tv [untitled] July 14, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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word of thanks to sfmta, the program that miss toran oversees has been extremely helpful to us. the incentives for drivers is a big boon and it's very difficult to attract and retain drivers at all and particularly for the ramp taxi program. it's more work and the gas is more expensive and more training and scheduling difficulties. so it's a bit of a challenge to keep that program going, but miss toran's program has been very helpful in helping us retain and keep drivers. looking at the big-picture, one of the critical things that we need to do is to find a better vehicle. there really isn't an affordable, suitable vehicle for wheelchair-accessible service. we use the converted vans now, and they are really not very
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good. once you cut the frame of a vehicle, it's never going to be the same. so we look forward to perhaps some help in purchasing the more expensive vehicles that are starting to appear on the market now >> . thank you. >> thank you. >> walter park. >> good afternoon commissioners, staff. thank you for letting me speak today. i may not get to my remarks. i would like to thank christiane hayashi. i have never met you before and very happy to hear you today, but i heard you talk on the forum and we had a person from the tnc industry who was vague and wondering and unconcerned about the questions being asked and chris came back time after time after time with specifics
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on the ground knowledge and i had a strong feeling that she represented citizens in san francisco. you knocked my socks off, if i had socks on, sitting at home in bed. [laughter ] and i just wanted to thank you for that and for everything that you have done. i am so sorry to know that you are leaving city service because we need you so desperately. thank you. i did want to say a couple of things, person no. 3 the person from uber to help us solve these problems. what are we doing talking to ourselves and talking to each other, instead of talking to our private sector partner? that has to happen and it doesn't have to happen just in room 200. it's got to happen in public. i would like to propose that this council adopt a resolution and i was going to give you
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some items to talk about and i think chris has laid out several things to be in there. who does it go to? clearly your boss, the mayor and the board of supervisors and the california puc and should i just nominate chris for the new president of the cpuc? right now? [laughter ] >> it would be better for the state on so many issues. i don't want to even think about it. and the fundamentals behind this had to do with culture and economics. but maybe culture first. i am not happy about -- when i hear bill gates for 15 years use the word "innovation" in every single paragraph and every single speech -- maybe it was more than 15 years and utterly drain the meaning from the word, i'm upset, because it
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has the connotation of creative and incentiveness, but what it means today is the modernization of someone's creativity and inventiveness and it also involves unfortunately the transfer of risk. so much of what is happening is transfer of risks from large corporations -- say they are the small corporations and the large corporations to individuals, whether it's retirement, education funding or whatever. it's happening here. here we're transferring all of the risks to the drivers. and when we kill a few people, when we injure a lot of people, then the city has to stand up and say we can't quite let you transfer that much risk, because that won't work. so then we come back with a couple of rules and regulations. >> i'm afraid i have to ask you to wrap up. >> self-regulation is an oxymoron.
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we need a local puc or local mta to regulate these industries, not to allow them to shift cost into the public sector or to private individuals. people with disabilities particularly need equality and the market has never provided equality in the system. you need to make sure that your resolutions demand that people do. and something this else that people with disabilities. >> we appreciate your comments, but we need to more on. >> expectation and predictability. thank you. >> thank you. is there someone on the bridge line? >> hello? >> no? okay. well, is there any other public comment before i move on? yes?
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>> hi. good afternoon, councilmembers. i want to really thank christiane hayashi and think it's one of the most comprehensive analyses of the problem and just the whole dynamics of regulation versus non-regulation. one thing to sort of add or what is basically that taxi companies operate under public convenience and necessity. these tncs do not at all. i also echo bob planthold's comments and walter parks. i'm a little pessimistic, because i feel the train already left the system, unlike north carolina north new york city where they result in 50% of taxis being accessible
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and others are protecting the taxi industry, which means that they are also protecting the consumer. i'm afraid california and san francisco, the train has already left the system, even before the tncs become so big and powerful. the ramp taxi service and i'm speaking of private taxi as opposed to the paratransit program, because that is what i have familiarity with. it has been goingcoun hill. i have some personal examples, which would take more time than we have, but basically, an examples of friends as well. but basically, the only place in the last several years where i feel as somebody in a wheelchair you could count on getting a taxi, if you arrive at the airport, you can find one. that is still the case, but if you want to call a taxi in san francisco, that is accessible, it's totally hit-or-miss to the point that i have stopped even trying to do it.
