tv [untitled] July 8, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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message. one day we've got to leave this world. it's hard for anyone to say good-bye. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. hello, my name is mary k. montgomery and i would like to speak on the proposition 6 [speaker not understood] health services act. i was one of the individuals who served with alameda county behavioral health services during the implementation before everything went to sacramento. and i'm proud to report to the san francisco board of supervisors that i came from haties burg, mississippi, with mental health issues from growing up there. a lot of my skills and talents that i acquireds was from city
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college of san francisco ~ being a graduate, parents of three, daughters who graduated from the san francisco unified school district. i moved to oakland, california october 1994 and was given the opportunity to teach and lead groups with the oakland community support center. so, i have been an asset to the community. but there was one problem that happened. the law stated that those of us who are clients of a program like a -- whatever you call these folk -- [speaker not understood] program, we have the right to have input into the decision-making process. but i was never given the opportunity to have any input into the decision-making process. so, within whatever you implement, it's a good idea to
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go back and allow individuals and make sure that they do have some input, you know, with the stakeholders or whatever, you know. don't just assume that everybody is going to do the job that they are supposed to do. and make sure that whoever is working with the mental health [speaker not understood] consumers, that they are [inaudible]. >> thank you very much. next speaker. my name is [speaker not understood]. i'm with the saint john pro train african orthodox church. i would like to address item 74 . >> excuse me. i just want to mention those in the board chamber against holding up signs because it does block other people's views. those folks with signs if you could put them down, that would be very much appreciated. thank you.
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i'm here as a representative of the foreclosure committee of the san francisco chapter of the naacp. as the chairperson of that committee, we are endorsing the san francisco carrier's resolution that would lend support [speaker not understood] in richmond to direct city staff to begin working on it in san francisco and, three, to support the use of eminent domain, reverse eminent domain to seize under water mortgages from banks with a principal reduction. i have witnessed firsthand the impact of foreclosures in my community, in the black community in particular. this city and several committees have talked about the outmigration of the african-american community. that's what it's mostly been, talk. we've talked to pass laws like the homeowners bill of rights in california and continue to
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press the federal government to do more. however, san francisco is an opportunity to save 300 homeowners. 88% of those homeowners are people of color. 150 of these homeowners are in district 10, 100 of them are in the bayview. if we are going to continue to talk about the outmigration, let's put some action behind that. i'm encouraging this board to pass this resolution and continue to support to keep people in their homes and pass the ordinance that would make the [speaker not understood] program real in san francisco and richmond. vote for the cures program. let the voters, homeowners, families and seniors know which side you're on, on the side [inaudible]. (applause) >> thank you. next speaker. [speaker not understood]. >> if you could please pull the
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microphone so we can hear you. my name is evelyn nelson and i'm a san francisco resident for 57 years and a homeowner for 47 years. i'm currently a foreclosed homeowner. i am here to ask support the resolution and move quickly and to adopt the new cares program, a program that will reduce foreclosures and blight and, therefore, help stabilize home values and improve the city's property tax revenue. i am a foreclosed homeowner as i said before, and i see the impact of the housing crisis in my community and neighborhood, especially on my block. there is at least six people that have had their homes foreclosed on.
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and 70 years old and i've been in that house since 1967 and i hope the board will pass this resolution. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. hello. my name is tabitha kay and i, too, live in the [speaker not understood], join with richmond in the cares program so that they can use eminent domain to seize the mortgages and save the homes of the people that are in the neighborhood already. since 2009 i was trying to have my house refinanced with a local small by erg bank and they kept asking for volumes and volumes of papers and then they would deny, deny, deny. and finally with january 6, they sold the house ~ at the auction out there on the steps
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of city hall and a speculating person bought the house. and i went to san an tone ~ san antonio, i what fortunate enough to go, i spoke with john stump about what was going on in the bayview here. he brought some people and we talked to them after the shareholders meeting. i came back to san francisco, they did sell the house, so, they have given me a mortgage that i've been asking for since 2009. so, if you all would join and pass this resolution, all of these other people who are being forced to move out of the house -- these are people -- i have been working for 42 years. i have lived in that -- this house for 15 years, but i have lived in the house continuously on maddox for 29 years and paid it off. but that's why i had to move.
