tv [untitled] July 14, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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correct. >> so i i made more than 10 units ape have a permit application and ask those questions i could basically answer no with all of them and still go ahead with development; is that correct. >> that's correct. >> okay. just so that people don't get the wrong idea. this only happens with the permit application is filed so for example, if i filed and had a policy in place and submitted to time department i got my entitlements and built the building and flipped it the subsequent owner who wouldn't have to provide the information to the department; is that right >> that will be neeltd to provide for the occupancy for the legislation written now. >> but if i sold the cement a
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year later the new owner is not provided to provide that information. >> as it's written now correct. >> i don't know if that's something to take into account you, you know, you hear all the time buildings are being flipped is maybe the supervisors office can take a look at that. >> thank you commissioner moore. >> mr. sanchez isn't it stronger being part of the administrative cody hear it more as a board policy statement when someone reads accident admin code it ripples through all kinds of things. >> we believe it's stronger in the admin code it fits better there than in the planning code for a number of reasons. >> commissioners there's a we
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have a motion and a second to adapt the recommendation for approval with all of the elements and commissioner antonini. >> commissioner borden. >> commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes that is proved unanimously 5 to zero >> commissioners that will place us on item 11 the 2013 downtown mortgaging report an informational presentation. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners i'm here to present a highlight from the 2013 monitoring report. so i mentioned this is the annual update which garters data from a variety of different resources from the downtown c-3 h that is the red area in some sections we'll take into a greater downtown red bylaw plus the white on this map and next year we'll be preparing a 5 year report that goes into more detail and will be detailing important trend and patterns for the downtown. as you can see hopefully around 2/3rd's the city's office space
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$2 million square footage along with 60 percent of the hotel rooms and 16 percent of retail space they're down citywide and the do you only and hotel occupancy is up to 83 percent. average office rents downtown are up to $54 were square feet an increase of 5 percent and hotel rates are up 22 percent to $214 per room per night. in terms of employment the number of jobs increased across all sects downtown and citywide those numbers are from the first quarter of 2013 for consistency with our previous updates but the lastly numbers indicate we
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have over 6 hundred and 20 thousand jobs in the city that's an all-time high for employment. our collections for business and hotel taxes are up this year. so looking at towards the future we have about 3 hundred 7 million square feet of office space in the development that i'm for downtown. that's about a third of the citywide office pipeline. the other two major locations are for office space are in candle stick point and mission bay we've got 90 thousand units of housing in the pipeline that's where the greater downtown that serves the red and white on this map. i should note that's the largest
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area in the city that not part of the master plan development like treasure island or candle stick. the downtown plan sets some ambitious goals transportation goals we'll monitor the transit and the average vehicle occupancy we've added information on the regional transit providers the ridership is up across the board but especially at the stations and portions of the system that serves downtown. just over half of downtown workers use transit to get to work and a 3rd of downtown residents take transit. and one of the goals of the downtown plan is that thirty percent of fewer downtown workers drive to work as far as
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those we're meeting our goal of downtown workers driving to their jobs. while vehicle occupancy is declining we believe that is part of a larger downtown trespassed people are taxiing bikes i carpooling less. and finally the downtown plan recommendation the sufficient housing be built and downtown should improve the public realm by providing new open spaces so similar we produced under $2,000 units an increase in the previous year and roughly a quarter of those units were located downtown. with the commercial development rebounding as well we've counted
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one new privately owned open space at the lastly on howard and first. and lastly the development continues to connect your job linkage and impact collections t collects have increased dramatically as well. this report is available on our planning department website and also published the law data information on with that, i'm happy to answer question >> any public comment on that item? seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner sugaya. >> just a quick clarification ordinary person 7 transportation slide in the model split between
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c-3 listing the c-3 workers workers and resident one is 2010 and one was 2012 and right the information for where how employes get to work based on their location of work is only available ever 10 years from the census and for residents available everyday so for residents we have more up to date information. >> a last question the hotel tax resumed by 68 percent. >> yes. that's work. >> that's a combination of increased prices and occupancy i presume. >> yes. i believe so, yes. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. very good report i saw within the busy time it has the figures you mentioned 6 hundred