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other than i have a number of a few taxi drivers, one of them is wonderful. he is in his 70s though and kind of semi-retired and i used to have a list maybe half a dozen that i would call when he was not available. and all of those six people are either no longer driving taxis or no longer driving accessible taxis. so i echo walter park's call for the council adopting a resolution, but also bob planthold's comment that i don't think unfortunately that the mayor or the supervisors really care about this issue. unfortunately. so i am not very optimistic because i believe that the train may have already left the station. >> thank you >> thank you. all right then, if there is any further public comment? seeing none, carla johnson
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would like to have the stage for a moment. >> >> >> thank you co-chair, before we let chris slip away from us to take a moment to thank her for her extraordinary service to the city of san francisco and her efforts to make the taxi services fully accessible to people with disabilities. you know, everybody here, i think, could hear today how incredibly talented she is, how articulate she is, how dedicated she is, how much she takes this to heart. and you know, every month, i speak with other ada coordinators nationwide, and there has been nothing that has made me more proud than to share with them some of the good work that chris has done over the years, whether that is the taxi training manual or even just her communications that she has sent to other
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cities like seattle, so that their board would understand the impacts of approving this type of transportation system. so we put together a very simple certificate of appreciate for her from our office, which i would like to present to her today. and i have already brought some cake, which i hope she will stick around and share with us in our backroom on our break and just in great appreciation for your work, chris. thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you. that means a lot to me. i will treasure this forever. [ applause ] >> i think there might be one or two other people that want to say something, too. >> sure. thank you, kate. >> on behalf of the team at sfmta and taxis and accessible
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service. i want to show this gift for chris, that is so cute and clever, that i wanted everybody to see as we present it to chris. our colleague jonathan chong make, jonathan works in the paratransit program and he is gifted in many areas and one area is glass. we start with coasters, the san francisco image in it as the golden gate bridge and cable cars and seagulls that says "san francisco." and we also have one that is for her travels. moscow, and the image of a car and a very large, elaborate
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ceremonial-looking structure. santiago. we know she loves central america and has a lot of roots in cuba and travels a lot and just got back from mexico and jonathan found santiago, chile. so you see the coaster with the high-rise buildings and flag and tokyo, understanding that chris spent time in tokyo and here is one for her when she drinks or beer or sake or whatever she wants to drink. the team is here, i just want everyone to stand up. there is a whole lot of the team here to honor chris. [ applause ] >> that is wonderful. i actually wondered why all of my staff was here. i was going to tell them all to go back get to work. [laughter ] >> would any councilmembers like to make comments? >> carla, you should take a picture with her over there.
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>> any other comments from the gallery? all right, let's take a 15-minute break. >> and >> okay. we're going to move on to agenda item no. 7, which is the ada transition plan capital projects for fiscal year 2015 and 2016. mr. john paul scott will do the presentation. >> hello councilmembers. this is our annual update on the ada transition plan, a request for capital funds from the board of supervisors and the mayor. from the general budget. we have not -- this has not been finalized yet. we're close. but we're fairly confident that these are the projects that will be funded this year and i
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will also highlight some of the current projects that are moving into construction towards the end of the presentation. so we are now on a two-year budget cycle. so we're looking at fiscal year fy15 funding. and fiscal year fy16 funding. if we could bring up the powerpoint, please? and i'm sorry for the overlap. this will sunset the funding request for the ada transition plan. these are our last two years' of funding. so to-date we have -- the plan was put together in 2004 and approved by the board of supervisors and the mayor in 2007, to give you a little recap here. it evolved into plus or minus 100 projects, it depends on how we split projects up at places
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like san francisco general hospital. we have 71% of those projects are now complete. completely closed out. they are done. but really what we have is 92% of them in process. some years we asked for our design fees and then we follow-up with the construction requests the second year. so that we do not overburden the city's general funding capital planning process. as i mentioned we will sunset the funding requests in 2015, but some of the construction still may go on into 2016. our first project that i wish to talk about is our san francisco general hospital building 8090. we do need to get that captioning moved. we have asked and will receive $615,000 back. we had a change to our general
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contractor for replacement of the three elevators in the building cluster, containing some of the health care clinics that will migrate over to san francisco's main hospital when the migration happens. that could take years burk our we delivered the first elevator money we essentially borrowed r from other projects at san francisco general in in order to. the next is the san francisco city clinic on 7th street, this has been a long delayed project.
