tv [untitled] July 14, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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charitable assistance in general and we intend entirely to do that. this wouldn't create a personal benefit for anybody on the board. this is only for the benefit of others. >> how much money -- what is the amount you are getting for the sale of the property? >> the amount is $5.7 million. >> now let me ask you another question, because, again, i have asked the city attorney just so that people know this, i have asked the city attorney that the city explore any legal action that the city can take to make sure that anything that is done with this building is consistent with the requirements of the original endowment. and, so, i think that our city attorney's office will look into that issue and decide whether or not they agree with your lawyer. but there is another thing that i want you to know, and i just want to make it very clear that i am also prepared, and i have -- i will be asking the city attorney to draft legislation to make sure that the zoning for this particular property is
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restricted to a retirement home. and, so, what is the board of directors going to do -- (applause) >> what is the board of directors going to do when we change the zoning so that only a retirement home can operate in this building? can you respond to that? >> i can respond personally, but not as the board. well, in that case we would pursue other options. >> i think you will. so, unless -- thank you. unless we have any questions from my colleagues -- supervisor yee. >> just a quick question. in looking at the sales of the building and then what the proceeds may go to, i couldn't figure it out with the numbers
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that was in front of me. after using the proceeds to pay your debts, using some of the proceeds to help out in transition, so forth, what would be the surplus or the balance after that? and what would you be doing with it >> okay. the surplus is not entirely clear because we have some ~ a couple of obligations which have been specifically identified. one is the withdrawal liability for the employees pension fund. but we expect it will be in the neighborhood of $3 million. the use of that money is something that we need to really think through over, not just for a meeting like this. it will be looked after by a board of directors who will be planning that. what we have done is committed to say to the residents that we have now and to -- we had at the day of closure, we have
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committed $6 20,000 to support their relocation, realizing that university mount is probably charging lower than anybody else in san francisco and that they will need let's say a patch such a the city has offered. and we've offered the same level of patch, $1500 a month to assist our residents in finding new homes in san francisco. >> i guess then what's left? sounds like 1.2, 1.5 million left from the sales? >> i think there will be -- after that initial, there will be probably at that point probably $2.5 million left. >> so, my question, then, becomes when you looked at your business model and you said there is going to be a deficit and so forth, and what we're
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asking is can we at least look at extension so that we could have maybe some more permanent solution, if any? and since you do have over $2 million, why can't we -- why can't you use that to extend the time that people could stay there? >> okay. the reason we do have -- the reason we have the $2 million left over is because of the sale of the building. we don't have it otherwise. we're -- if you look at our balance sheet -- >> it's not that i'm promoting that you have a sale, but let' say you do have a sale. sales are made to be -- you could have contingencies to a sale. it could be contingency you could sell it but you are not going to be able to change the usage of this for two years or whatever it is.
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>> glad to discuss that -- that would be a new proposal we'd have to discuss with this buyer if that would be acceptable to them. i don't know that. >> why don't we go to public comment. thank you very much. i mean, one thing that i would say about the sale is -- i mean, if i were a prospective buyer here given that the city is talking about possible legal action and that we're considering exploring rezoning of this area, i mean, i would certainly be hesitant to move forward with a purchase at this point. so, why don't we call on members of the public who would like to speak. i have to say that normally i'd give the maximum amount allowable which is three minutes. but we might actually -- i do want to give everyone an opportunity to speak so we're going to limit it to two minute. so, i apologize for that. if you can please come up and line up to our left, your right. so, francisco de costa. jacqueline maury. don peugh. sandra parker. [speaker not understood]. barbara dunn.
