd, 2014. my name is mark farrell. i will be chairing this committee. i am joined by supervisors john avalos, scott wiener, london breed and katy tang. we'll be joined momentarily by supervisor eric mar. want to thank the clerk of the committee linda wong as well as the members of sfgov-tv kindergarten covering the meeting jennifer low and jonathan gum wall. >> [speaker not understood] as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. items acted pop today will appear on the june 8th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> okay, thank you, madam clerk. could you please call items 1 and 2 -- excuse me. tell you what, we're going to go fir
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