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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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$31 million of revenue that will be going directly to improve food security access programs and hunger efforts to embattle that and physical education programs throughout our neighborhoods and lastly improving our paradoxes and recreational for the community. i want to acknowledge that in our last couple of hearings on the health impacts we've had whether asian pacific islander or african-american and chicano and latino communities coming forward to pass this message i want to say we've got a number of amendments at the hearing and scott wiener is going to present those but looking at my not i
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want to thank the community coalition that has been educating the needs for a soda tax but supervisor avalos has spent a lot of time and supervisor cohen really and her work at the grassroots level in the southeast neighborhoods and supervisor wiener for helping to bring together other r other partners in our wide coalition that hopefully, will win in november to make our first city to pass the soda tax in the country i'm going to turn it over to scott wiener >> thank you supervisor mar. >> thank you to everyone that is here today. so this measure we're finally near the finish line in sending the important combroung public health measure from city hall to the voters for the november election so the people of san
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francisco will have a voice about the health of our city and the health that should be - the public health policy based on science and policy and not on corporate influence. this measure has been brewing for years in san francisco and elsewhere as well but in san francisco so many advocates for food access for public health and education have between working on this a long time it's time to move forward to address a very real and tangible issue that a certain type of product sugar sweetened beverages are helping to fuel the type 2 diabetes and other diseases in our population. the science in the are you if
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you believe the link in a way the sugar and in liquid form it absorbed into the body and the diseases it leads to. we know the business model is to encourage drinking soda and other sugar sweetened beverages in moderation we know their business motto speaks louder than those words. over the years the sizes of soda containers increased the pressure to buy 12 packs and get bigger and bigger big gullible we know that is the business model and that is a significant factor in the exploitation of
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type 2 diabetes in our in addition, we know that in a recent report san francisco is one the it up 5 cities we're less height than the national average we have more asthma and more type 2 diabetes that's k345i7b9d in low income communities and communities in which the beverage industry markets we need to make sure we're giving people healthier choices that will help to reduce the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages and help people to make healthier choices and end the horrible situation it is cheaper to buy sugar sweetened beverages than healthy drinks that generates over $30 million for activity and
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program for our health centers and schools? a huge benefit. we did that with cigarettes we had a product giving diseases to the population we taxed it and invested those procedures in the health and wellness of our community. i want to note that berkley the berkley city council last week voted to place a soda tax only the ballot so we'll have to from the most progressive and forward cities in the country. we have broad support and i want to say the bench issue is saying it's not going to do what it's supposed to do we know it is going to be effective not only on the studies and science we know it also based on who is
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supporting that. you can tell sometimes a judge in particular opposed a situation on who is with you, we have broad support near universal support in the california nurses association to all our physician organizations and the hospital and the dental hi gift and the community consortium and so forth. we have the engrossment if our san francisco parent packs and the citywide pta and school specific at el dorado and fairmont and brad 10 and mckinley and presidio middle school and the ruth art school and sherman and elementary and parent for public schools and
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support from the public parks and the parks alliance and the residents of town square and joe demaggio and the nurses the laborser the united educators and the american federation have teachers and s c i u and deep support from our san francisco marin food bank and the tenderloin hunger task force and the coalition. so the question is if the beverage industry is convinced this isn't going it work why is our physicians and nurses and park advocates say outcomes i'm going to go with the advocates we know this measure is going to work this is exactly why the
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bench industry is fighting. i want to note as mentioned we're introducing a technical clean up amendments today which i does not say will change the structure or how the money will be used only technical clean up amendments we know that the beverage industry has said if we pass it we're going to be sued to we want to make sure we're dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's so at the conclusion i'll ask the committee to adapt those and continue for one week >> okay. thank you supervisor wiener. so we have a number of amendments that we will be discussing avenue public comment so colleagues unless others public comments from this committee why not open open this
