tv [untitled] July 14, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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16. >> duncan and the liberty street to take it up for and clarify number two to august 7th. >> august 7th. >> yep, august 7th. we're number 2 >> okay. so on that motion. >> still commissioners that have questions and commissioner antonini. >> i'm supportive of the motion regretfully i'd like to have the people comment on it it will be taken up later but it seems like the thoughts of the other commissioners it has to be turned one way or another. i have a question on the 31st of july. it seems like this was a date that was added back on our
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calendar to replace we've lost because of the july 4th >> we wanted it but it didn't happen it. >> maybe because we hoped it would happen just judge to clarify the calendar you've approved that thursday was cancelled. >> i want to make a note to the public the comments that commissioner borden and commissioner sugaya said are correct you may see another commission it may not be worth going through all our comments on dunnigan street but a medical cannabis portion at the end of the meeting so the people who missed work you have an opportunity to speak generally at the end of the calendar that is item h i'm sorry public
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comment is closed. >> the item was moved to the 16 of july since you've all rerapgd we should making sure make sure it's a date to accommodate and i want to ask everyone to so to speak speak out on behalf of this issue to stand you'll see with regard to the dr. so we would so it looks like the 24th is a good day we'll to express our profound disappointment that on behalf of the partnerships they've dropped the balance i don't know what kind of checks and balances are in place we've make it work ways
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we're completely devoted to preserving the character of our community we'll be here on the 24th but again, we're very upset about what's happening today and okay. please call the question >> on that motion to continue item one to july 17th, item to august commissioner antonini. >> commissioner borden. >> commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero that places you on is consent calendar. are considered to be routine may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission.
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there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. item 3 at 3004 a conditional use authorization and item delores street a request for a condominium conversion >> any comment on three and four. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini. on that motion to approve commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya.
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commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously. commissioners that places you in the commission matters item 5 consideration of adaptation of draft meetings for june 6, 2014. >> any public comment on that item? open the minutes there seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini >> move to approve the minutes of june 19th and june 26th. second >> on that motion to adapt the minutes for june. commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero. and place you on item 6
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commission questions or comments. i want to say a quick note to commissioner borden today is here last hearing she'll be mostly to the mta board of directors i wish she couldn't move i want to thank you for your your service and also being fair on the commission. councilmember sharp >> yes. i will miss commissioner borden, of course, as we all will. jonas did you have a pictures to put >> couple of those on the screen for a second oftentimes when you come back if a vacation they ask what i did on our vacation i just wanted to share my project with you i think it's going to come up on the screen basically, i put in a brick
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walkway for our fractured and made me appreciate our laboring men and women this work is physically demanding and precise it took 10 hour days to get this in and the other thing in terms of planning issues we made a lot of runs to the home depot but, you know, things like fresh grant it or certain types of mortar it's regretable there's not going to be a home depot in san francisco not in the near future but a place for those types of organizations especially, when our working on a semi holiday week but anyway, that was a fun project and very satisfying and we also had a lot
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of painter typed to block the bricks so when the mortar was put in it 3-d stain the bricks that's what i did. commissioner borden >> as everyone said this is my last commission meeting as a planning commissioner next week i'll be sworn in at transformation agency. i've serviced 6 wonderful years and honored to be of service to the commission and enjoyed the opportunity to work with each of you i was be layoff at commissioner antonini's comments i don't know where it will be like to be on a commission for someone who provides commentary on such broad range of things.
