tv [untitled] July 11, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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this board approved the beach valet project ten to one. i'm disappointed we need to revisit that and i think it's important for us to move forward projects that have will ever been thoroughly and properly reviewed. i think it's important to note that this measure does not shortcut the process or prevent process appeals, but guarantees that new laws are enacted after the fact that would delay park projects. i think we should do everything we can to make sure and i do think that this is a ballot measure that's a good step in that direction. with that, turn it back to our chair. >> thank you. and to chair yee, i'd like to add before i have to leave and allow one of my colleagues to come in that i'm very support i have of this meesh sure. our children and families need places to play. i represent the richmond district and know on the west side of town there are not enough play fields and then
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when they're rained upon and there's not enough maintenance staff that children and families and other sport ss athletes and others don't have access, i think the renovations for the beach shall lay fields and others are needed. i think we need to increase play time and get kids and family off of concrete areas where many of them are playing and on to more play fields throughout or city. i think as the synthetic task force has looked at issue, but the best technologies that protect for public health and environmental points of view and i believe as these fields are developed will use new technologies that can allow more play time, but also be safe for everyone so i'm very supportive and i'd like to thank the mayor and other
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colleagues for putting this on the ballot as well. thank you. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you mr. chairman. i can't stay away from the rules committee today i guess. >> you must be part of it. >> i want to be. i'm just hear to express my strong support for the ballot measure that the mayor placed on the ballot to really help move us towards a better recreational facilities and athletic fields for our kids and our adults as well. we have a dramatic shortage of not just soccer fields, but playing fields if general in this city. there was a recent report that came out, the one that said that san francisco was in the top five fittest cities in the
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u.s. and there were two areas though -- three areas where we were lagging -- asthma, where we're worse than average; type two diabetes, where we're worse than average; and access to playing fields and recreational facilities and having a great playing field will frankly help address all three of those issues. and i think all of us know when we see some of these soccer fields that are transformed, for example in my district mission playground, the soccer field was transformed from se cement to turf and it is utilized constantly. it shows what happens when you try to meet demands. beach chalet is an incredibly
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important project. there comes a point where you have approval after approval in the city and at some point you have to move forward so we need to make sure that come november we're in a position to move forward with this important project. thank you. >> supervisor farrell. >> thank you mr. chairman, and i want to associate my comments and my thoughts of colleagues who have already spoken. i want to speak from a very personal level as someone who grew up here in san francisco, i grew up playing sports across the city. i twisted my ankle countless times at beach chalet. countless games of baseball and soccer there, silver ter race this to me is such a very personal thing. when we can renovate our field so the children can play more
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often, to me i just cannot believe everyone won't support this as a father now of three small children, i coach their teams and every single season, both through soccer in the fall, basketball indoors in the winter and baseball in the spring, there is a lack of appropriate fields throughout the city. it was raining one morning during the spring in baseball season. to be able to increase play time for our children when there's such a lack of fields to me is something that obviously i can't believe that we're actually having a debate about this, but i understand that we have a very vocal minority here that want to block beach chalet. this has been an issue litigated past so many commissions and boards. i think it's unfortunate to be
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where we are today, but this is something i'm going fully support this measure going forward. i will be out in neighborhoods working for this. i believe so strongly on it. you know, with play fields across the city in need of upgrades, these aren't the only ones. this measure helps to advance good projects and i'll be proud to stand with the koigs will have family members and rec and mark enthusiasts to make sure this goes through. we've all been a supporter of parks, az supervisor wiener mentioned some of these parks renovated on city fields or otherwise they change neighborhoods and lives for families here in san francisco so i'll be proud to support this and i want to thank you for having this hearing today and lock forward to seeing this on the ballot. >> thank you. supervisor campos. >> thank you, i thought you were here for the prior item to
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show your support for it. i want to thank everyone for being here. i don't think that anyone disagrees that we care about kids and families having play areas. i don't know that there's anyone here who disagrees with that. the question for me as someone who previously voted the other way is whether or not this department actually has the credibility for us to, for anyone to believe that having sufficient play areas means artificial turf in golden gate park. from my perspective the rec and park department is the rogue agency that has the least level of accountability of just about any agency i see and you have a commission that does not provide accountability and i think they're selling the city, respectfully, the wrong information and i think that if
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we're talking about an agency that had credibility then maybe what they're saying would be convincing. the reality is that all of us want kids to have the opportunity to plait but i think this department does not have the credibility and it's not surprising that the general manager is not here because i wouldn't want to be here to have to explain something like this. thank you. >> thank you. -- is nobody from rec and park here? are you speaking later for rec and park. i fine it strange, but that's good, i'm glad somebody's here from rec and park. before you speak, let me make
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my comments. i'm a little sad that -- actually, i thought i had made it clear that i wanted to be part of the sponsor here and i'm not on there and it's too late, i guess. and part of -- you know, like supervisor farrell, i group up in san francisco and i played a lot of sports and i didn't realize that a track field was nothing -- i always thought a track field was cement. and then i thought it couldn't get any worse but there was nothing but gopher holes all over the place. and then when i played baseball i didn't realize you played on grass, because i always played on mark playground, which is all cement. and then when -- in particular
