tv [untitled] July 7, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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the full planning design and environmental review process you, you know, generally it's in order of years so we wouldn't have this capacity it will delay us having this capacity presuming we have the capacity to do the environmental work we don't at the moment. >> looking at the numbers i agree with the density it is between chinatown and mariposa i think the numbers showcases that we recognize a lot of new development the issue more than the loop is really about the service right that's going to impact no time katrero but the bayview we've had this conversation i cannot thrill the number of people not in our district they say they're trying to get off the train in mariposa
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and the terrain tushes around and i totally get we have limited resources and constraint but its not great that the residents have to wait for another train to take you all the way you down to the bayview neighborhoods i understand the construction of the loops but what e, we do to provide accurate service that's one the biggest challenges in the southeast it's connection to the public transit to the downtown neighborhood. >> no, i think you're absolutely right one of the first things that was on my desk was from supervisor cohen and the mayor talking about the two line service theirs obey a been
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a number i have things we've done all the transit signal priority that holds the traffic signals for the trains were not operating properly we've made additions and enhancements to the signal priorities in cases we're preempting signals for the better flow of the trains and we've cut out a nov second detail anyone knows dollars painfully long waits in intersections so that's a fix there's a number of steps we're already taken to improve the service and have the swish backs down very significantly reduced
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the switch backs we've heard from invokes that's a significant problem we've talked about the switch backs from the community members to get their feedback and get the communication so there are a lot of things that we're doing aside from the general light rail improvements such vehicle replacements that already i believe are starting to show improvements and will continue to do so, so this loop will enable us to step up a notch and better position us to better be able to increase the frequency for the entire length of the t third, that will improve the service. >> how does the loop increase the service for the entire line. >> the additional vehicles will help with that and the loop
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helps us to insteven that. >> i think we have an be an issue less about the loop and more about the level of service to the katrero and dog patch so the bayview in particular are i went the 15 it doesn't seem like a great line then but it ran and it was fast the one thing about the t it looks nicer but so painfully slow it becomes an unreliable public transportation people don't want to take 45 minutes from the bayview to downtown that's a long time so we need to figure out the frequency of service interests
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going to be a lot of development so we want to insure those residents can take public transit and not drive to the do you only corridor. >> the right-of-way changes and the vehicle improvements are the past and the near term towards the increased frequency and better reliability. >> we've had it this conversation about the t line i think an argument can be made this is the most important public transit that needs to happen in san francisco given the level of improvements in the southeast and the warriors and so forth fourth and king i think that john worked hard to improve that it's less problematic but still a problem i feel like when i'm on the t waiting to make that turn it just is painful.
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and there are times when i been down at pier 70s a few times lastly i've taken the 48 instead of the t because the 48 is faster so godspeed on making those changes it's really important >> maybe you can help us help you. what did you need from us to help us make the t line run more efficiently besides money >> its not about money but the continued investment and the focused repairs on the light rail vehicles to improve their reliability is an important part of it we're systematically doing we're reare you aware our vehicle rehab to focus on the
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equipment we're investing our resources to repair the doors that led to the reliability issues we've addressed most of timing signals we're not - by also not seeking further opportunity for improvement we've done that and make sure we have enough operators trained so not having not enough operators and not having enough vehicles we did a 2 car service along the third streetcar corridor but we need the cars you appreciate the offer i don't have anything outlining else off the top of my head but this is important for the support will be helpful but
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otherwise we're grateful for the interest and the improvement of light rail service. >> i do think the agencies on a good projector in terms of the vehicles rehabilitation has been helpful the fact we've got so if you light rail vehicles it was impossible to run two car trains it was embarrassing i know the agency has been working hard to turn that around and get more of the r vs in service it didn't help that they're designed challenged vehicles that breakdown regardless of maintenance so it will be good had the next generation come and coincide with the opening of the subway we'll have double the number of the vehicles we have
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today. >> when the central subway opens we'll go from one hundred 51 to 175 whatever it 15 percent increase ultimately the contract we're going to bring to you will be up to two hundred and 40 or 60 vehicles a significant increase over what we have today a and more reliable vehicles that are manifest. >> this will link and delink at the west portal you have more lines and in terms of the operator shortage which i know is a challenge at the agency it in progress in terms of having a change in bottle in the case. >> we're ramping up the training in the next month we'll be able to do on the bus side
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and the rail operators come from the bus side we'll be up to 40 percent classes every month that will be quadrupling of what we've done this year so we'll wee we've hired the trainers and starting in the next month we'll start to see the open run numbers come down as we get more bodies into the seats and supervisor cowen. yes, thank you director reiskin we have another presentation from (calling names)
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are you ready bill >> i'd like to get this onto the - sfgovtv. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. thank you i'm bill schwartz and i'm a dog patch resident. i'd like to walk you through the neighborhood just to give you a sense of it in case you're not familiar at any rate this space google shot google earth shows the t line as it goes south i see those xs are showing the stops the ball park is way in the right hand corner there. as it goes south the loop this is proposed is where the first
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red - this is where the loop comes >> unfortunately, the folks at home can't hear from you can't hear speak into the meekly. >> oh, i'm sorry. so this shows for example, the loop as property it shows the caltrain also in the red x above the the t line and shows the mariposa stop would be the last stop before the turn around and this is the x just to the north of the turn around. so basically, the turn around would occur before dog patch.