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we're finally getting to it and we're doing ada barrier removal. we're not adding an elevator to this building. this is a very specialized clinic, which we're hoping as part of the rebuild it will migrate into building 5, which is the main hospital. so here we're renovating getting to the front door, getting to the reception counter, the restrooms, a clinic room and exam room and get those basic functions in shape for accessibility. the following project is health and human services. it's what we call the homeless shelter ada renewals. we haven't done a renewal -- mod hasn't done a renewal since about 2007. and our job in there is to go and just make sure all of those things that benefit accessibility are functioning correctly, like, door
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operators, adding wheelchair lifts and we have the right things in the shower rooms and toilet rooms and if necessary if they have raised beds for people to transfer into the bed rather than onto a mat and they will be using those funds in the three primary city clinics. the next project is the youth guidance center. that is up at 375 -- woodside drive. this is essentially the youth courts, which has many city departments have offices in this building. and there are three different courtrooms in this building as well. and right now it is accessed by a very, very steep ramp on the face of the building, as you can see in the photograph here. we have already done master
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planning for the building. and we have gotten funding last year to do all of the architectural design and construction drawings. so it's over the next two years we will get our construction funding. the primary scope of the work is to replace this entry ramp. and then go in and renovate restrooms and basic facilitis that support the court operation. the courts themselves are managed by the state and they will chip in to help on the project. this was one of those projects that got left behind. it was somewhat unfortunate, we had a very large bond project happen on this site, and this was supposed to have been fixed and it fell off the radar screen when there were costs overruns and other things that happened to that project. so we had to bring this one back online. our next project that will be
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funded for this upcoming fy16 is the cultural center of south of market. it will be the fourth and final of our community arts centers that we're doing ada barrier removal on. you know, our transition plan acts as a safety net. there are some departments which have bonding capability. other departments that we call "enterprise departments." they have means of generating funds and incomes that they build their own capital programs. and the arts commission is one of those that do not have that wherewithal and we have supported the african-american you center and the bayview opera house in construction now, partnering with other
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departments and ready to go for the arts commission for latino center. somart does more adult-oriented programming unlike the other three that have a lot of summer camps, as well as rich art programs. here we're adding a vertical means of access to get to a mezzanine level and new toilet rooms on that mezzanine and also they use a back parking lot area and some grassy area as a pre-function area to some of the functions. we'll be paving that and they will do their own art enrichment for that outdoor pre-function area. our next project is something that we have been working on with recreation and parks department. the recreation and parks
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department has been very fortunate in having the voters pass and approve three different bond measures to fix and renovate recreation centers and playgrounds and swimming pools and things of this sort. but still there are other things that fall through the cracks and that is where we have partnered with recreation and parks to work on those small projects that could otherwise not be covered by bonds. the bonds are specific to a project and here we're picking up the small projects that simply got not picked up. this year we have $1 million that we're working on several projects over the next two years. you can see that it's $1.5 million and another $1 million. what we're really focusing on are some of the recreational aspects that came into the 2010 ada standard; because the 2012
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bond was already cast several years before it ever went to ballot. so some of these new recreation elements came into play. for example, we're going to replace all of the swimming pool lifts with something more contemporary, more durable, more modern and that has more safety features. that is a good example. we're also doing pavement projects inside golden gate park, where the paths are very deteriorated, say out at still lake or by the senior center at golden gate park. it's very specific areas where we're doing fixes. our next project is another joint one between us and recreation and parks department. and that is to fix some of the pavement out at civic center plaza. we have had some settlement, which we kind of contributed to it during the giant's celebration, when the big
