tv [untitled] July 10, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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for themselves, for their families or for their own employees. if someone needs open heart surgery, no facts or date to a inform someone where the lowest mortality rate exists or lowest post infection rate may be. as we continue to evolve and paying for our own health care, that we continue to shoulder the burden of more ongoing costs and procedures down the road, i believe we continue to need to be more well informed as residents, as citizens, and as people here in san francisco. in the united states we pay almost double what every other developed country pays for health care. and premiums are likely to go up 5 to 8% in the coming years as affordable tax and tax on high health care plans also kicks into gear. hhs spends more than $720 million annually on insurance premiums for over 100,000 public employees retirees and their dependence. transparency will reward providers who deliver the best quality care and help patients pick the best doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other providers.
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without transparency, it's extremely difficult to negotiate and improve rates. in terms of the resolution being introduced today this is an issue that's going to require several steps and constant attention. after several meetings with our city attorney's office catherine dodd and other members of hhs and the joint labor committee we all agree this resolution is the next step to address the issue. the resolution gives a directive to hss as they negotiate with health care vendors to demand quality and cost transparency by 2016 as well as agreements with no anti-competitive provisions. it also recommends that hss establish a payment reform and transparent advisory group made up of a nationally recognized expert and experts to outline a framework for transparent health care system here in san francisco. and i will continue to work with hss to form this group. hss will report back to the board of supervisors march 31st, 2016 on their negotiations, progress and outcomes for this advisory group. i do believe we as a board owe it to our residents as consumers to gain more insight
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into health care costs that we continue to shoulder the burden of more and more. so they can begin to move towards more competitive pricing structure. transparent marketplace as we all know are inherently more competitive and more competition will lead to driving down costs, something we can all agree on we're seeing here at the city and county of san francisco. i look forward to your support as that comes forward. the second item is unfortunately an in memoriam for reverend anthony turney here in san francisco. reverend turney was joined by friends and family on july 4, 2014 in the coming home hospice in san francisco following three years living with cancer. he was 76 years old and his death came on the 30th anniversary of him becoming a u.s. citizen. reverend turney was born in england in 1937. his first years were spent in the church of england home for waifs and strays. he was adopted by the turney family 40 miles northeast of london. in his mid teens he served as a
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police cadet and at the age of 17 anthony joined the grenade air guards re i am. ~ [speaker not understood]. besides serving in the guards icon i can ceremonial duties outside of buckingham palace, anthony also had distinguished service on their fire crisis. afterwards he spent his 20s in various jobs in london, lost in the wilderness as he put it. for his career he moved to the u.s. in 1968 and immediately jumped into the nonprofit world. he first established himself in new york city. reverend turney made a name for himself as an independent producer. especially proud to present at carnegie hall. over the years he also lived in st. louis, atlanta, washington, d.c. and san francisco. he was a long time champion of social justice issues in the lgbt community and most recently as arch deacon for the arts at grace cathedral, he
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epitomized what it was to be a servant minister. an open gay minister. [speaker not understood], executive director of the dance theater of harlem and administrative director of the san francisco opera. with his life in san francisco and the onset of the hiv/aids epidemic in the 1980s, reverend turney's life changed course. in 1991 he quit his work to care for his partner james who was dying from aids related complications and losing his partner was devastating. in 1992 after completing aids memorial panel he asked god what he should do next and he moved to san francisco. in 1992 he was named ceo of the names project foundation, international caretaker of the aids memorial quote and after 43 years 43 panel to washington, d.c. to display on the national mall viewed by over 1 million people. ordained to the episcopal [speaker not understood] in 186 and continued to serve through
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his work at grace cathedral under the austria cpitions of san francisco. in 1996 he was appointed the san francisco arts commission. in 2000 he served as a consultant in the united states agency for international development. in san francisco he found a spiritual home at grace cathedral where he served as parishioner, canon for development and vocational calling as clergy. several years before his retirement he was appointed to the arch die seize of california serving the whole community of deacons administratively and pastorly and very much a person to whom very relied centrally and heavily. afterwards anthony was named arch deacon [speaker not understood] and chaplain of the dean's arts committee for the cathedral. they will remember him most for his personality. he filled the room with grace and dignity and uses keen humor to destroy any remaining decorum. he was a [speaker not understood] he valued each person that came into his life.