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what i'm saying to you is back then when i moved into the first house, i only had to put down $5,000. but the rent -- i mean mortgage was cheaper than the rent. but now it's skyrocketed and we need your help. thank you. (applause) my name is christie springer. i'm a san francisco resident since 1987, a homeowner since 1997. i'm here to ask the board to support the cares resolution, and move quickly to adopt this program. it will reduce foreclosures and blight and help stabilize home values. the cares program could save hundreds of homes of people who were targeted with bad predatory loans and are now hanging on by a thread. i am one of those people.
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no one, no one should have to go through what my husband and i have gone through for the past five years. initially i thought what happened to us was all my fault, that we were an isolated case. i soon learned otherwise. i met others in our situation and have seen firsthand the pain, the d despair and the impact of this crisis. i personally know of three deaths related to the stress of foreclosure, two of which were suicides. you have an opportunity here to make a meaningful difference, to help people, really help them. i believe that is your job. please do the right thing. i respectfully ask that you support the cares program. thank you. (applause)
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hello, [speaker not understood]. i want to speak about mental health and mental wellness. if you see right here that's a picture of me smiling at glide. and somewhere after black history month that ms. london and ms. cohen had, when i got home, this hat right now that i have on, someone had went in and tied a noose on that tie. and you know what? i have not been feeling good since february. i'm been like back and forth like the paper in the bayview talking about the news. what i want to say is that i think it's time [speaker not understood], we want mental wellness in our s-r-os, in our neighborhood because, you know, a lot of people there impact
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other people with mental wellness and i would say to the point -- we cannot have a thriving wall street while main street suffers. basically they made the 3.8 billion for the people to be able to live in this country and i hope that [speaker not understood] you all here take some care and the people who live here because you know, the statue of liberty said give me your tired. when you come here, you're not homeless. it's very important that we keep what the president's doing in san francisco all going. and, you know, i hope this will help all of us who are in these hotels or outdoors. it's something that we really need san francisco to be a first city and cares. and i really hope that happy birthday, 238 years celebrating
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our independence on friday that say who we are. thank you. hello. i'm susan harmon, i'm here representing the public banking institute and bank act in support of resolution number 74. you have heard and you will continue to hear so faries about the misery that the bank's mortgage fraud has brought to people and to the city. ~ stories about i'd like to reassure though of you who have some concern about the welfare of the banks that they in fact don't need your concern. phil chang who was the county recorder here in san francisco two years ago, did a survey of the mortgages sitting down stairs and found 84% were fraudulent. that matches the two other
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national surveys that have been done in the country, one in massachusetts, one in north carolina. those numbers were even higher. from start to finish these mortgageses were fraudulent. they were liars loans. the banks encouraged people to lie about their income. they didn't tell them that their payments would be low at the beginning and then escalate dramatically up. they immediately sliced and diced and securitized the mortgages, sold them off. so, they've already been paid for these mortgageses. don't worry about the banks. ~ they in many cases they've already collected insurance on them. then they told -- they manipulated the credit rating agencies into rating the securitized mortgages as aaa when they were in fact junk.
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they have deprived every county in this country of recording fees because they used the mers, which is the mortgage -- is that the end? [inaudible]. good afternoon, james green, resident employed by the city as a paramedic. recently an 8 month pregnant woman began bleeding profusely. her husband called 911. the [speaker not understood] recognized the rapid weak pulse and decreasingly declining blood pressure. the paramedic notified the respondent and ambulance paramedic which fortunately arrived moments later. this is becoming more and more not the case to bring a back board because the patient cannot be moved sitting in an upright position.