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my younger daughter who played a lot of soccer in spent at least ten years of her life at [inaudible] spraining her ankle all the time, i realized that something had to be done and i'm so glad that we're going to be able to move forward with improving the fields in san francisco. when mission [inaudible] converted the bay area there for a soccer field, actually the first referee at age 12 that refed there was my daughter and so i've seen the transformation of different playgrounds throughout san francisco, as a person growing
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up here. there's been a lack of it. especially when you leave the city to play p in tourn ms and bring your kids to tournaments you realize oh my goodness, this is what it looks like in different places where they have a host of international international soccer tournament because they have 50 soccer fields in a city of 200,000 people and here we barely have enough use for kids to practice on. so like supervisor farrell, i'm hoping to be out there advocating for this come november. that's my comment. i'm sorry to not give you the opportunity, but could you go ahead and make some comments? >> yeah, good afternoon, good evening. dan mower with the capital improvement division. i want to first apologize that
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general manager isn't here this evening, but my intent here is basically to answer any questions that you may have with respect to the project or any other component of this item. again, the department's been working on this particular project, i think as stated earlier on the presentation, since 2006. our partnership with the city field foundation is going on nine years now or just past nine years with tremendous success all across the city and have achieved what the primary goal of what this measure and partnership was was to increase play time and failed availability for our youth primarily. and as demonstrated with successes across the city at 14 different fields we've increased play time by roughly about 67,000 hours for children and adults throughout the city and with the institution of it will golding gate park beach
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chalet project we hope to continue that process for that area of the city as well. with that, i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> no questions. thank you very much for representing rec and park. >> thank you. >> mm-hm. i guess public comment on this item so anybody want to speak comments on this goshgs ahead and line up on the window side. and you have two minutes each >> good evening. i'm [inaudible] i'm representing my soccer group, friends, and all the amateur soccer player. we as a amateur group we have a lot of play time, but we also have a lot of difficulty to find open field. i think all the [inaudible] said what i need to say so -- but to address supervisor
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campos' concern is that a safety issue, i am as an architect who practice leed certification, would live and breathe on this industry of sustainability so theish see we're talking about right now is one concern, but there are 25 additional benefits including better drainage, better drainage to the [inaudible], and better waste use will not end up in a waste field and with the droughts that we have right now we use less water and also heavy usage like the previous supervisor mentioned, the [inaudible] will not sustain and increased injury for everybody and we only talk about a small patch of grass or area so i do not
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think it will affect golden park dramatically and it will improve everybody who live and raise their family here with lots of benefit. and the [inaudible] improving we can easily replace those inthetic turf and i think one day we'll completely, you know, solve the concern that supervisor campos has and all my friends and soccer buddies from [inaudible] thank you for all the support from the supervisor board. thank you. >> good evening, my name is [inaudible] lopez and as a student athlete i know how important it is to have enough space to play and practice. despite the efforts of the city, there's not enough space to play and have recreation areas. i support this ballot measure because we can't build more parks in the city, we need to
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get the most use out of the parks we already vndz a this member sure will make sure this projects are thoroughly reviewed are allowed to proceed once approved. we can't keep delaying critical projects like this one. we should get more san francisco citizens into parks and exercise and play sports and this is a good first step. thank you. >> hi, my name is allison and i love san francisco. i love the amazing views and city buildings and the pride we have in taking care of our city. however our pride in our city and best efforts to improve our park, unfortunately some of our most popular parks are underutilized. we need to find more ways for the parks we already have. i play ultimate frisbee and play with my friends, but the field z are often overused and overrun with people. this measure will make sure we make the most of the parks we
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already have by letting parks proceed. all i ask is that the city of san francisco lets play. ng you. >> my name is ethan, i'm a [inaudible] san francisco state. growing up i ran track and field all the time, i play ultimate fritz bee, and i know first hands that it's really difficult to find open and available space for activities. i think it's somewhere around 400,000 people use our soccer fields every week and with the conditions we have we really need to improve the fields we have. we can't build anymore [inaudible] ballot measure is definitely a good first step. it's not going to prevent any appeals, not going to shortcut the process at all. all this does is it guarantees that once it has gone through all the processes and had any appeals complete that no further legislation can be passed to hinder or stop the
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>> let me tell you how important in our community soccer is. we don't have playing field that is cover the needs for latino kids in this city. we don't. go out to the fields and watch what's going on in soccer right now we don't have ample opportunity to be able to give young boys and also young girls the ability to exercise in the sport that comes from their home. the other day i was driving by civic center, i was on my way across town and i saw hundreds of people in blue and white
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stripes rooting for a latin american team in small investorsic center. they weren't just from argentina, they were from mexico. that's what soccer means here. it's great we got to hear something very important before this. the affordability is forcing latinos out of our city. the lack of opportunities for families is also a driving force. you have to take advantage of what we have so that our kids could actually use it. and we need to move forward with this initiative. thank you.
