tv [untitled] July 10, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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>> i think i'm going to go home now. [laughter] that's the beauty of serving on the rules committee is that you get to disappoint really good people. you know, i have to say that this has been an interesting position for me because, you know, normally you provide difference to a colleague when you hear from that office. in this instance we have two members of the board of supervisors who are each advocating for a candidate and that's not very typical and, you know, what i have said just recently to each office is what i will say that i came into
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this meeting not really knowing what i was going to do and wanted to look at the totality of the presentation. i have to say that based on presentation itself, the number of people that came out, mr. olsen seems very impressive and he certainly had a lot of people that have come out and that said, i think the question of balance of districts is important so i've actual lyly been on the board of supervisors longer than anybody on the board right now, and whether it's good or bad that that's the case, from my experience, i do believe that as an institution -- and this is what i'm thinking about right now, it is important to have balance. so as impressive as mr. olsen
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is, i think the fact that of the nine members that we don't have a single from district 6 is an issue for me. so that will get my vote for the other candidate for mr. marker. i do think, though, having served on rules and [inaudible] rules, at different times over the past few years, that we look at sort of what districts are being represented and what are not and not to take anything away from district 8, but i don't know how it is that we ended up having five of the nine from district 8. i actually think that there should be a better allocation so that district 6 and district
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5 are also better represented. and so what i would say to mr. olsen is that my hope is that we can come back later on this year and appointment him when these other vacancies come up, because based on everything we know about him, he is an as impressive individual as they come. thank you very much. >> would you like to mike a motion. ? >> i'd like to make a motion to move joshua marker forward. >> roll call, with no objection, motion is passed. congratulations mr. marker. >> would you like to send that out as a committee report?
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>> yes, please send it out as a committee report. item number 5. >> item number 5 is a hearing to consider appointing one member to [inaudible] february 1, 2015 to the park recreation and open space advisory committee. there's one seat and one applicant. >> okay. maya rodgers, are you here? the floor is yours. >> thank you for having me. just some things about me, i am born and raised in district 10. i grew up there, i work there now. and i also [inaudible] a parks advocacy group, to help the community and help create
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storage sends r sheds and all those things i felt like we needed. i am a social worker by trade and just am passionate about my neighborhood. you know, i feel like the life that we had growing up should be given to those are growing up there now. i believe that parks create community and that through community we can solve lots of societal issues. any questions? >> supervisor tang. >> sure, thank you. i saw you were a founder of
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parks 9414 124 and i was wondering if you could share a bit about that. >> we are founded in 2010 and currently we are working on the hill top park renovation, which in conjunction would trust the public land. we -- during this four years we have created relationships with non profits, and for profits and city agencies, all in support of one vision of creating great park spaces for our neighborhood. >> any public comment on this item? >> good afternoon, supervisors, chair yee, supervisor tang and
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supervisor campos, i'm [inaudible] legislative aid to supervisor cohen. supervisor has met with maya and believes she would be a wonderful advocate for district 10 and would like to express her full support for her appointment. >> thank you. >> any other public comments? seeing none, public comments are now closed. >> i will support supervisor cohen's motion to appoint maya rodgers to seat 12 on the park recreation and open space advisory committee and send it to full board for second recommendation. >> i'm happy to support that and thank miss rodgers for a very impressive presentation and thank you for your service
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to the city and look forward to seeing all the great things you're going to do. thank you. >> okay. with no objection then the motion passes. congratulations. madam clerk, item number 6. >> item 6 is a charter enroll m to provide retiree healthcare den benefits to the [inaudible] domestic partners to retired employees at an election being held on november 4, 2014. >> so we're joined by supervisor cohen and welcome, supervisor cohen. would you like to
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>> we've received more detail information about types of employees that would be eligible for the benefit of this amendment. this informs had allowed us to bring forward a series of additional amendments today that further our goal of wanting to provide the employees for the former redevelopment agency who were unexpectedly impacted by the dissolution of this agency. if they come to the city. i've circulated to you right now an updated draft to the [inaudible] amendment and a summary of the proposed changes. i'm going to read into the record the changes. do you have the amendment in
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front of you? >> yes. >> our human resource director raised an herb show for other [inaudible] prior to the dissolution and should not receive the benefit of this charter amendment. we've received information that there were three employees who fit this category and are proposing to amend the definition of hire on or before january 9 to exclude former agency employees who left the a general say for other city positions prior to february 1, 2012, which is the date of dissolutionment of the redevelopment agency. these individuals left on their own volition for other opportunities and unlike other employees we have been discussing, they did not -- they didn't suffer the impacts of the dissolution. the second amendment is based
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on consultation agreed that the cut off date by which the eligible employees must be employed by the [inaudible] january 1, 2015. so because negotiations or positions are likely to take some time, it was unreasonable to expect that transfers would all be resolved over the holiday. therefore, we are proposing to change the date to march 1, 2015 to allow for this additional time. also the changes reflected throughout the charter amendment in the title and all applicable sections. the third amendment was an error and discovered by our city's department of contract administration that relates to the domestic partnership language.
