tv [untitled] July 16, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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provided the consultants. they are really excited and want inform #20 #2ksh -- to see this project move forward and we are hoping the funds will be available as well. >> thank you, holy. john, uptike. to give you a briefing on how we arrived at this. it's not unreasonable that there might not be a conclusive firm remediation number. that's often a negotiated element between buyer and seller. in this case it's no exception. however we do have as holy mentioned some robust to environmental site information. it gives us a good range for remediation. the first effort was to value the property, assuming no contamination and look at offsetting that price with respect to the contamination expenses. the evaluation was
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done by independent third party an appraiser. it reflected a reasonable assumption of development to the property far less than tenderloin housing clinic originally anticipated. i think it was a very good reflection of the number of units that the property could yield in the future. it did not an attribute any value to any of the improvements. it did not attribute any value to the subemerged lots. we are only paying for the lots that are dry. although as you will note in the report about half of the property is actually underwater. so, we are not in a position where we are paying for anything that isn't of value. the conclusion of value puts us * at about $50 a square foot for land. i would say in san francisco, that's a pretty good price. the assumption of development is is approximately 86 units that the whole property could
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yield if it were a standard residential development. the appraiser looblgd at when this could had been because there would be entitlement process bass -- because it's reflective of and the housing requirement they went through a entitlement process. there is a risk factor 245 -- that brought that price down. that brought it down by $3.5 million for the property assuming it was clean. then we looked at the environmental investigation and that there would be a reasonable buyer and seller and that's how we arrived at that net price of $2.975 million. i'm happy to address any questions. >>supervisor london breed:
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thank you. colleagues, i recall during last year when members of district 8 came before us regarding an acquiring a particular site there was a plan that community support. there was just really a lot more legwork done where it was clear that it was appropriate for us to support it and move it forward. it made sense from my perspective to allow the funds to be used for that particular purpose. i think my biggest concern is once these funds run out, they run out until i guess in a couple years. i want to be very particular about how we spend them. i guess what i'm looking for is a clear understanding of why this project is moving forward in the first place without i guess what a real plan attached to it and community support, i guess that's what
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i'm looking for. >> so, to the question supervisor breed, i want to thank them for being here and i also want to acknowledge supervisor cohen ace office is here. i want to give them the opportunity to speak. and assuming a project coming up next, i know supervisor cohen's office has been involved and supervisor wiener is also on the roster. >> supervisor thank you for the question. i know it's an important one. the acquisition fund, i know that you have to make these decisions very careful. this is as outstanding an opportunity for open space in san francisco as has come before you. this is one of the last pieces of available water front open space. it is part -- >>supervisor london breed: mr. ginsberg, can you tell me you
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plan to take responsibility of this property for certain from the department of real estate? >> yes. >> it will be under your portfolio? >> yes. and it's part of a lot of neighborhood planning that has gone on in the indian neighborhood and perhaps cohen's office can speak about that. this is right at the hub of several other parcels of open space. we have the real potential to create what some people are referring to as a green crescent. other people call it the chrissy field of the southeast. several parcels of over space along the water front in a neighborhood that is transitioning at a time when the city is partnering to invest in housing and transportation and as density in creases in that neighborhood we have an outstanding opportunity before us to plan not just a park, but open space that really
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could become a signature park of the city's open space portfolio. >> one of the other things that i brought up the last time when we acquired property was the fact that we don't have sufficient park controls, we don't have sufficient maintenance staff and with so many parks in my district and of course all over the city and the challenges with maintaining all of our park space and to increase continue to in accrues -- increase portfolio without clear defined money for it and clearly defined money sources to maintain it, i'm always concerned about the future and what that means to parks all over the city? >> i am too and these are very legitimate points. but i think for a while the parks and recreation took the position that it was never going acquire any additional open
