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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT

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his work in the community and night life community, but i'm here to express my long and very positive experience with mr. moshoyannis, who i think would be a superb member of the entertainment commission. mr. moshoyannis -- i know you've had the opportunity to meet with him. he's not just impressive in his presentation skills and in what you can read on paper, but in terms of the work he's done, it's just been tremendous. folsom is the second largest street festival in san francisco, one of the largest in the country and lest not forget about [inaudible] which is not quite as big, but is growing and quite large. we all here, we read in the paper, we get reports from people about this event or that event or this street festival or that pa ride and about issues and some of the problems and challenges you have.
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you never hear anything about folsom or dory and that is because demitri and his team do such a stellar job managing these large street festivals which could easily spiral into something problematic and they don't because demitri's that conty dense, that hard working and that responsible. folsom in particular is really a model for other street festivals. they were doing composting before it was required. they were -- they are always three steps ahead and that is in large part because of demitri's leadership that these events produce huge amounts of money for non profits in our community. demitri is also one of those people in my experience, who has good relationships with everyone. i don't think i know a single person in our sometimes fracture
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lbgtb community where people are fielthing a little bit, but he has good relationships with everyone, and can bring everyone to the table, evenl critics of his organization, and i think he'd bring that same approach to the entertainment commission. speaking more broadly, our street fairs and festivals and parades in san francisco are under enormous pressure. the city has not done what it needs to do to foster these street fairs and festivals and in fact, the stiff makes it incredibly hard and expensive for these fairs and festivals to succeed. the prides and folsoms of the world have the wherewithal to make it happen, they have the resources they need to overcome some of the continuous streams of obstacles that city departments put in their way every year. smaller fairs and festivals don't and go under.
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having a commissioner on this commission who understands that particular aspect of our entertainment world, i think would be very valuable. so again, i'm not in any way speaking against steven lee. i have a lot of respect for him and the work he's done and continues to do. colleagues i know -- i'm never envious of those who serve on the rules committee because every week you have to make multiple hard choices, but i wanted to express to you how deeply qualified i think demitri is and what a great commissioner i think he would be. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you. i want to thank all three applicants, actually, for coming forward. i think it's always hard wherever there are more applicants than seats available and i have to say that i've been very impressed with the caliber of the applicants with
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respect to this commission and i especially want to highlight very impressive, very impressive rez resume and application of demitri moshoyannis. it's hard to think of sort of more impressive candidate that we've seen for this role in a while and i do want to piggyback on what supervisor wiener said about not only life and entertainment, but more specifically, festivals and parades. i think that there is a lot of work that the city needs to do to facilitate these events and i'm very proud of the work that my office has done in focusing
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on that issue as supervisor indicated, you know, we are trying to understand, have a better sense of the economic benefits that these parades and festivals bring to the city and in the context of the events that the city sees or the city has every year, i think folsom street fair is truly an exemplary model of how you want events to be put together and so i can't say enough and i definitely think that demitri is one of those individuals that clearly should be on the entertainment commission and i'm certainly proud to do whatever i can to help to make that happen, and especially as an openly gay man, i think that perspective continues to be needed on as many commissions as possible and the more the
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better. that said, i was also impressed today with the number of people that have come out and supported commissioner lee. i had the opportunity to work with commissioner lee and i appreciate the responsiveness and two of my colleagues had already indicated they're going to support him and i think when it comes to reappointment the question is always, you know, has the incumbent done what you expect members of a commission to do and i believe that commissioner lee has done that so i'm happy to join my colleagues in supporting him today. that said, i do believe there is a role for demitri to play on the entertainment commission and i don't really know where the seats are and vacancies are, there are appointments by
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both the board and the mayor and i think that both the mayor's office and the board of supervisors would be wise to figure out how we can get him to serve on that commission. i want to thank everyone for coming out and, again, to all three applicants, very impressive and thank you for wanting to serve san francisco. >> okay, thank you. is there a motion? >> motion to sends steven lee to the entertainment position, seat number two with positive recommendation to the fulg board of supervisors. >> okay. without any objections then the motion is moved, is passed. congratulations. [applause] madam clerk, item number 4. >> a hearing to appoint one
