tv [untitled] July 12, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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development that this loop was approved. and in the sgrirm numerous different ways public vesting of this project. and obviously, the t third got split into 3 phase between a community advisory group and other groups up and down the corridor the process that went on but again to reiterate this was part of the original design of the 10 east third and the operation of the t line. so this is a little bit more detail kind of fast forwarding to the last few years i'm sorry the type is small the points the t third first phase was in 2007. the there was a building 740
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illinois and 2120 third got it's approval in 2011 because the old environmental approvals for the old mission loop we are old we refreshed those with the state and local in 2012 and file off 2013 we've finished the design you earlier this year and b will be going to the board to request approval the contract. the point being that while the recent set of approvals were refreshed based on newer information about the transportation and housing and land use situation that we have today, the original approval for
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the look like was approved in 1998 before those activities happened. the loop itself would do as i mentioned it will allow trains to turn to make a loop from third to 18 and 19 and illinois it's part of the service plan for the central subway the environmental approvals limited use to daytimes and we expect those on 8 turnings per hour and more importantly it provides the flexibility for the t line the those folks that use our light rail know we've built an inflexibility unit so some of the thinking in the 90s was to
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build in the flexibility so in terms of benefits the loop will significantly enable us to improve the reliability of the service along the entire t line by increasing service where it's needed and where the demand is highest to allow us to file the gaps in service to manager bifrn and again giving us the flexibility of having another place for the t train to turn. it also will be helpful for other events or extra activities where the flexibility will enable us to better manage the service for the entire line. there is service inthat headlamp it will provide enhanced service
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to the entire t third corridor part of the subway is an increase the light rail flees from 71 to one hundred and 75 a significant increase the short line loop from chinatown to the loop would initially begin with the minute frequency and evolving going down to 4 minute frequency over the life of the current fleet plan through 20 thirty. and south of mission bay the service will improve from 9 to 8 minutes so all and all through the corridor will significantly reduce the transit service that is talked about in the growth in
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the beginning introduction >> going back to that the short line loop will doctors from 9 in 2019 and 4 down over time. >> as we bring more vehicles into the service and the service plan has us getting down to the high frequency service from the inner and outer portion of t third. related to other enhancements include significant improvements along the 16 controlled including the extension into this area extending the overhead system along 16 and up third for
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the 22 fillmore extension with the transit pedestrian safety benefits along the entire corridor so the t third is the main corridor and then the east west connection we're looking at not only from a transit prospective for counterfeiting the bike and pedestrian connections as well. and just the current project the funding for the loop the reason we're able to do it now we secured a tiger grant a federal arrogant if the u.s. department of transportation we got a $10 million award to close the gap and enable us to move forward 16 years ago this slide shows a little bit about the grant this is something we've
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been doing with the full involvement of our federal parishes federal funders as well. just to anticipate one question we've heard we have a rail maintains facility about 56r blocks of the proposed loop that maintenance facility was part of the original plan for the t third light rail and a question has been raised can't we turn the train there and abandon the existing plan to build the loop we looked at that as a request from the supervisor but this facility was not built for this purpose and it's full capacity won't have a space for the adding the turning place we've seen at the end of the line at balboa park it makes for a
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challenging operations and will add time and cost and is not how our service plan was built so we won't be able to meet those frequencies that were part and also have been part of the approved services. that's it in a nutshell to reiterate the main themes or messages this loop was designed to be an integral part of the light rail service nothing has changed in regard to the need the development that is happening it's significant but laterally anticipated and this is what this line was meant to address it didn't preclude future developments of different ways to move this i didn't mention the loop was half built when the first phase on 18 and
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19 so what we're doing now a number of years later just closing that circuit so in the meantime we'll have the fund thanks to the tiger grant if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them or hear the public comment and the community presentation and take questions >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you. i have a couple of questions director reiskin maybe i can talk about whether mta look ated the east facility as an alternative to the loop. >> we did and as i stateed the distance from the current loop the need to try to run revenue service through a maintenance facility and the cost that will incur to us the incapability of the service plan it is something we've looked at another i get
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that from one prospective operationally it didn't work i mentioned the t third light rail service was built with the mission loop as part of it and deferred the completion of it was deferred when the project was spirit into phases one and to so this project enables us to do the funding helps us to complete the project. >> the loop today is it in the same proposed location we're considering it considered placing it several years ago. >> yeah. nothing has changed, in fact, the rails have been in the ground since the t third was finished in 2007 so the two spurs are there we're connecting those two dead-ends that were put in place 10 years ago.