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up for public comment supervisor mar has a number of the speaker cards so supervisor mar i'm going to turn it over to you >> to mr. chair i'm going to suggest we have a lot of public speakers we could limit it to two minutes a loud buzzer will sound then a less loud one. i'm going to read the names don't come up to line up to speak on the right-hand side of the room unless your name has been called. i'm going to call on the names now and do my best
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(calling names) and just come up and whoever is up first ma'am, go ahead >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm sandra bacon i'm a native of san francisco a type 2 diabetes diabetic and appalled by the way you guys are saying about the soda taxes. as well as the older adults here i can't say that i appreciate - i mean supervisor wiener its okay. but you say you have all
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those people to support but do you have the ones that have been here in san francisco, california and race here and seeing all those different changes coming about. you know, the board of supervisors through it didn't make us a fix to me we have to add taxes to 1340g we don't have any control over i entices should be going after the people that make the beverages with the juices it's ridiculous kids are not going to be getting things in school they don't have the gyms i'm a veteran a retired veteran and i watch in the parades just really upset excuse me. my father was a veteran so i'm
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just appalled you guys should tooblt that we have already paid our dues and we don't have to add any more money we're not receiving any more money we're on social security and va benefits and stuff like this you're not understanding how swi we are feeling >> thank you, ma'am i'm going to call a few more names (calling names). >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm a senior citizen i'm a mexican and i am here i feel this initiative is extremely
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important as a grandmother and great grandmother our children are growing up in san francisco and based on what this initiative is going to produce the $32 million that will supplement all the reply rap and all those activities for my grandkids who happen to be african-american. i feel whatever the amendments are we're in support and it's extremely important we notice how eloquently this issue has been brought up in we don't have faith an researchers and the folks that will been involved we're doomed. we talk about 25 years from now we'll have this young population that perhaps will not suffer get diabetes and suffer the obesity
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so, yes i'm here in support and my family is in support we look forward to seeing this initiative becoming a success thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, everyone i'm mr. jones. i understand to say i'm neutral with this situation it's our choose i choice as people not legislators or the corporations to make the decisions it's on each individual in san francisco and everywhere for protecting families and everything it's not based on the taxes but the availability of the product itself and the choices and the education that the advisement of those things they put on tv it's education and stems from how parent and grandparent bring it
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back to the kids i give up my own choice to give up soda and i've studied a lot >> thank you for going doing that. >> is that it? >> no, i was thanking you. >> i'm an athletic and a young father i've been in the low income community throughout the united states and since the availability of the sugary fats with the los low costs and availability it's like supply and demand if you spend a dollar on a soda instead of - that's it i thank you and hope this bill comes to a great future for our
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children this is detrimental to our health. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i'm jerry grey at the scene i'm here because i think this is an unfair tax on the poor. i think it's immoral for the city to raise money >> could you pull the microphone closer. >> i think it's immoral for the city to sale a product to the poor and you might think this is great for the social workers but california got the lottery we heard it was going to be great for the schools that didn't work i'm opposed it's a tax on the
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poor. >> thank you. next speaker. . good afternoon supervisor mar and supervisor wiener. i'm dave. i'm opposed to this tax for several reasons. one of them is structurally i'm concerned that once that take is imposed we'll have bureaucratic over research and bureaucratic interpretation and other foodstuffs b will fall under the umbrella. there's an irony the poor are paying the wages of the very well paid civil servants to collect the tax and lastly the city employees from 26 thousand plus employees i think by
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example the board of supervisors should encourage the health service system to charge a surcharge on you'll city employees and contracts that have a body of mass index that their obese quite frankly it's the responsibility of the city to provide an example not to be taxing people who can ill afford it thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker. >> i'm a voter districts 9 voter i appreciate supervisor campos support on this i'm a parent and a public health professional. i just want to commend you guys for putting this forward i'm no strong support of the measure as
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a parent and i'm sure many of the people in the room regardless of the color of the shirt they're wearing they relate keeping our kids from drinking unhealthy sodas it's a full-time job the drinks are cheap and everywhere this measure will go a long way to reducing the accessibility and the affordability o those drinks it's a crime the most healthy drinks we're taxing the d distranscriber the dis i've read and done the research and
