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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PDT

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an advocate for cancer and his cancer has returned and he can't come here to speak, but we're going to speak for him, and hopefully we're going to deliver this legislation for him and know all of his efforts hasn't been in vein and the woman who we talked about was anice who spoke at our rally at the steps of city hall and a month after her testimony she received a letter saying that her pension -- disability pension was denied. she's been told by the state that her cancer is job related and she's been told by the state board that her cancer is job related and she can't come back to work. what you're doing is critical for the firefighters of san francisco and i hope this
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goes through and i'm sure it will. thank you very much, supervisors. >> thank you for sharing your perspective. next speaker. >> president chiu, and supervisor tang. my name is mike. i'm a letter tired san francisco police officer. i'm in my 41st year. i represent police officers, firefighters deputy sheriff's and other employees from the appeals board and the city's retirement system. i have noted an extraordinary difference between my representation of the deputies sheriff's and the san francisco police officers and san franciscos before the retirement board and that's because deputy sheriff's by virtue of being apart of the retirement system -- they join the same presumption that we're asking the board to give to our firefighters and police officers. i would like to
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bring to your attention, there's three types of retirement systems in california. the 1937 county's act which applies to 20 counties in california. the public employees retirement system which applies to the vast majority of public safety officers in the state of california and small independent systems such as ourselves. for 20 years, firefighters and police officers who are in public retirement system have received and obtained what we're asking in fairness inequity that police officers and firefighters receive. when you say president chiu this is a city of saint francis which year accurate and you're proposing your legislation to protect those who protect us, also quite accurate, what we're really talking about financial protection. but the financial protection is emotional
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protection. as they protect, as you say supervisor we'll be protected. thank you for entertaining this legislation and i'd like president oconner [inaudible]. thank you. >> thank you mike he will. thank you for educating my staff and i on the complexity of our state and various retirement systems which i'll say to supervisor tang, overly complicated creating an establishing different standard and we have deputy sheriff's that enjoy one starts, but our police officers and firefighters haven't been able to enjoy that. thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, president chiu. supervisor tang. my name is lawyer mac. i'm a 51 native san
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franciscan. i'm a husband, and father to two teenager daughters in. in 2001 i was diagnosed with stage one colon cancer. in 2011 my rectum was removed and i was given a bag while i recovered. in january of it 2012, a biopsy revealed that my cancer has spread. my cancer was now stage 4. since that day, you can imagine the different emotions that not only i have experienced and had to deal with, but also my wife, and children. anger, disbelief, depression, anxiety are these emotions. i ask myself, why
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me. when i entered my profession, i knew it was a stressful job and i needed to take care of myself. i ate well and exercised and kept a well balanced of friends. my doctors were shocked, not only of my diagnoses but how it progressed to stage 4. genetic testing revealed nothing significant. i think about the countless hours working traffic controls and responding to car, house fires and walking through poorly renovated hotels that were poorly renovated. and walking through areas that produced drugs. i think about the times i worked in a bes tuesday
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building for the better part of 10 years while assigned to the narcotic division. it took me 2 years to accept my diagnoses. i'm currently in remission and enjoying each day i'm here. but the reason i'm here today is not for my personal benefit, but for my wife cindy and children. and i'm the sole provider for my family and i'm here to provide. what about a year from now. the legislature before you had passed will give me another option on how i live the rest of my life, but it will give a since of comfort knowing my family and children will be better take care of once i'm gone. aside from my family, there's nothing i enjoy doing more than serving the citizens of this great city. the legislation before you is important not only to me and my family, to all families of police officers and firefighters that serve this