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space because it didn't have the resource to take care of the open space that it has. it's perhaps a philosophical question. in my view we need to take the long view and these are decisions that you all just finish grappling with your budget and budgets come and go and i will be here as long as i'm on this job advocating for more resources for more parks and open spaces because we need it. these are a hundred of your decisions before you today. we have the chance to actually increase and conserve open space and accrues the city's parks portfolio. and meet changing demographics and projections about growing urban density in this city. it's a really important moment for us. i think we need to take that risk. i think we need to have that conversation honestly about our resources that can match the real estate
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portfolio that we have. both of the parcels we have before you today and the acquisition that is part of a development agreement that i think you also have been considering do come with some creative and financing mechanisms and thought about maintaining it. you will hear more about our plan with respect to francisco shortly. with this plan we have been in conversations with some of the developers in the neighborhood about landscape and assessment districts and mechanisms to help fund and maintain that park. we have just secured a $500,000 planning grant for the phase. which was your question about asking if we planned what too do with the space. we need to have a conversation whether we are right size with respect to the park and maintenance and staff. before you today is a
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decision that will benefit generations of san francisco for many many many years to come. >> i thank you and i think what was really compelling about, i think it was a knowey valley where the park was. i think what was really compelling about that particular project and the reason i supported it was overwhelming support. it's what we expect to do to take care of our parks and the fact they love the space and utilized the space and willing to roll up their sleeve, raise money and support and maintain the space and it wasn't completely the responsibility of the city. i'm just wondering, you know, where is the community support and where is the community involvement. how is the community in that particular area going to step up to the plate and take responsibility for this park. >> as you know --
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>> for open space area. >> this is part of anne merging or developing community. but this is not a top down project. this is pretty much a bottom up. i will never forget probably within the first three 3 months that i was on my job over five 5 years ago that i was almost summoned down to indian basin by the neighborhood association and joe fox with their master plan for the space. i have to tell you ever since that moment when they gave me the tour and presented their vision that they funded, that they have been working on for years, it was really compelling about the potential for this site. so i don't know exactly who is in the room to speak for what today, but there is a very deep and passionate well of community support from those who are currently living in the indian basin neighborhood. don't forget this is a neighborhood that we are going
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to see over the next decade or so a significant increase of density as housing comes online. this is an merging neighborhood and this did an amazing job of grabbing onto the project of an existing one as opposed to anne merging one. >> the indian basin community folks prepared a community plan for the indian basin shoreline back in 2010. it's for the whole neighborhood but specifically in regard to the shoreline and recreation, they do contemplate public open space for this site. this is more open space and more shoreline access is the really high priority for the neighborhood. so this document is something that articulates that vision. >> thank you. >> so, supervisor breed we have two of my colleagues on
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the roster. what i would like to do is give supervisor cohen's office an opportunity to speak. i don't know how many speakers are on item one. koens -- koens cohen's office is right behind. >> thank you. as far as the consumer report, this has been a 10 -year process that has involved the community, the indian basin neighborhood association, michael hammond who has me on speed dial is calling every second and jill fox who is on the department of elections. i have asked her to come speak if available. they are heavily involved and offered to do anything to push this project forward and also
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pro sack citywide organization has submitted this project and recommended resolution and supervisor is very supportive of the project. >> thank you. any questions for supervisor's cohen ace office. i will just say given the francisco reservoir has gone through the same process and there has been a great deal of community support for this project. >> i did have a quick question. can i just ask, i do know jill fox and a lot of indian basin neighborhood and i really appreciate their work because i think it connects the access for families that are living there, but has there been much activity among the hunters poise -- points of community groups because i know they would benefit as well as the indian basin neighbors? >> sure. the bright organization has been
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presented to on this acquisition and they are supportive. i can if necessary, i can get letters of recommendation to you all by the end of the day. also, the baby hill neighborhood association, we've had discussions, there is no form offal endorsement of it. but they are also supportive. >> thank you. supervisor wiener has been in the roster for a while. supervisor wiener? >>supervisor scott weiner: if you have something to say, i can wait until you are done. >> i just wanted to add to supervisor's question about the level of support in the southeastern neighborhood. i don't know if this has been said this, the director and park alliance are going to participate in public comment and know they have been engaging and in a really citywide planning process on something that we call a blue greenway which addresses the