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platform for the wheelchair lift and all of the wheelchair viewing was set there and helped to settle the payment and food trucks and christmas trees and everything else. it's a plaza that is getting near the end of its useful, physical life, and we now have problems with the pavement. as you can see in this photograph, where the electronic level, that is almost 4" deep in settlement. what we're going to do here, it's a three-year project, because we can't just take the park down with so many public events going on is do it incrementally, but our patches and our repairs are going to be structural slabs that will be able to support fire trucks, that heavy. because we do have fire trucks on the plaza. on firemen day. interesting enough, the trust
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for public land will also create a problem i believe is in the $5 million range to replace the two playgrounds on the plaza. so that is a very nice donation from them. and our final project is the project management of the ada transition plan itself. this takes quite a bit of administrative work to shepherd these projects and to keep track of everything that is happening throughout the city. and we are in the process now of updating our website. and as part of that we'll be renewing our status over what was originally surveyed as part of the ada transition plan in 1999-2000. we'll be updating the status of what was our accomplishments over the last 15 years? and how much did we really spend? and what value did we get out of accessibility? and believe me, we're doing really good. i would like to know another
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jurisdiction that has every single one of its libraries fully accessible. and when the bond finishes, we'll have every pool, we'll have every recreation center fixed. every clinic. so that is our update. it hasn't been signed off yet. keep your fingers crossed. but we're optimistic now. and i just would like to highlight a few other projects that are in design and construction as we speak. there are 24 projects in the works right now for this funding. that is a lot. we shepherd all of this work through the department of public works, department of building and design and construction. we have two different teams that support our office. one for medical work and one for recreational and cultural work. we actually did an update, a seminar update on the code, and
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i asked people to raise their hands who has worked on mod projects? we had about 30 people in the room and more than half of the room raised their hands. it was kind of exciting. so one of our main things is san francisco general hospital. we have been working on this since 2006. very difficult, complex place to do work. our main issue here is that we have to keep it open. we cannot remove things from service, because it is such a dynamic, busy hospital. not only the emergency care and the beds, but the clinics, the training that happens with the uc staff. so we have to be very surgical and precise when we go in to do any sort of rehab. as you can see, we are spending $9.5 million just in the main
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hospital building itself. we have accomplished a lot in the last several years, but whatever we're doing is intended to be usable in the future, when the clinics migrate over from other buildings and other locations because the biggest concentration of clinical services for the city. 28 toilets. i am the king of toilets. [laughter ] i have built so many toilets. [laughter ] [laughter ] >> i mentioned this project earlier; this is what we call one of our karma projects. critical access renewals and maintenance. if you don't main tain it, it will break and we began to see catastrophic failures in the three elevators that service these two buildings and they
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are not connected, so in the event that the elevator went out in building 90, there were only the stairs in an 8-story building. so our job here is to make a dual-door elevator that serves both buildings and get the other two elevators back in good service. the elevators were beyond their functional life span. we hope to have this project completed within next fiscal year, 2015 before christmas. very critical to get that job done. another project that is the last of our clinics to add an elevator in is maxine hall. there have been over nine that our office has put money in. there are 12 different clinics in the system throughout the city and one of the things, -- many of these projects are
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partnerships with the department of public health and in some we have paid for the entire project to get through the front door, get to the check-in desk, the public restrooms, get through to the back clinical areas, the restroom and examine room and drinking fountains and exam room in each functional area, whether it's dental, medical or prenatal. we did one very smart thing, adding an elevator in all the two-story buildings. the second floors used to be occupied by storage.
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