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the red intended area is mission bay. to the south of that is dog patch. the next slide is this shows the development in dog patch which is tremendous it's a booming area with the call outs you see the forest city a thousand to 2 thousand units in the central middle and the lower left is 2 hundred and 59 new residential units. the lower right 76 those are all underdevelopment or planned. in the upper left is 3 hundred and 35 new residential units o are a significant distance from the mariposa stop. the next slide is what we're
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suggesting and which is meeting h meeting resistance to move the loop to the south to the yard the muni yard which will make that possible to cover the dog patch area which has a growing business district and lots of new restaurants and all matter of business over there. so this will make sense to us. and the next slide if we could put the loop in the existing muni yard which by the way, has a loop a built in loop right now. and that way we would be serving dog patch and at the same time we'll not be putting the loop
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into what has turned out to be a residential neighborhood it would be a nightmare for the residents there. with the ball park and the warriors stadium there's going to be major congestion in the area around 18 and 19 street and mariposa street. which if the streetcar or the t line comes down 18 street it is going to have to make 18 street a one-way street heading east that will mean that the traffic that is not going to get to 280 and it comes up 18 street will not be able to do that. and so it is just going to be a problem with the ball games are
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over. this is photographs currently after a ball game as the traffic comes down down illinois street and trying to get over to 280 if 18 street it not available because of the t line it is going to make a giant mess and cars are going to have to go around creation to get to 280 if they want to go north or south to mariposa street. that's a general picture of how we see it >> any other presenters? >> good afternoon. i'm mike i own a unit 206 on southern illinois that was where the
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photo was taken from you see the traffic so this project as pointed out is a federal project and local project as a federal project you have the financing the need projects should have an environmental review and this resulted in the impact it's hard to imagine in 14 years there's no impact from then to now. i understand t the plans call for it but what's not anticipated is the growth if you look at the development you'll see you can see the growth around dog patch and the new warrior is susht the project to a a legal challenge.
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it would be better to have an awe number analysis having not done that and avoided that process that could be avoided by looking at those alternatives that others have pointed out there's another one that is a mid ground maybe going down to 22nd street and do the same operation as on 18 and 19 you'll interfere with the loop you'll see the bus coming around the corner that's 1 short street and it's not a wide street you see the tracks they're down he's correct you see the loop line rail and see cars sitting on the tracks okay. the cars are going towards the
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280 and the muni coming into them that's an inherent conflict so imagine what this is like in the future gridlock that's mind you after a ball game it didn't happen all the time but having a game for baseball and basketball and other ethnic uses trying to get to the freeway you exacerbate the problem the muni director said they didn't analysis the cumulative impact of the warriors stadium but to borrow a phrase that engineers use it is better to look at it a little bit more this project has been on the books for a while the funding i would think would be flexible enough it's okay if
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it's a anywhere shift to the south better ridership and help the 22nd corridor and help ridership it won't interfere with the muni it will stop that. thank you >> thank you very much. joel >> good afternoon my name is dave i'm an attorney practicing land use and environmental law i appreciate thank you for the opportunity to speak and urge you to require that there be an environmental study that is current and complies with the california quality act before committing any further work in this location. we don't question the benefits of the project we don't question the intentions of staff to improve service on the t line rail but we do question the
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wisdom and the legal outlet in allowing the work to continue on a project that is 16 years old in terms of environmental review and closing our easy to the changes that are in the community and the project area. the transportation director began by arguing with supervisor cohen that there have been a lot of changes in the southeast part of the city but precluded by saying quote nothing has changed in terms of environmental paperwork the latter statement is correct the environmental study has not been updated. i've heard the supervisor request whether or not the updated environmental assessment done in 2013 addressed the feasibility of using the existing maintenance yard the
