tv [untitled] July 10, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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allegiance. >> approval of the board minutes of the regular board meeting of june 10, 2014, and a special meeting of june 17, 2014. may i have a motion and a second, please? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. any collections? thank you. roll call vote. >> mr. haney. >> here. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoz-mcdonnell. >> yes. >> doctor. >> miss fewer. >> i would like to remind the members of the public present that if they wish to address the board of education, an individual can complete a
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speaker card prior to the item being called and presented to the executive assistant. speaker cards will not be accepted for an item already before the board. item d, presentation to the board of education, the superintendent report, superintendent, carranza. >> there is no formal presentation, other than to say i hope everyone's enjoying their summer break. students are being employed, we have lots of students working summer jobs so thank you to sefrn who's providing those opportunity tos our students. have a great break and i look forward to a great discussion on our budget. >> that was great. >> recognitions and resolutions, there are none tonight. student delegate's report, there is none ton. tonight. parent advisory report, there is none tonight.
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[inaudible]. i'm hearing someone say great in the audience. public comment and consent items. seeing none. consent calendar. can i have a motion and second on the consent calendar. >> move. >> second. >> thank you. any items removed for first reading by the board? any items severed by the board of superintendent for discussion and vote? >> i'd like to pull a couple of items, please. actually just one item that [inaudible] item k 39 and -- just k 39 for now. >> thank you very much. >> i would like to ask our general counsel that if there are items later that we would like to add for discussion or vote, are we able to?
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>> as long as you pull the items before it is actually brought to the vote, you may. >> thank you very much. okay, the roll call vote will take place under section o. okay, if it pleases my colleagues, or there's no objections, rather, i'd like to move up item m, which is a discussion of other educational issues on the update on the implementation plan of [inaudible]. okay, yeah. so would you like to introduce your designee? >> thank you. i'd like to ask the executive director thomas graven to lead this presentation.
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>> good evening commissioners and thank you for seeing us early, we really appreciate it. with me tonight on my team i have [inaudible] nicole [inaudible], [inaudible] coach jordan paxia and people services administrator, ben coughman. it's our privilege to report to you tonight on the progress on the support of schools resolution and last year and
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the year to come around the school quality improvement index . it's a school's resolution [inaudible], et cetera, etc. we encompass a large number of different strains of work in the district, but the great rock and roll singer from my generation, neil young was heckled one night from a member of the audience that said, hey man, all your songs sounds the same. and he stepped up to the microphone and said, that's because it's all one song, man. [laughter] -- that's where he is right
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there. that's because the one song we sing is the song of second strategy and strategic plan. our role is very clear to us and that is to provide academic support to all students using intervention model. all of this work fits together and the safe and supportive schools resolution is designed to be very supportive of that in all of its elements so we'll be talking about that tonight. tonight i want to share with you really quickly we've got some good news, some challenges and the progress on the resolution so far. first the good news, we are seeing a dramatic drop in
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overall suspensions. we're 50 percent of where we were three years ago so that's just a really phenomenal drop. i know you're going to ask me why that is. and i'll tell you there are any number of theorys going around where we know the total is this year, but we're cleaning up [inaudible] the network is going to take a few more days at the end of the year and hopefully we'll be more clear when we look at which divisions have dropped more than other divisions and so on. i wanted to share this with you because this is a phenomenal drop. unfortunately the disproportionalty still manifests itself. even though we are suspending half the number of latino and african american students who with your suspending three years ago, fully dropped by
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half as well, you can see the columns there on the left and right, the left is african american suspensions remaining steady at 50% and latino remaining steady at 30%. just to reemphasize, the number of students of color that have been suspended has dropped by half, but the disproportionalty is still a huge issue. we have -- my predecessor had the thought to put in out of school office referrals, when you send a kid to a counseling office. and we set up a robust simple system to use. we have enhanced that system and this year for the first time we are seeing it very widely used. nevertheless, some schools are using it and some aren't, and through the resolution we're going to be asking schools next
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year for everyone, whenever a kid is sent out of the classroom that it's reported to the system. when you look at the thousands of referrals that we received, all the referrals for the kids being put out of class for discipline, you see a mass for disproportionalty again. you know, so we can see that there's a lot of support needed here. i wanted to give you that picture before moving on. so some other good news. the biggest umbrella work that goes around for disproportionalty and discipline is the behavioral response to intervention work and it is well ahead of schedule.