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>> all right. i've got a couch for questions i want to see in mta looked at the traffic issues in the area that is the major corridor for the q toshgs and to serve the park as well as the bae ship facility. >> yeah, the noticeable environmental work was done in the mid to late 80s and 90s we restarred the project we redid some of the analysis that was required to get updated environmental approvals and it required some updated analysis as part of the environmental process we looked at the state and federal environmental laws. >> how does this takes into account the warriors stadium and
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pier 70. >> so this project was cleared and approved before the newest warriors arena came but my understanding is that the warriors arena from a transportation impact has lessor impacts that was approved for the land use under the mission bay improvement plan that's something we'll have to analyze and vet as part of the approvals for pier 70 and the warriors. i think if anything the mission bay loop will help to facilitate whatever for the transportation demand those developments create >> one of the areas i'm concerned we're maybe missing at about opportunity; right? because of the federal money you need to spend it before the warriors stadium is built out; is that correct. >> we have i don't bring i
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don't have off the top of my head but it's 3 years from the award. >> if my memory serves me it's a missed opportunity because the money will be spent before the projects go forward i don't know if the gap is in service or in, well like i said lighting our services in the best way that's one concern i can divining can get the information. >> i'll argue before this is before the gap is in place there is an opportunity by van this project we'll be better able to serve the location. >> can talk about the process you underwent.
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>> maybe i can ask one of my staff members of the details they've provided in the presentation the dates. >> i'm interested in the update that was in the previous plan. >> let me see if i have that. >> okay and i guess i'll have to get back to you, we have sxeeven documentstion that that we provided to the federal transportation the number of community meetings i don't have that off the top of my head and unfortunately, the project manager is not available. >> no problem so the federal grant fund you've referenced in your presentation are those tied to a specific design or location. >> yes. specifically tied to this project. >> any flexibility. >> not - i guess it depends on
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and you mean in terms of design elements within what's been cleared through this process and the grant submission within those bonds there is but in terms of not doing the project or changing the project we secured those funds with the specific scope of previously exhausted project i mind. >> in the previous project you talked about the benefits this will bring to the overall to system. will - but i think a lot of my comments are looking at the delays can you talk about that what would happen or not happen >> again having this loop and this kind of flexibility will only provide for improved
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services along the entire corridor for the higher frequency service but give us the flexibility to deal with various issues we have today on the t third to better serve the entire corridor so any flexibility will approve the service we deliver. >> which t issues can we address i know that many we will be able to address. >> crowding issues and bunching issues the things i've laid out with the flexibility of the place to turn trains and redirection and make adjustment for service gaps those are things we generally lack. >> but the trains to redirect them into different parts of the system i'm concerned with the this accident occurred street
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corridor with the loops will they prevent that from happening or decrease the frequency of that happening. >> i think the overall loop frequency should decrease the need for unscheduled switch backs. as i've said near the beginning we'll be able to provide a significantly increase of service for the entire t third corridor with this loop in place which should minimize, you know, my adverse service impacts the significant impacts to the entire third line >> okay. just a reminder we've got a 10 minute presentation but i'll give supervisor kim a moment to ask questions. >> i have a few clarifying questions so if we're
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constructing the loop this year i assume when will the loop start to be utilized? is that intended to be utilized with the opening of the central subway >> it will be available for service before the opening of the central subway right now the central subway for 80 for completion of december and we'll be done that this project before that so we could start using that obviously as soon as it's done and some benefits occur immediately. >> the loop is to be constructed in the next year or construction is start. >> we haven't begun construction. >> you said parts of it were built. >> yeah. built when the light rail was done so we will be awarding a contract late summer
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or fall to complete that loop. i don't know offhand but the construction is in a year >> the tiger funding that's completing the construction when was that awarded. >> this was awarded in the summer of 2012. >> that's why we're on this timeframe. >> yeah. i have it in my notes the grant expires at the end of 2018 we need to get the project built and closed out the contracts closed and the grant closed out by that time. >> if sfmta were to truly consider moving the loop down to 22nd street, i believe it's 22nd street what is that process looking at will i have this process for the bid then potentially have to go up for
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the grant again. >> yeah. we were going to do that we'll have to reject the grant and give back the money. >> can you explain why. >> if we were choosing not to build the loop the grant was specifically for this project we can't say offer in terms we'll use this for somewhere else but building new rails is significant we'll have to go to the full planning design and environmental review process you, you know, generally it's in order of years so we wouldn't have this capacity it will delay us having this capacity presuming we have the capacity to do the environmental work we
