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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT

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if found consistent with the planning code the planning commission will not be able to take away rights from the development property and they have to remain consistent. supervisor yee and supervisor campos vote no on this item and the rose update was passed after seven years of community process on the first reading and next on the agenda was the fee elimination ordinance that was sponsored by mayor that eliminations 4 planning code fees it was heard on may 8th that was recommended approved unanimously and recommended approval the ordinance passed on its first reading. the other the density bonus sponsored by supervisor wiener and signed on by supervisor
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cohen and supervisor kim and the legislation that adjusts the density for affordable housing when 24 units are on site it was heard on may 12th and it was recommended adaptation it passed on the first reading this week. the general plan for visitacion valley were continued until next week as well as the transbay district that was continued null july 31st. the police and planning codes were recommending tommy's law. anyone know? okay. it was supported by supervisor london breed and supervisor wiener the ordinance reduced the restrictions on the location and lessens permits for the mechanic devise like pinball
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machines and they removed the obsolete codes the planning code and it will amend the planning code to eliminate them in the district 8 and the planning code amending the resident unit and a conferee requirement to amend the residents unit and clarifies the residential conversion of the single resident room and can i ask sdrirm controls when their passed any provision for grarthd how does it subcontract with the pipeline >> like all planning code amendments once it becomes legal everything is subject it that. >> okay commissioner antonini.
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>> yeah. a couple of questions for the future we just would be interested in hearing about funding sources for phase two the extension of the rail line to the transbay terminal because i think it's an important issue and important to have kind of important in the future for that item and the other thing we've had a discussion will the difference between an item we're going to hear later today or legislation that allows the lengthtion for the previously industrial areas and the other item that allows the conversion office to create a historic building make that more able to be legally through seismic or other needs i think i said the
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division of the two and in this case of 2 henry adams it won't fall swo under the eastern neighborhood. >> i'm not clear on the specifics of the law but 2 henry adams is not going to be converted. >> we're going to consider one example of one use later today but an office use that's been in place in a building that's currently zoned industrial and legitimate missing that use and perhaps director ram could verify that. >> yonl i don't believe it's on the calendar today. >> oh, item 13 that's a legitimatetion which is different that's not a
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conversion. the 2 henry adams issue is a pdr space. the conversion the designation of that building as a landmark would have loud it to be converted to office it's a different situation >> thank you. and commissioners that places you on item 9 at 22 second street an informational preservation public update >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm kevin with the plaintiff i'm going to keep my statement brief this is 22 second and the progress on two specific points first, the arts proposal as well as the reinstatements to the exterior design for the post entitlements just to recap in august of 2010
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it is a 6 story office building as well as ground floor retail and an interior open space. the item was preapproved in february of 2013 with minor provisions with the footprint as well as the configuration of the uses. the project is currently under construction. so in terms of the art proposal the spokesperson proposes to deal with the public art by providing 3 artworks specifically the project sponsor will install the pieces in the howard wall of the public open space. given the scale of the particular pieces when the public open space is closed the pieces should be quiet visible
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from the public right-of-way. the design i'll let the project sponsor go into the daily but there's refinements made to the exterior and i'm sure you're aware of the basic design language is the open glass shingles and there's a desire to see a stronger portion and it's relationships to the lower scale historic buildings. as well as the project sponsor will talk about the refined treatments to the shingles themselves to make that design language possible. so physicals there's questions the project sponsor will talk about that >> thank you. good afternoon, commissioners i'm carl and i'm joined by peter
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wine garden we're thrilled to be here and glad for commissioner borden's last hearing we've been working on this since 2006 we're pleased to see that become a reality. jerry inspire as a long term relationship with frank and he's known him inform a long time we're thrilled to be able to bring 3 fairly important stellar pieces to san francisco and display them in the open space of this building. this is the first piece, second piece and the third piece and we have some rendering to show in
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context. this is the public open space, are these the walls in the back and on display this shows the open space with the pieces hung on the wall we'll expect this to be open during the day and this is the sort space uses by people in the weekend and repeal shuns and really not part of the presentation or preservation but we're pleased to tell you that linked think on the social networking company from mount have you has leased the entire building this is part of a continuing trend to see technology companies president to be in san francisco close to the employment base that wants to live here. so, you know, peter and i are available to answer questions with you we're thrilled to see
