tv [untitled] July 14, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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command staff and the captain and the chief are behind this is exactly what dr. marshall said, it is just, we spend a lot of time talking about what does not work about the police, but this is one of the most powerful examples of what does work and you guys care about and stake your life, and in a lot of sleepless nights on behalf of the command staff sfo these kids and so you have my congratulations any way that i can help. >> i have a feeling that julia is going to invite me to a fund-raiser. >> behind you, thank you. >> and thank you for sharing your experience. >> thank you. and jj i want to tell you the impact, that this had on 7 students and i know that they were on dr. marshall's show on street soldiers, are they going to return this when they return back to school, i noticed where you went to school and i saw the track uniform that you are wearing, are you going to share that with the fellow students? >> yeah, i did. i primarily shared it with my history class and just kind of my teacher was really interested because that is what we were learning about at the time and to hear it first hand
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because we are learning about the atlantic slave trade and i was able to give the brutal truth and for me that was orewarding because i know that a lot of kids are sheltered and don't understand and i can't say that i have understood because i have been reading the same textbooks my entire life and not fully understanding how strong and how proud i should be to be of african decent. and so to actually go to my class and share with all of my, you know, peers exactly what has happened in the unspoken truth, was just more rewarding than anything. >> i have to say that i am working on, i got a pretty good relationship with the school district, and at this point, pretty good. and really good, so i am working on it with the officers now, on getting into schools, and to talk to the young people. and as early as september. and when they get back in. and so, are you, where are you currently and what school are you currently in?
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>> at saint ignatious. >> oh, you are at si? >> yes. >> go cats. >> so, we will work on getting, you know, maybe a little bit of release time, so that you can come and talk, because we have got to get this, back and get you in front of the young people right away when the school starts, so we will work on that too. >> thank you. >> we are working on that, a video too as well. to show the family and friends. what took place and how they were impacted and the video is almost complete, and in early august, we are looking at a showing and so i will be sure to get all of you guys the location so that you can come out. >> and will do. >> we will be there. >> thank you, jj, i am very proud of you. >> iesha great job.
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>> call line item 2 b. >> occ director's report. discussion, and review of recent activities. >> director hicks? >> good evening, president mazzucco. and commissioner, and chief suhr and members of the audience, on sunday in the parade and marching in mayor lee's, and i have no recent activity to report this evening, but next week i will present the june comprehensive statistical reports and related reports. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> call line item number 2 c, which is commission reports commission president's reports, and commissioner's reports. and i have nothing to report. and for this week, commissioners do you have anything that you would like to
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report? >> commissioner loftus? >> susie. >> that is okay. >> on behalf of my fellow commissioner turman, we proudly participated with the pride alliance of sfpd in the pride parade. and it was like the chief said i think not only the largest pride that i have been in, but so full of great energy, and joy, and the police officers i noticed that there was a lot of photographs of them and all of the joy that they were exhibiting and i want to thank the pride alliance for including us and i think that julia also has a sash, and so i am glad to see that special treatment for the vice president and it was a beautiful day to be in san francisco and i was able to have two of my kids with me and some friends and it was a wonderful celebration and i think that the department as usual did a great job of maybing sure that every community recognizes that this department sees them in the city and represents them and
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represented by the community, it is a beautiful day. anything that i missed vice president >> i should add for those who watched on tv it was great to see the commentator was inspector from the police department and it was proud to see that the police department was at the forefront of this. >> she did a great job by the way. >> i have to tell you if you are giving shouts out, nobody passed up chuck lynberg of the southern station, had the crowds and tens and tens of thousands of people whipped into such of a lather that it was unbelievable and it was getting one side of the street to go against the other side of the street. and he had this truck with a sound system and it was, i mean that we were absolutely a item in the parade, we are not just participants, it was fun. >> great. >> thank you, everybody. >> line two d. >> commission announcements and scheduling of items identified
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for consideration at future commission meetings. next week, we are dark, that is july 9th. and also, the week after is the third wednesday, and we are dark also and then the next meeting will be the 23rd, and in the mission district at james link middle school which is 1220 noah street and that is 6:00 p.m. on the 23rd. >> the reason that we are going dark is that we will be complete without the commission staff and the chief will be getting some training, and the well needed training and the f.b.i. academy and train them and any commissioners that are on vacation at that time of year and so i apologize to everybody, but it is july and things are going to slow down a bit. >> commissioner loftus? >> i just have one request, we do have a quarterly statistics from the about the bicycle pedestrian safety resolution that we did. so, i want to give us enough time to have some time to look
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at that data with the folks and then present it. so i don't know if there is a date that works in august. and inspector monroe that works with the calendar? >> the 6th or the 13th? and when the district on the 27th? >> and so the 6, 13, or 27. >> okay, if this or my colleagues are okay, if we could hold the 13th, so that we can make sure that there is enough time, to bring that quarterly report focus. >> and i will be meeting with the attorney office regarding the first amendment of the police officers and put that together and that should be happening next week. >> okay. >> it is now time for public comment on-line items 2 a, b, c, or d. >> any public comment regarding that incredible report by
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officer jefferson? hearing none, public comment is closed. call line item number three. >> adjournment. >> in the complain that i filed i have yet to get papers over what happened over the period of a year and a half and as my federal case moves forward on the police incident i requested documentation on that report from the occ. and in the past, there has been a habit between the sfmta and not the police commission, by the way but they have lost several of my requests, and almost nonstop and so i am giving this commission, seven copies of my request as well as the copy of the letter to gregory under wood who was the investigator.