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don't at the moment. >> looking at the numbers i agree with the density it is between chinatown and mariposa i think the numbers showcases that we recognize a lot of new development the issue more than the loop is really about the service right that's going to impact no time katrero but the bayview we've had this conversation i cannot thrill the number of people not in our district they say they're trying to get off the train in mariposa and the terrain tushes around and i totally get we have limited resources and constraint but its not great that the residents have to wait for another train to take you all the way you down to the bayview neighborhoods i understand the
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construction of the loops but what e, we do to provide accurate service that's one the biggest challenges in the southeast it's connection to the public transit to the downtown neighborhood. >> no, i think you're absolutely right one of the first things that was on my desk was from supervisor cohen and the mayor talking about the two line service theirs obey a been a number i have things we've done all the transit signal priority that holds the traffic signals for the trains were not operating properly we've made additions and enhancements to the signal priorities in cases
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we're preempting signals for the better flow of the trains and we've cut out a nov second detail anyone knows dollars painfully long waits in intersections so that's a fix there's a number of steps we're already taken to improve the service and have the swish backs down very significantly reduced the switch backs we've heard from invokes that's a significant problem we've talked about the switch backs from the community members to get their feedback and get the communication so there are a lot of things that we're doing aside from the general light rail improvements such vehicle
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replacements that already i believe are starting to show improvements and will continue to do so, so this loop will enable us to step up a notch and better position us to better be able to increase the frequency for the entire length of the t third, that will improve the service. >> how does the loop increase the service for the entire line. >> the additional vehicles will help with that and the loop helps us to insteven that. >> i think we have an be an issue less about the loop and more about the level of service to the katrero and dog patch so the bayview in particular are i
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went the 15 it doesn't seem like a great line then but it ran and it was fast the one thing about the t it looks nicer but so painfully slow it becomes an unreliable public transportation people don't want to take 45 minutes from the bayview to downtown that's a long time so we need to figure out the frequency of service interests going to be a lot of development so we want to insure those residents can take public transit and not drive to the do you only corridor. >> the right-of-way changes and the vehicle improvements are the past and the near term towards the increased frequency and better reliability. >> we've had it this
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conversation about the t line i think an argument can be made this is the most important public transit that needs to happen in san francisco given the level of improvements in the southeast and the warriors and so forth fourth and king i think that john worked hard to improve that it's less problematic but still a problem i feel like when i'm on the t waiting to make that turn it just is painful. and there are times when i been down at pier 70s a few times lastly i've taken the 48 instead of the t because the 48 is faster so godspeed on making those changes it's really important >> maybe you can help us help
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you. what did you need from us to help us make the t line run more efficiently besides money >> its not about money but the continued investment and the focused repairs on the light rail vehicles to improve their reliability is an important part of it we're systematically doing we're reare you aware our vehicle rehab to focus on the equipment we're investing our resources to repair the doors that led to the reliability issues we've addressed most of timing signals we're not - by also not seeking further opportunity for improvement
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we've done that and make sure we have enough operators trained so not having not enough operators and not having enough vehicles we did a 2 car service along the third streetcar corridor but we need the cars you appreciate the offer i don't have anything outlining else off the top of my head but this is important for the support will be helpful but otherwise we're grateful for the interest and the improvement of light rail service. >> i do think the agencies on a good projector in terms of the vehicles rehabilitation has been helpful the fact we've got so if
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you light rail vehicles it was impossible to run two car trains it was embarrassing i know the agency has been working hard to turn that around and get more of the r vs in service it didn't help that they're designed challenged vehicles that breakdown regardless of maintenance so it will be good had the next generation come and coincide with the opening of the subway we'll have double the number of the vehicles we have today. >> when the central subway opens we'll go from one hundred 51 to 175 whatever it 15 percent increase ultimately the contract we're going to bring to you will be up to two hundred and 40 or 60 vehicles a significant increase over what we have today
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a and more reliable vehicles that are manifest. >> this will link and delink at the west portal you have more lines and in terms of the operator shortage which i know is a challenge at the agency it in progress in terms of having a change in bottle in the case. >> we're ramping up the training in the next month we'll be able to do on the bus side and the rail operators come from the bus side we'll be up to 40 percent classes every month that will be quadrupling of what we've done this year so we'll wee we've hired the trainers and starting in the next month we'll start
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