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it's appalling one in three children born when my daughter was born in 2002 are likely to get diabetes and if their black one in 2 children will get diabetes it's our imperative to do something about this not only the paifr involved and diabetes is only one disease but the cost the medical cost and the financial cost to our city are huge we have to do something i appreciate your leadership on this issue >> thank you. thank you (clapping.) i'd like to ask if people can withhold the clapping we'll get through this faster i'm going to call more names
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(calling names) >> next speaker. >> thank you for not opportunity to speak i'm kurt a resident of san francisco i'm representing a side that you don't support on this. one of the concerns about san francisco city government in general is the offer reach that's been mentioned we don't need more government enter vegetation we need less all you guys in general seem to over reach through 10 percent or trying to get rid of mcdonald's toys you try to regulate he people's lives people need to live their lives the way they need to a lot of the poor choices is based on the family
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and the rocket - responsibility for the parents and not the government. it's understanding that taxes will be put on cigarettes but sodas are not so to over reach seems like is not appropriate and local restaurant and neighborhood cafes have obviously opposed thirty this type of legislation it's going to hurt business people will be less likely to pat news businesses so it's hurtful and they've made it clear and another thing i'll mention you made no forest to resend the 4 percent restaurant tax okay. people can sign up for obamacare
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we can't continue to be consistently tacked in this city that runs under the circumstance us out of living >> thank you. next speaker. clapping. >> please try to hold down the applause. >> i'm allen i'm 69 years old i'm not obese or diabetic i've been drinking soft drinks all my life those are not the only problems. i have to agree with the previous speaker i'd like to add this is larger than a tax to fill san francisco coffers they say the money is dedicated to certain things but there's already money that is dedicated
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and can be used. so i think that the next soda is the thing they're focusing on now because theirs sugar in it next it will be something with salt and pretty soon all your food will be tacked 83 and that's supposed to be against the law one chip at that time, keeps coming off the top we'll be paying tax on all food items like in the past that's my concern and thank you for your time (clapping.) thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm john i'm a general surgeon in san francisco i'm a member of the board of directors of the san francisco medical society
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and the heart association we're in support of this. decades ago it was legal to smoke in public places in the city and county of san francisco it was the encourage of one of your colleagues to introduce the first clean air legislation that would, adapted san francisco has led the way on those important efforts and this soda tax represents a wonderful opportunity for san francisco to lead in this important health endeavour i encourage you to read the book lethal but legal it is an example i applaud the
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encourage of the board of supervisors >> i'm jessica i'm here in strong support of the measure as well. i really enjoyed hearing the issues but again in my work with other public state and local school parents i've seen the support building you're going to find that moms and dads across the city there is wide support and again, it's important to highlight the hard work you've done to say this is a specific revenue to go towards specific things that will benefit the
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children, healthy eating choices and the affordability and supervisor mar is doing wonderful things in the next week's and months towards november you'll see the support i'm here to say i'm in support of the is it correct amendments so thank you for your hard work >> thank you. next speaker. ma'am. >> good afternoon. >> ma'am, pull the microphone down. >> good afternoon. my name is maria i'd like to request the departments along with the supervisors to noting vote no on the proposed sugar sweetened
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beverage. those facts with the new income families and senior citizens like me we need to find a solution and please continue the good work in the community for the facts as you thank you i'm going to call several more names. (calling names) also (calling names) >> next speaker. >> hello. thank you
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supervisors i'm amy morris gibbs i'm representing the mission merchants association i'm president of one hundred and 33 businesses in the mission district and manage 2 bars in the mission we're not interested in paying another tax we have some of the highest takes in this country with the increased health care we can't sustain any more things we should focus on not ges getting these kinds of labltz they should have warning labels with our food and beverage opposite we should support school safe lunches in
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san francisco. there should be a better use of the tax dollars we receive for small businesses before you ask us for more it optional increases costs and that's for some of the poorest people in the city thank you thank you. next speaker. >> i'm a long time resident in san francisco. i think the soda tax can benefit the city one to make it a good habit to drink water and the secondly, to pay for the soda tax for more activities in the city and create more jobs. i want the city to make more city events and everybody to come out and engage in physical activities we need the things in the