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we have -- over the last couple months we've had extensive discussions at the bay view and they have stepped in unmasked to behavioral arts next year and we are recalibrating our resources so they can come in as well as the folks we had already promised to come in. we now next year would have 85 schools in behavioral rti, which leaves only 18 to go the year after. so we're actually a year ahead of schedule in terms of entering folks into the training. so that's positive news and you'll here a little bit more about some of the aspects of the training for the safe and supportive resolution. the other thing that's really interesting is that civic center and high schools have stepped forward and said we can't wait for next year to step into behavioral our child. we need the support now.
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we're creating within next year's cohort, a high school cohort to bring them in a year early because we feel like they need they support right now. in fact, the work with civic center has already gun under the leadership. that work is already underway because there's a real urgent need there. we're very excited and also really working hard to be ready for the high school because it's a little bit different. and then the rest of the high schools will go the following year so that's good news. i think we're moving a little faster than originally anticipated. going into the resolution, for that i want to turn it over to pbs coach jordan. >> thank you. at the moment we have 47 schools in premier and cohorts and we have begun developing and have developing various
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matrixes that have set forth [inaudible] being safe, being responsible and being respectful. a plus is that developing consistency across the schools, while at the same time giving schools an opportunity to have their own voice in these matrixes. maybe it's developed based on a mascot, a geographic location or even a motto. part of what we're doing in developing these matrixes is we're also providing coaching and professional development on ways to teach and reenforce these expectations at school sites. and something that we are looking to do in the future and that we've already started to do is develop discipline flowcharts at the schools so we want to make sure there's a common understanding of behaviors that are managed in the classroom and those that are not. >> okay, thank you. so one of the big changes
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[inaudible] there are certain things that need to happen next year and are in the resolution. one thing -- we ran to draft a administrative directive, we're working on that that prohibits [inaudible] further resolution. it's going to very importantly mandate documentation of all suspensions and referrals. we do need to get that data. it's also going to document all disciplinary sends homes or suspensions as being a couple of concerns in the community that maybe kids were being sent home with permission to leave for disciplinary reasons and so we want to clear that up and make sure that's clear that cannot happen. and ensure that students cannot return to schools without a parent or guardian present. if we say we -- we shouldn't be
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saying you can't come back without a parent, we want to make that very clear. for the implementation roll out part i want to introduce nicole. >> since the resolution was passed in february, we had a free community stakeholder meeting beginning early may to both present what people services has been doing in regard to this and also to solicit feedback. we are a little bit of a stopping point right now because it's summertime. our next step is going to be working with parents, administrators, all people at school sites. it sounds like a very big
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endeavor, and it is, but the good news is that because we've been engaged in this work we have 47 schools already and we're doing it anyway for [inaudible] schools that i think will go a little faster because i believe the experience that the administrators and teachers and other people on school sites will really quicken this work. as you can see by the end of 2015, we want to have a matrix and a code of conduct in the handbook. >> this year we had -- we did a pilot with [inaudible] alternative to suspension, which turned out to be very successful. what we said to middle and high school students, if you're going to suspend a child, could you possibly offer two saturdays instead so it keeps the child in school and then
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they come to pupil services on saturdays for saturday mornings and we do an intake, we do a triage of what their needs are, social emotional learning and some curriculum and literacy work. we were just really overwhelmed by the positive response. we had over 70 kids come who avoided suspension and on the last saturday we had a bbq in which more than a dozen folks who weren't even there for the suspension came for the barbecue. that was a really interesting and positive experience and we feel that this might be part of future alternatives to suspension. in order to meet the needs of,
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basically, the section, the strategy and strategic plan for response intervention, we are redefining the roles of all the people at pupil services. to tell you a little bit about that is pupil services administrative ben coughman. >> good evening. this -- what we're doing in pupil services is extremely exciting. what we're developing are multidisciplinary teams to be able to effectively both support our schools and also build their capacity. and in terms of building their capacity, what we're doing is our teams are made up of the people on the powerpoint. we have the administrators, peer resources, the [inaudible] counselors and school help staff, school workers and health nurses. we're doing this at grade level.