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and 20 plus though jobs currently in san francisco and they also released a number of san franciscans that were employed i don't have that figure but 4 hundred and 20 thousand something like that. but assuming we have a split out of 50 percent of the people work in san francisco don't reside in san francisco will lawful you with 3 hundred and 10 thousand san francisco residents also working in san francisco so i think you start to get an indication of how many of our workforce are working outside of san francisco that's a really good figure to explore we've heard about lincoln having a good presence as we dig down and
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look at it for who are the resident working in san francisco we want to target o businesses and address cut down on the number of san franciscans that have to commute to their jobs that may not be within the downtown scope but i think it's well worth looking at. i know it downtown is technically the area indicated in read red the c-3 and the other area in the white zone. i assume your figures are - well, some show the entire area and some only the c-3 we should be looking at this in reference to what's occurring in the last decade with the center of the business activity seems to be moving south of market and the new commercial building spaces
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occurring in those easier maybe time to go towards the boarder defines what are downtown area is. >> yeah. i agree that's a good point that's why we sort of changed the geographics a little bit this year with that in mind that the idea that both residential and major remain and commercial have sort of moving south. thanks to policies that we've passed. thank you. >> thank you. >> on that point if i might commissioner part of the value of doing that with the c-3 to compare the downtown platoon so theorize a value but also a value in the geography of downtown, if you will, to try to compare it's important to compare both with the original c-3 with the larger downtown
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area i want to thank polling. >> commissioners that places us on item telegraph hill a request for a conditional use authorization and this is before you a request for a kwifks to have a paint store doing business as a tenant space with the placing shopping center it was currently occupied by block video it will not produce a new formula retail that will have a minor store xhouchlt improvement, however, no endearments are proposed it has
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more 39 hundred locations around the united states it inquires a confusions the shopping is anchored by shopping centers and includes many other retailers it is in keeping with the general plan and the project is on balance and necessary and desirable the department recommends approval if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> project sponsor. >> good afternoon, commissioners ma lipped with the ruben and rose i'm here on behalf of the sherman williams we're happy to be here i have gary the district manager and another colleague if you have any questions for them. ems sherman williams is a high
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provider for paint and supplies and have a reputation in the industry worldwide we are a neighborhood shopping center for more than 20 years and collared that by the supermarket we feel that will be an appropriate use for the area. there would be the only store that's offering paints and coveting as he supplies, in fact, the next one close is more than a quarter of a mile away as a result they'll offer residents a range of products not available in the area and also won't be displacing any arrangements they won't be adding an additional formula retail that was more than
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recently a blockbuster retail. we're going to have minor tenant improvements and the signage will be will consistent with the district. we also anticipating that sherman williams will initially hire 5 new employees who will be managerial will positions we feel that sherman williams will meet the needs of the neighborhood and meet all the finding of the code for the formula retail at this location. at this time i want to ask gary garcia to speak briefly about the company in this location >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. just a little bit about sherman williams we're an american corporation off and on in 1946 we manufacturer the description of paints and the focus of the
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store at lakeshore will be the architecture paint priorities to the homeowner in a professional paint krooshth contractor we're interested in coming to san francisco there are no full supervisors in the neighborhood. we also provide a full line of zero 4 example 0 c product. fm we get involved in the community that we live in and work in and in the past several months we've nachltd our time to the boys and girls club and the plays workers education and for the last several years donated 5 hundred gallons of paint to the
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organizations in san francisco >> thank you. >> all of our comments we're available for questions you may have. >> any public comment on that item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner moore >> only one quick comment the commission has always been supportive of formula retail moving in the support of formula retail space with a specific kind i size and mostly in the locations particularly whether they're part of a center their conducive of continuing their occupancy move to approve. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i'm in support of this it's nice to have a good paint company at a place you can have the parking and go in and get supplies without cycling around
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the building so this is very handy. >> commissioners, we have a motion and a second to approve with continues on that motion. >> commissioner antonini. >> commissioner borden and commissioner moore arrest commissioner sugaya. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes that unanimously 5 to zero. commissioners that place us on item 13. at 3130 street a request for conditional use authorization >> you have before you a case to allocate one thousand gross secret at 31 throwing, 20th street the subject is in the