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the amendments before you today to the definition of quote, registered domestic partners end quote, makes the process of who's eligible for domestic partner [inaudible] and the fourth amendment upon further analysis we discovered four fly yes who were hired by the former redevelopment agency successor agency after january 9, 2009, but nearly two year es before the dissolution so these employees were not eligible to benefit from this charter amendment, but impacted in the same way by dissolution that the pre2009 employees were. the amendment before you is to the definition of credit service would allow these four employees to count their years of service if they come to the city by march 1, 2015. however, they will be treated as current city employees under
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the post 2009 system paying the 2%. now, seems fash to exclude these employees who were impacted in the same way as the pre2009 employees were. these are employees who came to the agency long before the disillusion and still worked there. it's only four to five years of service that the significant amount to lose. who have been unexpectedly
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impacted by the state's disillusion of the redecht agency and come to the city not to lose valuable years of service credits towards healthcare. i'd like to thank the members of local 21 [inaudible] work on this issue and more importantly want to thank them for their leadership on behalf of the employees of the agency. i want to thank controller, the redevelopment staff and of course miss nicki callahan, all who have worked with us in the past few weeks to make sure we get this right. like to acknowledge my staff, andrea who had a significant part in helping negotiate all these deals . i ask that you adopt these amendments today and continue the item to the special meeting dated july 14. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you for your leader ship on this. i had a quick question, and i
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don't know -- just wonder what the amendments that you have introduced, wondering what the labor partners are. >> we have >> alex from local 21. we are in support of the amendments. >> great, thank you. >> i know that i had a number of questions last time, but have a chance to understand the amendments today so very supportive of this. >> okay. are there any public comments on this item? ariana casanov.
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>> i want to thank supervisor cohen and your staff. i really appreciate the time dedicated to this and on behalf out of [inaudible] i want to support all the amendments in this legislation. thank you. >> any other public comments on this matter. >> alex, local 21, i want to reiterate what was said and thank the supervisor and her staff for all the hard work. thank you very much. >> good afternoon, i'm katherine riley, i'm vice president of the local 21 chapter. we want to thank you for all the effort and appreciate the support. >> public comment now closed. can we have a motion to accept these amendments? >> so moved. >> with no objections, the amendments are passed and we have a motion to forward this item to the rules committee meeting for july 14, 2014.
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>> the action is due -- the motion is to continue this item to -- >> continue this item to the rules committee for july 14. >> so moved. i'm is passed. >> item number 7 is [inaudible] from the general fund to the transportation fund. annual rate to reflect increases in the population of san francisco, subject to discontinuation if voters [inaudible] election to be held on november 4, 2014. >> can we just pause for a moment and see if -- yes. supervisor wiener, welcome back.