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member to the market and octavia community and advisory committee. there's one seat and two applicants. >> okay, is paul olsen, are you here? >> good afternoon, i'm the president of the [inaudible] neighborhood association. i also want to explain i'm a landscape architect for dpw, but here on my own free time. on behalf of [inaudible] i strongly encourage you to appoint paul to the vacancy. he's uniquely qualified for this position. he's a third generation san francisco citizen, he has a long family history of serving for the city government, he's been a businessman and he has worked for non profit
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organizations. as past president of hgna and as a board member for a decade while the market octavia plan was being created, paul was in the forefront of negotiations between city staff, community leaders and other stakeholders. paul is intelligent, dip romatic and honest. his gentlemaner has been a calming influence in numerous heated debates that i've personally seen him diffuse. he believes in the market octavia plan whole heartily and has a record of working with adjacent neighborhood leaders to ensure everybody gets their fair share. he will be as compassionate a leader in the process as he has been for hdna. his ability to explain an issue in laymen's terms. paul could not be here today,
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we didn't know this, he wasn't aware of this. i believe he's contacted you all and i hope that this testimony helps to dissuade any belief that he's anything less than educated, dedicated and professional. thank you for considering and i hope you send paul olsen to the seat. >> thank you. >> joshua olsen (sic). >> marker. >> i'm sorry. >> good afternoon, thank you for the opportunity to explain why i would like to serve the city. i don't have very much in the way of prepared remarks. i want to explain to you who i am, the issues that are important to me and why i want to be appointed to this open seat for the market octavia
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citizens advisory committee. i'm a 14 year resident of san francisco, i am a husband, a father of a beautiful 18 month old father, i'm an attorney and i'm, for the last three years, have been a homeowner in a little corner of district 6 that historically been known as the hub. it's a reemerging neighborhood roughly surrounded by market, south van nes and. seeing the changes in heys valley over the last ten years has been a very positive impact in the city. i want to serve because i want to be a voice for families, as someone who wants to raise their family in san francisco, seeing new open spaces which are critically lacking in
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district 6, ped safety, i can't tell you the number of times i've almost been hit by cars and, you know, particularly with a young toddler i want to make sure the streets are safe for her, that she has places to enjoy may ground that are less than a mile away, that are open field. i work in district 6 and i can say in my walk to work i see no grass. it is over a mile walk and the sidewalk and buildings and as an urban industrial neighborhood that is very understandable, but i want to be a voice for this neighborhood so that as new change is coming to our backyard, whether it's the recent talk of the goodwill building, the honda building, the plumbers union, that as my neighborhood experiences change, that it's change that respects the history and fabric of san francisco, respects the diverse population, both et
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anically and economically that are in my neighborhood and really adds to the community and establishes a neighborhood that has really at the heart of the city. i think things, like, transit first policies are terrific and i understand why density in my neighborhood is very important because we have such great access to the muni streetcar line. if the brt gets done in the next few years we'll be on that as well. you need to have spaces for families, whether open spaces or parks. on my street right now there are four or five large parking lots and if this is going to be a transit first neighborhood, things like making sure that we don't overload parking, but push transit policies and push open spaces and being a voice for those kind of issues are what's important to me and why i want to serve the city. i welcome any of your
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questions, but that is all i have prepared for today. >> okay. any questions? seeing none, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> any public comments on this item? come on up, line up on that side. for a very long time, as long as i can remember. paul has very long resume as a community activist and i met paul over ten years when i was an activist.
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paul was the president of hays valley neighborhood association for two terms and i, like many others, gravitated towards paul because of his ability to bring people together, but got people to work together on big ideas and issues in hays valley and the general community surrounding it. my first push with paul was saving [inaudible] from closure. in 2006 the [inaudible] full district had [inaudible] on the list for closure and paul, with the help of others, took the lead to save john muir and formed a pta with members of the community. in fact, most of us that were on the pta didn't have children, including paul, but paul really believed a thriving healthy neighborhood, you need thriving healthy schools. and paul was right.