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mission san francisco. the 41 thousand square feet lot has a 3 story building. and a private off-street parking it has pdr institutional and office used on the two and three stories. on february 10, 2013, we were issued a letter for the square footage of office space on the third floor the proposal recognized the and designates 2 hundred and plus square feet as principally permitted office space and objected space on the grandfather to account for the ground area the combination exceeds the 25 thousand 24er8d and thereby requires the
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conditional use authorization the total request represents 2.5 percent of the office space that's available for projects that include between 25 and 50 square feet of office. since the publication of case report we've gotten two letters no support and i'll pass those out now. the department recommends the approval the project is in consistent has a mixed uses and permits office uses and has 2 hundred 5 percent of office space and the office space conversion will help save lively
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activity within the neighborhood and has pdr space and a currently it appraise fees that will benefit the city and county of san francisco and it's a consistent with the policies of the general plan. that concludes my presentation. and i'm available for further questions. thank you >> thank you project sponsor. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu and members of the commission. greg miller for the project sponsor. first of all, i want to thank commissioner borden for her many years of service we owe a tremendous gratitude we're here to ask for an office allocation we've received the final approval for the third floor of the property and we are
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converting the second floor which your allowed to do in the zoning district because we're over 25 thousand feet we need a 21 allocation we're here to ask for today. i wanted to make a couple of points extra clear an exciting pdr use this use is going to be rained that space will remain pdr and as we deal with the approvals administratively after today, the floor plan will be clear how the pdr space is located and allocated. and, secondly, there's an existing pdr on the ground floor that's not being affected the ground floor is not changing in
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nirment and those office uses have sustained we're legalizing them through the 179 process and now the 321 allocation. that's it for me, i'm valuable for questions we have a representative from allied coke >> opening open this up for public comment. >> so basically one part of this or i'm not sure essentially approve 7 thousand square feet in excess of the 25 thousand under the that we have to take guess action otherwise will
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they'll continue with offense space? correct and okay. and i don't think the commission will do this but if the motion is denied they still retain the second floor office use correct? and can they retain the - all the office space minus 7 thousand square feet and correct the third floor is pretty much done so the third floor is set and any reduction in the allocation will likely be pulled from the second story >> thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> could you give me the summer of space and office and summer of space and pdr. just totals >> the ground floor is entirely
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pdr. >> i'm looking at square footage i couldn't do the man. commissioner moore the building overall is roughly 55 thousand square feet we're asking for 32 thousands of office allocations >> that will leave 23 okay. i think i like the combination of pdr and office because we're still looking for a prototype where office and pdr can mutually support each other and other facts and circumstances slightly higher rent but looking at the future i'm interested to support this because we've been all along in the earn neighborhoods have prepared i like there's a large component
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of active pdr on the ground and third floor many types of companies like sf made that are looking for third floor pdr uses this is a great prototype so i'm in support and move to approve. >> commissioner antonini. >> i'm supportive it looks like it's blended well and we're almost a legalization of the zoning administration felt the third floor was taken care of. he know that even firms that are completely pdr like a lumbar yard i verified the recent have an office component they may not say it's office by it involves the office functions of the pdr business there's many uses that
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are very comparable so i'm in support. >> commissioners there is a we have a motion and a second to approve with conditions commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner sugaya. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero. for the benefit of the public item 14 for 490 van ness has been continued to august 14th. commissioners that places us on is discretionary review a request for the discretionary review there's a requester for the continuance from the dr you may take i am the matter of
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continuance at this time >> can we hear first from the dr requester from the request and also from the dr spront. >> i'm frankly here on behalf of the mr. nelson the owner of the adjacent property on liberty street and the subject property and so the dr requester war filed we were asking to attempt to reach a resolution for the excavation work that is proposed for part of the project to that end there are 20 only two issues. the first is in reviewing >> open the matter think continuance. >> i apologize okay. same background is still useful so the primarily concern has to do with the insurance of lateral
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support of his property is handled in a way that is protected and to that end we have requested from the project sponsor that temporary shoring plans that happened last friday over the we said our structural engineer ben had an opportunity to review them and we've been working intellectual to reach an argument on 3r50er789s including peer review and a section scare the twap typical types items and the she or he excavation. we provided the project sponsor with a definite on tuesday they provided us with comments on tuesday our strong preference is reach 9 resolution and evade the intervention we can do that within
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