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city. i respectfully ask that you pass this legislature that's before you today. >> thank you for sharing. next speaker, mr. donahan. >> good morning, my name is dan and i'm a proud member of the firefighter. firefighters local 798. i have served san francisco, i served on the san francisco democratic central committee, 2002, 2004, 2006 and i certain under mayor gavinson from 2005 and 2011 and i'm devoted to the county and city of san francisco. i was born here, i work here and i have and will continue to have every intention to continue to serve just like you folks serve your district and the city and the county. on june
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12th, i suffered a seizure. on june 18th, i had brain surgery to remove a brain mass later to learn it was grade two -- i'm one of the lucky ones. i'm a cancer survivor and i have a new perspective on life. i look at things differently. i look at my health and my family and i look at politics differently. shall it return and i hope it doesn't, because of this ordinance my family will be taken care of. i'm one of lucky ones. this is for firefighters and police officers are here at the right time. today, and hopefully next tuesday the category will change. the importance of this legislation is really big, really significant, and it's going to help people that have lost hope, that have given up, that need assistance, so please move this
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important legislation forward to the full board. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. dan and i want to take the leadership for their legislation. any other members of the public that would like to speak. i would want to acknowledge supervisor -- supervisor breed wanted to be here and her aid wants to say a few words. >> she did want to be here for this item. she had an emergency and i think she is on route here, so hopefully she'll be here shortly. on her behalf, i want to say thank you president chiu for bringing this forward and thank you mr. oconner. she was a firefighter before she was on the board. the men and women behind me and their colleagues, they risk their lives everyday on the job to protect us and the least we can do is protect them when
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their service makes them sick, so i would just request that you add supervisor breed as a sponsor for this legislation and thank you again. >> thank you, and i want to thank supervisor breed for her co-sponsorship. with that, unless there's other members of the public that wish to speak. madam chair, i think public comment is closed. >> thank you for your service and for sharing your heart felt testimony with us. i'm just surprised it has taken this long to make it to our board. so with that, would you like to thak a recommendation for a deposit of recommendation to the full board. >> absolutely. thank you all of you, not just for your service, but for your work with my office to move this forward and i want to thank my aid who is watching this. this is her last piece of legislation she's working on and hopefully
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to all of our points, this will get done quickly. and i want to thank all of you who shared your perspectives and your stories. these are difficult topics and i think it is important for the public to know what all of you have had to go through as you have been protecting us and i do think this is so important that we get done and i very much appreciate this being brought to my attention but for that, we have so many heroes within city government that may not bring this to our attention, but because you have, we're able to do something about it. i do want to say and i think it was something that tom oconnel mentioned, in addition to the work we're doing, we have so many new toxic chemicals we find in our central 21 communities and i hope to work with our firefighters and our police department to do whatever we need to do to
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prevent future cancers by going after new sources of toxic chemicals. i think that's the next front and i look forward to that work, but with all that, again, i want to thank you for your leadership and thank the retirement system and the budget analyst and yes, madam chair i would like to move this forward with full recommendation to the board for its consideration shortly. >> without objection. so moved. >> thank you president chiu. and with that, madam clerk, can you please call item number 2. >> resolution authorizing the mayor, or his designees, to cast assessment ballots in the affirmative on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, as the owner of three parcels of real property over which the board of supervisors has jurisdiction, that would be subject to assessment in the proposed property and business improvement district to be the lower polk community benefit district. >> resolution authorizing the mayor, or his designees, to cast assessment ballots in the affirmative on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, as the owner of three parcels of real property over which the board of supervisors has jurisdiction, that would be subject to assessment in the proposed property and business improvement district to be the lower polk community benefit district. >> thank you, and again, our sponsor president chiu, i would like to turn it over to you. >> thank you madam chair. this is a simple item. a number of months ago, we moved forward the preliminary legislative work to establish a community benefit district in the lower polk community.