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our goal is to be able to reduce the silos to be able to integrate how we intervene in the moment and provide the on site professional development to our school wide development and restorative practices and our goal is to have a unified front around that work and that's part of why we're developing the [inaudible]. >> what were -- what's the bcba again and the pps administrator? what are those? >> behavioral analyst, and what they are is sometimes we have young people at our sites that require a higher level of care and a greater focus on really identifying what behaviors are acting as barriers to them being able to access their education. so we have adults within our department that will work with them to develop behave support plans for our young people. our goal is to be able to
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support so we have administrator for elementary level, we have administrator for middle schools and for high schools. a: thank you. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> so i know there's been some concern from the community. this resolution is great, but how are you going to support it with funding and so on. i just want to say we have already in place, due to the wonderful work of the safety team and the peef committee, we have over 23 full-time employees in place to work on these peef initiatives and you can see them. we have [inaudible] that's
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where the board certified [inaudible] come from and [inaudible] ready to go and in fact trained and ready to go. and so we do also have another set of aspects that's going through the budgeting process, one of them being saturday school that i mentioned to you, but i just want to assure the board that this work will be very robust next year going forward, even as we [inaudible]. thank you very much commissioners. if you have any questions, i'm here at your service. oh, and i meant to say the packet includes a full break down ot resolution and the steps. >> okay, so we have one public
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speaker signed up for this item and that is chelsea bolard. . you have two minutes. >> thank you. chelsea, with coalman advocates for children and youth. we want to thank the school district for addressing issues, you know, particularly around disproportionalty and addressing school discipline for african american and latino students. it's tremendous we're seeing a reduction in suspensions. it's great to see the resources laid out in terms of what's dedicated. we're a really big fan of the bat team and the school based rp coaches, we hear directly from school sites that's actually really working. there are some concerns so i think, you know, we want to give props to the work that's being done. what was initially based on the resolution supposed to happen
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tonight was the presentation of a three year implementation plan and our hope was that that plan would be presented tonight and the development of that plan would be taken into the budget considerations so it's disappointing that that plan isn't totally ready and we hope to continue with you to make sure that implementation and, you know, i think coalman is really dedicated to making sure that public transparency is happening [inaudible] and from students and from parents and other, you know, key stakeholders. so, you know, i think we just wanted to name that. i think we're taking some good steps but it's disappointing that we aren't where we need to be to make sure this is rolling out in the best way possible so we look forward to working with your team and the school district to make sure this happens in a way that makes a difference for all students, but in particular african american and latino students. thank you.
