tv [untitled] July 9, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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interaction right outside where people sat and gauged in the community, we made more seating, added planters, we also added the same paver ins that terrace area were wrapped down to james alley. let me just change this page. so, the old terrace is here, and we have seating in here, some planters around this and we're wrapping the same pavers down to bring people down to james alley and we have three planters down this side and in those planters, we have seating on the north side here, we also have little bike rails in here for people to lock their bicycles too and allow people to really interact. we also have an art mural on that same elevation of james
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alley, the east elevation, one moment. we see that first planter with the seeding, the next two planters have bike rail and is we have an art mural that covers all our -- this is a precast panel, we're adding an art mural to all of that, mistor cal images are shown on this and we're trying to tie the old building which was demolished unfortunately but seismically unsafe, the elevation that is we're bringing the old hospital in on the north elevation where you have silkscreen historic images, let me just change that image.
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it's a little hard to read on the screen, we have historic images from 1925, opening of the old hospital, we have images of the original founders in the 1890's, we have images of the [inaudible] in the 50's and 60's and we also have some images that are bringing the modern staff and hospital into that, so we're trying to show the history of this site with the old building and also bring it forward into the future with the new stuff. and the other items that we've been adding down here, we have a donor signage in the front terrace, we have precast columns on the front columns in here and replaced that with stone panels and on the back of the terrace, we also have the same stone panels which is a natural stone, not artificial. we also have lighting in james alley and then one of the last pieces we've been doing, each
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of these floors, we have these low-reliefs where we have chinese iconography, also in here we have windows with wonderful colors being changed to chinese red color windows in that historical -- a good look, auspicious, red windows, let me show you our precast panels we have. so, we've had some mock-ups made of these and these will be coming in later this year and installed on the building. so, we have -- you can see some chinese iconography here and then these are also made to look like the old railings that were on the buildings, so these primarily are underneath the windows, and i think i've hit every item on that. thank you. >> thank you. are there any public comment on this item? okay, seeing none, public comment is closed.
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i want to thank you for your presentation today. i think especially at this terrace level, you found some sort of balance between incorporating some kind of cultural design but not necessarily copying design of the past, i think that you've been quite successful with this glass curtain with the pattern and also with the red. i really love the old front part of the chinese hospital with the benches, it was although not on the street, the most successful park l*et i've seen, so i think you've been able to capture the spirit of that. commissioner moore? >> i appreciate that, commissioner, in 2012 asked there the project to come back, at that time, it was rather utilitarian build, it was stark and disappoint, particularly when we all knew what was torn down and what was going to be there. bigger is fine, but this particular i think adaptation captures the transitioning of scale.
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i think the revitalization and recognition of the alley's extremely important. the alleys are and will remain important in chinatown, but also how the building tracks the lower floors and the scale of the alley around, so i think it's all in all very positive, adding the medallions and the three dimensional work gives the building a lot more liveliness in addition to the color which president wu mentioned i think, it has come a long way and i'm commending the department having spent the time to work with the refinements on this building. >> commissioner antonini? >> are there any plans to do anything with i guess it's the existing hospital next door which it says chinese hospital on it and try to bring that -- it's rather the exterior of that is sort of buoyant and to see if it can be improved to fit in bet were the new hospital?
