tv [untitled] July 9, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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>> good afternoon. and welcome to san fra*rns planning commission regular herebacker hearing orb june 26 20, 14. i would like to remind people from the audience, we do not tolerate any disturbance at all time, please silence any electronic devices, i would like to take roll, commission president wu. >> here. er >> vice-president fong ?frjts here. >> commissioner antinaoen any rny, commissioner borden, commissioner hillis, commissioner hoar and commissioner sugaya is expected to arrive late. item 1, case number 23.026b,
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660 3rd street is proposed for a continuance to august 14, 2014. >> is there any public comment on the continuance calendar? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner moore? >> move to continue as noted. >> second. >> on that motion to continue as proposedfinger commissioner antonini. >> aye. >> commissioner borden. >> aye. >> commissioner hillis. >> aye. >> commissioner fong. >> aye. >> that motion passes unanimously 6-0, it places you under your consent cal abasing all constitute a consent calendar are considered to be reteen by the planning
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commission and may be enacted by single roll call, there are be no separate discussion of this item, unless a commissioner wishes to discuss it, item 2 for case number 2014 .0225c, 1998 folk street, this is pursuant to ceqa of the san francisco administrative code and the preliminary recommendation is approval with conditions. >> is there any public comment on item number 2? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antir antonini? >> move to approve. >> second. >> on that motion to approve item 2, commissioner antonini? >> aye. >> borden? >> aye. >> hillis? >> aye. >> fong? >> aye ft.
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wu? >> aye. >> that motion passes unanimously, 6-0, that will place you under commission matters, item 3, draft minutes for june 12, 2014. >> is there any public comment on the draft minutes? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner fong? >> move to approve minutes. >> second. >> on that motion to adopt the minutes for june 12, 2014, commissioner antimony, borden, hillis, moore, fong, and president wu? >> aye. >> so moved, that motion passes unanimously 6-0 and places you on item 4, commission comments and questions. >> commissioner moore? >> i would like to make a comment on the item we just approved in consent and that is the incredible transformation of value, the addition of this small one of a kind retail store has made to the building which was very controversial when we approved it here.
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that particular store has almost transformed the building. it amazing because all of a sudden the attention goes to ground floor which is very active. it's a very nice sto, i'm vegetarian, i don't shop there, that's another story, it's quite beautiful and i'm extremely happy to see that as an addition to that particular neighborhood corridor. >> commissioner antonini. >> some disappointing developments in the last few days which many of you are familiar with, america's cup, the lucas maou vao*em and today in the chronicle mentioned we may have a problem with funding for the park on the top of the transbay terminal. these are very sad events and particularly with reference to the situation in the procedio trust although it's separate, a lot of the attitudes may have
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rubbed off on them because obviously the kind of process lucas had to go through led to the fact he's move tog chicago now and i don't quite understand all of it. we used to make something out of nothing, now we make nothing out of something. this return to nature and all these concerns are sometimes overdone, but -- and then in regards to the park at transit bay, we're short in funding there and i know that there's quite a bit of money coming out of mello-roos already, they have a lot of needs that have to be met, but the numbers involved here as was the case with the america's cup, in terms of a city that's got a budget of 6 or 7 billion dollars, it's not a lot. i mean, i think we've got to find a way out of our funding to get that park built at the same time the terminal is finished. whatever can be worked out with
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the other parties there between the transbay authority and the individual buildings and sponsors in the area that have obligations, that is also encouraged, but i think regardless of what happens, a city that spends 150 million a year on homeless situations without any noticeable improvement and spends 500 million with non-profits with -- i aoep not quite sure with what they are improving as far as the quality of life, we certainly can find 5 or 10 million to get some of these jobs done. it's just unfortunate that we often have an attitude that was maybe typified unfortunately by the italian soccer team a few days ago. when you play to tie or play not to use, you end up losing, and you know, we know that from prevent defenses in the nfl, prevent defenses end up causing -- it prevents you from winning
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and i think we have to have to have a little more positive at tuesday from san francisco and go out and spend the money to make things happen, so let's hope we find people like hopefully the warriors who have enough interest in being here that would put up with the process and put up with the cost to get to san francisco but we can't expect everybody to have that much perseverance. >> there's nothing further commissioners, we can move on to department matters, item 5, director's announcements. >> good afternoon, commissioner, on the issue of the park, i was a bit surprised to see that in the paper as well, we are looking into the specifics of that, that was clearly not the intent. the intent was the park open with the terminal, clearly the surrounding property owners were also -- had that expectation, so we are looking into the details on that. secondly, commissioner, i wanted to when i will put kate on the spot right now, i wanted to announce that i will be
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selecting kate conner as our specialist, this was a position that was placed in the budget at your request to talk for a person who does all things housing all the time, kate has shown a lot of experience deal witching housing issues, she'll be working on a lot of housing policy issues and also projects to move projects through the process across departments working in a number of different housing related projects, so we welcome kate to her new position. >> congratulations. >> and that concludes my report, thank you. >> commissioners, i'm 6, review f of past events of the board of supervisors, board of appeal, there was no historic preservation commission yesterday. >> good afternoon, erin star, planning department staff, at the land use committee this week, the committee considered supervisor wiener's legislation that adjusted density calculations, from projects of 20% or more affordable units