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i thank you for your time on that issue. >> thank you, neal. >> all right, please call line item three. >> line item three, adjournment. >> do i have a motion? >> so moved. >> all in favor? >> second. >> or aye. >> or both. >> all of the above. thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. good night. good afternoon, eve today is tuesday, july 1, 2014, this is the san francisco community investment & infrastructure commission i'd like to call this meeting to
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order at one 15. please call roll >> thank you, madam chair the first order. commissioner members please record >> commissioner ellington. commissioner mondejar. commissioner singh. commissioner rosales. chairperson johnson. all members of the commission are present. the next order of business is announcements a the next meeting will be held on tuesday july 15th at 1 o'clock at city hall room 416 and announcement of the prohibition of the please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room responsible for the ringing or
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use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. c nauchlt of the time allocate of the public members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes on each agenda item. it is strongly recommend that pubs who wish to address the commission please fill out a card and submit it to the commission secretary. item 3 report an actions at the previous closed session if any. no reportable actions next order of business matters of unfinished business no items. the next order of business it item 5 the matter consisting of new consent calendar. first item 5 a the minutes of
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may 20th and 5 b approval of the minutes of june 3rd, 2014. >> thank you very much commissioner members should have received those minutes we'll take the public comment and discussion together and then we'll act on the items separately any public comment on that item on both sets of minutes. >> no comments. >> thank you very much anyone have any comments or changes. seeing none, let's act on the first minutes the minutes from may 20th, 2014, >> i move we approve the minutes. >> thank you very much a second. >> thank you madam clerk wall roll. >> commissioner ellington. commissioner mondejar i ab
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abstain >> commissioner singh. commissioner rosales. chairperson johnson. >> sorry. >> 4 i's and one attenuation. >> slow it down i'll entertain a motion on the second set of minutes. >> so moved. >> thank you very much is there a second madam clerk call roll. >> commissioner members. commissioner ellington. commissioner mondejar abstained i was absent >> commissioner singh. commissioner rosales. chairperson johnson. there are 4 i's and one at about stipulation >> next item please. the next order of business is the regular consent calendar 5 c for the xhifrping of the
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reagency of the city and county of san francisco community facilities district 7 hunters point shipyard phase one improvement not to exceed $40 million approving a preliminary official assessment and the constitutions of the statement and other actions properly relating there hunters point shipyard the confirming reduce the resolution number 47, 2014 >> madam director. >> thank you. here we go thank you make secretary good afternoon to the commissioners and members of the public. commissioner as you recall we undertook those changes for the related acts for important this hunters point shipyard the development is well underway on the housing on the hilltop this is the final action at the commission level to approve the
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issuance of the bonds as well as the preliminary official statement. there are a number of other steps that will take place. this is the final action with that, i'd like to ask our hunters point shipyard project manager to present this item. >> hello. there you go. thank you make director chairperson johnson and members of the commission for the hunters point shipyard. today, the commission is confirming the authorization to issue special tax bonds for the redevelopment for the hunters point shipyard phase one improvements in an amount not to exceed $40 million. i also will be approving the statement authorizing the official statement and
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paragraphing others action. for your consideration the hunters point shipyard we'll give an overview and lastly give you a forward look at marketing the bonds. ultimately we're seeking to refinance the variable rate bonds and on april 15th the bond process started the board gave it's approval and this is the final commission approval for the bonds to be issued later this month. the shipyard will be developed in two projects including the hunters point shipyard and the candle sticks bay area totally acres in san francisco. this agreements for the agreement were executed in 2010 for the phase of the shipyard
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and candle sticks the cf d-7 and 8 are over the geography boundary which phase one and two this is the critical part of the financing the shipyard development and the issue before you there will be no authorization. we're going to look at the bonds not to exceed $40 million to replace the bond issuance as you recall the credit was needed no 2005 when the shipyards yard was being developed and had a low land dike he knew we wanted to convert this but explicit see that until last year but today, you'll hear the shipyard has over $20,000 shipyard and can support of the bonds. before we begin i want to give
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you a quick update we've got 4 hundred unit and approximately 2 hundred address 50 units are under construction today. i can see the blocks under construction outlined in the blue doted line. here are construction project photos block 51 after the 2014 groung and excavation was beginning and by august and september the shoring had been implemented and the foundation footings were being installed. you'll see more progress here block 51 and the garage podium.