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the patient was rapidly moved to the ambulance. transport today san ~ transported to san francisco general hospital, stabilized the blood pressure, intubated to maintain oxygenation, notified the hospital so they knew whats was coming in. ultimately the mother took five units of whole blood to prevent shock. the baby required an emergency c-section to survive. i'm happy to report the mother and child are doing fine. contrary to what the mayor said to you, supervisor breed, in an earlier supervisory meeting it's not enough to get a paramedic to your door in 5 minutes or less. it requires the engine paramedic as well the ambulance paramedic. if you are unwilling to fund the request for us to get to where we need to be to keep from losing our exclusive operating area i would ask you
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to hold the department accountable for using the money that it has to make sure that it hires the additional personnel as well as getting the additional ambulances. we're at a critical juncture and the state is breathing down our neck. it shouldn't be taken lightly. and i would appreciate any help you can give us. [inaudible]. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is abigail [speaker not understood], i'm the executive director for legal services for children and i'm here to support supervisor campos's legislation on unaccompanied immigrant children. legal services for children has worked with us incredibly vulnerable child community for more than ten years and through that time i've heard the incredible stories of young people fleeing intense violence, violence so intense that they could not leave their homes to go to school or to work. they were literally shut in their homes in honduras. in extreme poverty in
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guatemala [speaker not understood] in many of these cases. because i've heard so many of these stories i was particularly alarmed last wednesday when someone sent me some news coverage of protesters of one of the buses taking immigrant children and their signs that said return to sender. and i walked around the whole day with a pit in my tom acthinking about all the young people that we have worked with and the response that they were getting at the border. but my day got a little bit better because late in the day i got a call from supervisor campos's office saying that he was going to introduce legislation and i remembered that no matter what is happening in the rest of the country, san francisco has the opportunity to do the right thing. and i think in this situation we have an opportunity to be a leader and to have a response that is humane and is compassionate. and, so, i want to thank supervisor campos for this legislation and urge all of you to support it. thank you so much.
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hi, my name is cathy buick, i'm here representing the american federation of teachers local 20 and 21 in support of item 74. and i have the statement to read from our union president. aft 21 21, the faculty union at city college of san francisco has endorsed the eighth came pain to have the city of san francisco declare that it intends to work with the city of richmond to form a joint powers attorney to prevent foreclosures. we at ccsf of teachers of all san franciscans, particularly the low-income and working class communities of color who are most threatened by foreclosures and growing income inequality. we see that the threat through accreditation and emission of college is connected to the threat of working class san franciscans. it is part and parcel of inequality agenda that threatens all of us. we urge the board of supervisors to save people's
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homes so they can remain a vibrant city for all. thank you. (applause) my name is gladys gonzalez and i'm here with the agenda [speaker not understood] and san francisco cares and this is something that all of you have to know. that we are here to tell you about what happened to our house. we've been having a hard time to pay our mortgage. and every time it's getting up and up and we are here to ask you to support that as san francisco resident. thank you. (applause) my name is christie akim.
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i'm a resident of bernal heights, lower personal heights near recida park. i'm here to urge you to support item 74, the san francisco cares resolution which would provide critically needed mortgage principal reduction to homeowners who are struggling with under water loans or who are otherwise facing default or foreclosure. i, you know, the problem in this city may not be as great as in other cities like the rich 340edctionv, but for anyone who is facing the loss of a home it's serious 500s. ~ enough. and i know how they feel because i lost a home myself. my late husband and i had a house of 25 years in >> no. >> no. noe valley and it went to auction four years ago ~. but i'm not here because of myself. i'm really here because of predatory mortgage lending and how it has contributed to this
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crisis and how it has devastated neighborhoods in san francisco. i kaz called to help at a home defense action in the bayview about three years ago with a 74 year old grandmother and i was absolutely shocked to learn how many homes in the bayview were either facing foreclosure or default. and on streets like [speaker not understood] it was almost every other home. and this to me, i thought it was an outrage. when i learned this was happening in similar african-american and latino neighborhoods across the country, that banks systematically targeted these neighborhoods for these lethal predatory loans that are much higher cost. they have lethal terms. they have consistently climbing interest rates and big balloon payments and all kinds of buried fees and penalties. and they're very averse,
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they're criminal. in fact -- so [inaudible]. (applause) >> thanks. next speaker. good evening, supervisors. my name is [speaker not understood] and i wanted to speak in a general about type of legislation that purports to strengthen a social safety net and not specifically about the alt ordinance which you already passed through committee. my comments are this. please consider that when we consider any restraints on certain types of individuals, we may be opening a zone of coercion in society. and while we may address that a holding tank is not a bad place to do a quick mental health assessment, many people don't