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his friends and colleagues know him best by his giving nature as well as san francisco. reverend turney is survived by san francisco, st. louis and los angeles family, his friends and colleagues and companion drew. the funeral and celebration of reverend turney's life will be held july 14 at 11:00 a.m. and the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. >> submit. >> supervisor mar? >> thank you, madam clerk. this weekend on sunday is the second time sunday streets will hit the richmond district and i wanted to say there is a route a laguna honda ar dwell a boulevard from golden gate park all the way to the presidio that i share with supervisor farrell as well in district 2 ~. so, i'm please today announce this coming sunday from 11 to 4:00 p.m., sunday streets will be on ar dwell a boulevard from fulton street at golden gate park to lake street near the presidio arguello gate
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traveling from park to park as we call it, this route will connect golden gate park to the presidio by opening arguella boulevard for peep to engage in fun and healthy activities, lots of family, dogs, many people are out there each year and we're really happy and hoping for nice suny weather this coming sunday. the richmond route is a little different from last year, though. so, be sure to check the map. this route highlights the entrance to the richmond district and the importance of arguella boulevard located on a bike network it is a major north south connector that passes many important destination in our city. unfortunately it's also a high bicycle injury and high pedestrian injury corridor. so, i'm working closely and my staff is as well with local residents, the bicycle coalition, the mta and others to develop a new safer street on arguello. so, the sunday streets will give us an opportunity to see how pedestrianization and closure of a street for one day
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in the year can really help us look at more safety efforts, too. so, after the inaugural sunday streets in the richmond last year, we were excited to bring this fun open streets back to the richmond. it connects car-free streets on jfk drive on golden gate park to the car free streets of the presidio. sunday streets in the richmond also creates miles of car-free space for families to get out and be active. i think sunday streets which emerged from south american countries like bogota are an opportunity for youth, for people to come out to build stronger, connected and interconnected communities. the root connects to clement street, farmers market. i call it clement street community farmers market. as supervisor farrell and i know it is the place where i see him and his family. i see many people from the richmond as well every sunday for our community farmers market. so, one of the places that i'll
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be -- i'll have a booth with my staff and volunteers on arguello on clement street at farmers market, also the presidio family fun festival will be taking place at mountain lake park is the supervisor farrell's district. it is another way to connect sunday streets with other great activities. there will also be a free shuttle on sunday streets richmond district that connect people to off the street grid presidio main post. it will pick up people from the start of the sunday streets route at arguello and lake as well. so, i hope you join us on sunday streets, come to my booth, our booth at the entrance of the farmers market and talk about the issues and how we can make arguello boulevard and many other streets in our neighborhoods safer. if you want more information, contact livable city at 415-314-40 89 or go to sunday streets thanks. i'll submit the rest. >> thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor wiener.