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i've learned so much about architecture i've learned quite a bit from commissioner moore and her outcomes and commissioner sugaya with his expertise in historic preservation a tauveng that i hadn't thought of and commissioner antonini as thoughtful comments and that's been a pleasure but commissioner antonini is very thoughtful he'll meet with anyone he's generous with his time and commissioner president wu she cuts through the noise and asks that you know the right questions and kind of, you know, didn't indulge as vera bus dialog so i thank you all and
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working with the planning director ram and look forward to work with in the new roll and as well as the staff and kevin and aaron and christen and all the other staff people the planning staff is a quality place and you have to deal with us and the public trying to make interpretations of the code and i respect the professionals in the department. i look forward to being part of the mta we've spent 6 years planning neighborhood plans and coming up with a vision for the city that runs with a great transportation infrastructure to match the development we envision so the challenge to make sure our infrastructure was delivery with the orient
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development and move people around in the future and b be a safe place for people to walk and bike thank you for your friendship >> thank you to the members of the public eave educated me on so many things over the years. >> thank you commissioner sugaya. >> yeah, we'll miss you commissioner borden. in more ways than one now we know who to direct our transportation questions to especially bicycles >> congratulations and good luck over there. i have a couple of things one i think we have a new commissioner secretary not secretary but assistant secretary i'm not sure what the title t is welcome and
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jonas can keep sitting over there. let's see i really read willie brown on sunday but in the column directed to staff the academy of the art university is going to purchase the concord club on van ness and post which raises issues of the aa u continuing to purchase properties in the face of well - i don't go there but we all know what the problem is. secondly, that the board of supervisors i think took the correct stance on 2 henry adams in denying they didn't take up a vote but tabled it i guess. i think that the debate about using historic preservation
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incentives to convert pdr is that a to office really needs a lot of ira in the city given the potential for a loss especially south of market. and that comes from someone that's been in the historic preservation for 40 years. i applauded the efforts on the part of the city and other communities around the country to include incentives for preserving historic resources in their communities. but because they're really were not very many incentives available to owners and tenants but i think that sometimes there are larger issues that need to be addressed so i hope we can have a conversation about this especially with the historic preservation commission >> commissioner moore. >> thank you commissioner borden. her experience goes beyond the 6
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years we've been sitting here together and shining through the times there are a political matter about what's in front of this commission i've learned a lot about you're positive spirit when i looked at across the room there's a a fabulous smile to look at you so thanks your insensitive and i look to keep our fellowship and i hope you move from theory to practice >> if commissioners, if there's nothing further item 7 directors annuity. >> and welcome to crenshaw tin jonas back up forgive me for not
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remembering our names and next week when jonas whereby on a vacation so we'll give christen our support and commissioner sugaya question about the aa u commission with the zoning knows we're informing them of the issue whether it's actually used foyer institutional purposes we're looking into that and the potential details and violations of the current violations as well. lastly i wanted to on behalf of the department thing commissioner borden for her 6 years of service and i'll miss our energy but you'll be seeing us in our new roll we'll getting involved in the transportation
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issues so congratulations. >> commissioners 8 review of past events at the board of supervisors there were no hearing for the board of appeals or the historic preservation yesterday. >> good afternoon aaron starr planning staff this covers the week of july telegraph hill to 11. on june 30th was a resolution to establish the transbay center the proposed legislation includes the two resolutions and support document they presented the documents consistent with the transit joint authority talked about the project and community members asked a number of questions proirl regarding
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the funding and supervisor wiener expressed concern with the funds will be used toward phase one the rooftop park and leave less funding for the downtown rail expedition and ken rich talked about the rooftop park supervisor wiener hesitate you hesitate officer got a letter had raised a number of concerns regarding a the tax. there's one public comment in support jim harassing the item was forwarded to the board with recommendation. also the general planning code amendment for schlage lock perverse nor the predevelopment and this ordinance came to the commission on may 8th and
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recommend approval. the particular reason at the land use committee supervisor kim had questions about how you the department choose the land and all the committee members having had questions about the cost and unions questioned the development and at the end of the testimony the committee sent the ordinance to the full board with recommendation. at the july 7th land use hearing we talked about the land uses and the resolution imposes the zoning controls in the castro district to require the kwufks for a proposed used to be formula retail even if the project sponsor removes one over and over or more feature since this item is proposing interim controls not required to be you
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reviewed by this commission it was forwarded to the board b with positive recommendation. on the agenda for land use was the determination of 2789s and supervisor cohen signed on and it was heard on june 30th and continued to july 7th. public comment and supervisors questions of the project sponsor focused on the land use conversion of the buildings and the availability of pdr buildings where they're designated as landmark arrest as commissioner sugaya mention supervisor cohen tabled the land use designation to the to the call of the chair. also on the docket was the interim zoning controls related