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water front open space with the connection from the open space from the central water front on tiff of the southern water front all the way down south through a variety of neighborhoods and community in the city. the indian basin is an overall piece for the greenway. >> supervisor wiener? >>supervisor scott weiner: thank you. so i'm a strong supporter of this project. i also had an opportunity like supervisors avalos to not see this site, but by a stretch of the area. it's going to take time and commitment to make it happen. i think it's always important as supervisor breed did ask legitimate questions and those are
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legitimate questions to ask. this points us in the direction of doing this acquisition. first of all. in addition to the strategy that mr. ginsberg talked about in terms of the water fronted and this is the biggest picture and in terms of our open space acquisition situation there is, i have always understood it to be this property as part of a broader strategy. the board was i think correctly and thank you colleagues unanimously supported the acquisition of the future side of the knowey valley square which they worked on for several years and grants and fundraising was almost totally funded for the actual construction of that project. it was very exciting. i understood at the time when we moved fore with that site,
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that moved forward first because there was a time sensitivity about purchasing because if we didn't purchase it that we were going to lose it to development. i always understood the other pieces to the strategy for the purchases where the eunice property, francisco reservoir and as yet unidentified parcel in district 6 which definitely needs more open space but at the time and even now we don't really have anything concrete in mind. i'm sure that will change and i know i'm very committed to making sure district 6 are received in acquisition. all of these projects in their own way add significantly to the open space portfolio of the city. the property does have a very unique way. not just so that neighborhood although there is significant support there. but this is also with plenty of
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support citywide and it's going to be a treasure, not just for san francisco residents but regionally and for visitors for many years to come. i also want to say, i am very sensitive to supervisor breed's comments and concerns about, we have a large park system, it's 14 percent of landmass in san francisco is parks and recreation property. 14 percent of san francisco property is parks. it's one of the best parks systems in the world and we need to do a better job investing in it. i have been very vocal during various budget cycles that we are not doing enough for the department in terms of gardeners, in terms of park patrol and in terms of the basic maintenance. we were
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able to put in more money but it's not enough. we have to do more. that shouldn't stop us from making the system even better. open space is one of the bige drivers of quality of life in the city. the thing about open space is once you lose it to development, it's gone. you are never going to get it back. so when you have an at some point to preserve open space, you have to strike while the iron is hot. even if you don't have a plan of a hundred percent in place at the time. if it takes you five 5 years to build it out, that's fine. it doesn't have to happen right away. but if you don't strike when you have the opportunity you are going lose it. it's going to be developed and you are never going to be able to get that back. i think we should lock it down while we can. i think it's a terrific opportunity. >> thank you supervisor
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wiener. supervisor mar? >>supervisor eric mar: i know randy shaw is here from the housing clinic. i think this is a good way to connect the last final parcel of the blue greenway and even from harg ton park through the trail all the way through. i understand open space and feel this is a good way to move towards chrissy field southeast as mr. ginsberg said. i do want to ask, i know sometimes there is contentious battles on affordable housing on the sites. i know they considered landmarking the cottage and also building 200 units 50 percent affordable housing. i know the neighborhood has gone through various discussions on this. i see equity as having open space for low income southeast neighborhood, but i know that housing is such a big goal. i'm just wondering what the history of that
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discussion from five 5 years ago and now we are considering this as open space, but if mr. uptike could talk about the need for housing and now we are moving towards this open space project? >> yeah. actually randy would be good in the tenderloin housing clinic. >> thank you, supervisor mar. i will say that there has been very strong support for this park and we are at a planning commission hearing in 2010 where joe fox laid out her plan for the next chrissy field for san francisco and i said, that's fine with us, but no one is offering us any money for a park. the city wasn't offering it so we are moving towards developing it. actually this has been a very long process. it was in december of 2011, i'm sorry,
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12, that john uptike called me and said we would like to buy your park and get it closed by 2013. so, at that point we said, well, we haven't done any eir and development. we got the property last day in 2007 and then we started to look for financing and just as the market is recovering and we are looking to develop it, i get a call from the real estate department saying they want to buy it and we can close it in 6 months. that's okay, well, that seems like good things. so what's happened obviously it's been a year and eight 8 months for that conversation. but at the time the reason, there is no question the neighbors and us had a different opinion about how many units should be on