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on-site. this commission heard this item on june 12 12* and recommend the board doment the proposed amendments, the boerpd was passed unanimously by the committee, those supervisors kim and cohen added their time as co-sponsored, at the full board, the 2009 housing element passed on its second read, and the rose was continued to july 8th. the mission alcoholic beverage special use district was also heard, this ordinance would amend the beverage to allow other entertainment use that is are physically sbe grated witched a restaurant use to obtain a liquor license, this commission heard this item tennessee may 22, 2013 and moved the proposal, this ordinance passed its first read without any discussion. we had a few introductions this week as well, two interim
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zoning controls, the first one is for formula retail uses in the castro street neighborhood commercial district. the resolution [inaudible] interim zoning controls for an 18 month period ncd to require conditional use authorization for a proposed use na has been determined to be formula retail even a project sponsor subsequently removes one or more distinguished form of the retail from the project's proposal. since this item is proposing an interim zoning patrol, it was introduced by supervisor wiener. the second is a resolution imposing interim zoning controls requiring conditional use authorization for office conversion in landmark buildings in pd r-1 d and pd r-1 g districts for an 18 month period, this was introduced by supervisor kim. a new ordinance that you will be hearing was ams introduced. it's an ordinance amending the planning code to delete the
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prohibition against non-residential uses exceeding 25 thousand square feet in the regional commercial district to authorize a night time entertainment use in the wmuo district within 200 feet of any property within the residential on kla*if or residential on kla*if mixed use district [inaudible] prior to an application to re-establish the use. this use was introduced by supervisor kim, campos and wiener. then we have some reintroduction, some old friends came back, you may remember the northeast legislation that was sponsored by supervisor chiu, i don't remember commissioner hillis sitting through those numerous commission meets. he reintroduced two aspects of it leaving the signed portion of the ordinance non-reintroduced. these items were heard by the commission way back in 2012,
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they're not substantially different from whau you heard so they will not be coming back to you, the first one deals with excess ri uses and conformity of use, it would amend the planning code to allow exceptions the code requirements when converting a nonconforming use to a permanent residential use, it would modify the use of surface parking lots, modify accessory use and public open space requirements in specified use districts and remove references to deleted sections of the code. the other one deals with automotive uses, parking requirements, the washington broadway waterfront jackson square special use district. the planning code to delete the parking requirements for specified zoning districts and make the maximum parking requirements and specified zoning district, it removes conditional use requirements for higher residential densities and specified zoning districts and makes sur fasz
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parking lots a nonconforming use in, it makes automotive use consistent and deletes reference to deleted sections in the code. and finally the grand jury issued a report entitled the port of san francisco caught between public trust and private dollars on june 24th, the jury investigated whether there were -- our other options for the use and development of port property that better meets the desires and needs of the city's residents and if there is sufficient public input to meet public trust requirements, the report makes ten recommendation and is the planning department is asked to respond to four recommendations. we are required to respond within 60 days and we anticipate responding in mid august and that concludes my report. thank you. >> commissioner antbacker antonini. >> thank you for your report. i got a question on the proposed legislation by supervisor kim and pdr, pdr in
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twro districts regarding office conversionser. part of eastern neighborhoods which i assume includes those districts too allows for legalization of existing office units, office uses and i'm not sure, is this consistent with this or how is this different than what we already have in eastern neighborhoods? >> i haven't had a chance to look at the ordinance in depth, i believe when you landmark a build, it allows to convert as office as a right, so this would put an 18 month interim control that requires conversion for landmarks to go through the cup process. >> it seemed to me the overarching allowance for uses that were already in place and had been office but they had to be legalized were allowed rather it was a landmark building or not, i don't know, we'd have to get the clarification. i know this speaks only to landmark buildings but the other legislation, part of eastern neighborhoods i think
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deals with any uses that were of that category rather they're landmark or not. >> i believe you're correct on tha. >> okay, thank you. >> thanks. >> good afternoon, president wu and commissioner, corey tee, planning department stan, the board after appeals held a hearing last niek and there were two items on their agenda that may be of interest to this commission, both of those cases were extremely similar, they were both situations where a single family home had an illegal unit on the ground floor. there were building permits applied for and approved by the planning department and the building department and those permits were issued to do the necessary work to remove those illegal units, both of the appellants claimed that the mayor's executive directive regarding affordable housing and any removal of units both legal [inaudible] no sho* apply in that situation, however that