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those and those initial pieces of legislation will move forward. this will authorize the mayor or his designees to cast assessment ballots in favor of creating a community benefit districts for those parcels of property of which our city has jurisdiction and given that that declaration was something we did closely in conjunction with the mayor's department hoping we can do that, and i know we were suppose today have a couple of city staffers to present and i'm speaking for them and i ask that we move this forward with recommendation to the board as well. >> this has been long time coming so i'm happy to support your efforts here. i'd like to open it up for public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. would you like to send this forward? >> with positive recommendation. so moved. and madam clerk, is there any other item before board today? >> that concludes our business -- would you like to --
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>> i apologize, we'll need to excuse supervisor breed from our meeting today. >> happy to excuse her. >> without objection. supervisor breed is excused and with that, our meeting is adjourned. thank you. >> hi. i am cory with san francisco and we're doing stay safe and we're going to talk about what shelter in place or
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safe enough to stay in your home means. we're here at the urban center on mission street in san francisco and joined by carla, the deputy director of spur and one of the persons who pushed this shelter in place and safe enough to stay concept and we want to talk about what it means and why it's important to san francisco. >> as you know the bay area as 63% chance of having a major earthquake and it's serious and going to impact a lot of people and particularly people in san francisco because we live on a major fault so what does this mean for us? part of what it means is that potentially 25%
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of san francisco's building stock will be uninhibit tabl and people can't stay in their homes after an earthquake. they may have to go to shelters or leave entirely and we don't want that to happen. >> we want a building stock to encourage them to stay in the homes and encourage them to stay and not relocate to other locations and shelters. >> that's right so that means the housing needs to be safe enough to stay and we have been focused in trying to define what that means and you as a former building official knows better than anybody the code says if an earthquake happens it won't kill you but doesn't necessarily say that can you stay in your home
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and we set out to define what that might mean and you know because you built this house we're in now and this shows what it's like to be in a place safe enough to stay. it's not going to be perfect. there maybe cracks in the walls and not have gas or electricity within a while but can you essentially camp out within your unit. what's it going to take to get the housing stock up to this standard? we spent time talking about this and one of the building types we talk about was soft story buildings and the ground floor is vulnerable because there are openings for garages or windows and during the earthquake we saw in the marina they went right over and those are -- >> very vulnerable buildings.
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>> very and there are a lot of apartment buildings in san that that are like that. >> and time to. >> >> retrofit the buildings so people can stay in them after the earthquake. >> what do they need? do they need information? do they need incentives? mandates? >> that's a good question. i think it starts with information. people think that new buildings are earthquake proof and don't understand the performance the building will have so we want a transparent of letting people know is my building going to be safe in it after an earthquake? is my building so dangers i should be afraid of being injured? so developing a ranking system for buildings would be very important and i think for some of the larger apartment
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buildings that are soft story we need a mandatory program to fix the buildings, not over night and not without financial help or incentive, but a phased program over time that is reasonable so we can fix those buildings, and for the smaller soft story buildings and especially in san francisco and the houses over garages we need information and incentives and coaxing the people along and each of the owners want their house to be safe enough. >> we want the system and not just mandate everybody. >> that's right. >> i hear about people talking about this concept of resiliency. as you're fixing your knowledge you're adding to the city wide resiliency. >> >> what does that mean? >> that's a great question. what spur has done is look at
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that in terms of recovery and in new orleans with katrina and lost many of the people, hasn't recovered the building stock. it's not a good situation. i think we can agree and in san we want to rebuild well and quickly after a major disaster so we have defined what that means for our life lines. how do we need the gasolines to perform and water perform after an earthquake and the building stock as well, so we have the goal of 95% of our homes to be ready for shelter in place after a major earthquake, and that way people can stay within the city. we don't lose our work force. we don't lose the people that make san francisco so special. we keep everybody here and that allow us to recover our economy, and everything because it's so
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interdependent. >> so that is a difficult goal but i think we can achieve it over the long time so thank you very much for hosting us and hosting this great exhibit, and the pledge of much for joining
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allegiance. >> approval of the board minutes of the regular board meeting of june 10, 2014, and a special meeting of june 17, 2014. may i have a motion and a second, please? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. any collections? thank you. roll call vote. >> mr. haney. >> here. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoz-mcdonnell. >> yes. >> doctor. >> miss fewer. >> i would like to remind the members of the public present that if they wish to address the board of education, an individual can complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and