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that site. there is no question. you are right, supervisor mar that it does happen around the city when you have a strong neighborhood support for many units, that would have been the direction we went, but when the neighbors are against it and the city wants to make it a park and it does connect to the trail. we were always an aware that it's the greatest site and the least windy behind southern point. you go down and it's windy. it's still, if you have been down there, as mr. avalos and wiener have been down there, it makes it great for a park. it's a sunny and warm spot which i thought it was good for housing. nevertheless, the other thing i have to say the st e -- city is getting a great price for this. our experts which we paid a lot of money to had remediation cost
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under $300,000. the city is getting over $500,000 remediation credit. again it's like, let's just get this done. so that's how it all came. >> thank you. mr. shaw. >> thank you. thank you colleagues, if no other questions at this time i would like to open to public comment. if there are members of the public who wish to comment on item no. 1, please step forward, if there are more than one 1 person please lineup. >> if you only give me 2 minutes. this morning i went to the center. i came away from dell nor the e bus station. i stopped at starbucks to talk to my people and express my opinion. but back to focus. open space, internal, external, for our
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people, the youngster. and the people of tenderloin. so we have the open space. it's a good size without them spending too much money like even for star bulbs. -- starbucks. you have to pay $250 for a large cup of coffee. if for them to be to practice the office job like central business district area battery. that means for them they will replace not to spend money to be restaurants, city inside restaurants outside restaurants to practice to lead them to a better job in the future to heading some office positions for them.
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position means, partitions. >> thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to comment on item no. 1? okay. seeing none, mr. gradey. if there is anymore people, please lineup. >> good morning, the ceo of san francisco park alliance. we strongly support this acquisition at 900 eunice. many reasons. i will focus on three. first it's key component of the blue greenway master plan. the on going relationship which we have with the city and environmental protection agency and finally that this really is an at some point to create a chrissy field of the southeast. first the blue greenway is a decade long project to reenvision this
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project all the down to the southern border by an acquiring this is a critical opponent of that master plan. the environmental agency was initiated by the neighborhood parks council years ago which we conducted initial assessment including the india basin. that led to current relationship from the epa and the environment follow up studies and also indicated providing 43 assessment of 900 eunice that has material positive impact on the purchase price now proposed before you. the epa does have actual remediation funding available to the tune about $800 thous for this site. that is a revenue available to the city for that clean up that
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is needed. finally the chrissy field for the south east. there is much more going on. immediately next door is the build insight. they are at the table talking about an open park and immediate next to them is the hunters shipyard. move back to the north where we have the pg & e site where they have expressed an interest in engaging their shoreline. that gives us the entire shoreline of india basin to become one big regional park. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors, kelly nice speaking in support of this acquisition. san francisco needs to prioritize open space during this current boom. this is a once in a generation opportunity, wunts in a hundred year opportunity
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that we will never get back. this is part of the greenway. we urge you to approve the acquisition today. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors. again with the parks alliance. my name is kate. i want to reiterate what kelly and matt have said. 900 eunice is a great opportunity . the blew green way. is incredible. the open space on the water front . we urge you to support this. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello supervisors. i'm the policy manager for san francisco beautiful. i'm here to represent san francisco the beautiful and the redevelopment of this land is very crucial and needs to create a larger regional park
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and create better public access to the shoreline. as provided by supervisor cohen's office. this project is important for community to feel proud of a great resource that it can provide not only for san francisco but reasonably for the bay area. i urge you to approve this transfer to make san francisco more beautiful. >> thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on item no. 1? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues. i want to echo a lot of the comments made before. i'm a huge supporter of this project. i really do appreciate some of the comments and concerns raised by supervisor breed. i think they are the right questions to be asking and mr. ginsberg is right. we need to take the long view of san francisco here. once we lose plots like this in this
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