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>> thank you. any comments from the board. commissioner wynns. >> thank you for the presentation. it was very interesting. as you know i was able to be at the rp symposium and we had a question related to that and i talked to carry about this subsequently. i don't remember where, but i saw her at some event after that and we talked about this, but this is one of the take aways i took from that day. there were -- people were with us at our program and also oakland unified and what was different to me was the approach that was used by the two school districts, the difference mainly being we're taking a systemic approach that you showed us tonight that we're ahead of schedules, our goal is train everybody and then respond to things, provide support and see what happens, which are good results. be what i was interested in -- and in oakland they started with a small cohort, sort of
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pilot schools. intensive training and work and support at a few schools and in those schools they've seen a dramatic reduction. particularly what was interesting to me was disproportionalty and racial disproportion nalgty. i'm looking forward, not necessarily this evening, i presume we all learned that that day and that's something you'll be talking about. as i said, i did talk to carey about it. what i -- my specific question is -- and again, i don't expect an answer to it tonight, is what data do we have about disproportionalty school by school, and what can we, in our planning and as we develop implementation plan and actually implement the plan, talk about how we can focus on those schools specifically without abandoning the systemic
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approach we're taking. i realize it sounds like i'm saying why can't we do both at the same time. what i'm saying is -- inherent is that you can't provide the same depth of work every place at the same time, which is why we have a sort of staged systemic plan that has cohorts of schools and plans within a certain amount of time to get to everybody. and subsequent follow up support programs, all those things. but i'm kind of wondering -- and i appreciated the comment about all the elementary schools in the superintendent zone, that's kind of what i'm talking about, except i'm wondering if we've actually looked at the lens of where schools have the highest disproportionalty. >> so definitely some of the schools in bay view and mission have the highest disproportionalty so we are
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triaging resources in that direction as best we can. e would say the general though is that we're doing something called [inaudible], which is we're trying to put in data tracking system so it can be really tight about our accountability, but allows schools flexibility to work with how they get there, so that's why we're so keen about the classroom referral data. we're also introducing an actual intervention tracking system for the first time so we can track the behavioral intervention so the very first time on a daily basis and see the data so i think that will bring out for us the schools that need more support and [inaudible] support as we go forward. >> we'll be able to make recommendations to us about what that support might look like? >> yes, we have -- we would use the extensive resources we already have and hopefully some
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that we will get to [inaudible] to those folks and tell you that story as it evolves. we're very much at the beginning stages of that. >> and then because you brought it up, i'm very also interested, as i know we all are, in the school site data, particularly the out of classroom time that nobody has counted as [inaudible] before that we not had the data, just the overwhelming sense and knowledge because we've all seen it, that a lot of students who most need instructional time are being denied that for reasons, you know, without bad will, but really just thinking that's the way to manage their issues and so i'm hoping we're going to be able to look at that data also in relation to individual schools. so which schools -- how is that related to the
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disproportional number of referrals and suspensions and also the -- you know, we all imagine that that's where we're going to see the most out of classroom time that previously hasn't even been counted as suspension, which means the data's actually worse than we think it is, so -- >> i should add that we are now calibrating that instrument to include time out of class for next year so we should have an estimate of minutes out of class for those referrals going forward. i want to caution about that data. we have some schools that are doing a diligent job of reporting out of classroom referrals and others that are not seen it to be that pofrnt. important. so what we have then is the schools that have really taken this seriously look worse on data than schools that don't, so i'm concerned that we keep that in mind when we look at school data.
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>> that'd be one thing we can correlate to the actual referral and suspension data. so in other words, if we see schools that have really high suspensions and referrals and don't show just out of classroom time, we should be able to at least check and probably know they're not doing a good job of collecting data. thank you. >> commissioner maufas. >> thank you so much for the update. i really appreciate it. some of the struggle that i'm having is that i worry when i hear at this point, the words recommendation, suggestion -- you know, we're tweaking something -- i think we're well beyond that type of understanding where we need -- where you need to come back to us to recommend. i think the resolution and the superintendent's man at a time
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mandate and where we are as a board and a district are a green light for you to move a lot faster, particularly with schools that you discover have incredibly high disproportionalty. and it begs the different question -- i guess the additional question to commissioner wynns, why can't we take [inaudible] i think when you focus on one area, that gives people a chance to hide in some other place. i think -- i just feel that we are doing just a disservice when we let folks develop another way to hide. i think people are continuing to hide and using, you know, some of the bureaucracy that exists to go ah
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