tv [untitled] July 5, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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nominate. and do i run this i've never run is >> if you're going to run again do you run it. >> do i run. >> how do we do it i forgot. >> when john was here it didn't matter. >> i'd like to nominate president tan as president. >> second. >> there's a motion and a second is there a nominate any other nominate. >> are we doing one level at that point. >> yes. the president first there's a tough competition. >> okay i don't see any comments from the commissioners any comment to reinstate me.
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okay. no public comment let's take a vote >> okay. commissioner campagnoli. commissioner lee. commissioner joseph. commissioner hyde. commissioner perez. commissioner akers. well president tan i guess >> sure. you're up again >> thanks everyone (clapping.) let's move on to the second position that's for vice president happy to entertain a motion. >> i'd like to nominate commissioner hyde for president. >> i second that. >> great who's been an excellent vice president. any comments from commissioners any other nominations for vice president to make this interesting >> no okay any public comment on the nomination for
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commissioner hyde as president. i don't see any let's vote >> same house, same call? yep >> done okay. congratulations. >> we're going to move on just to clarify your term isn't until june 30th. >> yes. and so item 5 is police department questions or comments anyone from the police want to come up and speak i heard this hammed last time. this is interesting. all right. that's okay. anyone want to comment on this week's not having any predictions. let's move on to the presentation by our lovely night
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life >> 5 minutes. >> what's night life. >> so we have a presentation from the office of economic workforce development. >> the entertainment sector rep. >> entertainment sector. >> b sector. >> we'll see how this works. >> it's on the other side i think oh. >> congratulations. >> on the computer. >> thank you. >> it's so bad. naomi is begging for that >> naomi our copy. >> good enough thank you, thank you commissioners for allowing me the opportunity to present this evening i'll try to keep it
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brief i'm with the office of economic workforce development with the night life entertainment sectors about a month ago we launched this night life website to provide a wide range of information for them and had a chance to talk about this and currently trying to spread the word about the resources to encourage people to checkout those. there's 0 screen shots from the website but the consent is divided into multiple different categories for stuff for businesses and people that want to discover the san francisco night life and for musicians and the night life business handbook that's one of the main resources and hearing from the community
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from the joslyn and others in the city and obviously those meetings the night life handbook is from soup to starting a business and keeping a successful business running from how to start a business obviously that's more than just finding a place for great zoning but finding a space for the type of business and a neighborhood that works for the type of business you're trying to run there's all sorts of guidance. in terms of getting permits. a lot of the work that ought to be done should be done before the application it filed. this site outlines the types of permit the restaurant and bar and nightclub might need and encourages people to take the
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appropriate preapplication steps to learn about how to successfully get through the permitting process. there are also best practices running a night life business and a lot of materials that the entertainment commission has developed the security manual they'll to have and this links out to all over the place. and finally a section addressing noise but perhaps sound another lesson learned when noise generally and the various, you know, what happens if you violate a noise condition on our permit. and one of the things that came up was the centerpiece of the
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night life summit earlier this year was the southern that businesses have about new developments unhappy and what to do in working with the planning department we've developed this one page understanding new sites there's a number of tools that the planning department makes available there's a number of people in san francisco that already use to find out block book notices to be invited of permits there are a great map that the planning department has of permits you can input our address and look up the permits and who from planning has been staffed for the projects really the goal is recognizing obviously, we need new housing and number one, the new businesses are disputing the
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fact we need more housing the businesses are taking advantage of the being involved inform be able to speak with developers and speak with the planning department in a way that is educated and not coming from a place of fear and anxiety. this site hosted one of the life performance handouts trying to get the word out to the community of live performance. the legislation links for the night life and for the san francisco music community one of the pieces of feedback wouldn't that be cool if we listed the reco recording studios >> obviously late night
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transportation has become an issue and become something of increasing focus for us. and, you know, there's a great map that's part of it. that has been put together of all the different transit services available at night if you want to find it on 511 it takes one click. additionally one of the efforts that i've been trying to push forward to try to encourage people to discover night life entertainment to put, you know, a face to all the different talent we have and the great businesses we have here. so there are on the website quarterly play sites of bands