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response was it did here it is 11 lines of text. basically, it says the suggested locations was the muni meta block from the t line and that facility didn't have the infrastructure for the revenue service turn around no place in san francisco has an existing structure it has to be built someplace in the yard as the prior speaker pointed out. the problem essentially there's history that is a big part of the presentation and interests federal transportation brutal momentum but it's not been given fair-minded clear look since 1998 and even there was no
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project alternative resisted so the choice to build is at this location or not at all this is not how sequa works there's the federal grant tied to this didn't excuse us to close our eyes to the environmental review and look at a provider that will give us a 4 point plus million dollars bans a 16 years old environmental review impact report i doubt the city would bite nor would i be legally commit to do so. none of the environmental review deals with the current centers and at least 2 of the buildings on 18 street were not in existence which the environmental review studies were done in 1998 there's no noise study there's no vanilla
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traffic analysis that shows the already existing traffic that's changed in that area in which is unlikely not going to get better. the suggestion that we should go ahead and rush and install the permanent rail line and hope we can prude the warriors to accept that is backwards. it's an expensive piece of infrastructure and wherever it going the city should be convinced it's in the best place and is the most environmentally sensitive sequa self-is it will cost more to move it to the transit line cost deferral is not an alternative in which site
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has the best environmental impact if there's less used streets streets that seniors have less impact to - those need to be considered before we commit to completing this project that's a good question i think you've asked excellent questions of the staff i don't think in their hearts they can say they've got a proposed location weighed against other locations the fact that the federal money is tied to this location based on decisions in 1998 shouldn't guide our decisions otherwise we'll be looking at the embarcadero freeway it's imincumbent upon the staff to acknowledge the correct environmental analysis
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ideally this would be been done green before 2012 they didn't update the environmental impact again, it's cart about the horse i appreciate you giving us a chance to raise those issue >> thank you for your thoughtful comments. >> i'm joel dean a resident of the dog patch area and a rider of the t line. i think it's an effort that are occurring throughout the system most of us understand as well as the sdiesh ability of the turn around loop the issue is the location of that loop. the reaction of the eastern neighborhoods most effected by this current proposal is universally negative for well
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over a year there are numerous arguments against the proposal individual residents, businesses owns and the dog patch association and homeowners association have provided comments in opposition. those organizations and individual have put forth when i think is a logical argument for using metro east facility as a turn around. this facility already has in the ground two sets of tracks they're in place and unlike the proposal that only turns around to the north those tracks are both north and south. there's a repair facility for disabled trains and an area for driver relief and it is only 6 blocks south from the present proposed loop.
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muni metro east landlord exists that's a far superior option and using this existing facility would solve almost all the issues that have been articulated against the current loop proposal. the mta has responded to all written comments in form but we don't feel they've responded appropriately in substance they've mind e made up their mind and don't appear to seriously consider the eastern neighborhoods. if they have given serious consideration for the metro east facility for the turn around atheism not disclosed that information for public scrutiny we ask for a serious considerable public study be
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done for the muni metro east as the turn around facility thank you very much >> thank you. >> mr. reiskin i have a few comes. in the picture that bill and mike referenced they've talked about the cars on the track for illinois student i was wondering is this going to change or will there be cars on at grade on the tracks? >> so the loop. >> yeah. >> the loop goes over to illinois and it will be a muni right-of-way like any other muni right-of-way is your question can cars still access that portions. >> i want to know if you're going to be pitting in an obstruction so cars can't drive on the tracks. >> no, i building it's a shared
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trait automobile way. >> so like when you think about third streets there are certain parts of the t line that has a designated part of the track then the track goes at grade where cars can cross in front of the trains that causes a delay in service is there a preventive measure something at this particular corner to prohibit cars to drive on the rail it sounds like after there is some kind of activity it will be will congestion. i can on imagine it trains and cars colliding at some parts in third and 11 we have a lot of we've had several collisions for cars
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