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>> i want to bring some hard numbers to these facts. we've been talking about it and every time the pressure on families to leave, you have a small miracle going on in san francisco you should not snuff this out. last year in the fall we registered 452 soccer teams, 7700 children. it's fabulous. this fall 549 teams, 9,000 kids. this does not include [inaudible] or america scores on top of it. why? how have we been able to do this amazing difference between last year and this year? the opening of ocean view senor turf complex. the extra capacity there has allowed over a thousand new kids to sign up for soccer for this coming september. the same factor will happen
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when beach chalet opens in the future one day under the current plans to construct it. you can't turn down those thousand kids unnamed kids who can't be here buzz we don't even know who they are, but i can fell you how this is affecting some families. we work with rec and park to keep a registration window open as long as possible. at a certain point we have to go to plan and people will come in after the end of june, can't register. this is a not as organized knowing how to sign up for all the different leagues. it's disproportionately affecting the very kids he was talking about because they can't get first in line in these fields. you must put this measure on the ballot. thank you.
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>> good afternoon. i'm a high school athletic director, former [inaudible] long time active parent in youth sports in san francisco. it is so gratifying to hear supervisor after supervisor speak in favor of this project. supervisor campos, i hope you keep an open mind and potentially making it unanimous as we go into this political process. i remember the beginning of this process, my daughter came from one of the hearings and testified. she was in middle school, she's now just completed her first year of college. it is amazing to watch the city operate and see how hard it is to get really great projects done. we all appreciate you standing up and supporting this project. thank you very much.
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we look forward to getting this project done. thank you. >> okay. any further public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. supervisor tang. >> thank you. i want to thank everyone who came out today in support of this field. it's incredibly important. i took a tour of many soccer fields, including [inaudible] all of these synthetic fields and really just saw how many people are using them on a regular basis so i cannot believe we are still debating this today. i really do hope that as we send this forward to the november ballot that voters can really see it for what it is, which is that we are trying to provide additional recreational opportunities for many children generations to come. with that, i think we probably just need to continue the
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hearing or -- >> sure. before we do that, supervisor campos. >> thank you. i'll just broefly say i want to thank all the speakers who came out. i certainly appreciate and respect the passion and i share the objective that you you have and i think that like you, every single day i come to work i'm trying to figure out how we provide options to our kids, every kid in san francisco. i think the challenge here is that i have yet to hear from someone that i can trust and rely upon when it comes to information that this is the only way these kids are going to have access to recreation and i have yet to hear that so with that, i thank you for your passion and i think that we're fighting for the same thing, the question is what's the way to get there. thank you. >> so let me have the last word
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here and just thank you for coming out here, for supporting this item also want to mention that the first and last time i played on a soccer team was at san francisco middle school soccer team and i didn't realize the first -- i guess, month or so we practiced i never played soccer prior to that and i [inaudible] only person on the team and everybody knew how to pray and i didn't realize you were supposed to play on grass until we played our first game and what's this? i don't know if that was -- you know, an eye opener for me and certainly i don't wishl that experience on any other kid
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that's growing up in san francisco so let's move on to the november ballot and i'll be there supporting it. can i have a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair? >> so moved. >> so moved. no objection. motion passes. thank you very much. i'd like to rescind or city attorney, would you like to -- >> supervisors, after you considered item number 6, the charter amendment regarding the former redevelopment agency employees, we noticed and error that appears on the charter amendment so we suggest you recall that item, number #, vote on another amendment and continue again to next monday. >> so moved >> no objection. >> so that you would rescind
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the vote to -- motion to rescind. >> to rescinds. >> okay. so the changes on page 1, line 12 and page 3, line 21, both in the version you had in front of you referred to the health service declaration partnership form, and it should be the health service system declaration of domestic partnership form. >> like to make motion to rescind the vote. >> did we do that already? >> no, we haven't done that. >> let's make a motion to rescind the vote and with no objection, motion passes. >> and i'd like to make a motion to amend the item along the lines described by our deputy city attorney. >> okay. no objection, motion passes. >> thank you very much. >> i'd like to make a motion to continue to -- >> july 14, special rules committee meeting.
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