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jean maffy. june tonsic. please come up and, again, thank you for being here. supervisors. my name is francisco de costa and i want to commend you three supervisors for having this hearing, and especially the supervisor from district 10. the time has come in our city, supervisors, where we have to take a stand for our seniors, and not only our seniors, those who are mentally and physically challenged. i have known this area for a long time, over 35 years. but the public should know that this building is over 130 years. so, there are historic and landmark considerations that should be incorporated into whatever action has to be
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taken. i also want to talk to the public at home, that we have these tech companies and others who are looking at such type of facilities so that, you know, they can flip them and do as they please. and, so, you supervisors should have in place legislation where we have a list of landmark buildings with their uses so that when this -- before the flipping takes place, we have a checklist so that we can check mate these greedy developers. so, this was brought to my attention on another case and i sent an e-mail to the supervisor and to others. and this is an ongoing thing all over in our neighborhoods. greedy developers are changing
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the characteristic of our neighborhoods and you supervisors who represent our districts have to do everything possible to address it, and mostly to [speaker not understood] our senior citizens. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. next speaker. (applause) my name is tom peugh. and, david, i want to thank you for calling this meeting. we're here because we live in a broken world. i think the director of the mount have fallen off the wagon. they're on the wrong road. we should be on the road of social justice. i also want to point out that we're also losing the hospice. they had a hospice at the mount. i had planned to go over there in my last days and finish my time there. but now without a hospice, i'll
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just sit down in a gutter and call 311 and have them come and pick up my body. thank you, again, david, for calling this meeting. i appreciate everything you've said. you're on the right road. thank you. >> thank you. thank you. next speaker, please. hello. thank you for calling this meeting. my name is jacqueline maury and i'm a lifelong resident of the portal district. i've known the mount since i have memories. i am not going to focus onal tavis that school because i believe with david. ~ terrific new partner within the neighborhood. the issue here is the board of university mount, and not
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taking seriously the issue of losing these bed, these -- the hospice and not -- and just -- i don't see how this is going to help seniors. i mean, i guess it really is good to have control over million of dollars and not think about the loss of the mount and how it's going to not only impact the people there now, but in the future with this aging population. and i cannot imagine that with the eight offers or how many offers that were -- that there was not one that could take over this facility and be able to provide the services. so, certainly needed in the city. we, my husband tom and i saw this happen with san francisco
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convalescent about six, seven years ago and saw how with a lady in particular how she slipped after she what transferred to another facility. and i hate to see this happen to people that i know there. and, so, that is my statement, and thank you once again. >> thank you. next speaker, please. [inaudible]. >> i'm sorry? i'd like to use the overhead. >> go ahead, ma'am. thank you very much. okay. good morning, supervisor campos, supervisor mar. thank you for the hearing this morning. my name is sandra parker. i'm [speaker not understood]. today i'm speaking on her behalf. she's 89 years old. she's a resident of university
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mount ladies home, as i said. the home is not forthcoming with their financial information. when i explored university mount ladies home as a possible placement for what i was led to believe would be my mother's final care facility, it has since become quite apparent that the board now has plans to quickly sell the building, turning the senior facility into a private school. have there been financial records kept that have been kept more easily, i would have considered other residential care facilities to avoid having to move my mother a second time this late in her life. it is a well known fact seniors have frequent difficulty with major life changes. clinical literature suggests that moving to another facility is one of the greatest stressors for all people and much more for seniors. the last few weeks my mother ha expressed increasingly more anxiety about her move and how she'll get her things together.
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~ i would additionally like to state my mother and other residents have formed deep relationships and which would unfortunately be severed if she were forced to move. i would like to believe that we are a society that treasures our seniors. the best service to the seniors of university mount lady home would be that they could remain in place the rest of their lives. university mount is not just a facility, it's a community. a place of warmth and care and loving people that work there and friendships. i urge you to support university mount's continued operation. thank you so much. >> thank you. before you go, can i ask you -- (applause) >> i think sometimes we lose the human side of this. could you tell us just a little bit about your mom? my mom will be 89 july the 24th. my mom was a world war ii [speaker not understood]. there are a couple world war ii veterans there. she's not the only one.
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bruce is also a world war ii veteran. he would have been here had he been able to. many people that would have actually like to have been here haven't been able to. my mother worked all her life. she worked up until her 80s. she was a transporter for hertz car rental, transporting people all around, people from out of town. so, she's very vibrant. given the fact that she was born with a disadvantaged right arm, it was broken at birth, she's very vibrant. she's very articulate. she knows what's going on with the mount. she's very upset about leaving. >> that's it. thank you. thank you. >> i think it's sad that we're at a point where we're thinking of evicting a world war ii [speaker not understood]. next speaker, please. my name is [speaker not understood]. thank you, supervisors, for
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arranging this meeting for neighbors to come here and express their thoughts and their feelings towards closure of the university mount ladies home. as you mentioned, this was set up for that purpose, to take care of these seniors. the assisted living there. and for so many years, for 130 years, that was the purpose of it. it was not built for a school. and at that time there were 25 acres left. 25 acres landical klatted, it was from [speaker not understood] to felton from you haderthv to cambridge street. they sold all those properties so they can put that money in
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endowment. and evidently they mismanaged that money. that endowment was supposed to be in the bank and provide interest. that interest was supposed to take care of these people. and then they go out and borrowed $1,700,000. where is that money? they put it in their pocket. they didn't use it for people. so, there must be something to do about this. thank you very much. i'm opposing closing that and i hope we will continue that because we need it in portola district. the seniors need that place. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. (applause) supervisor campos, my name is gene [speaker not understood]. first i want to thank you for holding this meeting. i was pleasantly surprised to hear your comments and concerns in regard to the closure of the university mount as well as i was surprise today hear what the mayor's office did.