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~ >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, today i am submitting four in me more i can't relating to the murder of fourteen agers in the middle east in the last couple of weeks ~, three i israelis and one palestinian. [speaker not understood] is one that gets very politicized and we all have our views and differing views in the community. i know i have my own strong views. but this is really not a political issue. when we see teenagers being murdered in cold blood, the politics are not what this is about. the fact that this is happening is further proof that we have to resolve this situation. it's untenable in terms of the
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conflict that's occurring, an apparent inability to come to a peaceful resolution. on june 12, three israeli teenagers were kidnapped in the west bank as they were hitch hiking home. on june 30th the israeli mill industry found their bodies in a field northwest of hebron. i think it is important to note these were not just statistics, these were real live people, teenagers. [speaker not understood], 19, was from alad, town in central israel. friends of his family spoke of him as having been the father of all kids in the neighborhood and someone who always did the right thing. naftali frank el was born in the religious community [speaker not understood] between israel in the west bank. his mother rachel said he was the second of 7 children loved playing basketball, and the guitar, fought with his sister,
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and had a cynical sense of humor. [speaker not understood] was from the settlement of [speaker not understood] in the central west bank. he was a leader and [speaker not understood] a popular religious youth movement and his friends and family said he was an avid baker. shortly thereafter a palestinian teenager named mohammed abu a 16-year-old from east jerusalem was abducted from his home and his charred remains were found in the jerusalem forest. preliminary autopsy reports found that he was still alive when he was set on fire. mohammed's cousin remembers him as a quiet boy, "who went to school and then straight home, a boy who had good friends, who didn't get into trouble." colleagues, i ask that we adjourn the meeting in the memory of these fourteen agers and that we do so on behalf of the whole board. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. and i skipped over supervisor tang. sorry about that, supervisor
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tang. >> no problem, madam clerk. thank you. today i am actually not introducing a piece of legislation to you all, but introducing to you the first of its kind san francisco blueprint. it is a project that i took upon two months after coming into office and came up with this idea because i had -- i had been really inspired by the fact our city had a ten-year capital plan where we really layout how is it that we're going to fund our infrastructure improvements within the next ten years. and, so, i wanted to bring that to a neighborhood level, not just about our infrastructure improvements but policy areas and also bringing to light our community concerns. so, we spent six grueling months doing some really engaging community outreach talking and listening to our constituents about what some of their ideas and suggestions were to improve the sunset district. we also met with all of our city departments to gather their feedback about what it is that we are already working on that can help also improve our district. and we came up with five issue
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areas that we wanted to focus on. children, families, and seniors, public transportation pedestrian safety, land use, economic development, and public safety and emergency preparedness. so, in those five issue areas we have laid out what it is we hope to see short medium long term in the sunset district and really hoping to provide a more focused effort in our office to better serve our residents. so, we did this all in-house, depth hire any outside consultants. it was a huge incredible effort. so, i really want to thank my staff arkly summers, stanley [speaker not understood], we had incredible intern [speaker not understood] as well as planning department staff adrian who helped us put this together. i want to thank them for that. we're going to officially reveal it to the community tomorrow evening, 6 to 7:00 p.m., [speaker not understood] on 20th avenue. in the meantime want to pass around a draft. we're proud of our accomplishment, but i will ask for the draft back afterwards
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and i just really want to -- hope that we will be able to continue being very proactive in how we serve our community and residents. so, thank you very much. >> thank you, supervisor tang. supervisor yee. >> thank you, madam clerk. i'd like to close today's meeting in memoriam to layton dong. layton was a close friend of mine for 40 years and he was [speaker not understood] with his son up in the mountains over a week ago when he suddenly passed away, not really knowing what he passed away of. and i have to say that losing him will be a great loss to san francisco. i mean, i just loved his sense of humor and his knack for life. he what probably the best cook i've ever known.