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this project come to reality and thrilled to bring the 3 stellar pieces to san francisco and hopefully will be done next june and linked in and strangling trying to get the people into the building. thank you we're available for questions >> thank you any public comment on that item? seeing none, public comment is clos closed. commissioner moore >> i wanted to thank tishman inspire for bringing those 3 pieces into this we have the juxtaposition between local art and major pieces wondering through the downtown and looking at the digital art from from time to time and mission to this
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one a much more an mamentd maximum and wonderful experience. >> sxhaushg. >> there wasn't a presentation on this refinement or something that has improved the quality of the building and the aspects so - >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i'd like to add the refinements are very well done so the entitlement and development of that building and i think it's going to be very attractive and especially the public open space there is, you know, very inviting and an important location in san francisco it's the epic center south of market. so really happy to see that building going up quickly i'm happy to see it is completely
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leased >> thank you for your preservation there's a sleeper room at the planning department where i've spent many, many hours unfortunately so it will be great to see a different space in san francisco with this art. >> commissioner sugaya. >> in terms of linked in their moving their headquarter see with an amount of skoornl i'm curious. >> i can't speak important the company there's no announcement in that regard. >> thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> i think this is an indication they're indeed space needs that tech companies can meet in, well designed high-rise buildings go not only looking for changes in use and what is primarily industrial buildings
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and we're adding an example this is work out noting. >> thank you. commissioners that place you on general public comment not to exceed 15 minutes. at this time, members of the public may address the commission to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes there are not speaker cards >> anyone. >> this is a general comment i'm joel with the san francisco electrical construction industry i have not been here in about 3 years there's been leadership changes within our industry
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which brings me back here. so about 6 years ago i started the business development department that works for the electrical contractors association and the u b w local 6. we're close with the dbi electrical inspectors and the san francisco fire department it's great to hear us you talking about projects i was closely involved with like the academy of art and just everything in general. i left that position after two years and went to work for a interstate for two years and actually went back into the field for a year and a half working on general hospital and i helped that project in particular get through the process due to the department of
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public health and got to go physically work on that project and build that but the announcement i'll hear to make there's been a new a recent election that has a new business manager for i b w-6 his name is john daugherty and he takes office today, i want to formerly introduce ourselves as new leadership and look forward to work together with the planning department and supervisors and the community groups to build a better san francisco. and help cooperate city residents and what's best for the city in general into the construction industry as a whole. thanks >> thank you. is there any additional public comment seeing none general
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public comment is closed. . >> commissioners that places us on the regular calendar. item 10. an application information on anti discrimination housing policies for the consideration of the proposed ordinance >> good afternoon diego rivera i'm be presenting on a proposed ordinance. regarding the ordinance for the intact procures for collecting the anti discriminations i'd like to permitted supervisor campos with time to present you on the matter. >> thank you, again good afternoon commissioner i'm carolyn i'm representing supervisor campos today. he's in back to back committee
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meetings. the legislation brown before you today introduced by supervisor campos and co-chaired and supervisor mar and supervisor avalos talks about the housing discriminates of people if the lgbt community the community faces prejudice and out right hostility looking for housing in many part the country. transgender people have been refused housing and one in 10 have been evicted yet it housing act didn't include protection for the tarndz and they don't have laws to protect our community. we in san francisco and california benefit from strong housing laws bs but as the community members get displaced that more urgent than ever that
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your citizens are protected. so this legislation requires companies without of state properties that are planning to build one or more units they have to have a discrimination policy they've have to provide a copy of the discrimination rights to the city and this legislation will help to inform us that the developers are protecting the owners rights. by collecting this information we've hoping to utilize the best practices and better inform others ambassador we strongly building that folks want to do the right thing to do in the past months we've looked at
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centralizing those amendments the amendments were developed with the city attorney and housing advocates we're thankful we've come up with an ordinance that has the support of planning department and i'd like to give a huge thank you to mr. sanchez and director ram for their input and collaboration throughout the process it's been a pleasure to work with everyone. my boss at dbi contributed as well as john gibner, deputy city attorney and the teresa parks i want to acknowledge the organizations that have helped us to craft the amendment and excited including the nature of fair alliance the aids full peaceable and the national panel for lesbian rights and a special thank you toronto our foths
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folks. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> commissioners at&t's as contentions or mentions this proposed ordinance b will require the planning department to collect an application for 10 dwelling units or more it questions information about whether a sponsored applicant over and over their subsidy engaged in selling leasing unit we'll ask the jurisdictions do they have a policy either at a national or state level based on sexual orientation and we'll ask for a copy. the planning department will not consider a application complete nil the information is collected, however, the planning