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>> there are some plans for additional signage that were part of the conditional use approval, and we will be looking at any other modifications to be made to that building in 2017. so, after the new hospital is completed, then we'll be looking at work in that current hospital building. >> thank you, i would encourage you to do whatever you can with this one so it can work out better with the new one. >> absolutely. >> thank you for the presentation. >> commissioners, that will place us on general public comment not to exceed a period of 15 minutes, at this time, members of the public may address the commission of items that are of interest in the public that are not with respect to agenda items, with respect to the agenda, you will be afforded time to address that item during the meeting. i have no speaker cards. >> there any general public
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comment? >> i was waiting for your comments first. i am thrilled about the chinese hospital design because i am so disgusted about the design that the mta is doing on stockton street. this has nothing to do with complimenting the buildings on that street and have very little to say about the community it's serving, and i think this is something we're going to have to look into throughout the city because that design is sad, and i hope throughout the next few year, we start working on the identification of the neighborhoods, their history and being able to include some of this in our public buildings. thank you. >> are there additional general
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public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner, it will place us under your regular calendar and for the benefit of the public as well as the commissioner, i'm 10 for case number 20005.0694u as 2558 mission street, the in-kind agreement, the project sponsor has withdrawn that question, that will not be before you today. >> commissioner borden? >> just out of curiosity, do we know why? >> my understanding is that the sponsor was concerned about the timing of the in-kind agreement and fulfilling it and its impact on his own development and certificates of occupancy. >> commissioners, i'm 9, case number 2007.0168c, the 22-5
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acre hunters view public housing develop m,. >> good afternoon, i'm matt mender of department staff, today before you is an hearing of block 10, phase 22.5 hunters view public housing pro*p project, you approved it back in june, 2008. this was the first of the hope sf projects, at that time, because it is such a high priority project and because it is such a long term build-out, the -- staff had suggested and you had approved the project with a conditional used planned unit developments with a ten year performance period. instead of having every building in the exhibits before you for the -- i think it's 23 blocks, what we did is create a design for development project, provided you with plan ins the first phase and we indicated we would be coming back to you as
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the latter phases would become available, so this -- about 3 months ago, you heard an informational presentation on the first two blocks of phase 2, blocks 7 and 11, this is for a third block of that phase, block 10. the planning department has reviewed this project which consists of multifamily over retail and community uses and a child care at the crux, the hub of the project, we believe that it does meet the design for development document and the intent of your approval from five years ago, we are ready to approve the plans but we wanted to give you this informational presentation per your conditions of approval. captain etsil and daniel siem moniker kathrin from the john stewart company t project sponsor is also here to provide you with a briefing on the stalts and then daniel can run through with you the designs of
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block 10. this concludes my presentation, i would be happy to answer any questions you might have. >> thank you. >> good afternoon x commissioner, i'm cath lin from the john stewart company, i have a powerpoint presentation that i can deliver which is very similar to what we delivered in february with an overall update of phase 1 and setting the stage with phase 2 or we can roll into daniel's presentation with more specific designs on block 10, i was told we should keep the conversation brief. >> maybe quickly run over the context. >> sure, and while daniel's loading, what i'll do -- so, this is really the critical part of what i was going to present, and this set it is
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stage for part 2, it's a little blurry, essentially phase 1 of hunters' view is what you see at the top of the map in where the box colored diagrams are, that's completed last year, fully occupied and managed by the john stewart company, we were presenting block 7 and 11 last time, this is the vertical project that's within the phase 2 area that includes 107 units, the design architect for that project are davis baker and paula tagert as well, what we're here to discuss today is block 10 which is a 72 unit affordable project also within phase 2, it's in the bottom portion of the map that you see right there. this is really the crux of the hunters view redevelopment project, it's the heart of the community, it's going to serve as the main community space for all of the residents in hunters
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view and the broader neighborhood. there will be a mixed income daycare facility as well as central property management operations for the new hunters view and a relatively large community room and other sort of activity spaces for residents as well as members of the larger community, so we're excited about block 10, it's bringing tobt the neighborhood and i'll let daniel provide more information on the specifics of the design. i'm maip to take any questions as well. >> thank you.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners, thank you for giving me the opportunity to present the project. we were here a few months ago talking about 7 and 11 and we're back here to talk again, my name is daniel siem mons and i'm representing both daniel baker's office and paula tagert office, we're working together on this project. this is the overall site plan, which kathrin talked a little bit about. this is a diagram here, this shows -- with the white w it's a little hard to see is blocks 4, 5 and 6 which is complete,
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what's gray is blocks 7 and 11, those are the projects we brought to you a few months ago which are going out to bid in a couple of weeks, plus or minus, and then with orange is block 10 which is what we're here to talk about today. block 10 is at the top of the hill and as kathrin said, it's the center of the community, it's going to have a child care center and a large community serving area. this is a little diagram of the project that we put together to show the influences on the project. as fair fax kind of turns around the top of that hill and you can look down fair fax in either direction, you can see beautiful views out to san francisco or out to the city, it's at the top of the hill, there's a [inaudible] academy behind it and there's a new park that's directly adjacent to where we're proposing the child care center which is at the end of ironwood which is one of the new streets.