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and more recently he was well loved by the swing dance community. and prior to that he was a leader in bringing culturally for the first time in the united states chinese drumming. he was the head of the founder of the yellow river drum troop that taught chinese drumming to just 15, 20 years of children learning at schools and so forth, and now it's becoming a little more of a mainstream in term of that cultural activity. and prior to that he always was into his martial arts and line dancing and always taught many people in the community these trades. so, it's like i said, it's a great loss to not only me, but
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many of his friends and the city of san francisco and what he had brought to san francisco. he he is survived by his wife janet and his two sons kegan and logan. ~ the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. >> thank you, madam clerk. today i have an in memoriam for edna eileen flores lagunte, wife to a member of the clerk staff richard lagunte. on june 4, 2014, riding her bicycle as part of the 7 day aids life cycle she suffered a cardiac arrest climbing the final hill on the fourth day. she passed away surrounded by her family and friends a few days later on june 8, 2014. edna was a very kind person. she could make anyone happy with just the twinkle in her eyes, wide smile and hearty laugh. she aspired to change the world and she did. for everyone who was lucky
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enough to cross her path. edna discovered her passion for justice when she protested for an asian american minor at u.c. irvine [speaker not understood]. she selected to participate in a [speaker not understood]. she interned for the [speaker not understood] followed by a fellowship in the [speaker not understood] aids public policy program. she served on the staff of congressman javier from 1997 to 18. edna was an active member and volunteer with the filipino women's network. shes was also a volunteer at [speaker not understood] ~ where she was named volunteer of the month august 2013. she was a 13 year participant in the aids life cycle and the california aids ride and was a proud training ride leader who helped prepare thousands of people in northern california for the event.
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over her years of participation she raised over $60,000, volunteered countless hours and mentored others in the fight against hiv/aids. in a final act of service, she donated her organs in order to sustain others. edna was a dodger fan, marathoner, cyclist and an activist. she was a devoted wife, auntie, daughter and friend. she will be remembered as someone who empowered and up lifted everyone with a huge smile that lighted up the darkness. my heart goes out to edna, edna's family and to richard. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. >> thank you. colleagues, today i'm introducing legislation to rewrite san francisco's regulations for arcade and pinball game. honestly this issue came as a bit of a surprise. i didn't see -- i didn't set out to be the pinball
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supervisor, but there is a boy in my district who has been an excellent member of the community that unknowingly found himself in violations of some existing arcade regulations. stop laughing, supervisor farrell, because you were playing these games when you were growing up here in the city, too. in 1982, arcade and pinball games were becoming increasingly popular and evidently some concerns that they were corrupting our children. overrunning our neighborhood and possibly leading to the downfall of western civilization as we know it. so, the board of supervisors passed extensive regulations, over 6,000 words controlling when, where, and how arcade games can be placed in san francisco. there are arbitrary restrictionseses about how many games you can have depending on the square footage of your business. if your restaurant, for example, installs one game you will have to pay over $700 in one-time fees and over $300 thereafter. you cannot have a single game
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within 300 feet of a school, or within 1500 feet of another arcade or in any gas station in an ncd. i'm not sure what that -- what the concern was there. so, just think about that when we're writing policies here to this day, someone can be tearing them apart and changing them. you can't have an arcade with 11 or more games in those places or ncd. you cannot operate during school hours from the day after labor day to memorial day. i assume for fear kids would ditch class or play adoringy kong like we did back in the day. you are required to give the police access to any game as often as they deem necessary, required not only is unreasonable but i'm sure violates the fourth amendment of the constitution. and possibly my favorite clause, you are knowingly or otherwise in violation of the permit requirements, the chief
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of police will immediately impound all of your games until you pay $25 per game to the police department. now, chief suhr is a great cop, but i have a hard time imagining him to bring out a dolly to take out your pacman machine. i know i'm being a bit tongue in cheek here, not trying to bad mouth our predecessorses. these codes had their day and they aren't quite relevant any more in this day. the time has changed since 182. arcade and pinball games are more of a niche, a novelty that appeals to people my age who grew up in the '80s ~. according to the entertainment commissioner, there are only two permitted arcades in the city and if kids want to play video games instead of paying attention in class all they have to do is pull out their cell phones now a day. we didn't even have cell phones when i was in high school. yes we did, i'm just kidding. i'm not that old. we spent a lot of time passing