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today john muir is a thriving school. as my role changed from activist to aid, i watched paul from the city side as he worked with the city and community in the design of the octavia blovd and green. he reminded us of safety of all pedestrians whereas it should be [inaudible] he was always instrumental in the many years of negotiating and arguing over 55 laguna. he's been a go to person when we need a communicator who's reasonable, thinks out of the box and is sensitive to the diverse communities. i'm here today to give supervisor breed full support for paul olsen for this
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appointment. thank you. >> hi, i'm gail and i'm a current board member of the hays valley neighborhood association. i sent you all my letter in support for paul olsen and i'm here to reenforce that. i call him visionary in terms of his ability to envision what should be in what was not a neighborhood, to see what we see today. and was able to create partnerships to make that happen. my hope is that you will consider his candidacy for this position. thank you.
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>> good afternoon, my name is richard johnson. i've been involved with the hays sprally for about 24 years now but for me it was great because i walked over here today so i not only got to see what the vision is, but what the reality is and we are turning into a very critical juncture now with the market boulevard and octavia plant. the duty about paul -- paul to me, there's about three reasons. first, paul was born right on oak street, which is maybe a tad bit out of this neighborhood so he's been able to see the changes in our neighborhood. that in itself is a beauty. paul's other beauty is his skill to skillfully bring people together in such a way where he was such a tone of mindfulness that people are eager and willing to give their voice to an issue. and that sometimes can be of
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all sides, which for me as someone who's invested a lot of time in a neighborhood, i think paul is going to one of those types of person. he looks at an issue and a lasting solution. and the other thing is with paul, paul has been through the process in many hats and has worn many hats as both the non profit sector, but also in the civic sector. to me, paul is what we need in our city right now is people who understand san francisco and understand in gifts that we can do of giving back to our city. it is far too often that we soo much in our city where people come to grab with they can dwif instead of give back and we need that right now at the market octavia plan because to me community is not benefitting the fullness that we [inaudible] with paul i feel he brings that opportunity to his skill of collaborating with people to get them to compromise to attain the greatest community benefits of
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the neighborhood. paul olsen to me, in my personal experience is both his professional skills, his private skills and his non profit skills making him an ideal candidate to really put the lasting touches to what has been a very long and hard [inaudible] but has been a very fruitful process. thank you very much for your time >> hello, i've come here to spoke on behalf of paul olsen. i think to be appointed to this position you need to look at three things, first thing is experience. paul olsen has the experience of being involved in the development of the market octavia plan from the very beginning. he was there when the plan was implemented and he has the experience of being in the community, know what's going on in the community and speaking
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to the community. the second thing is ability to communicate with the community and the example is paul olsen was elected ten years in a row to the board of directors to the hays valley neighborhood association. as chairman of the public safety committee in hays valley i'm happy to have him on my side and communicate with the community members about public safety irk shoes. the third thing is vision of the future. paul is [inaudible] right now as his job as you would experience core of the bay area and that is provoiding tutors to school kids. if you can't answer anything more about a vision of the future than trying and get something more involved, then providing tutors for schools and also remember that 55 laguna is a vision of the future and paul olsen has been heavily involved in that development so i ask for your support for paul olsen for this position.
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thank you. >> hi, my name is jim, and i guess i'm the last speaker to sing paul's praises. i know you also have a stack of letters. i won't repeat everything that's been said. i can just whole heartily endorse it and say from my personal experience, everything's that's been said, it's how wonderful he is, how genuine his commitment is to the city, to the market octavia plan and to the entire community. i came to the hays valley neighborhood 11 years ago and there was paul running it. it's made me very engaged in the community, very engaged in
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the neighborhood association and hopefully helped me develop a more reasonable outreach to people of all views so that we can reach good accomodation. these are the traits i've really learned from paul. he's a master of them. for these and people who have spoken to his great skills and personal contractistics, i would really recommend that you put him on the cac. as a final point, since most [inaudible] are here are speaking and have mentioned hays valley as our first association, the last thing i'd like to bring up is paul never limits himself. he's address the concerns of all the communities engaged in the market octavia area. that's his style, that's his commitment. thank you so much.