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and what director mcfadden and her office did. i'd like to comment on what director mcfadden said about san franciscans being able to retire and live their life out in san francisco. my mother, when she married my dad, moved into the bayview district in 1944. my dad had lived in that house since 1928. my dad was at university mount before he passed away and because of the level of care there was so good we brought our mother there. we went to university mount first of all because of the convenience and the cost. everything else in san francisco is prohibitively expensive. we stayed because of the level of care provided by the university mount. it isn't quite university mount ladies home for nothing. it is a home. ~ isn't called we're one of the families that had to relocate our mother. it did not go well. mom still wants to go home.
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she's not in san francisco any more. we could not find another facility in san francisco. i think it's tragic, terrible injustice that this facility be closed, first of all, and secondly be reopened as a school [speaker not understood]. thank you very much. >> can i ask you, where is your mom right now? she's at atria [speaker not understood] facility. it's got all the bells and whistles. i think because when you first walk into university mount you don't have all the bells and whistles -- it might even get the effect -- it's an older facility, 1930. made you think of "one flew over the cuckoo's nest." every room doesn't have a bag room. the place is clean. >> thank you. thank you very much. [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> thank you. i'm going to read a few more names. albert sandoval.
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[speaker not understood], he spoke already. patricia [speaker not understood]. david [speaker not understood]. chaplain rick [speaker not understood]. irene hildsman. [speaker not understood]. eddie schein. go ahead. thank you, board of supervisors, for this meeting. my name is christopher valente. [speaker not understood]. in the last five years i helped more than 50 individuals move into the university mount ladies home. many of whom are still there and sadly some of which i've had to help relocate over the last 50 days. it's been a lot of transfer trauma and emotional distress for most of those people along with a lot of financial distress. a couple of thing that strike
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me is, one, i'm not sure how the board of trust -- in my estimation, i know them and they're good people. but i don't think that they've been very transparent and i don't know how they can be in the position to decide what proposal would work in the futures and which proposals wouldn't in order to continue to keep it in operation as a care home. it obviously failed in their management responsibilities. and if there are other viable options out there, i don't think they should be the ones to decide what's viable moving forward and what's not. i would urge them to donate the land and the property, which they have the ability to do, to the city of san francisco and hopefully the city of san francisco could then hire another management company or potentially create a public land trust in order to continue
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to house the current and future residents of the community. the other problem that i'm really distressed by is that we've gone now from 53 residents to 28 or 29 residents. i was there last night. i wasn't allowed into the meeting, but i was allowed into the board to chat with a lot of the residents. >> thank you. and there is a lot of stress there. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good morning. my name is barbara -- >> if you could speak into the mic. thank you. good morning. my name is barbara dunn and i'm a registered nurse who lives in the neighborhood and i also work as a geriatric nurse who had 40 years here in san francisco. it just came to my attention this morning from the news and the newspaper that university mount was closing. not only do i disagree with the closure of an assisted living in san francisco to turn it into a private school, but i
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think what is really important for san francisco residents to understand is that when you get displaced as a senior in an assisted livetion, you ~ living, you are most likely going to have to be transferred outside the city limits. university mount has been affordable. i as the director of nursing have transferred people there. it is a community, it is a home, and when you have to disband that, when you are in your 80s or 90s, it is extremely difficult to find appropriate placement within the boundary. we citizens downsized laguna honda. you know, it used to be a much larger facility that used to take care of our seniors. we rebuilt it, it's beautiful, but the number of beds dropped tremendously, which has put an added stress on our senior population that needs assisted living. i also wanted to comment that a
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private school going into a charitable building or an entity that was made for charitable purposes and does not meet -- a private school will not meet that mandate as far as i'm concerned. and the community, i think, will -- now that it's in the public domain -- will stand up and fight for it, university mount. thank you. >> thank you. i'm going to read a few more names. richard jones [speaker not understood]. christopher valente. [speaker not understood]. christine [speaker not understood]. and sonny solis. and i apologize if i mispronounced any names. go ahead, sir. my name is [speaker not understood] sandoval. can i get the monitor turned on? [speaker not understood]. this is what i was notified this morning by reading this.