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directive only require it is dr process and that scenario if the existing voting contains three or more dwelling youths and that was not the scenario and it upheld both building permits. those are the only cases at the board of appeals last night that were relevant to the commission. >> thank you. >> commissioners, if tles ao nothing f*urts, we can move on to item 7 for case number 2008.1971cekx at 942 mission street, this is an informational presentation. >> commissioners, i would like to introduce you to another new staff member, carly grob, she received her masters in urban planning and real estate development from the university of michigan which also happens to be my alma mater, she completed an internship at the sustainable food seedling
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projects, she worked as a cashier at buy right and worked on the math team for apple. >> good afternoon, president wu and members of the commission, car lee groeb, planning staff, before you is an informational item on the public art installation kha was required as part of a hotel development at 942 mission street, i will provide you with a brief overview as well as the planning code requirement and the artist and j. michael mcgin, the project supervisor will provide an overview of the proposed art. in late 2010, the planning commission approved a cup for a 52 foot tall [inaudible] at 942 mission street with 174 hotel rooms, the project required as a condition of approval a public art component valued at an amount equal to 1% of the hard construction cost for the
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project t project [inaudible] to provide on-site public art to satisfy this requirement. the project's conditions of approval also require that the final art concept and location be submitted for review by the planning director in consultation with the planning commission. in today's hearing, staff is seeking comments to the planning commission, that concludes my presentation and i will now turn it over to k.p.kerposi and mr. mcgin. >> good afternoon, commissioner, thank you for your time. we are excited to present our vision for the public art requirement of 942 mission street, we have come up with an idea based on many aspects live ining the most photogenic city and the idea of photography, of
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certainly many of our iconic structure that are 100 years old in many cases in our city that's accelerating into the 21st century with our building boom right now. we are proposing to use these beautiful photos that mr. chapathy has the vision of and utilize them in a mow saic mural using the ancient form of mosaic, it is a company founded by a gentleman from stanford that came up with an algorithm to make one of a a kind mosaics, they cannot be repete, this particular one will be back lit by led's, and when k.p. is talking, i will show you a sample piece that i did bring with me. what's exciting about that, we can gauge the calvin light ratings which is the color of
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light behind this particular mosaic, meaning if we're an area, i chose kp's photographs that had dusk in evening's sky, that gives us great contrast and arteic company, you will see the presentation in the let, it looks like a modern urban van gogh sky, like the starry night but in an urban, so we feel we're bringing together many, many elements of what's going on right now, plus the fact we're situated yards from one of the biggest landmarks in our city which is the old mint building and certainly around the corner from the marsconi center so we're excited and we hope you like what you see, i'm going to let k.p. talk about his vision as an artist. >> thank you very much for letting me be here, so i
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started photography a few years ago and i have electrical engineering degree with [inaudible] and computers and i have done the consulting work and that takes me to travel to this beautiful country all around, you know, east, west, north, south, and i happen to come across a camera three years ago and it caught my attention, what best place than san francisco to explore, and i got into it, and my analytical mind got into it and with the creative side, you know, once i'm done with my work, i live nearby, i just come to san francisco, spend hours and hours sitting, you know, watching these particular places, the garden gate, the lot of buildings, the mission street and so on, and i have created some of this, you know, pictures which my mind sees, and essentially, you know, i
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see this beautiful, beautiful scenes, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the evening and i go through this whole process. i mix with technology and that's how is my whole work, so essentially, so maybe i can speak a little bit about this piece and what we are doing, i mean, think about the pictures which we see here, this is going to be made into a huge, huge wall, and essentially this is going to be put in a form of the mural and then we will put it as a mosaic, and there is going to be a light in the back, so if i have to explain this picture, think about these lines, you know, which is something which is here, here, the light which is being presented, and what we have the
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ability to show this thing as a huge, huge mosaic, but with the help of technology, we are going to control how the light intensity is and what is the color of light, so essentially in this picture, if i'm looking at this yellow light, we will have yellow color led's which is about 2500 to 3000 calvin temperature light and we'll maintain the intensity of the light ba*il based on the real scenario, so if i'm looking on this huge wall, it is going to be a flawless mural with complete mosaic and with bunch of, you know, the light intensity varying and light colors varying, so think about it. this one, you know, this bridge is going to look completely warm color with completely bright, but at the same time, all this sky is going to be looking like, you know, we are in the dusk time and the whole
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blue hour feeling and so on, so we have ability to bring the exact colors, make it look flawless and at the same time, control the light and its intensity, so that is the whole point of it. >> thank you. >> thank you very much for your time. >> so, we'll open it up for public comment. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini? >> i think these are very nice sxit's refreshing to see public art pieces when you really understand what you're looking at, so many of them are so abstract, we're not sure what they are, we have a beautiful city and why not feature it in some of our public art and i think it's very well done. i'm looking forward to it. >> yes, thank you for the presentation.