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feel that the sidewalk or a crime scene is such a place to do such assessment. i ask that you notice the world in which we live has changed quite a bit. neuroscience is the new product of physics. there is a great hardening in society and economic disparity between the rich and the poor while these thing do factor in. and it's good to have a checklist to make sure that any legislation does not unfairly target the poor and the unemployed and the people of color. for every dollar spent, good dollar spent on behavioral research unfortunately the truth of our world is that more money spent to find ways to destabilize in efforts of one kind or another, and please avoid new zones of coercion. thank you. good evening, supervisors. my name is tony robles. i'm with senior disability
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action. i'm here to urge you to vote in favor of resolution 74. personally, i know many people that have been severely and profoundly affected by the mortgage crisis. i know people that have lost their homes. i know people who have fought back and been able to keep their home such as mr.and mrs. [speaker not understood] who are in the audience ~ this evening. the resolution will demonstrate the resolve of the board to use eminent domain and to use these vehicles with which we can take these mortgages and make them manageable for people that have been targeted. it's a fruit of a poison tree situation that we've had here since 2007. if you're black or brown in san francisco, it's bad for your health, really. i mean, being targeted by these
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financial institutions that care nothing about our community, care nothing about our history in our community, and i speak as a san franciscan who has lived here since 1954, i come from two communities that were profoundly -- profoundly affected by gentrification, in the fillmore and in the manila town areas of san francisco. what we're asking for is equity and we're asking for a viethtioning chance for people, working people who have become an endangered group here in san francisco. ~ a fighting chance i am one of them. (applause) and i'm not going to leave san francisco. i'm not leaving, i'm not going anywhere. i'm not going anywhere. my com padres here aren't going anywhere either. you're going to have to deal with this. thank you. (applause) >> next speaker, please. hi, my name is [speaker not understood].
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i'm a long-time -- i'm a native san franciscan. i'm born and raised. i'm the grandson of two immigrants, one from spain, one from russia, you know. and i'm here to help -- to hope that you vote for san francisco cares, you know. it's a process, you know. we live in a diverse city. if i look at the board of supervisors, now, i'm looking at you two people. you don't look any different than the people behind me. without them, you won't be here. and if we get a lilly white board of supervisors, we're in trouble. [laughter] you know? it's a slow process and it's a beautiful city, you know. i've lived here 69-1/2 years and i've seen a lot of change, you know. the farmers market, i used to go play down there in the swamps when we were kids and --
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please, vote with your heart. give us a chance, you know. and i was appalled when i seen those buses being turned back. i would be shamed this is not the country i fought for when i was in the service, to turn away people. mr. campos, you know, i hope that it goes right for you. you know, think with your hearts when you vote for san francisco residents, you know. my kids are going to get a home that they inherited, they're not going to be able to afford to go out and buy one. so, think about it. bye. >> thank you. next speaker. (applause) hi, good evening. i'm here to support the s.f. cares program. i've been [speaker not understood]. i applied for [speaker not understood] denied and denied until i was evicted out of my home. and please support the cares
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program and, and please, thank you. (applause) hi, good evening. i thank you all. my name is margaret [speaker not understood] and i'm here to support everything in front of you on this particular issue. i've been living in my home. i raised my three children and now i am treading water. i want to keep my home. i want to leave that home to my children when i'm gone to the other world. so, i urge you to please support us because we are working community. we work so hard for our home and it's not so we lose it because this bank are taking over. i left my job two years ago. i'm an organizer and i'm an advocate for the children and the kids that [speaker not understood].
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so, i know well what i'm talking about. so, and someone mentioned earlier, we the people of color suffer twice. we pay twice. so, i'm in the excelsior district and i'm facing problems. and i'm also an immigrant. i came long, long time ago, even though i don't have the issues that we're facing, [speaker not understood]. so, i urge you, i implore you, please support, give us your vote. thank you. (applause) >> next speaker. good evening, supervisors. my name is amy shore. i'm the statewide campaign director for the [speaker not understood]. i think many people know we have been fighting in the trenches the last four or five years to save homes and stop
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foreclosures. we worked with a.g. harris to pass the bill of rights. we have a long way to go. i'm obviously here to support the resolution on cares community action to restore equity and stability. and i'd like to thank supervisors avalos, kim, campos and mar for co-sponsoring this. i'm sorry we're missing some of the supervisors here, but there are good reasons why it's not easy to stand up to wall street. they have us all in a debt trap. individuals and municipal government, which is why we need our municipal public bank, but that's a fight for another day. and talk about toxic stress, yes, anyone who has tried to negotiate with their bank about the terms of their mortgage, wall street is used to setting the rules of the game and we know what that game has done to communities, particularly communities of color, causing massive loss of wealth, massive displacement that is being accelerated here in san francisco. one element of their game is buying and selling of loans, the loans which, you know,
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