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and then today a few months ago we've got go buildings getting ready for their occupancy. under the cf d-$730 million bond were used for the parks and facilities and for the shipyard and the portion time were to develop the program and complete the bond and the cf d-8 was formed. to determine the maximum size the properties were accessed the prior valued the property at over $127 million that supports bonds over $420 million this is the value to lean 3 to one that will exposed our minimal
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requirements of is lean ratio of 3 to 1. our cf d policy says if there's a less than a valued uniform we may get a line of credit, however, if there's no credit risk we get an exception of a line of credit. for the consideration of public benefits the project is taking delipidated vacant, land and prouz new housing and jobs and parks and infrastructure and other benefits program. this is - my a apologizes the slides are out of sync.
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also there is on unusual credit risk by the 3 to 1 phase 1 benefits lane arrest has paid their takes and mainly the hilltop infrastructure is complete will be 3 hundred and 50 units last year and plans probation officer to complete the hillside development. lastly to the point of unusual credit risk there's none demonstrate by lane arrests great capability they've expended over $70 million on phase one and posted performance
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that day the commission authorized the selection of in this case last the underwriter working to underwrite the tradition traction and this is the fiscal agreement and the bond purchase agreement bonds must be approved by the dings pursuant to that the authorization was given on april 28th and on may 6th there was no objection to the voters of the shipyard and to have other changes to the r m a so the election was held and the r m a concluded the changed changed procedures and they have
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the first reading to levy the tacks one ordinance received 7 and one the 8. on may 20th the commission conducted a second reading and adapted them on may and june 20th the department of finance especially upheld the approval of the bond issuance this is the ordinance for the action and later we'll take the steps to market the bonds that concludes my presentation. if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them thank you. thank you very much. let's take any public comment on that item? >> i there are no speaker cards. >> looked like to move to
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questions from fellow commissioners we've seen this item a few times at the commission. yeah. no questions okay. so i'd like to entertain a motion to let's see - i'm sorry commissioner singh. >> thank you commissioner singh to the reference to the $21 million in performance bonds are the bonds the city requires for a permit so the bonds are in the custody in the department of public works to be used if the contractor didn't complete the infrastructure. >> (inaudible). >> and commissioner singh in
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the $5 million public guarantee for phase one in the agreement and it's to be used if the developer defaults if there's outstanding costs. and from the underwriters will address that. >> good afternoon currently, the estimated trick or treat is 5.7 and that could change i'd stimulating estimate from 5 and a half to 6 percent. >> okay. thank you. okay. if there are no further questions i'd like to entertain
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a motion for the bonds >> i second. >> thank you very much madam secretary call the roll. >> commissioner members. commissioner ellington. commissioner mondejar. commissioner singh. commissioner rosales chairperson johnson and this is a note obviously the motion itself i kind of shortened it. >> okay. the vote is 5 i's. >> thank you very much. next item please. the next order of business is item 5 d. adapting an environmental review pursuant to the california are environmental act and approving a major application with the
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marin shipyard, llc on block 52 by current wood street for 74 unit at the hunters point shipyard including a schedule of performance report and b the housing data table and c the seismic design and d form a vertical agreement and hunters point shipyard redevelopment action resolution number 48. 2014. madam director >> thank you, commissioners as you heard from the last presentation approximately 4 hundred plus unions unit are under construction on the hilltop. one of the units those particular blocks is block 52 you it's as articulated the
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protocols for development are happening in the major phases and the rest of the documents the schematic design and here today to walk you through block 52 including inclusionary homes is the hunters point shipyard project manager and he'll certainly be joined by other members of the project team. >> thank you executive director. and again project manager for the shipyard. i'll give you a brief overlay of this correct presentation i'll provide an overview of the shipyard project i'll be brief and the major phase application and the vertical disposition
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