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department will not prove or deny such a project. the planning department will on an unanimous basis collect the applications and the report will be sent to the human resources. the commissioner staff is in support one it represents a minor procedural change this process of collecting an application and triumphing it to the agencies is being done we don't stimulate this b will add an undue burden to anyone there's jurisdiction alleywayal issues we believe the planning department will exclusively refuse review the project the planning code will be compared with the guidelines whether to approve e.r. disapprove this will help to inform the human
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rights commission and we've considered other alternatives including the first-rate of occupancy ace the deniable urging the planning code improvement cases and requiring the business registration we found those have shortcomings the data collection happening later is preferred or collected at integrals or the creation of a barrier to the legislation and the staff believes that the application entitlement is the preferred alternative given the initiat initiates. that concludes my presentation. >> let's open this up for public comment (calling names). >> hello, i'm jamie i'm a staff
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attorney at the national center for lesbian reporter and here to support this ordinance. we would like to thanks supervisor campos for his support and leadership as well as the commissioners today for hearing it. we have a letter in support that's in our executive summary packet we're proud to be standing with our lgbt community here in san francisco and various service providers if support of the proposal. the proposal makes clear that housing discriminations against the lgbt people exists nationwide the housing crisis in san francisco has hit the lgbt hard more than 20th century 1 person has been displaced in the
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last 5 years and from their homes do not only lose their personal support community the ability to live in san francisco and be in a sifts but need to relocate out of california in which they house people in discrimination where it conditions continues to be illegal. there's no current protection invading for lgbt people in seeking housing. and this is an opportunity when san francisco, california extending send an important message and make clear this is an important issue to san francisco and also nationwide. this will make project sponsors think about the buyers and
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realize they as the project sponsors are encountered to address. often asking a question can raise awareness when someone is required to pull their anti discrimination policies they may realize they don't have an anti discrimination policy or in states where the law didn't require them and be moved forward to take corrective action this has a possibility to help change the invading conversation for the need for federal and state housing legislation san francisco has been the leader and san francisco was again lead the way. at nc r we're aware the discrimination and we have a national help line we routinely
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get calls from folks around the world that many of us in san francisco assume no longer happen but unfortunately, they do >> thank you. >> hello, again. tom why the housing rights committee. i'm also a long-term queer activist i've been involved in the lgbt for the last 44 years i came out in 1970 at 19 years old. i've seen this proposal is very reasonable and certainly would send a message to the rest of the country and serve to once again tell the who recalled we're a city that cares about human rights and eliminating discrimination in all aspects of the communities. i think developers need to be aware that if you come to san francisco you have to have a
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nondiscrimination policy and that's a policy that's across the board and covers all the categories including lgbt folks and gender identity and sex all organized that's a great precedent and a great message long overdue we should just do it so thank you >> thank you. next speaker. hi, i'm bryan the director of the aids alliance in 1995 i created the task force of northern california and worked for the public information officer at the trial and in 1997 we passed the equal benefits ordinance which aim to require employers doing business with the sfiveng to provide equal
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benefits to same sex comes up as other comes up. the component that required that didn't pass legal muster so no legal requirement for employers outside of san francisco to provide equal benefits to their employees but you think what happened they did it anyway just by asking the question i think most people are good and they just need to be asked. and this will have that same impact we'll be able to go to the vendors who are coming to our city and wanting you can they're making a good amount of money so let's use it attraction we have in the city to have them go back to the rest of their organization and say hey, what do we think where do we stand on protecting people based on
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sexual orientation and gender identity i believe in my heart people will say oh, we were never asked and change their policies. and then what will happen the exact same thing with marriage equality we got marriage equality because someone asked and san francisco asked in 1997 treat people equally and what will happen those developers like the developer on 15th street in the castro from south carolina said their folks will never, ever protect transgender people but actually, we will just by-and-by by asking we'll get all those places in texas and the billion dollars corpses saying, you know, what
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protecting lgbt people is the right thing to do and we'll go to congress and say actually those billion dollar corporations are actually already with us and give them the police cover to get protections for sexual orientation and gender identity and it will start here today you guys are a have an opportunity to do that what a wonderful thing on our last day to be a part of >> thank you. next speaker. >> i am with the local homeless coalition i think this ordinance is critical we've seen in 2013 thirty percent of our homeless population is lgbtq and we see the homelessness among the