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we just called your item. would you like to make some comments? sgh >> thank you mr. chairman. i apologize. thank you for hearing this item again and thank you, mr. chairman, for hearing it today. i'll just state this charter amendment will help us to address muni in particular, our transportation system huge deficit in terms of the investment it needs. we are a growing city by 85,000 people since 2003. we're expected to grow by another 150,000 people by 2040 and quite frankly we have not made the investments we need to make so our transportation system, particularly muni, keeps up with the growing
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population. for those who ride muni on a daily basis we know that 700,000 boardings happen a day on muni. i think anyone who rides the system can see that first hand, the overcrowding we see, the vehicles that break down and so forth. this charter amendment would tie muni's baseline funding to population growth and would reflect that growth so that we can make investments in the system. 75% would go to muni, 75% to street safety measures. in the first fiscal year, next fiscal year the calculations will go back for ten years of population growth estimated to be 22 or $23 million and then annual population growth thereafter. as you know, colleagues, i initially introduced this measure when it looked like the vehicle license fee might be
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not moving forward and so as i mentioned at the time, this measure was a back up measure to the vehicle license fee, which will ultimately produce about $33 million a year for the mta. when we reach an agreement to move forward with the vehicle license fee in 2016 instead of this november, that would leave a two year gap of funds that we will not have for two fiscal years leading up to the 2016 election. so colleagues, you'll recall that last week i offered and the committee accepted an amendment to this measure to provide that after two years if the vlf passes the mayor will have the power to cancel the funding provisions in this charter amendment and the vlf will take over. i mentioned this has brought support in the transportation
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and environmental communities. it has been endorsed by walk san francisco and has the support of the sierra club, transriders union. this is a charter amendment whose time has come. i think it will help us bridge the gap to the vlf and colleagues, i ask for your support today. thank you. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you. thank you supervisor wooener. i know that you have consistently been a champion of transportation issues for us in our city. one of my major concerns, which i we had discussed this measure at our last meeting as well, but it's the $22 million immediate hit to our general fund. i think many individuals, including yourself, were very upset about the vlf about not moving forward in a timely fashion and i understand that
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frustration and i absolutely support funding for transit. i think that's why i, along with all 11 of us on the board of supervisors and the mayor are pushing so hard for the $500 million fund for november. i understand it covers a different set of funding for transportation needs, but i think given the conversations we just came out of and the budget season and the trade off conversations, i don't feel comfortable with the immediate $22 million hit to our general fund. so i hope that we can find a way to figure out a compromise here, but i do, again, in my role in trying to push forward support for the general obligation fund in november, if voters are faced with two measures they could see as both funding transportation, i can see some confusion there. again, not to knock the fact that we absolutely have not
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invested enough in our transportation, and i completely agree we need to do more. today i wanted to share my discomfort with that. >> okay. let me move to public comments. is there any public comments on this item? please come on up. you got two minutes. >> hell hoe supervisors, i'm here on behalf of the san francisco transit riders union. we have been severely underfunded for years including capital and service budgets. we strongly support an amendment that addresses both of these budgets, specifically citing freak capacity and reliability.
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i think you can give muni all the money in the world and you'll still have problems with muni until you change the governing structure of this agency so i will support it because i do belief part of the problem is a funding problem and i'm happy, supervisor yee, that we do it without recommendation, but i think that one of the things we're going to find, and i'm
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supportive of the $500 million measure that will be on the ballot, is i think a lot of voters who want to fund the system more will continue to ask about the governance and it's not about the board of supervisors having more power via the mayor, it's simply about making the board of directors of this agency more accountable to the ridership. and unless i'm able to make a convincing case on that point, these funding measures unfortunately are going to be challenging to pass. but i will support this item, but i will continue to say that money is an important part of the solution but you can throw all the money in the world. unless you change how this agency is managed and governed and the lack of accountability it has, things will not change
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dramatically, but i'm happy to make a motion to move this forward without a recommendation. >> supervisor mar, would you like to make a comment on this or the next item? >> so there's a motion on the floor. can we do roll call? the motion on the floor is that we will pass this out of committee with no recommendation. >> i would just say that i would either support sending this out without recommendation or with a no vote to the full board. >> okay. so the motion is -- >> mr. chair, as a committee report also? >> as a committee report. so the motion is to send it out with no recommendation as committee report. no objections then, motion passes. thank you. madam clerk, item 8.
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>> item 8 is a hearing to congress sitter the [inaudible] ordinance submitted by four or more supervisors to voters at the november 4, 2014 to amend the tax [inaudible] prior transfer. >> okay. supervisor mar, would you like to make comments on this? a: yeah. >> yeah, thank you xhar yee. i'm proud to be here with a number of our housing justice movement anti speculator tax is the measure that belongs to our affordable housing organizations and many of the activists and community leaders that are in the room with me today. i want to thank campos, avalos and kim for joining me in standing side-by-side with our housing justice movement to move to the november ballot and anti speculator tax. i wanted to say too that what we're proposing is very
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reasonable. it's to help address the affordable housing crisis and housing costs have risen way out of whack with san francisco's affordability. if this crisis is driven by speculators, especially greedy speculator that is are flipping or buying and selling within a short period of time, properties, whole buildings and really affecting the cost of housing and rents in the city. i also wanted to say too that our [inaudible] office through deputy director douglas lake and others have helped us craft this, along with a number of great legal advocates and others as well. also, the idea of this legislation not new over the past 35 years there have been several efforts to bring this to the ballot or to the board
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