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>> if there's nothing further, commissioners, we can move on to item 8, case number 2008.0762emzc, 835-845 jackson street t chinese hospital, this is also an informational presentation. >> good afternoon, president wu and members of the commission, kate conner, planning department staff. you have before you an informational item regarding the final design for chinese hospital located at 835-845 jackson street. the project was before the planning commission on july 12th, 2012. the scope of work included the demolition of the existing medical administration building at 835 jackson and construction of a new hospital in its place. the project also included the renovation of the existing hospital at 845 jackson street. numerous entitlements associated with the project were approved by the commission and the conditional use authorization motion included conditions of approval
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regarding design. since the approval in 2012, there have been numerous meet witching the project sponsor and planning department staff with the goal of revising the design to respond to the cultural context of the neighborhood. there are a number of enhancement tos the previous design which have occurred at the north elevation, the east elevation and james alley, since the planning commission hearing. the north elevation includes revisions to the terraces to add more planters, remove the stairs and add natural stone capers, low-relief medallions designed with chinese iconography have been handed to the 3rd, 4th and 5th and sixth floors t stair glazing on the north elevation has been revised to create silkscreening, historic images of the older hospital, a red color was added to the window frames on all of the upper floors. james alley has been enhanced
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to include paving bicycle rails and seeding, additional lighting has been incorporated to allow use of the alley, the east elevation, an art mural has been elevated covering the entire wall, the mural will mask and cover all doors and louvers. the permit for construction are reviewed by the office of statewide health planing and development and do not require planning or building department approval. the existing medical administration building has been demolished and the new hospital building is under construction. i would like the introduce linda shoe smacker from xhien naoez hospital who will make an introduction and we have members from chinese hospital's design team who will make a brief presentation and will also be available for questions regarding the design. this concludes my presentation, i'm also available for questions. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners, my name is linda shoe smacker, i'm the chief operating officer for chinese hospital. it was hard for me to believe
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it was two year ago that we were here two years ago presenting our project for your approval and i wanted to just sort of give you a little bit of an overview of the project as a reminder. we are building a new hospital on the old medical office building site and that project is under construction actually all the steel is up and we've been pouring the concrete ducts and are now in the process of doing fireproofing. the hospital will be a seismically safe hospital that will provide better access for health care services to the community and particularly our chinese community in chinatown. we did present our project to you back in july of 2012, and have been working closely with the planning department to identify some enhancements and make some modifications to the facade and some of the areas
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around the hospital building to better meet expectations and create -- and create a facility that will blend in better with the community. with that, i would like to introduce david wilson who is the architect who will now present the more detail of the enhancements for you. >> thank you, commissioner wu and commissioners, president wu and commissioners, what we have here is a series of enhancements from the last previous design and let me just put these guys down. and what we have on the -- as conner indicated, we have enhancement tos the terrace on the north elevation, we have some stairs in there, we took that out to give more access to the public for seeding in there, the old xhien naoez hospital had a lot of
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interaction right outside where people sat and gauged in the community, we made more seating, added planters, we also added the same paver ins that terrace area were wrapped down to james alley. let me just change this page. so, the old terrace is here, and we have seating in here, some planters around this and we're wrapping the same pavers down to bring people down to james alley and we have three planters down this side and in those planters, we have seating on the north side here, we also have little bike rails in here for people to lock their bicycles too and allow people to really interact. we also have an art mural
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