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>> any other public comments on this matter? seeing none, public comment now closed. supervisor kim? >> thank you for letting me sit in on this committee. >> welcome to the committee. >> i've had the opportunity to actually hear all the candidates -- almost all the candidates for the market octavia when i sat on cac for two years and it's always competitive because there are an immense number of residents who is have long been part of this process and cared deeply about the future development of the very important plan. district 6 is also a portion of the market octavia plan, about a third of the plan is within our district boundary lines. in my four years on the board i've struggled hard to get a 6 resident. we're not able to win one of the seats before us.
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the neighborhoods that are represented in the market octavia plan, part of d 6 r not well represented because it is a neighborhood that is very honestly emerging. when i started on the board of supervisors [inaudible] had just begun. now over my four years three different neighborhood associations have sprung up and an immense amount of new organizing that is happening for folks who want to make sure this is a complete neighborhood. it is also the portion of the plan which is still deeply impacted by the freeway. they -- many of our residents live underneath and near the ramps so they have particular concerns around safety -- pedestrian safety as was just mentioned and, of course, the open space needs. we other really excited about the opening of the skateboard
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and dog park, but there isn't really a single patch of grass in this area. as we work to develop and densz any this part of the city -- i'll mention three major developments that i know of that is on the docket, the goodwill site, the honda site and of course the plumbers union site, we're talking about hundreds of units that are going to be built here and i want to make sure we have representation from this neighborhood. again, i don't think the his re's as deep amongst these neighborhood. also, to develop a cohesive path of what a complete neighborhood would look like. we're growing out of space and bitting in areas we never thought we'd build before. i think some of the sites hundreds of viable residential units here so i just is the rules committee, i think we have two incredibly qualified
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can dids, would hate to be in your seat. i was very moved by the testimony for mr. olsen. i want to bring up there are nine seats on the market octavia cac, of course one of that is vacant. three of those members reside in district 5 and five of those residents reside in district #. not a single resident resides in district 6 and we make up at least a third of that plan. for me i ask that you make sure there is some neighborhood equity representation and that's why i ask the committee to support joshua marker. that being said, i know that all these seats are up at end of this year in december and i would really like to support paul given the strong neighborhood support that came out. we want to make sure hays valley has that type of representation and clearly he has the history and we can make there sure there's equity and representation [inaudible] are
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up in december. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you. thank you for your comment supervisor kim. i definitely want to respect your goal of having adequate representation for your district on this particular cac. i would say that i came to become familiar with mr. olsen through his role actually as the experienced core executive director given their partnership with one of our main and very few non profits in our district. and so i think that he doesn't have to say much. his actions really speak louder because of all his experience that he's done in the community. i've been so impressed by that. i don't want to repeat a lot of what's been said, but really, he has been so active in the community since the inception and devon of the market octavia plan. i spoke with him about really how he would be able to serve, not just taking into consider
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hays valley on its own, but really all the neighborhoods that are encompassed and i think all the goals and visions that supervisor kim mentioned, i think paul really does share in that and i don't believe that just because he's a part of hays valley that he will forget that. so today i really just want to, again,ed on all of what i'm familiar with mr. olsen and all the work he's done, i'd like to see him appointed to the cac. >> i also am impressed with mr. olsen's involvement. one of the things i try to look at is the balance on a particular body. since we are we ourselves
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represents our districts, but the fact is, we have one person for each district and if he was a little bit i'm sure somebody like mr. olsen would be open to understanding our he probably does understand a lot of the things, but it's [inaudible]