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this is a rendering of what the completed building is going to look like, it's a rendering of what it would look like if it were made out of wood as a model but we did it as a computer rendering, i think there's a couple of things important to note here is that the central part adds the street curves, we sort of faceted the building so that the units which are facing there have views out in both directions so they have these corners that allow view ins both directions and that central piece is the most prominent part of the building and then the two ends, we wanted to have recede a little bit to place importance on the central part and we did that by making them simple and just having them either be horizontal as is on the case of the portion of the building on the sxleft the portion of the building on the right would
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have vertical elements. this is a site plan, because we have so many uses here, we have the child care center, the community center and we have the housing, we thought the we would take the opportunity to create entrances for all these uses off of one central plaza which would hopefully really create a public [applause] sa that had a lot of activity. right now at hunters view, there isn't that sort of central space where there's lots of people coming and going, that's right in the middle there behind a fence or screen bridge, there will be a play area for the children, an outdoor space for the community center and then the park is just off to the left there. this is a view as you're coming up fair fax, get tog the top of the hill, you can see on the right is the vertical banding which is that sort of portion
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of the background on the far left is the horizontal banding and then in the middle is this sort of faceted building which has the community center underneath it. this is coming from the other direction, again, just both of these views i think reinforce how prominent the sent r of that building is and how the acting of the building responds to the curb and the view that's out there. this last view is a view of this public entry plaza, on the left with the bright yellow colors is a child care center, on the right is the community center and then in the middle is the entrance into the housing and that public plaza is like i said -- is a culmination of all three of these uses and we feel like the other five blocks we have shown will use this space so they'll be coming in and out of this
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plaza a lot. another thing that we tried to do here which you can kind of begin to see is that the upper portions of the building are relatively subdued in term of their color, we don't think of them in terms of background but they're not really brieg and the idea is to have the ground floor which is this community space being vibrant in color and even a little color coded, so the yellow here represents the child care sent and her the red orange is the community center, as people are driving by, this will be a really distinct and unique part of the neighborhood. thank you very much. >> okay, i'm opening it up to public comment, if there's any. seeing none, public comment's closed, commissioner antonini. >> i had a couple of questions on the project in general. i guess the first, you have
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that one rendering where you have the open stairs and i'm not sure how that's going to be handled visually from there, it's a little unusual to have the stairs visible from the front of the building where people are moving from one section to the other. >> yes, so i think that going back early on in the frontingbacker project, we talked a lot with the housing authority and the redevelopment agency or oci, as it is now, there was a lot of concern about enclosed corridors and enclosed stairs, both from a security standpoint but also from a usability standpoint, that they become kind of dark places where people don't really want to go. in both 7 and 11 and 10, we went to great lengths to pull the circulation out and make it prominent and open and airy, and so, yeah, so you're right, it is a very prom nanlt, it was
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a pretty deliberate move on our part, i think it was a bit of a response to what we heard were problems with some of the older housing authority projects. >> which is typically in the last few decades, we've gone away from the kind of situation where you have as many of the motels and things built in the 50's had these places where stairways were visible and corridors were visible in front of where the rooms were and generally that was internalized more but i think i can understand what you're trying to do there and probably as long as the exterior areas are properly addressed, it probably could look okay, it's has beeneder to see how it's going to look, but i have another follow-up question. it doesn't indicate -- the project as a whole is supposed to have 267 replacement public housing units, 133 affordable units and an additional 400, so i think this phase 10 you talked about is just affordable
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replacement, but where are we in terms of the entire project, how many of each of these have we built or are we building? >> block 7 and 11 technically have 54 public housing replacement units. the balance of those are all affordable units but 54 go towards that 267 and the rest are affordable. for block 10, 36 go to -- sorry, 54 are for public housing replacement and the balance are just affordable units. to date, we haven't built any of the market rate component for hunters view, we're sort of assessing the feasibility of that and plan to provide that as part of the project, but currently, there have not been any market rate units build on-site. >> that was what we approver and i think it makes sense to have blended neighborhoods, get away from situations where we have only public housing isolated by itself and the fact that we integrate market