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to the 2 henry adams it will impose the kwufks for office conversion in landmark building in pdr one g and d again, this item received little comment and move forward the board of supervisors cancelled their hearing lecture but it is for an item related to the acholic beverage and the open space element the commission approved the edition of the rose the land use commission forwarded to an june 16th the controversy on the policy drove the no recommendation and the concerns prepared at the commission hearing regarding specific actions the city might stack to
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proof some nature areas like removing eucalyptus trees. the staff clarified this policy only calls for the coordinated management effort while such management plans will be through extensive outreach supervisor wiener expressed concerns that the language the planning commission may preserve the important portions of such area if found consistent with the planning code the planning commission will not be able to take away rights from the development property and they have to remain consistent. supervisor yee and supervisor campos vote no on this item and
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the rose update was passed after seven years of community process on the first reading and next on the agenda was the fee elimination ordinance that was sponsored by mayor that eliminations 4 planning code fees it was heard on may 8th that was recommended approved unanimously and recommended approval the ordinance passed on its first reading. the other the density bonus sponsored by supervisor wiener and signed on by supervisor cohen and supervisor kim and the legislation that adjusts the density for affordable housing when 24 units are on site it was heard on may 12th and it was recommended adaptation it passed on the first reading this week. the general plan for visitacion
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valley were continued until next week as well as the transbay district that was continued null july 31st. the police and planning codes were recommending tommy's law. anyone know? okay. it was supported by supervisor london breed and supervisor wiener the ordinance reduced the restrictions on the location and lessens permits for the mechanic devise like pinball machines and they removed the obsolete codes the planning code and it will amend the planning code to eliminate them in the district 8 and the planning code amending the resident unit and a conferee requirement to amend
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the residents unit and clarifies the residential conversion of the single resident room and can i ask sdrirm controls when their passed any provision for grarthd how does it subcontract with the pipeline >> like all planning code amendments once it becomes legal everything is subject it that. >> okay commissioner antonini. >> yeah. a couple of questions for the future we just would be interested in hearing about funding sources for phase two the extension of the rail line to the transbay terminal because i think it's an important issue and important to have kind of important in the future for that item and the other thing we've had a discussion will the
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difference between an item we're going to hear later today or legislation that allows the lengthtion for the previously industrial areas and the other item that allows the conversion office to create a historic building make that more able to be legally through seismic or other needs i think i said the division of the two and in this case of 2 henry adams it won't fall swo under the eastern neighborhood. >> i'm not clear on the specifics of the law but 2 henry adams is not going to be converted. >> we're going to consider one
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example of one use later today but an office use that's been in place in a building that's currently zoned industrial and legitimate missing that use and perhaps director ram could verify that. >> yonl i don't believe it's on the calendar today. >> oh, item 13 that's a legitimatetion which is different that's not a conversion. the 2 henry adams issue is a pdr space. the conversion the designation of that building as a landmark would have loud it to be converted to office it's a different situation >> thank you. and commissioners that places
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you on item 9 at 22 second street an informational preservation public update >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm kevin with the plaintiff i'm going to keep my statement brief this is 22 second and the progress on two specific points first, the arts proposal as well as the reinstatements to the exterior design for the post entitlements just to recap in august of 2010 it is a 6 story office building as well as ground floor retail and an interior open space. the item was preapproved in february of 2013 with minor provisions with the footprint as well as the configuration of the uses.
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the project is currently under construction. so in terms of the art proposal the spokesperson proposes to deal with the public art by providing 3 artworks specifically the project sponsor will install the pieces in the howard wall of the public open space. given the scale of the particular pieces when the public open space is closed the pieces should be quiet visible from the public right-of-way. the design i'll let the project sponsor go into the daily but there's refinements made to the exterior and i'm sure you're aware of the basic design language is the open glass shingles and there's a desire to see a stronger portion and it's
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relationships to the lower scale historic buildings. as well as the project sponsor will talk about the refined treatments to the shingles themselves to make that design language possible. so physicals there's questions the project sponsor will talk about that >> thank you. good afternoon, commissioners i'm carl and i'm joined by peter wine garden we're thrilled to be here and glad for commissioner borden's last hearing we've been working on this since 2006 we're pleased to see that become a reality. jerry inspire as a long term
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relationship with frank and he's known him inform a long time we're thrilled to be able to bring 3 fairly important stellar pieces to san francisco and display them in the open space of this building. this is the first piece, second piece and the third piece and we have some rendering to show in context. this is the public open space, are these the walls in the back and on display this shows the open space with the pieces hung on the wall we'll expect this to be open during the day and this is the sort space uses by people in the w
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