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playing in san francisco. this is another thing somebody said won't it be cool map of life entertainment you can click on google and found out the website for the businesses too. and then, you know, another goal at least one of the things i hope the site is a repositoryy of resources and more impact studies about the research of this i want this to be a home site. you know, moving forward trying to get the word out to folks about the website has some good conversations of the potential
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value of the information they'll send to their clients and you can download the whole handbook if you're curious we're really trying to get the word out and, you know, there if there's additional resources the bulk of the feedback. is that 5 minutes >> thank you excellent. >> i first of all, want to say that the website is great you do an amazing job. >> thank you. >> i have one question when you talk about the planning department and the new developments it's true that the night life is scary but i've found peppering it works if you go to the developer especially a condo and ask them to put it in
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their cc&rs they understand that the night life is there and the builder sufficiently sound proves the condos with windows is there any of that on the site. >> in terms of the specific best practices that might be recommended that's not up there but certainly collecting those sorts of practices is something i'm interested in. >> okay. >> and director cam and i have been discussing and the full range there's other folks that could come to the table and things that haven't been explored that would be valuable. really the goal here was most immediately to kick start conversations as earlier as
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possible >> how open has the department itself been to empowering those best practices and hopefully at some point recoding those to include those. >> we haven't gotten to the stage in conversations but in terms of helping me in fact, understand the tools that are out there i appreciate the planning department help there. >> i have another question. >> yeah. >> is there that do you guys go on merchant walks. >> the job squad has copies of the live performance. >> okay. >> and certainly getting the word out about this is something we're going to continue to work on and find because a us you can to get the handout and understand the value to their
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buzz and speaking with folks this could be of value to help to empower the musicians and others folks to be advocates for this to really say you know it's not a scary flaking for the live music but a benefit. >> great exactly commissioner perez. thank you for your work did you say it's live >> >> how can we promote that. >> encouraging anyone that is interested in starting a business or has an entertainment business or wants to know what's going on in city hall this is an industry the more people are aware of and more engaged that would be great.
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>> do you have a press release. >> there's a press release last month that went out if the mayor's office on the day of the commission. >> remind me. >> so that's on the mayors side but the goal is to encourage business owners to check it out. >> did the media pickup. >> yes. the business times. >> commissioners any other questions for supervisor commissioner van hocking ton. >> good job. >> we'll be seeing you not regularly but let's get updates. >> yeah. as this was a good first piece of something to talk about but i'm certainly hoping happy to come back and check in
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on things. >> excellent. open it up are open this up for public comment anyone want to speak to this. i don't see any move on to item 7 our permits and i will i'm going to turn it over to our deputy director >> good evening, commissioners and president tan we have 3 items on the agenda first is the busses work doing business on the street applied for a permit license i'm glad you know has been those on 11 street with butter he carotid the warehouses across the street and so he's done quite a bit of outreach for that and you'll see in our packet there's a petition as well as letters of support and
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he's a few months away from opening the southern station has submitted conditions and we'll bring up mr. come up. >> good evening mr. re-elected president tan and commissioners i'm happy to be here in front of of the full commission. >> so you're a fan. >> i feel like this is a night club. i'm here asking for a conditional approval for my place of entertainment mechanic entertainment for buzz work
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that's on the entertainment corridor your combravnt of the original po e shattered a 2 year moratorium that basically made took entertainment away from selma so this is a kind of novel rare opportunity for the saga of night life i specifically designed this to be in the communicated u community because it's a mixed use neighborhood we did a lot of research ownership on the establishment and the resident would support and we came up with the sports bar like the rest of the stuff this adds exist and compliments the existing and a half of the
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well-rounded restaurant i have a difference kind of dynamic food issuing things to be in the neighborhood. let's see i've been active in entertainment since 8925 years of experience and now i feel i'm highly qualified and open to all our questions >> when are you planning on opening. >> i'm going to miss the october festive so i'm going to open n up in january in time for the unfortunate unfortunate playoffs. >> what kind of food. >> everybody's food there's amazing restaurant and trucks we're serving everybody's memo so there's a flip book we have
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runners and . >> i love that that's a brilliant idea that's a great idea. >> thanks. >> so you're looking at 47. >> 42. >> okay. and your reporter it will break precedent if you got this permit that will be interesting. >> commissioner lee. >> so, of course, i didn't see the building ever since i've had a pizza place is there window in the back there was some resident in the back. >> she still lives there. >> are you going to impact her. >> i have to build a whole new building and now there's two buildings between me and her i think it will be fine besides my