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housing and different forms of affordable so i think it's important that as i see it, the project has to be finished with that sort of a ratio. >> exactly and that's something we're excited about and that's part of the hope as a model as well and the intent is the market race component will help cross subsidize the public housing affordable units as well. >> that's my feeling too and i think it will be probably an easier sell for the market rate units if they're blended in, there's some there gradually throughout the process instead of beginning to have all 400 being brought in at the same time, the other 400 are all affordable or public housing units, so my opinion if i was marketing, i would try to blend them. >> that's the intent. >> thank you. >> sure. >> commissioners, it will place you on item 11a and b for case
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number 2011.0477cv at 1900 19edth avenue, it is a request for conditional use authorization, commissioners, and the zoning administrator will request a variance. >> good afternoon, president wu and commissioner, doug vu, department staff, the case before you is a request for a conditional use authorization to establish a new form retail cvs pharmacy store at 1900 19th avenue, the proposed project will include an addition of a net 2300 square feet to the building to establish 14 thousand 170 square feet of occupied floor area. facade improvement tos allow visibility into the building, utilization of 31 parking
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spaces on the roof of the build hating are ak sashed by a run way ramp and provide an additional 9 space ins a parking lot across ortega street, the proposed operations would be 7-11 daily and in addition to selling merchandise that is typical of other cvs stores, a small area will serve as a minute clan k that provide vaccination, preventive care and other non-emergency services through a staff of nurse practitioners and physician assistants, they have agreed not to sell alcohol or tobacco proktbacker pugs at this location. this project was scheduled for consideration at the commission's june 6th hearing and was continued two additional times at the request of the sponsor so they could consider the issues identified by the department and the neighbors, the project is located at the southeast
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corner, [inaudible] the other four parcels within this commercial district include a chevron gas station, a mixed use residential and commercial build, a framing and gallery store and a two family dwelling. adjacent land uses are primarily residential in character with single family dwellings in rh1 districts, the international skol is located on the east side of 19th avenue and is also surrounded primarily by one and two family dwellings. the project is also located approximately 1 block south of the eastern terminus of the noreaega street and five blocks north of the [inaudible]. as noted, the department has received 19 e-mails and letters from the public and different organizations and a petition with 29 sixties expressing
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concerns and/or opposition to the project. a petition supporting the project that is signed by 84 evils was also received. these correspondences do not include those that were submitted prior to when the project was agendized in 2013. the department has received over 300 e-mails, letters and petition, both in opposition to and support for the project. after analyzing all aspects of the project, department staff has found the proposed cvs at 1900 19th avenue to be unbalanced for the following reasons, the project is consistent with the policies of the plan, the project will not displace an existing tenant, will occupy a building that has been vacant since 2009 and will contribute to the vitality of the neighborhood, there are no similar neighborhood uses within the n c-1 district ask the project will be the only formula retail use.
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the nearest similarly sized pharmacy store is located about .5 miles away west of 19th avenue. the project sponsor has addressed the department's previous concerns regarding the building's lack of [inaudible] and will significantly improve it to be more transparent, attractive with the architectural and esthetic character of the neighborhood. the sponsor has sufficiently addressed neighborhood concerns regarding park, loading and pedestrian safety by submitting a pedestrian circulation and operations assessment that concluded the proposed project would not significantly increase traffic congestion or pedestrian safety. the project anticipating receives one large corporate delivery truck per week and 7 maimer delivery trucks from vendors, these would result in the net of only one on street parking space, the loss of one sparkbacker parking space.
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and finally the project will create a approximately 25 jobs for san francisco residents. based upon these findings and those described in the draft motion, department staff recommends approval with conditions, the project sponsor is present and has prepared a presentation. this concludes my presentation and i am available for any questions. >> thank you. project sponsor? >> good afternoon x commissioner z my name's andrew junias, i'm pleased to be here representing landmark, realty and cvs and the project on 19th and or -- ortega, it's been a long hall, we've been at this for three years and we're finally glad to be here today to come to a resolution. i do want to touch on a couple of high level issues to bring the issue tos the forefront and
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talk about some of the essential facts and benefits supporting this application. so, if you will turn your attention to the screen. i think one of the things, it's really important to kind of get your head around is the fact that this neighborhood commercial district really isn't doing what it's supposed to do for the neighborhood, not surprising, it's small as mr. vu just mentioned, it's 6 spots but there are no services in this district, so what the zoning was intended to do has yet to come to fruition in the entire history of this district and this site, obviously the building originally was an auto dealership turned into a uspc and has been vacant for the last four years so this is a great opportunity for the neighborhood to benefit from a pharmacy come tog the corner but a general retailer who's going to provides provide a lot more goods and services where none exist today.
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