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new laws here, but i think it's important that every so often we go back and we review old laws and bring them up to date, especially when those laws are unduly restricting residents and small business owners. the business [speaker not understood] that prompted me to look at this issue has a pinball league that attracts dozens of people who enjoy spending time there and getting to know their neighbors. it is a true asset to the community and i think it is important we don't leat outdated codes stand in the way of a small business owner and residents as they pursue creative ideas to enliven their communities. so, working with the entertainment commission and the police department, i wrote amendments to these codes that will ease permit requirements for small businesses that want to add a few games, maintain the entertainment commission's overall roll with the bars, delete arbitrary and outdated rules and strengthen controls against illegal gambling. and streamline the permit
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process to bring it in line with other entertainment commission practices. this has been a fun issue to work on and i want to thank supervisor wiener for joining me in this effort and i want to thank jocelyn cain and [speaker not understood] blackstone from the entertainment commission, commanders [speaker not understood] at the san francisco police department and especially deputy city attorney fred [speaker not understood] for all their help and support. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor breed. supervisor campos. >> thank you very much, madam clerk. and i want to begin by acknowledging, i know there was a demonstration today at the board here by members of seiu 10 21 and other nonprofit workers. and i just want to note my support for the fact that i do believe we need n adjustment for cost of living for our
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nonprofit workers. and i think that as we move forward in the future, i think we will have an opportunity to address that issue and i think we can collectively as a board and city work together to make that happen. and i know that there are a number of ideas as we move forward. and i think that it is important for us in this housing crisis and this affordability crisis to do what we can to help nonprofit workers who are struggling to live in san francisco. the main item that i have today, and i think my staff, including [speaker not understood] rodriguez who is interning with us this summer for working on this issue is two item. one is a hearing request relating to the issue which i
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hope we will hold a hearing at the neighborhood services and public safety committee as soon as possible. but related to it is a resolution to address the very important crisis that is facing our country right now with rising number of unaccompanied minor that have fled the u.s. from central america. ~ fled to this is a resolution that urges the city and county of san francisco to commit resources addressing the need of the rising number of un accompanied minorses that have fled central america and have created what is essentially a humanitarian crisis ~ of unprecedented proportions. in recent months we all have been hearing about the unprecedented number of children who have fled their home countries in central america, including places like
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honduras. the data that has been collected by the department of homeland security shows that since october 2013, about 40,000 central american children have fled their countries to the united states. this has been a significant increase from prior years. it is estimated that the number of children entering the united states in fiscal year 2014 from these countries will exceed 6,000 children with an average of 120 to 400 children crossing the border each day. i have to say that for me it's a personal issue because i am originally from central america and was brought here by my parents undocumented and i can tell you that coming here as an undocumented child with a parent is very difficult,
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difficult enough. but the idea that you have tens of thousands of kids from these countries who are 7, 8, 9 years old and they are coming to this country in search of a loved one, escaping persecution, and the numbers are staggering. and we're also seeing that more girls are actually coming than in previous years because many of them are escaping gender-based violence in their native countries. the dangerous journeys that they come -- that they face, many of these children become victims of trafficking, of sexual abuse, of different form of violence. the united nations high commissioner for refugees interviewed more than 400 of these unaccompanied minorses, and during these interviews they came out why they were
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coming, because there was extreme poverty, because of unemployment, because of trauma that they face at home, and because the lack of state protection from the violence, drug trafficking, among many other reasons. according to the united nations high commissioner for refugees, approximately two-thirds of these minors who are coming to this country qualify for some form of international protection because of what they have experienced in their native countries. unfortunately as they are facing persecution in the native countries then they flee to the united states, once they've come to this country and they're apprehended by the u.s. customs and border patrol, many of these kids have been placed in detention facilities and processing centers where they have been subjected to what are unfortunately and
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embarrassingly inhumane living conditions, conditions that by any standard do not meet what we as americans believe would be humane treatment for any child. the united states department of health and human services and the office of refugee reset -- re settlement, [speaker not understood] there is a need for these kids to receive culturally competent services, and simply we in the federal level do not have the resources needed to address the plight of these kids. the federal foster care program which is designed to place unaccompanied children who cannot be reunited with their families is simply unable, doesn't have the resource he to
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