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sound is a completely different choice on sound and our pa is so small you won't hear it. >> commissioner do you have another question. >> so you're saying your sound is small like what's our plans for entertainment. >> we're going to have a small in house pa for are sports broadcast so everyone can hear the same program but on a regular progress every monitor is marked with an fm station so every tabletop will have a small radio you can tune into which program you want to watch. so that's - that will mitigate my sound issues with the
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building department their that making me put in a glass front so there will be a small, you know, couple of i think like 4 g b l, 6 inch mid just to have make announcements and use it for you know when we have an event the same program on all the monitors >> okay. thanks. >> uh-huh. >> i have a question about so you clearly have a lot of support and i commend you for the signatures i'm curious how the community respond you're setting a precedent of something that hadn't happened for decades have people been happy or upset how has that relationship been. >> my outreach has continued
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well, after i filed the application. this is sounding think fun e funny but we have a weekend flea market out with the new so everybody has brought all their junk and from different nightclubs and we've been having sales from every wednesday we've had everyone from the neighborhood dropping them i get free stuff ensue it allows my to talk about what's going on in the building i ask them if they live in the neighborhood and that's been going on every wednesday nor the last 4 months so we continue the outreach that's my way of reach everyone because i couldn't get them all >> commissioner perez did you have a question. >> hi thanks for coming in. i don't see an extensive
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security plan i see the in house staff how are you planning the security >> all my staff a guard carted and the main security is like liability mitigation so job security if you want to keep our job makes sure the place stays open everybody's roll be trained in every capacity no matter what their job i have two guys on site for their regular jobs we don't expect a lot of security needs for our lunchtime periods so i did put together a security overview in our bus plan, you know, you can read all that
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stuff. but, you know, everybody will be trained i've been doing this for a while i know exactly how to intervention in situations and defuse situations without making a bigger problem it's too easy to create a bigger problem out of a small one thing. >> thank you. >> any other questions or comments for commissioners if not we'll invite the police up. >> one thing have you seen the police commission. >> none of us can find them. >> but you've seen them yours. >> their congresswoman common sense. >> why not have a seat we'll ask officer chan to come up.
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>> i don't think. >> their fine. >> pass them around. >> good evening, commissioners officer chan representing the captain. so i'll wait until all the commissioners have a chance to >> you can read them out loud. >> talk we have slow readers here. >> careful readers. >> i've discussions the proposed or recommended conditions with the gentleman which he agreed to. there are 7 we have and number one the first one will be no extended hours. the second will be no third party promoters unless registered by the entertainment commission and number thee so
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actually, i'm going to strike number 3 it pertains to alcohol >> so you want to strikes 3. >> yeah. so moving on to number 3 or 4 valid security guard graduate cards and number 5 e-mail the event calendar. and number 6 exterior security cameras to be installed and number 7 no event associated with party buses or party bus promotions >> go ahead commissioner hyde way i was wondering about the extend hours. >> the reason my discussions the gentleman his emphasis is
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running a sports bar so it's more he wants the entertainment to compliment his sports bar theme so again. >> he's not applying for a extended hours permit he is applying for by the fact he's not applying for stent hours. >> you're trying to is in the future. >> so for all future. >> what about the adas. >> we have the world cup that runs all night and stuff like that so, i mean i'm just saying no extended hours he's not applying. >> if the gentleman has a special event the world cup i mean, we have no objections to something like that on a special occasion basis if he applies for
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a one invite we're talking about in general a general operation. >> okay. >> because the emphasis is not on entertainment but the sport bar. >> correct. >> i understand the thinking okay. >> commissioners other questions or comments for officer chan? no all right. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. is there is there any public comment? on this application for buzz works. you can't unfortunately you said a lot already (laughter) >> so seeing none, public comment is closed we're going to take this up. >> i move to approve with police officer conditions eliminating police condition number 3. >> can you reader that out
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loud. >> eliminating police condition number 3 as requested by the police. so the conditions are no extended hours permit in the future. it didn't say in the future no third party preordainment's unless registered by the entertainment commission and valid security cards and e-mail event calendar and 6 security cameras to be installed and i'm going to add the word outside and no event associated with party buses or pro tem's >> so what's been struck is the lead training because he requested that and what's been amended is number 6 having security cameras specifically
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