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forces of change in san francisco. been there for 53 years, thank god, and i live two blocks away. i have four kids. my kids have gone there and we've gone to the boutiques they have there at christmastime where they do all their arts and crafts. i have many arts crafts in my house that are bought there for the last -- i bought the house in '85. i've been there two blocks away. i wanted you to know these senior citizens are part of our neighborhood. they walk and talk in the park to the children. ~ periodically, and we love them dearly. and i'm very proud of each and every resident. like it was said, there were visitors, veterans of foreign wars. they deserve better loyalty. i totally disagree with this
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closure announcement. and since i just found out today, i can't wait to let everybody know in the neighborhood. i actually went there this morning. i spoke to this gentleman here in the wheelchair and gave him an article. i passed it out maybe 30 papers and his name is bruce ben, 89 years old. there is a picture of him right there. and he said, i finally made the newspaper. [laughter] what a great guy. so, you know, i guess you guys woke up a sleeping giant. as the community gets hold of this, we will stand up for what's right. and st. francis loved hope and compassion, that's what the city is about and what we'll continue to fight for. thank you. >> thank you, sir. next speaker. actions speak louder than words. the board says it's tried everything to keep university mount open, but their actions and poor choice have allowed the institution to falter financially to the point of closure.
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they worked in complete isolation, no advisory board, no development or marketing personnel, no strategic plan put in place, and no fiscal information was ever shared with the community. we'd like to help you out, they say. which way did you come in? well, telling us they were seeking a partner keep the home going, they worked even more aggressively to get people to move, stirring fear with clothes you're dates and dire predictions. actions speak louder than words. mr. brinkman and board members have repeatedly stressed that their first priority was to find a partner that would continue the home's mission. the articles of incorporation state the mission is providing a place, not money, but a place to care for low-income seniors. they chose instead to sell to a school for wealthy children. money over people. actions speak louder than words. they tell us money from the sale will somehow provide assistance for low-income seniors for years to come, but the numbers simply don't add up and once again they have no
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real plan in place to make it happen. paying us to go away is no benefit, for no amount of money will bring our loved ones back if they die from the forced move from familiar surrounding. the city cannot afford to lose this crucially needed facility or the 130-year history it represents. i urge you to take the most stringent steps possible through zoning or other means to maintain the site as a home for low-income seniors and prevent this travesty against our seniors and our city. actions speak louder than words. my name is eddy schein and my 97 year old mother is florence smith and we are the low-income women for whom this facility was created. thank you. (applause) >> thank you for sharing your story, thank you. next speaker. good morning, i'm [speaker not understood]. i'm here to speak to you about why both myself and my family
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are opposed to the closure of university mound ladies home, a home that's been caring for women and seniors 130 years, and the property used for any other than assisted living, this mismanaged nonprofit is in a situation that is negatively impacting so many people both financially and emotionally. at a time of aging baby boomers will need more senior beds. one of those impacted -- one of those victims is my mother, okay. she's at the mound. this is grace, my 8 three-year old mother suffering from dementia. she's here with my dad, my 89 year old dad sitting right there next to me. despite them being married for 66 years, she -- he relishes seeing her every single day going into the mound. the mound is a 6-minute drive from my parents' house. since the mound's closing several other facilities that care for senior have closed we are now forced to make a decision to move my mother potentially to san bruno or mill braae. and for many of us, while the move to san bruno or mill braae may not be big because we all
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drive and are comfortable with it, for my 89 year old father who shouldn't be driving it's going to be a burden. it's a burden that he will not be able to go see my mother on say daily basis. my mother looks forward to seeing her -- seeing him every single day. it's going to impact her and create a high level of stress for her because of the move and because of not be able to see my father. the mound board members have consistently kept their dealings extremely secretive. they have not brought the family members into the loop until necessary. they said they received options but who is to say. they led us to believe it is not in the best interest of the mound. how can a nonprofit have any interest except helping those in need, helping those they currently care for? we in fact have no confidence that the mound board has either had a desire nor a will to find a viable solution to keep it open and running as an assisted living facility. one quick note. my parents adopted san
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francisco as a place of residence 60 years ago and have owned a home nearly 0 of those years and a san francisco business at one time for over 40 years. ~ 60 they have lived in the city and had faith in the city the way it has been run. they love the city immensely. we look to you, board members, to make the correct decision. in supporting -- in not supporting and closure of the sale of the home a decision in the best interest of our aging san franciscans. >> thank you, ma'am. next speaker. (applause) first i want to recognize the elders who came here today. (applause) knock-knock -- >> who is there? eve. >> eve who? eviction.
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